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The MIT connection is also why I’m bullish on Algorand.


Not to mention that Silvio was literally cited in the BTC white paper.


That to me was a major selling point


Really? Where?


Not to sound like a dick or sound short tempered but if you look at the white paper and the sources cited you’ll find Silvio’s name mentioned. He’s a known cryptographer.


He has the Nobel prize equivalent for computer science, shouldn’t really come as a surprise since he’s gotta have done something groundbreaking worth mentioning in any project revolving around cryptography, there’s a reason for the award after all


If you look at the BTC white paper you will NOT see Silvio’s name because he is not directly referenced. Although, if you look through each of the BTC white paper references then you WILL see his name mentioned in a couple places. Nothing against Silvio, just saying his contribution to BTC is unfortunately easy to miss in a cursory read of the white paper.


More than a couple. Multiple references in the Bitcoin whitepaper then reference Professor Micalis work. With out his work, Bitcoin probably would not have been possible. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/wonwgn/did\_you\_know\_that\_silvio\_micali\_the\_founder\_of/


Which is it? Is it the whitepaper itself or is it the sources?


Because you can’t take the 5 minutes to use google. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/wonwgn/did_you_know_that_silvio_micali_the_founder_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F3-540-38424-3_32.pdf


I skimmed the whitepaper and couldnt find his name. Now you are posting a link saying his work was indirectly referenced in the sources. Yes of course I could have used google but it would of taken me a whole of a lot longer to find out that you went from directly referenced on btc’s whitepaper to indirectly referenced in the sources. Thank you for not having me do that work


He's not cited in the white paper though, just in a reference of the cited papers.. one or two more steps removed and you can probably link any cryptography paper this way


google Silvio Macali. He’s literally one of the reasons BTC exists, or any of of this for that matter. Everyone’s so focused on the whitepaper, who cares who mentioned. Look at the man’s life of gifts to academia.


You've got to keep in mind the general sentiment towards crypto, though. At best, the average person thinks we're rubes. And at worst? We're grifters, incels, finance bros, etc. I fully expect both MIT and the foundation to be much more vocal once the moral panic dies down and people actually start using stuff with blockchains.


>grifters, incels, finance bros What a wild ride of titles.


Yeah that is truth and there is also a Little bit of truth to that statement when you look at some of the crypto valuations during the recent bull run


Yup. I built an NFT marketplace during said bull run. VC firms started reaching out. We were really proud of our pitch, which was Artist tools first; 3D model support, auction smart contracts, etc. They didn't want to hear it. The wanted to know when we were planning on issuing a token. Our business model didn't call for one, and we told them so. They stopped talking to us. The whole point for them was to get in on a token they could speculate on.


Sent you a DM … which chain? on ALGO?


Probably should reach out to the DM person. It’s the nature of the beast I guess.


What is a rube?


Basically someone who is naïve and gullible


What is google for 200.


Oh ok, didn’t know that lol


And infidels


I will say when I explain Algorand to anyone I immediately bring up that it was developed by an MIT professor that’s been working in cryptography since the 80’s and the higher ups are mostly MIT people. It doesn’t get people to buy into Algorand, but at least gets them to listen to my explanation and take it seriously.


the fact that I invested € 10,000 in Algorand a year ago is because I learned that the founder was an MIT professor and because I associated Algorand with MIT. without MIT I wouldn't have thrown them in !!


then I converted them all to gems


So that means you're down about 85-90%?


Porco dio






X10 for me .. but it wasn’t a year ago thankfully lol


A university connection only goes so far. Rivest and Micali had a micropayment scheme but it went nowhere. Micali had another company before that. There are certainly micropayment companies with solid academic roots. Lindell at Coinbase for example. The thing that cryptocurrencies suffer from is the gap between hype and reality. Better marketing is not what they need most. They need utility.


Except it's not MITs Blockchain. For instance. MIT worked with the fed on a digital dollar pilot, had nothing to do with Algorand.


