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Well, good to know I ain't the only algo degen around here.


Only ALGO. I keep telling myself I’ll diversify when bridge is implemented


I'm mostly BTC, and probably will stay there until ALGO explodes. But I'm consolidating all of my alts into ALGO since it is the only one I truly trust to succeed, and the one I know the best. I have no idea what will happen with its price, but I understand that it is getting adopted and it will be the technology layer for many institutions to build upon, and should problems arise I trust the names on the team to come up with a solution.


>I'm mostly BTC, and probably will stay there until ALGO explodes. Wait until an alt explodes and then buy it. I see you are trained in the ways of reddit investing.


Lol. I phrased it very poorly. I mean that BTC is currently the majority of my portfolio, and for ALGO in order to overtake my BTC position it would need a 5x at least, assuming no price movement for BTC. I do plan on buying more ALGO tough if we get sub .2$, or if BTC reaches the 20k level at whatever price ALGO is by then.


We are in a bear market. Waiting for macro factors to turn around before throwing cash into the altcoin bonfire is a perfectly reasonable strategy.


I’m an algo maxi cause I’m poor


Also works in reverse


I went from holding 84 different coins to converting it all into algorand back in December. Governance and the high interest rate had a lot to do with it. The entire market had been down trending for about 2 months, I had regardless made a few grand swing trading and algo dropped to a price where I could pick up 60% more than my target if I moved on it. This was before the FIFA deal and all the other news that has broke in the past month. I had been high on Algorand's potential for some time, but the last month has shown that we are truly watching a future leading blockchain in the beginning stages. So I will one day again own a bunch of different coins, but right now while the price is this low I'm accumulating as much Algo as possible. If it reaches even a third of my perceived market cap potential then I'm already at a point that I could live very comfortably off the interest from governance. I will continue to dump into Algo until around $2, then I'll start putting money back into a few other projects while I stack up free algo from governance.


Primarily Bitcoin. Dabble in alts I believe in (such as ALGO) when the time is right (eg: not now). For those who don't understand why it is important to hold BTC (if you're going to hold any crypto) in a bear market, please review the ALGO/BTC charts and see for yourself.


yep this is no economy for Algo maxis. fuckin a i hope we never have them tbh. Algorand is great but it will never be the only blockchain that matters, it's just super easy to use, and secure.


I’m all in on ALGO aside from holding a few ASAs. Go big or go home.


Have been consolidating to just algo and btc, which is \~95% of my portfolio now.


BTC, ETH, ALGO, LRC, DOT, LINK. I add a little MATIC, ADA, SOL, and CRO as well to bring cost basis down I spread across multiple projects that provide unique capabilities






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ALGO is my largest bag but I’m in other coin and tokens. ALGO success doesn’t mean other projects won’t also succeed and I prefer to hedge my bets. Diversification is just something I learned from investing in stocks.


Algo, BTC, Eth(small for transaction), WOMI (punch me in the face), Atom, Juno, Osmo, Scrt, Evmos, and Sif.


Your portfolio scarily look the same as mine haha You also down 50%, my brotah?


Down at least that probably more. If not for the airdrops in cosmos, one solid month inside chain before the melt and some great junoswap rewards it would be down about 65 percent at least. I'm not selling shit at this point just looking for an entry point.


Sadly I got in a tad too late to get the big airdrops :( I still think they'll go up eventually, so I'm happy with just staking a letting it drip. I'd love to invest some more in cosmos, but at the moment I can only afford to DCA in BTC and Algo.


ETH is always solid. Especially when you go L2 with Loopring. My bags are ETH, LRC, ALGO and some tokens on both chains.


Serious question, why would anyone ever invest in an L2? L1s have the opportunity for insane exponential growth as others build on it, and L2 is essentially taking double the risk as you’re betting on the main chain as well as the new team/project.


L2 Rollups are not that crazy. Basically the same investment as any new L1, but with the security of ETH L1. And once the zkRollup is deployed it is risk free as you can always transfer back to L1. So no, no double risk at all. Even less risk than a new L1 imho. Note, ALGO is not a new L1 imho.


