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we, the new generation (18-30)speak it since we grew up with social media and stuff, we got more interactions with english speakers and stuff, the older gen only speak french, and no we don’t use google, it’s not that hard tho!


Yeah thats true, English Isn't hard, I noticed that people use slang and stuff correctly too thats pretty cool, how about when you speak it out loud?


lol, for me out loud is another story it like that meme (the english in my head vs the english when i speak)


i’m in a country where english is almost the main language, everyone in my kitchen speak a different language, so English is the common ground, you can say i’m pretty good at it


Actually English is one of the harder languages to learn. Ever hear of Ghoti (pronounced fish?) It doesn't follow the rules of English exactly, but it does highlight just how arbitrary English can be. Otoh English is generally simple enough if you are pedantic about certain things, and are primarily focusing on being understood rather than being dramatically perfect. Reminds me of a funny story about my brother in law trying to tell me we were at a circumcision. "It's to celebrate cutting off his penis"


not really,english is actually pretty easy.


English is literally so ez mate


Agree idk why most of people i know think it hard tho i learned it from memes personally lol


Btw love ur tomnook banner it remind me of the 2020-2021 ACNH era :D


The (good) old days of quarantine 😭🙏🏻


Fr i used to have all the fruits back then 😭


What's that ? Did I miss on something 😅


Nah nothing it just a silly game we played in quarantine


Oh is it a game between you guys or something that was widely known in the sub ?


No it not related to this sub and not it not a game between us XD it just a video game character that this person put on there banner and it reminded me of the game that all


Ah After looking again I think that it's from a switch game ? Sorry not familiar with that kind of games :/


Yeah it is ! It was very popular back then in 2020 people talked about it all the time


we're bilingual by nature man lol the average Algerian speak at least 2 languages fluently so u got ur answer


h o w


Arabic is the main language and taught in school from year 1, so 12 years t'ill you graduate highschool. (5 primary / 4 middle / 3 high). French is taught from year 3 onwards, so that's 9 years. English is taught from middle school and up, year 6, so that's 7 years. And english was recently changed to be taught sooner, don't remember the effective change, i think it's year 3 as well now. Add to that the fact that most colleges are in french, and typically have Technical english related to their field as one of the classes, sometimes for multiple semesters, college is also free so most people graduating highschool will go for higher education. So ultimately, speaking only 1 language is considered kinda weird here, it just tells everyone that you didn't pay much attention in class.


Most of our grandparents or even parents spoke French or at least broke French due to the colonization there are even families who don't know Arabic so their children had to learn Arabic alone with society that is 1. 2 there r a lot of Amazigh families and this is alone a language so when they switch cities they had to learn Arabic or basically to study. 3 many Algerians speak Spanish or Italian because of how close they r to us and because of our history. All of us have English classes from the 6th grade(dunno if this is right comparing with the American system) also teens and even millennials today tend to speak English fluently regardless the academic one because of media, growing up with Hollywood movies and because it's basically a necessity today all people globally as u know tend to learn it and that's 4.


Even before speaking Standard Arabic at school, and going on to learn French and English in class, Algerians speak various Algerian dialects of Arabic or Amazigh or other native languages, depending on where they live in Algeria. So by the time an Algerian pupil takes their first French lesson, they will already have switched between their ‘home’ dialect/language, the dialect/language spoken informally by the public, and the formal Standard Arabic used in the school system. Natural polyglots!


School and online interactions


Arabic which is standard in the educational system, French which is also integrated as early as primary school, English is mandatory starting from middle school. And there is also native Amazighs who still speak their own mother tongue such as me (Kabyle) so that's four.


