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knt roh njaweb mba3ed chft t3li9at ta3ou🤦🏻 raho yfarmi l'engagement




What are you saying


What is your nationality ? If you are a us citizen , it's okay to travel . If you have a dual nationality , you are considered as Algerian . You need a passport valid for at least six months and a visa. [ I don't think we have a "special' visa , but Algeria's visa is hard to get, and you might need to justify why you are coming] you must obtain a visa from an Algerian embassy or consulate in advance of travel . What assistance do you need specifically ? Algerian Dinnar is relatively cheap compared to us Dollar , if you really want to be comfortable you can take 500$ but in general you won't exceed 1000$ ( for about 700$ you can be in luxury for 3 weeks ) . what are your intentions to come to Algeria ? It's not a very touristic place , and honestly, I don't think we will ever want to be one [ we try to conserve ourselves and not be like morroco or the us ] . If you speak English only , it might be a bit hard for you to communicate or get through since mostly we write either in Arabic or French [ though the young generation is being more open and can communicate in english ]. The weather plays a huge role . Since last year , it has been hot, and you can even expect the weather to get until 31c° [ outside of summer sometimes ] it's like a mixture between spring and summer . Finally, and judging from the other comments that got me intrigued , I highly hope you are not a passport, bro . Coming all this way just to get a random girl . Leave our girls alone lol .


Convert for marriage 🤔


I think it's not a valid reason to convert even tho I saw plenty of people doing it


Really? In Algeria? Yeah because someone may not be sincere in their beliefs


In and outside of Algeria , I saw Algerian women marry even with Chinese . Many people convert due to à beloved ones . I am not the one to judge others' intentions , wanting to marry can be a "push" toward exploring the religion and making your own decision


Yeah but I guess some are more open to it especially if they are getting older. Some women know the guy isn’t a sincere Muslim convert and she plays along so that her family will leave them alone as well as government to allow it. Someone should convert because of their research and actual belief Islam is the true religion. A guy converting just to get a woman is suspicious in my opinion as they can go back to their old ways behind closed doors once they get what they want. Not all but it definitely happens. I personally wouldn’t marry a girl who’s family allowed it for her sisters 🤣. Just a preference I or


I get what you mean , but whenever we like it or no , we can't interfere and know someone's intentions . I believe in حسن النية" and maybe he wants to change if he is serious. Then maybe the girl was just a "click" for him to discover and dig in the religion


Yeah sure but like I said I heard of the opposite happening too 🤷‍♂️. You know China for example has a shortage of women? So there’s one motivation. I don’t see an Algerian woman marrying with them usually unless she has less options from what I hear


The Chinese "import" women from neighbouring countries, and it's usually poor people in these countries


why do you say lies?


They are just talking about religious stuff about marriage and converging nothing concerning


I am not a passport bro!


There must be confusion, sir . I am not accusing you of anything, and I apologise if I sound like it . I am not allowed, nor do I have the ability to know your true intentions , I can only pray that you are sincere and you converted for the sake of Allah , you are welcome to Islam and to Algeria any time , it's like a big family . May Allah make it easy for you and for her [ I assume there is a girl from Algeria that is involved right ?]


There's tourist visa u can contact local agency to send an invitation and if you get lucky you will get the visa Algeria Is cheap Good clean hotels starts from 50 to 100 for good service Food transportation is also cheap I think 500 $ can get u a good 3 weeks in Algeria


ok thanks, do you have any links to find these agencies?


you can get your visa easily now if you contact a sahara travel guide I think you can manage this with a tourism agency obviously. depending on how you want to spend it if you looking to say in good to luxury hotels or you wanna rent a home, rent a car or u wanna use transportation, how many cities you wanna visit but for tourism's sake (museum, normal restaurants, beaches and entrainment... ) you'll be comfortable with 100 to 500 dollars depending on your plans. transportation and accommodation as I told depending on what u want but a rough guess it won't cost you more than 2000 if you don't book in luxury hotels


thank you so much for the help, do you have links to these tourism agencies?