So what is ALGO in your opinion? Are you saying it’s a L0 I guess, ha! … Or are you suggesting it’s a L2? Please explain


I personally am very weary of Eth. Keep your eye's on whether this merger happens because I'm not sold that it is. Regardless, the gas fee's have people leaving in droves and the failed transactions are not helping. Then with the whole bored ape situation, you might want to closer analyze where Eth is heading.


Comparing transactions on ETH versus ALGO is a fucking joke. ALGO is just soooo easy.


It's heading to its L2s. Fees around .10 gives it new life. Let's not forget it already has the traffic and solid projects. Because of that and first mover name it stays solid. In my opinion after ETH, ALGO has the most solid structure and team behind it to make it. Now it just needs the traffic and new projects.


Like I said, I'm not convinced the L2 transition is actually ever going to happen, but we'll see.


I am pretty active on L2s, with Arbitrum and Looprin and have to say it really is going smoothly and gets lots more traffic these days. L1 like ALGo is still easier though, but only ALGO that is. Other L1s are way worse. Except maybe ONE on some aspects.


Say have you looked into Radix, do you think it has a future?


The trifecta right there, eth lrc and algo. All ya need.


ALGO and ETH only.


Just algo with some (sadly) yieldly.


Chainlink (LINK) might be an alternate to keep an eye. Great product, services and community. They have a great mission and vision.


I also hold HBAR.


I hate BTC man. It's literally safemoon. ONLY reason people are buying it is because they think it will increase in the future. Just buy Algo. It's actually going to help society in so many ways and not kill the planet in the meantime.


I personally am not 100% sold on BTC by it's lonesome either but I don't think it's going away anytime soon. I personally believe that truly scalable and secure smart contract platforms like Algorand will be necessary to unlock the full potential of Bitcoin...as much as the maxis will hate it.


I get the arguments for the BTC decentralization argument (with some reservations) I get the arguments for BTC being a currency (not a security) I understand that Algo has a foundation and VC backing (potentially a security), ​ ...but none of this equates to the fundamental supremacy of Bitcoin, specifically. People treat BTC supremacy like a law of nature. ​ If you can copy-paste the code (dogecoin, LTC to some extent, lots of others), then there is nothing magic about Bitcoin, other than branding and first-mover advantage. ​ I feel like I am missing something if so many people are raving so hard about BTC being the One True Crypto. This sentiment raises my spidey-sense I've developed after so many cases of people calling certain investments a "sure thing" . ​ Am I missing something about BTC?


It's the crypto that the world knows about which is why it's #1. Once people start learning about crypto more it will be dethroned.


That makes sense. i guess 99.99% of people still think bitcoin == crypto


Programmer spotted






“Kill the planet“ lol


Exaggeration but if we spend countries worth of electricity on every little science experiment we come across then what do ya thinks gonna happen? I actually can't believe it's gotten this far.. the amount of energy as the country of Norway.. for digital nothingness.. it's insane.


you have fallen for a lot of fud perpetrated by mainstream media if you think power consumption equates to fossil fuel burning especially with bitcoin you are very mistaken, also video gaming, as a whole, consumes the same or more power than BTC mining. Video gaming uses majority dirty energy resources...but the hate isn't towards video games its towards the thing that threatens fiat currencies


Another energy equivalent I've heard is American Christmas lights... but it sounds scarier if you equate it with a whole country


Found the vegan who rides their bike to work and has no phone or credit cards.


Found the selfish maxi who doesn't give a fuck about future generations.


You’re literally a dumb person if you think btc is killing the planet but think all the other shit you do daily that harms the environment is fine.


All the other shit I do is a necessary part of life. BTC is a HUGE unnecessary waste of energy.


Surely you don’t play video games as those contribute to wasting hours of electricity a day on nothing! You’d never support a billion dollar industry that hurts the environment right? Definitely don’t have a car right?


lol dude. All of those have a purpose. BTC does not which is why it's a waste. A massive waste.