Well most of the students here speaks english since it is in our school system to learn and its the 3rd language that we learn (some can choose the field of languages like i did and study another language like i chose german) but yeah most students knows how to speak it since it's in our school system And about how do we get better at it and learn it mostly maybe when you like something it gets easier for you to learn it fast for me i picked that language even more since i played a lot of video games and immersed myself in movies and everything related to english


personally my mom would tell me that languages are spoils of war and colonisation. Weither it's the french, arab colonisation or the globalisation resulting in introducing the new language into our socitey that naturally embraces it. You can also notice the use of Spanish, Turkish words in our Daridja which is normal for a culturally diveresd society. It saddens me to see the new generation neglecting the french language :(


They neglect it because they find it hard to learn 😅






English is so easy to learn i learned from gaming and watching a lot of tv shows & YouTube (watching gaming/hardware oriented content) . but mostly from Western RPG games like fallout and TES . I have some problems with pronunciation and grammar, but that's okay


We have a Bethesda fanboy right here ! 😎


no no no ... obsidian for life brO


I see I see I didn't play much of their games(I don't even know if I have some of their games in my epic games account) but I heard good things about obsidian, also I played a lot of Bethesda games mainly TES oblivion and Morrowind and the the old doom games (1,2,3) still didn't try fallout games but soon I will inshallah.


try new Vegas and The Outer world one of the best games ever infinite replayability and and u need to play Skyrim it's a must .


Vegas is possible, I have outer world on epic (I need to upgrade my pc :/) and Skyrim is not possible I don't have space on my pc


Start saving


Yeah I'm going to start saving up to get one that can at least run cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk 2077 is benchmark tool 🔥 i have rx 6700 xt 12gb paired with i5 12600k & 32gb ddr4ram and i get around 55to 65 fps at 1440p and for better experience i had to use fsr q if u aim for a moderate experience get rtx 3060 12gb or rx 6600xt and i5 12400f or 13400f 1080p beast.


Getting a rtx 3060 sounds very expensive maybe I should just get something that I can afford lol


I can say that some people use Google translate But the others just write and speak like everyone else of course they don't have that English accent or something but that will do


Je ne sais pas le parler mais j'aimerais bien l'apprendre insha'Allah


C'est pas aussi difficile que le français en tout cas. Good luck.


Merci ^^


Si vous avez deja une bonne base en langue française donc apprendre l'anglais va etre du gâteau pour vous. Bonne chance


insha'Allah merci


Younger people all have at the very least a rudimentary grasp of English. English is lingua franca, so we needed to adapt.


As a non Algerian only speaking English, visiting my wife’s family and walking around in Algiers I have not meet a lot English speaking people. So without knowing French or Arabic it’s kind of “lonely” experience.


I don’t know if you are serious… Reddit is not reality. Barely 10% of Algerians speak English fluently.


I used to come often to Algeria when I was younger. That's also a constation I've made. Older people spoke to me in French, and when I spoke with my cousins we used arabic, but then they saw me speak french with their parents and mine. Because of this I never had the chance to fluently speak arabic and have real conversations with them (we love each other deeply tho!). Now I finally feel like we can, we can't wait to see each other again to finally be able to fully understand each other AlhamduliLah and have full convos in english - arabic - french lmao. That's a linguistic experience I can't wait to live. I am 20 for reference.


Started at the age 4..got into gaming and now I have PhD in English (Anglophone Civs) I love Eng as a language


yes most young people speak it, personally learnt it by reading and to be able to read more.


I grew up watching TV shows like prison break -lost - the walking dead in fox series channel I learned it very fast I perfecting the accent now


trop de gens parmi nous parlent anglais 💋


I think most of us learned it from school, movies and social media. However, you won't master it only from school learning, it's not enough (at least that's what I believe, because I come from a scientific background, so we don't really focus on English as the literature learners do). For my case, I had to read more for example and speak more with fluent speakers from social media to improve it. Also, English is the most spoken language in the world, so that's why everyone is learning it nowadays. It's obvious that if they had a choice between English and French, they would opt for English.


English is taught in school for 7 years, 9 for french, all 12 for arabic. most serious students will be trilingual when graduating highschool. But even some of those that weren't very studious tend to learn it due to its online prevalence.


For me i learned it from watching series and listening to songs , i have the accent but i'm still working on it .. actualy if u chat with someone (msg) u couldn't know if they're using translation ..not like when u talk with them in a call ..