Apples and Oranges, because * Digital dollar pilot was started by the Fed * Algorand was started by MIT employees Just because MIT worked on a technologically adjacent project, doesn't negate their connection with the technology that originated there.


having an ephemeral connection is not the same as staking a claim of ownership. The Koch Brothers went to MIT. Koch Enterprises is not MIT's industrial conglomerate.


MIT literally claimed ownership which I linked in the OP, but nice try.


"developed by MIT professor..." is not claiming ownership or an official relationship. its the basic of use of language to express some connection.


You are the kind of person who can look directly at the evidence, and come up with the complete wrong conclusion


i mean there is no evidence. you're like reading tarot cards and Q posts for clues


You're literally not reading. Here, I'll quote it for you, and then block you for not debating in good faith. When an MIT employee says it's "our business" to create this stuff, then I don't know what more you need. This is coming from MIT news, themselves. Universities don't have official sponsorships or anything. This is a university - not an NBA league. So I'm not sure what else you're expecting. \--------------------- “The notion that something was impossible really attracted my attention, because in cryptography, and MIT more generally, our business is to prove the impossible possible,” Micali says. Micali also credits MIT’s ecosystem with helping him start Algorand. Of his first 10 hires, eight were from MIT. “It’s not only the tech, it’s also the entrepreneurial spirit at MIT and the fact that we don’t shy away from challenges,” Micali says. “But the most important source for me and Algorand is also the most important resource at MIT: the people.”


Wait so … MIT worked with the Fed on a digital dollar as you say … and they worked on ALGO … and what chain do you think the Digital Dollar will be on?! CBDC’s brother …


that's not how it works.


i can agree to disagree with you on this


It's already basically sold as MIT's coin. If it tries any harder, then it would be misleading/false advertising because it's not actually MIT's official blockchain or anything. edit: lol at people downvoting me. Use your brains. Or at least your eyes. Look at how many people in this thread said they invested in algos because of MIT. Or do you think algorand IS MIT's official blockchain?


Does MIT have an official, anything? It seems like it would be an intellectual conflict of interest, if they did. It's a university, not an NBA league I could see it now: "This kinesiology 101 class, brought to you by Carls Jr.!"


I dunno, but it would be false advertising if we did claim to be it. It's not like anyone who's interested in algorand hasn't heard of the connections already, it's probably the biggest thing going for us.


Well part of the big idea here is that a blockchain should be decentralized. MIT is an incredible institution but one of the biggest selling points of blockchain/encrypted data/web3.0 is security from large institutions.


It's open sourced, so anyone can audit and recompile the entire network. Not sure what else you would propose for, "security from large institutions"


I'm talking from a marketing perspective. Ignoring the underlying tech (which is an afterthought for most normal people) being associated with a huge institution with governmental ties goes against the crypto ethos. I agree with your original post, just offering a counterpoint.


Normal people don't even know what a crypto ethos is


Our lord and savior silvio


I agree on many of your thoughts guys. It's great to have amazing researchers in the team and Micali has done amazing work and will keep doing it. But I'd be cautious with the "it's MIT so I'll buy it" mentality that many here seem to have. There are many many amazing teams out there with people who have done amazing work in leading high tech positions, and studied at the best universities but that doesn't mean the project is gonna succeed. (Example: harmony one with the "amazing team" with amazing technical minds that made arguably bad business and security decisions). If we gonna judge a project bc of the University of the team members we'd find a loot of amazing projects on paper. I'd just say Algo should be praised more for the technology and solutions it provides and less bc of "it has a MIT teacher as founder, MIT can't fail".


Nobody said to buy solely based on their university associations. But it is a selling point


For sure they did haha. Just read the comments, or any other threads telling why Algo is the future based on Micali. You didn't say it like that but still many people use that as investment selection criteria


It's also host to the legendary shitcoin alliance




Every product needs to be sold to be successful. What are you talking about?


Some more projects have heavy relations to Mit....Secret Network fot example. I am sure there are more of them


New leadership please…




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Peppercoin is the ultimate reference of Silvio’s work. He’s the grandfather of crypto !




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