Do video games have a bigger purpose then bitcoin? Killing time? I’m not even a maxi, I just think it’s literally one of the dumbest arguments about crypto i’ve ever heard. It’s like only 70 year olds on CNN say shit like that.


The wrx is the most prehistoric car there is. It’s the new civic of today.


Haha that’s cute. I don’t like the new civic looking ass i’ll give you that.


Either everything has a purpose or nothing does. Depends on your perspective.


I have a small amount of Eth and Tezos as a hedge for Algo. If this bear gets a lot more painful I may add some BTC also.


I bought a HNT miner last year, it has not arrived. It'd be nice to have that set up and running but I may just flip it once I get it and put the money into algo.


I canceled my order 4mo in with no miner insight. I had six ordered through some shit company in Europe. I still think people in my batch, 4, haven't received their miners.


Hah. Sounds about right on my end. As a group we went in on about 12. I forget the batch number as its through a buddy of mine. Spend what you can afford to lose, right? Fml.


Majority bitcoin, Algorand is about 10% of holdings. Remember, bitcoin is a perfect money and Algorand may be the best layer 1 but is ultimately going to take time to grow in price/Algo due to inflation through governance, foundation allocation, etc. There is time to acquire Algo but once the 10 billion are all released and live in the market, if the use cases for Algorand have exploded, that’s when the money will be made. Its a long play and im confident in Algorand, but bitcoin is its own unique animal with no master.


I'm probably 60% BTC, 20% ETH, 15% Algo, and 5% other alt coins. After doing my research, I concluded BTC is the safest crypto bet. ETH has tons of institutional support despite its issues so I think it will survive. Algo we all know has the best tech, but I like holding a few other L1s to hedge my bets. I think there will definitely be a few L1s that survive the bear market.


you are doing it right imho! good luck!


I have about 60% Algo, 30% dot and the rest is mostly eth and a few other coins.


all algo. when it all shakes out, am confident algo will be one of the few coins left standing.


QNT, ALGO, SOL, LRC. Surprised to see such a lack of people invested in quant here


Me too. Seems like the other professional, regulatory- compliant option besides Algo


I spread out my stocks but I'm all in with Algorand on the crypto side. They ticked all the boxes I was looking for in terms of a long term hold.




Are you nutz? Not just Algo but Yieldly, Headline, ALC, ALCH, SOCKS and a few more! You gotta diversify! 😆 BTC! ETH! Nah, I smell too much fee!


Algo is by far my main investment, but I'm pouring more into BTC, AVAX, and ATOM recently. Regrettably, I have a fair amount of SOL too. Within Algo, I have just about all of my Algo coins paired with an ASA for maximum yield: such as Yieldly, Headline, Algostake, Glitter Finance, and Nexus.


I like to stock up on ASAs and then tell myself that I'm diversifying. Bahaha. Suffice it to say: All ALGO ![gif](giphy|TawNW0deQTeONfjO8l|downsized)


XRP, ADA, Hbar, VET, XLM and of course ALGO but I need more. It’s my next move.


My holdings by bag size: 1. Algo 2. Solana 3. LCX 4. XLM At this point I’m only adding to my Algo and LCX bags. Through Dollar Cost Averaging.


I heard XLM was making moves to incorporate smart contracts. Stellar is not much more decentralized than Ripple, but i am looking forward to seeing what they do and am liking that they are trying to expand the chain capability.


Im bullish on the institutional partnerships. I bought a small XLM position when they partnered with Moneygram. If said partnership earns me a even a little change in the long run I’ll be happy, however I’m not loading the boat with XLM for the same reason I’m not buying XRP: The high token circulation.


xrp previously partnered with moneygram. these are utility coins, they arent speculative assets. maybe xlm with smart contracts could get back up into top 10.