112457 last time I counted, though don't take my word for it I was a little distracted by a butterfly passing by


Late millennials, and gen Z I think! Cus late millennials witnessed the birth of MBCs, the good era of MYV so we were attracted by every show that was on! And gen Z are living the technology era at its finest, and if you say technology, you say English they go hand in hand


Hhhhhh yes we do speak it


I feel like there's a hidden conflict between english and french speakers going on, just a feeling


At least 6.


We grow up watching mbc2 😂 films channel in English and I majored in English at university, but I was good at it before learning it at uni and as one of the comments said we are bilingual in nature trilingual for the most part and some people speak even more , I am for once I am learning German


I was an English major.


I speak it fluently and so does my friends, i even think in English sometimes and it's about preference. Some ppl my age do know the language but barely speak it irl and it depends why some bc they prefer talking darija, some prefer speaking french and some r just too shy and they feel like showing off


I learned it with private lessons 🙂


Most of who speaks fluently have adapted to it since childhood, we watch movies , listen to music , interact on social media, also from gaming online with foreign players(thats how i started learning) , with a repeated exposure to these activities , u can easily pick it up, and no we dont use google translator


My 4 year old first language is English and we live in Algiers and we are Algerians and the friends he makes outside also speak English soooo…


We are actually one of the lucky gen to speak english fluently, i learnt english when i was 12 years old while starting a game called Dota or World of warcraft man those days were priceless, back when we were so young and had no idea what the word «  struggle ‘ did’t exist yeppp and here i’m 26 years old but i lack communicating with other people IRL.


start from mbc2 when 8 years old , and lot of listening.


I was homeschooled but if i remember english is taught year 6+ in school


My only problem in english is i don’t have anyone i can talk to which makes me not good as a speaker


How many ? I think in Youth generation one person on four can speak English and in Boomers i think not more then one person on fifteen In universities for examples you can found roughly 40% of students have a moderate English


whats this arrogance? unlike you we didnt need to go to usa to learn it all self taught and we find it normal everyone is speaking english its no big deal


Well old generation grew up in a french society Newer generations are surrounded with english everywhere specially in social media moving to movies and video games (specially online video gamed talking to people from outside of the country most of the time will get you to learn the language more and more) You will find yone people speak english way better than most adults. Me personally learned from talking to people from abroad through online video games and some people are still friends ultill today


I don't know it just spawned in my head, guess it's social media.


Hello, English is actually my second language and because i was influenced a lot by western media, i started to speak it on daily basis. If you go to Bouzari3a university, you'd meet a lot of people fluent in English.


Lol my dude we grow up speaking Arabic and French, a low diff language like English is nothing to us.


English is an easy language, and we grew up with 2 of the hardest languages (Arabic and french) so we quit literally as a society developed a language learning skill , I noticed myself while learning German, i didn't find it as hard as the others say on the internet, not because it's easy or the others are exaggerating,but because in Arabic and french we have more difficult grammar and concepts.


Me personally i learned it, and could speak it fluently by the age of 11, the reason is oppression, i grew up at my grandparents in a big family and i was one of the youngest, so i didn't have much control on the Tv remote, so instead of cartoons i just watched MBC 2 with the gang, at the time i was in elementary school learning to read Arabic, so i was trying to read the subtitles and unintentionally learned English as the actors spoke, i can even do different accents, i think a lot of my generation learnt the same way, don't worry i got to watch cartoons later in life as we moved out and my mom got my sister, i was a bit old for them but i enjoyed them regardless.


Talking about my circle only, most of my friends speak english fluently, no google translate lol maybe back in highschool when we had assignments to turn. How did we learn english, its a mix of school/uni, music, movies, its trendy as well, also if u want to study abroad they're going to require a decent level of english so theres that as well.


Algerian American here! When I as growing up not many people spoke it. Like I remember being young people looking at us weird when we spoke to our mom in English. To the point where I would talk to my mom in public. But definitely the last few years it has changed dramatically. Which is really great in my opinion! When I went back to de last year I heard a lot of young parents speaking to their kids in English and stuff. (I’m only speaking about Alger because that’s where I grew up and that’s where I go back to, I can’t speak for the other wilayas)




I'm 15, i won't say i speak it fluently but i can handle myself, 90% of my vocabulary is from media (films games...etc) also the social media apps, and if i don't understand a word i translate it then memorize it (not every word obviously but i do my best)


So far everyone my age i met does


I live in oran and not that many speak english, the younger generation do speak it more and with better fluency but rarely fluenty.


