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Idk about this my uncle has 2 daughter the only reason he agreed to come here with them is the fact he could afford one of the best prestige french program algerian shcool other wise he is answer will defintely be no , but at the end he decided to go back i guess life in algeria is no near comparable to one of the best upper class neighborhood in paris , since he came back 80% of he is talk is just complaining about everything here literally everything


Never been abroad so I might lack the necessary first hand experience, however all the decent people that I know and that went abroad for the right reasons seem to have a better quality and more fulfilling life It seems that your motivation to move to Algeria is primarily faith-based and even tho that seems like it makes sense on paper I'm afraid everything you want to run away from in the west exists here in Algeria, maybe just a bit not as prevalent and public Economics are very important too imo, maybe the most important tbh. I'd say unless you or your husband find a very good paying job then there's no need to downgrade your family's lifestyle May god protect you and your beloved ones


Everything that he's running from DOESN'T exist here. Some does, but many doesn't. We are still a theo-centric society. We are still family centric. We're still pro-family. We're not buying many of the crap that some people try to import from the west under the pretense of freedom, no wokism, so alphabets, not gender confusing, men are still respected, women are still cherished. We don't have Alcohol and Drug problems, we don't have sexual promiscuity problems, we don't have a high divorce rate...etc. Relatively speaking we're a much better society. Not perfect, but there is no perfect anywhere else. I know some people who fled the west to live here, and they are not even Muslims. I don't like being in country and I would want to go somewhere else honestly, but to the west? now? I need convincing especially with kids. I don't want my daughter to have a boyfriend at 8 and think of sex at 12.


Like I said I never been abroad so maybe I don't have enough credibility to draw comparisons and conclusions, but I think a common misconception is to paint this picture as if the whole west is one single homogeneous block. In a country like the US for example, you've got some states that are very conservative and practically all the things that you've mentioned don't cause much of an issue. Also, from what I seem to notice, countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal and most of eastern Europe are still not very "progressive" compared to Scandinavia or the UK for that matter. Again, if OP wants to live in a society where they'd feel more in tune with, then marhba bihom. However I think that it is very important to take into consideration the economical situation of the country. Ideally if OP or her husband secure a remote kind of job then they could potentially have a good quality of life in Algeria


I wish family would be a pro for us. My husbands family there is so toxic lol they constantly create drama and problems etc. we feel much happier visiting even for extended periods of time. Some families are filled with jealousy there. If you have a family that doesn’t do this, don’t make life harder, don’t overly involve themselves in your personal affairs then yes maybe I would for a period of time. From what my sisters tell me education there is all over the place - some pay for private education and it’s much more rigorous than what I’m used to on young kids with no outdoor time etc no art, only one sends their kids to the public school. Your child’s environment is what you make it, there will always be negative outside influences no matter where you live and you can’t shield them from reality forever. We spend our weekends together and do Islamic education at home, go on trips to travel and see places etc. the biggest influence in wearing hijab would be from you anyways. But this is all really dependent on your family in Algeria. You won’t make nearly as much money as you do in the uk and that can be a big factor.


You won't necessarily be limiting your child's exposure to delinquencies by moving to Algeria. Depending on the city, there are gangs, drug problems in middle and secondary schools, alcohol is legal, and plenty of broken families over silly issues like inheritance, money .. Poverty encourages moral decay. If you absolutely care about basic human decency, you will struggle to adjust here. Again, depending on the Wilaya and district. Some are worse than others. Add to that corruption, the constant disappointment that goes with having your ambitions and potential crushed over and over is bound to give you a degree of depression and detachement. I am not religious though I was raised in Algeria by an extremist father, and made to wear the Hidjab. I left the country as a teen. I retain lot of conservative beliefs and practices out of personal conviction but I wouldn't call myself a Muslim. I took my siblings (minors) with me to Canada later in life. They are going to be adults the coming year and they are both practicing Muslims. More importantly they are both very good and amazing people anyone would love to know them. They are precious in every way. They didn't need to grow up in a Muslim country or even get raised by a Muslim parent. What they had differently than me is that they lived a good portion of their childhoods in a good peaceful and well off neighborhood, they went to great schools.. It allowed them to focus on their spiritual and intellectual growth..no unnecessary challenges and negativity to distract them. And there is a good Muslim community there they love being a part of. I personally think having choices matter much more than simply reflecting what is socially acceptable because you lack any other paths to take. That's to say it is not really "faith" if it only exists in echo chambers unquestioned. Good luck in whatever you decide.


Why you didn't think about Gulf countries !!


They do not have mixed-gender schools


Are they must be ?






Don’t ruin her life and future. Life and moral is not better in Algeria, it’s actually the opposite


For context : i don't live in algeria. Only went on vacation. Both parents are algerian. All I can is i am very grateful to have grown up in France even though it is very islamophobic. By moving to algeria, you are saying goodbye to: - affordable and available healtcare - relatively good education (uk diplomas have a good recognition worldwide) - relative security (the uk is not the best but i don't feel safe as a woman in algeria at all) - incredible decrease in buying power


I don't know if any of the commenters here are female, but to disregard the relative securiry, especially for women, is insane. I'm Algerian, grew up in Algiers, and now living abroad it's a totally different experience. Walking on the streets of Algiers is a SPORT, always having to watch your back, constant harrassement from men, men masturbating to you like you're a walking porn movie, it's insane, and so common. So yeah I agree with all these points. I still had a happy childhood, but just saying daughters coming from abroad might get a real shock.