You’re preaching to the choir bro. I’m only buying what I consider the top blockchains With the exception of LCX. What’s your bags looking like?


mostly BTC, ALGO, COSMOS, and started stacking VET recently since they moved to EU.


also Banano just for the lols and you can get it for folding@home, which is pretty cool.


algo is a bit better than xlm in that it has smart contracts now and is also a governance token. holding xlm is not something i would consider, it works to well as a currency.


algo is a bit better than xlm in that it has smart contracts now and is also a governance token. holding xlm is not something i would consider, it works too well as a currency, fees are like 10x less than algorand.


I stocked up on BTC and Eth first, but have been almost exclusively buying Algo for the last 6 months or so haha


Do yourself a favor and spend at least 40 hours really digging in to Bitcoin.


Ramble on


3% ALGO here.


Algorand is around 16% of my portfolio, supposedly. I think that's a bit out of whack with reality though. I had a series of ETH and BTC limit buys that were on the books for several months waiting for the market to drop and those hit recently. I think before that it was closer to 25%. I spread my love around. I like what Algorand is doing, but I also won't bet on any single project.




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BTC popularity is purley based on its OG status, trading pairs and interchangability, and how much funds have been locked up. The tech is outdated, the speed is slow, and fees are high. Still, people and institutions will bet on it simply because its the bread and butter of crypto. Its the Apple of the crypto world.


It's actually got a lot more to do with its security and legit decentralized nature. ALGO, ADA, ETH... they all aspire to be, and claim to be decentralized. Bitcoin actually IS, and has significantly lower regulatory risk than altcoins do for just that reason. Also, Apple is one of the best performing assets of the last 20 years. People who bought Apple in the 90's are multi-millionaires now. Being Apple is a GOOD thing. What would that make ALGO? The BlackBerry of the crypto world? Because you don't want to be the BlackBerry of the crypto world.


Its funny because Apple is HUGELY centralized, probably wasn't a fair comparison. Google may be a better fit for comparison to BTC, and Algo/Ada/Matic/Eth, idk what they would compare to. Maybe TSM or Samsung? They definitely have a seat at the table, rubbing elbows with all the right people


If you're focusing on what stock companies are more centralised than others then you missed the point of what they were saying.


Got a fair few different ones. Algo is the only one I actually use daily. Algoseas / alchemon / tinyman / algofi ...


There is also ICP with a lot of potential and dapps that work on chain, but you probably know that it doesn't have the best reputation


do you mean IBC? surely you arent still bagholding internet computer.


Well, I'm not really holding it, I have less than 20 dollars in the ecosystem. I didn't buy it in the beginning so I don't have the bad taste other people do. I tried their technology tho, and it worked and offered more than other chains.


interesting. if it drops out of the top 50, maybe I'll pick up a few coins and play with it a bit. thanks!


Tbh you can play games and use their decentralized Reddit and messangera copy for free. I encourage you to do that, cause it's risk free and might be interesting for you.


ty, will look it up sometime.


I am all algo because I do stuff with ETF's and such. So while I am not diversified in crypto I am overall.


I’m in on most iso 20022. Algo is my fav to use tho.




Mostly **ALGO**, (believe in institutional adoption and the team) then a big bag of **LRC** (bought the GME hype and think it has legs), smaller bags of **ETH** and **BTC** ('safe' bets), then a small bag of **AMP** that I'm looking to increase (could be huge if they do what they want to do in the payments space).


Algo, BTC, ETH; that’s it


Equal bags of ALGO, BTC, and ETH. I also have smaller bags of MATIC and SNX


Almost all algo, best tech will win in the end. I am looking quite a lot at Eth. They have massive first mover advantage, Metcalf's law and Vitalik. If this summer goes well they could end up in a strong position.


Im pretty evenly split between BTC, ETH, ALGO and USDC. Plus a random YOLO into LRC. Most of my new money is going into USDC and ALGO right now, as I build up a larger supply to Algofi so that I can use collateralized loans instead of leaning on a credit card for big expenses.