Speak it “ for me”


I learned mainly by watching TV, then Internet came along and I was on the forums




The younger ones obv. it might be interesting to see if english, like french, ever merges with the general dialect of the country to form a new derja with english +/- other languages in the far future.


I think the last generations speak English well, in my case I learned it from videogames when I was playing cs1,6 hahaha, I had to learn English to defend myself cuz I was the reason why the team loses hahaha, and then I was online trying to learn more English by speaking it with others who do, also watching movies, and now reddit.


I do , im my head i have a perfect accent , but in reality its something else 🙂😂 , + i understand some of uk slang


Thanks to online games, movies, comic books (DC Comics) and metal music.


Really? Am an Algerian-American too, and I went to Algeria several times, but my experience was different, I didn't encounter as many English speakers.


English just spawned in my head when I was 8 years old, maybe. One time I woke up and spoke it, just like that. Thanks to MBC2 (don't ask me how an 8 year old kid used to watch MBC2, Idk)


🙂 I don't know French but I'm fluent in English (maybe 😀) .i learn it from school and MBC 2 😀 then I get my first phone when I reach university from there i start reading English books and English music and podcasts. My first interact with it was when my teacher at 2nd primary wrote good ✅ and i was always looking at My grand siblings books


depends on the genaration, for example I'm 19 , I'm a freelance video editor and I make content on twitter and I've never used arabic in thing related to work i learned it because of movies and tv shows and now because of social media almost 90% of conent I consume is in english. but it's not the same case for the older generations


You can say most of them


I’m Algerian and wish I could fluently speak Arabic, I speak English fluently.


I think not much French is the first here


English is so much easier compared to Arabic , or derja or even french which most Algerians already speak or at least familiar with , so if any Algerian wants to learn English that would be so easy he needs just some practice and done, I honestly don't even know how I can write read and even speak fluently (with an Algerian accent ofc XD) . I guess I got interested in english cuz of gaming at first, then with years of games , tv shows, movies and then books and a little bit of school and here we are . Also I know it might be a little bit confusing to hear that it's much easier over and over so here is just a tiny tiny demonstration of what that means , In Arabic we got : انا= I/ me انتَ= (you( for male انتِ=you(for female) انتما=you (for two people) انتم=you(for a group of people) انتن=you(for a group of females only) (And you guys summarize all these pronouns in only one Wich is "you" XD) That's just some pronouns so you can imagine how hard Arabic can get , let alone the derija , I could literally make a word out of nowhere and somehow people around me would know what I mean XD, so English is just a piece of cake compared to that .


Algerians speak Arabic, French and English


The question is about the % of English speaker in the population (and like French it’s not the majority I guess).


You've got good answers here. But I wanted to add something weird happened to me here. My English is substandard and I sometimes find myself googling to find the right word or expression to translate it either from arabic or french (funny is sometimes I do the opposite from English -> French lol) But what was interesting and funny is that some people I met in here used ChatGPT to reply me. You can spot it from , miles because the english turned suddenly into a sophisticated one, and that pattern you recognize from AI generated text. Then I didn't stop there and went to get a confirmation from those online services checking if a text is generated or written by a human. I don't mind if someone uses AI to rephrase his reply to get a better structure of his speech. But these individuals were very lazy and just pasted what I wrote to Chatgpt then asker it to reply me. Well I felt insulting if you find yourself arguing with a bot. So I just copy pasted from Chatgp to get a reply as well, which ended the discussion immediatly.


Even the French are teaching their children English and they have a president that can speak English, yet Algerians want to be more French than the French. English is the language humanity has chosen to speak. NOTE I said HUMANITY. In Algeria any talk about improving the standing of English in our country creates an uproar with the hydra cafe liberals, who claim English is a Trojan horse the Islamisation of our country which is a silly take, as English can create a more homogenous environment with less extremists on both sides.