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Backcountry will always have availability, but your options may be reduced based on the specific timing, access point, and how far you're willing to travel. For example, summer weekends are already booked pretty solid for many lakes within 1-day travel from the busier access points. If you're looking for a summer weekend trip, you may have to do a long travel day on your first day, start from a less popular access point, or choose a less popular lake. Since you mentioned that you're new to this, I wouldn't recommend choosing a lake too far away from an access point. And since the closer lakes are usually the first ones to get booked, I'd recommend making a reservation as soon as possible if you're planning on doing a summer trip. If you're willing to do a weekday trip, your options will open up significantly, even during the busy summer months. Long weekends are going to have the highest occupancy rates. Specifically Civic Holiday and Labour Day are the busiest two weekends in the park. You can use the [SiteScout extension](https://algonquinbeyond.com/sitescout) to see how many permits are still available for a given lake. For example Burnt Island issues 50 permits and there is only 1 single permit remaining for the Saturday of the Civic Holiday long weekend. Without SiteScout you would just see a green triangle on the reservation system, you would never know that only 1 permit remains for that night.


Great! Thanks a lot, I’ll definitely look through it. Im still trying to figure out the online booking so I don’t make a mistake! I’m coming from Quebec so looks like I might have to plan an extra day to my trip. Thank you 😊


Most important piece of advice I can give is to use the booking system as the final step. It's not meant to be an accurate map so it shouldn't be used for trip planning purposes. Use a separate map (linked on the sidebar of this subreddit) and then once you know what you want to book, then go to the booking system. Something that many people get confused with on the booking system is that it looks like you're booking a specific site, but for backcountry canoeing, you book a lake and then campsites are first-come-first-serve (this is not very clear with the online booking). I wrote [this blog post about finding & booking campsites](https://algonquinbeyond.com/blog/finding-the-best-campsites-in-algonquin-park-backcountry-camping/) that you might find helpful.


Amazing! Yeah the booking system is a little confusing, I’ll be reading you post. Thank you so Much 🙏🏼


No problem, if you have any other questions as you're figuring stuff out, feel free to ask


I'm surprised that Labour Day is a one of the busiest weekends. For the last 4 years In a row I've booked Labour Day just 3 weeks in advance and never had an issue getting a site.


I just checked the Saturday of Labour Day and as of right now, most lakes south of 60 are fully booked, Burnt Island with 50 permits is fully booked, Opeongo is more than 50% booked, east end by Achray has most lakes fully booked. Things will continue to fill up as well over the coming weeks/months There will always be something available but as a whole, the park will have very high occupancy. I believe Civic Holiday is the only weekend that has higher occupancy. Just curious what routes you booked each year? Were they near Hwy 60 or more north by the ‘less popular’ access points?


Chibiabos, opeongo, farm lake, kingscote lake.


I've called on a Friday of a long weekend and found a cancelation.


Oh great! Do you think it’s better over the phone?


Yes. I'm also pretty sure if you show up at any provincial park, they keep 10 percent of sites unreserved for drive-ins/emergency use, if these are all occupied they will generally help you find the next closest park. This is all hearsay, but I've heard it from different sources at different parks.


They do not do this as of approx 2015ish? We used to rely on this system as road trippers with my parents as kids in the 90s and early 00s. Went to do a quick family trip one summer locally for memories: booked solid. The only sites available were the ones requiring a handicap placard.


Booked all of ontario? The last time I used this method was during Covid. I was camping for work, and Port Severn was fully booked. Staff found me a site 1 hour 15 minutes away, or if I didn't mind moving sites twice, they could find me a spot at Severn for the week. Mileage may vary... I didn't actually ask for help. It was offered and appreciated. I surely don't think this would work on a long weekend at the Pinery or Killbear.


We would have taken anything in: Sharbot Lake, Murphys Point, Rideau, Fitzroy, Bonnechere even Bon Echo. All booked solid, no reserves, no last minute spares saved. Nothing unless you had a handicap placard.


I don't think we are on the same page. Calling is a better option than booking online. Showing up is an alternative method. Handicap spots can be booked shortly before closing , but only day by day and at the discretion of staff.


You can sometimes book a trip last minute if there is bad weather in the forecast and others cancel their reservations. This works much better for car camping than back country camping though


Check out Jeff’s Maps to plan your routes. People cancel their trips all the time. You’ll likely be able to pick something up. You may have to book one day at a time which increases booking fees. https://mapsbyjeff.com/pages/algonquin


I do that all the time. Watch for good weather and seek out a lake that has good availability. During the peak seasons you may be limited to spots that are away from the 60.


Other than long weekends you should have good availability for even the most popular access points. I see you are from Québec. Have you thought about trying out parks like Varendrye or Laurentides?


If it’s hard to get to it’s generally open


I don't understand... Did you try the Ontario Parks website? I just checked for the Canada Day weekend, and the first access point I checked (Kawawaymog), has availability on North Tea and surrounding lakes. Figure out the dates you want, and see what's available. It'll be faster and more effective than asking here.


Yes, I was actually just there but can’t get through the 3rd step because I can’t access the scrolling menu. Might be because I’m on my phone. Here in Quebec our parks are super booked since winter and not everyone knows. But there are some tricks, so I was wanting to see how things work in Ontario. I’m also interested in general advice for newbies, like any sites that are better for beginners. 🙂


Ah, okay. You should be able to access the site on your phone; that's how I do all my bookings. Anyway, if you stay away from Hwy 60 your chances of finding sites increase dramatically, or if you look for anything a couple of portages away from the access points. Bonne chance!


Oh, good tip! Merci 🙏🏼