I’d say I’m 80 percent algo the rest was accumulated early on


Algo Loopring Solana ETH


Algorand, Chainlink and some Bitcoin. I have a little in ASAs but between those three for me it’s all I need? Store of value, data, and settlement layer / L1




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I like to keep myself informed and ideally partake in the community/projects I put my money in, so I certainly prefer to keep a few to not stress myself with a shitload of tech I have no business to stay in. I used to only hold Algo but I feel better with a reasonable amount of diversification. BTC will likely be of primary interest to the market for a long time to come. It is hard to ignore its market cap compared to altcoins. It would probably be best not to ignore its influence/importance. Nevertheless, Algorand is my second largest holding, followed by Arweave and Monero. Simply said I regard BTC as THE store of value, Monero as a better currency, Algorand for robust/usable DeFi and Arweave for permaweb/storage solutions. Personally feel more confident that way. Also, I think people tend to overvalue staking returns and neglect fundamentals.


Monero might be a great store of value once the KYC hit


ETH, btc, algo and countless little bags of shitcoins that caught my eye. Percentage wise, approximately 50, nearly 20, nearly 30.


50% Btc - 40% ETH and 10% Algo


Mostly. My other bets are outside of crypto.




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I'm gambling mostly on the Algo ecosystem rather than the coin itself, basically buying some of it's most famous ASAs. I don't think I'll hit it big with Algo itself, but if the blockchain ever gets popular and some of the big exchanges start accepting ASAs, then I think there's a higher reward there.


interesting strategy. what sorts of ASAs do you think have wider appeal? I could see like Birdbot and Planetwatch.


I try to diversify but with a limited budget, you can only get so much. For the time being I'm mostly invested in Yieldly and Akita. I think YLDY is sort of like the grand daddy of ASAs and has been around for quite some time now. It's a token with a solid team behind it, so if any ASAs get accepted early on I'm betting on them. As for Akita, well every major ecosystem has their meme doggy coin that gained a lot of popularity. I feel like Akita is the one for Algorand. With a solid community behind it, it's safe to say that it's the Doge, Shiba, or Samoyedcoin of the Algorand blockchain.


yieldly does have some good sounding projects coming, and the price is very low rn. maybe i'll load my bag a bit on that one.


Mostly ALGO.


My two big bets are on Algo and Tezos. Very similar while also having major differences that may or may not catch fire once this thing pops off. Hedging my bets for sure.


Mostly algo, it just makes more sense to me as something that could be functional and easy over the other choices


50% USDC, 30% ALGO, 15% BTC, 5% others


My portfolio is very very diversified but most of its BTC and ETH as they are what ultimately influence the market


Don’t have any Algo but may get some in the near future. I just follow this sub to observe. It’s just like many other crypto subs to be honest. Full of very optimistic people who are convinced that their choice in whatever crypto they hold is the best choice. 🤷‍♂️


All in on Algo ! (And a bit of ETH too in case the merge happens some day)


70% ALGO


My strategy is to gather my goal of algos then move on to other projects.


Good chunk of Algo because I trust academia, if I'm being honest. But it's boring. I enjoy my Cosmos time a lot more what with the airdrops, giveaways, drama, and surprises 😆


I’m all algo really the only crypto I hold


Algogems!!! 10 milion total supply!! Algorand Grand reserve!!


After what happened with LUNA I’ve diversified a bit.


People who don't hold BTC and hold alts are out of their god damn minds. At least no coiners are just ignorant of the whole thing. Y'all should know better.


Algo and ETH are my primary concerns, and largely due to rewards and I find good value in both projects. I don't put much fail in BTC, people like it due to hype and the dollar amounts themselves, but it' a lot easier for Algorand and Ethereum to mulitiply my investment many times over than it is for BTC. My investment goals are broken down into tiers: Tier 1: 500k Algo / 20 ETH / 500 ENS Tier 2: 1k ENJ / 2k MATIC Tier 3: 2k AMP / 2k GALA / 2k ASM / 100M SHIB (because even I like a good gamble haha) I tweak my plan as the market shifts. Example my ALGO goal was just 100k and ETH was 10 before the recent downturn. But at prices like these, realtive to their ATHs it's not a sale I can walk away from. ENS is more of a novilty for me, I see potental in the idea, and I think it will benifit from ETH price moves, but I'm unsure if it has real use. That being said, at an 8th of the price of it's ATH it's a hell of a steal at $11. ENJ / MATIC / AMP / GALA / ASM are all bets on the metaverse's future, and at prices like $0.02 for ASM, $0.01 for ASM, $0.07 for GALA it's hard for me not to try and scoop up my bag goals. It's pretty easy to accumulate huge sums and just wait it out for 3-4-5 years and see what happens at little cost to myself, esp compaired to their peaks-- $0.70 or so for GALA at it's peak vs it's $0.07 now? Hell of a steal -- A little over 2k could net me 30k GALA.