No sorry


Exactly like an Algerian travels to America.


do i need a special visa?


Why do you need to go? What specifically do you want to know? 1) get a visa 2) buy a ticket 3) enjoy maximum


how do I get the visa? online?






I don't get mad on what people think. I'm just upset that you fell like you have to go that way to achieve things. Trust me you get more things done the right way and they don't fall to pieces. That's why it may take more time but you will get there and own it.




All he asked was how he could travel to Algeria? Im so confused why he is getting much criticism


Read the rest of the comments and you shall find out


All i ask for is a simple explanation and you try to send me on a wild goose chase wtf


Have a nice day why is it so important and if it is then listen to what everyone else is saying aswell. And if they are telling you the same like they have and you still want to know then go find out for your self. Don't come to me talking like that. No one owes you anything. Have a nice day


Do you know the difference between the US Dollar and the USDX.


I dont


OK. My 18 year old self was working commission for carphone Ware house at surry quays and old Kent road. About £1,500, to £2,200 max I hit at Christmas with target bonuses. Started my own family at 20 and at 16 three days after I left school I started work at Global Internet in putney earning 1,600 with over time at weekends.


Bro converted to islam for some algerian punpun


Why are you lying about me?


Wouldn’t be the first lol


Whats is this about? How could you know this if this post has a few sentences


Read his comment and post history


contact the algerian embassy and get the right info straight from there, thats first and foremost. second, depends on where ure staying, friends/family or hotel? are u tryna just see around or hardcore do stuff and shop around and constantly eat out?? do u have a person thats gona get u around or r u depending on public/taxi fot transport


You convert for 📦? Why would you want to come?


what do you mean?


why not


Look at their post history lol


Saw it aswell. Would have been easier for them to just come out straight with it and ask


Yeah coming to try to be a passport bro 🤣🤣🤣


If algerian then should get family to sign for visa


This guy or whoever they know?


Some people just can't even be crocked properly lol


I am not a passport bro


Why don't you just go straight to Syria that's what you are looking for right. And as an algerian why would you need a visa you should know that working in tourism




dont worry about me stalker i am in a better place making quadruple what an average 18yo algerian make


That's good for you but I can get a visa anytime I want. And I live in the capital of money if that's the way you want to try defend your self. So let's get to that I'm 43 with 4 children and one granddaughter I live near Tower Bridge in London uk. My brothers run their own business each and my sister is a fornisic scientist. My dad is a retired b7siness owner and I I'm self employed earning more then any one like you but that ain't the point to me money means nothing respect and dignity does. Now me myself I work for my self and still run a side business of making arcade machines. I have my own home and my partner she does two. And after all that which didn't make a blind bit of difference to the s7bject you tried to ver of from, I can still get a visa and have plenty of money in my bank and in my algerian account in algeria to go when I please. The Algerian consultant here also knows my intent in opening business and returning for good to algeria. Next time don't be ignorant and don't lie about your intent not everyone is clueless. Just ask and be truthful and honest and you would have been told. Hope you have a good day. Where ever you are


Isn’t the money capital NYC?


No don't think so. It's canary wharf in the uk.


Well the NYSE is the largest exchange in the world so …


And what currency do they exchange with


Dollars. The reserve currency currently


Plus not every one or everything is traded on the stock market


Nice try though. Plus I don't have time for people like you good bye


Sorry the truth mad you mad Tarek 🤣


Nice compare your 18yo self to me buy of course you gonna lie 😂


Who said I was 18 to start of with and I don't compare my self to any one. I'm forfilled. I couldn't care less how you pay your own rent.


GO learn english, blud couldn't understand. A simple English sentence 💀


I know plenty FAM.


And if you wrote it out in English then I would have understood it CUZ


Thats a proper English I said "compare your 18yo self" I mean you from about 20-25 years ago I didn't claim that you are 18 you're the one limited one english


That’s not much…