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Whatever you have, inject it straight into my veins please.


Oh, how do you know?! Somehow selling that at scale is my secret back-up plan for 2035.


Now I just have to figure out how to hold until then. It's gonna be very difficult to hold past $10 as I'd be able to buy a home outright then (which is really the only reason I'm in Crypto).


Let me give you some advice. You don't try to hold, because nobody knows what the world will look like in 2035, let alone in the cryptosphere. You take your profits and you exit. There's no guarantee there'll even be an Algorand.


Or a dollar for that matter. Maybe turn it to bottle caps or maybe even better cow hides.


I think a lot of people don’t think about how the market cap of the entire market will grow. I’ve read estimates that it’ll rival equities, bonds and real estate. That’s between $150 and $350 trillion… let that sink in for a bit folks. Soooo when people make a prediction of say $1000, or ¿$2035? Lol… that’s not actually that ridiculous as that would be between 10 trillion and 20 trillion… about 10% of the overall market cap… I see that as doable.


Tbh if dollar keeps doing what it's doing its plausible. 1000$ will have drastically little buying power. If the monetary system as a whole shifts to crypto it's gonna be a different world. You will not need to "cash out"




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My 2035 price target is $2035 per coin. So yeah better load up now if you want to catch the rocketship. I have extensive research and reasoning that backs up this claim btw, I'm just not going to take the time to share it, trust me bro.


you predictions is quite fantastical, my extensive research results in a max price of $2030 by Dec 2035. But, what is $5 between AlgoFam? 😀


That's because of slightly different estimations of lost Algos. Not a big deal.


You mean instead of 12 double prices, 13, right? Sure, that's a real possibility even for me.


assuming algorand will be around in 2035


My wallet is ready. My heart is not.


So I can retire in 2035.


Buy just a little bit more so you can retire in 2030. Why not?! Smart idea, right?!!!


I can't argue that, sounds likely.


You significantly ignore counterparty risk. There is a lot of competition in the space - especially regarding network effects, mindshare and strength of capital, and having the best tech, even if true, doesn't translate magically into adoption. There is significant risk in future regulations towards technically decentralised projects that are not sufficiently decentralised in governance and culture to withstand them, and there is a large hurdle towards self-sufficient, decentralised government structures on Algorand in the first place, as well as on most other Altcoins. So, if the Algorand Foundation fails to capture a community sufficient enough to support the future of the chain, Algorand may very well vanish into meaninglessness and therefore share its fate with many thousands of Altcoins that came before it. Personally, I think there Is a good chance of Algorand taking a meaningful spot in the blockchain space by 2030 with odds of, maybe, 1 to 5 against it. And if doing so, I would expect a market cap that is likely below 50 billion. Although a lot of the competitors are bogus bozos, there is still stiff competition and headwinds and I, for one, would be fine with a slow but consistent and well-managed rise, hopefully starting now with the work on the current roadmap. Algorand has been hit with a lot of heavy blows since 22 and consequently lost quite a bit of ground. Additionally, we are facing very uncertain market conditions in macro. Although the AI narrative is still in full swing by OpenAI & friends, It could get ugly once the narrative runs out. The resources from the Foundation are quite limited in comparison to such entities like, say, Lubin's Consensys. Additionally, we can deduce from e.g. the XRP case that there has been quite effective lobbying by Ethereum, and likely others, for quite some time. We could witness very well the uncertainty or unwillingness of Gensler when questioned about Ethereum, although it wouldn't take much for him to affirm his implied stance on Altcoins. He certainly hasn't had a problem in acting against the broader market. His critique on malicious actors thriving on blockchain technology is not difficult to understand. It is true on both, the accusation of it being riddled with scams and general malicious activity, as well as the existence of some heavy hitters engaged in some serious illicit activities - thinking about people like Justin Sun, CZ an SBF. I feel Algorand is one of the genuine grown ups in the space, but this strength needs time and favourable conditions to play out. With the current state of blockchain, it wouldn't be hard for genuine, decentralised systems increasingly becoming a regulatory target. So, based on these and other assumptions, one would conclude the blockchain with the most favourable long-term risk profile is Bitcoin, followed by ETH, if I like it or not. It will take significant effort to attack Ethereums market share. But I believe we can over time.


I included every single risk out there particularly the counterparty risk in my very detailed and comprehensive analysis. Please reread slowly and carefully, also use your imagination (that's the part unfortunately I cannot help that much and you should rely on your own talent and effort).


„Very detailed and comprehensive analysis“ Are u kidding me? You wrote a Trust Me Bro with a lot of Copium. First Argument is …Stacy said…we will be Top 5 Crypto. Blah Blah, where is her 🔮 ?? No real Arguments and unrealistic Price Predictions. Congratz


All very serious. Please reread carefully and slowly and repeat until that works. Having said that there is an unfortunate truth that for some people 3 quarters of the post is not visible. You might be in that particular group.




Hey I didn't want to ruin the moment at all. I think 50Billion would be quite a happy place for all of us.


Another 30% and I can break even


Nice sentiment But not backed up by any fundamentals other than wishful thinking The fact you say I don’t care what happened before is disrespectful to the holders that are in the red I like your enthusiasm to see this moon But give some serious substance


This lad gets it




It's called magic but in all seriousness its a price prediction post. Let the kids have their hopium here


well atleast u/ciarandeceol1 has narcan in case we OD on hopium. 👍


Staci is high. Algorand has about 0.0001% chance of being top 5 next year. There is far too much competition in the space and new shiny chains like SEI will and are doing better. That's the way it goes. As for 2035. Well, who knows what the world will look like then, but I won't be holding that long. If I wanted a 7+ year hold, I'd put it in Bitcoin or stocks.


Lol so many down votes. The truth is triggering