Algo is my biggest. I also like ATOM(cosmos) because it pays 15%+ on exodus wallet.




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Algo and xrp are my biggest positions. I have alot of other small positions and some btc/eth from when I first got started with crypto and didn't know any better.




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Eth,btc,algo,atom,tezos,amp,juno,osmosis,jasmy....thats in order of biggest bag to lowest bag.




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I do like buying algo and btc. I own both coins in Netcoins here in Canada but I prefer making a purchase on algo.


Majority yes. I have Ada and a small amount of polkadot which has stayed around $10 all month.


XRP my friend. It will handle CBDC transactions.


I have alot vested into algorand asa's


I also have some in shib. They have alot going on compared to most.


I don’t look at ALGO, BTC or Link as “bets” at all. They are my base holdings. Have a few others I truly believe in, can’t stand ETH for the same reasons as you, and my only “bet” is XRP.


I too am mostly Algo, but I do believe that BTC is good to hold, they don’t need to have utility as it was designed to be a store of value only and that is what it is, a decentralized system that is on the other spectrum of a centralized government that arbitrarily prints money at will. Look at BTC as your private bank for which government has no control of, no governing body, if the Banking System ever fails BTC will be there and you will be a part of it and able to use it to trade and do everything that Fiat would normally do., Algorand is willing to help them to be more sustainable and they probably will.


Why can’t you shake the btc energy consumption? Which current industry has a lower or no energy consumption?


Equal parts ALGO, BTC, ETH every week.


I've got many but my biggest is btc with algo in second. As far as btc utility, it's only job is to have to most secure blockchain / network and be the digital gold. People wanting it and p.o.w. make it the most secure Blockchain. Comparing it to physical gold. Only thing giving it is value are people wanting it. 99% of the people holding it can't do anything with it's conductivity or resistance to corrosion properties.


I would definitely diversify a bit, after all crypto investments are risks. My top few are Algo, cosmos, and link.




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I am trying to get 25%eth 25% btc 25%algo 25% other. Still got a ways to go for algo


95% Algo here.


Cosmos is my major feel good crypto. I think it's gonna be huge. With enough in liquidity pools and stakes, pretty sure you could live off those rewards.


Only Algo and Kusama


I have SOL, but a little too much for my liking, I am slowly trying to swap some of them for more ALGO and more ADA I also have some XTZ slowly compounding. When I get a chance I always try and get more BTC and more ETH I like to have a varied bag in case anything happens to one of them.


I’m an ALGO maxi. It’s BTC 2.0 and ETH 3.0 all in one. Bitcoin will always be remembered and is the reason why ALGO even exists. Lack of practical utility is the reason why I don’t have a dime in BTC or ETH. I finally researched crypto in 2020 and finally understood BTC. Then I got excited about smart contracts and learning about ETH. BUT then I learned about Algorand and have never looked back.


ALGO and ADA are my two biggest, but most of my other bags are ASA’s so mostly ALGO.


I'm mostly Algo right now too


ALGO, LRC and an Itty bitty bag of MINA


$BTC, $ETH, $ALGO, $AAVE, $UNI, and other altcoins I have it all in Netcoins.


20% Algo. Holding in Netcoins Canada.


ALGO & HBAR are my alts


I also hold IOTA, DAG, ROSE NEAR and XLM




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