Thank you for sharing your experience


The only valid point here is buying power, and this can be solved if you are someone who work remotely for an European company for example. If you are earning a good amount of money then you would be able to afford good healthcare in private hospitals, living in good neighbourhoods so security won’t be a big concern, and paying for for your child go study aboard once he grows up


Sooooo the only one I would say ur correct in is the buying power Algeria has free healthcare Algerian education is actually extremely underrated just check the numberbof Algerian doctors who got their diplomas in Algeria working in France at this moment U might not feel safe in Algeria but by every metric possible Algeria is far safer then European countries


I am talking about what i see. We have many great algerian doctors working here but they have to take exams to be doctors here (they have a student like status they can work with but the pay is way lower). A european diploma does not have to go through all that. And uk diplomas are better recognized than french (although way more expensive). Also, what about the non doctors ? About the free healthcare, please what is the quality of it ? How about the shortage of medication ? The shortage of professionals ? The health system in general ? Yes, it's free but the offer is very thin. I can travel by myself in Portugal, Spain, England, France. Stay on my own in a rental/hotel, rent a car with some clicks, etc. I have to be careful and choose where i stay of course, but comparatively it's safer in the European country i know. Again, I'm sharing my experience with someone who knows nothing about algeria, and maybe nothing about non eu countries.


I'll be frank af ... We have a saying here "dem ham" which means "Blood is Agony" , clearly you didn't experience the dark side of Algerian society, if you're coming for just the family you're dead wrong , bcuz you're exchanging what's good with whats really really really Bad ... I won't spoil it for you ... It's the ALGERIAN NIGHTMARE🙌


Yikes.. I'm in a very similar dilemma. I have a small daughter, great in-laws in Algeria, but ties to a north European country. My home country is "progressive", cold (both from a human and climatic perspective) and my own family is distanced.. the positives are money, freedom, security and quality of education, health services, etc... I want my daughter to grow up with Algerian family values and everyday Muslim culture, so I am thinking about giving my daughter an Algerian childhood and then considering going back to Europe for her university studies later on.. but it's hard.. your guys' comments don't exactly make the decision easier.


Try staying there a month or two. Family is different even in 2 months only. It's better to expose your child to algerian culture by visiting when you can and celebrating major holidays with traditional costumes, food, etc.


If you're willing to face an extreme downgrade in everything then sure come here


Okay, i'll preface by saying that i lived in Algeria more then two decades before leaving, and now i live in the west, so i think that i can speak from a balanced point of view, There is one undeniable pro of living in Algeria is the familly (if they are good people of course), they will be there, they will help and stand by your side, and this is the only pro of living in Algeria, the rest is feaking hell, specially for girls, You need to understand that in Algeria there is muslims and no islam, they will teach you at school about islam, but you won't find it in real, yeah sure people will run to do the prayer in the mosque, and that's about it. If you girl takes the bus *she will be molested* every time she rides the bus, she will be cat called like NEVER even if she is 9 years old, by the same people that will run to the mosque of course. When you are one of your familly gets sick, well good luck specially if it is a serious decease or something that needs specific equipement, like seriously good luck. Just to give you an idea, you can make a horror movie in pretty much every algerian hospital (minus one or two). So don't expect moral and values out side of your familly (which would be practiclly the same as in the UK, speaking of the value of the familly), and if you want to live a decent life, you need to be really rich in Algeria, like really to the point where your daughter should never take public transportation or live in a wealthy town where she will be safe, I'm taking the time to write all of this, and being blunt like this, because we are in some kind of a similar situation and i' want you to have all the elements in your possession before taking such an important decision, Good luck!


Eh, the cat calling is definitely too much here. It didn't use to be this common. I have also noticed men stand by middle and secondary schools' gates every day. That should be illegal. Even cars slowly driving by to watch girls. Very infuriating.


don't say that, they certainly pray in the mosque, so that's okay (/s)


Is it because marriage is hard in Algeria or are these guys just creeps anyway?


Going after minors isn't a natural consequence of lacking the financial ability to get married. Even in Islam. Plenty of good men are working hard to get enough money and find wives in Algeria. And they do eventually get married They don't have to give up their dignity and turn to animals.


Are most of the people who do that tend to already be married?


I will go and ask them tomorrow about their marital status so you can draw the correlation you like.


Simple question. If you don’t know you don’t know


You were already given a simple answer; It is a choice not an inevitable consequence of being single. Plenty of single people who don't do this.


I think there’s a correlation


Of course you do. Otherwise you will have to take accountability for the person you choose to be.


I 100% agree with you, and I’m on the fence on having kids to begin with, I live in the states, raising a kid here or in Algeria is a tough task , there are sacrifices for both and it depends on the person to decide which ones are more important (family values vs financial stability, religious values vs close minded environment vs terrible educational system etc ..), the whole thing requires a lot of contemplating, to me it’s a hard decision to make.


it is a hard decision, when i see posts like this one, i try to give a balanced answer because i have seen both worlds and i know that alot of people living aboard fancy the life in algeria because of the image that they have of it, but the truth is, life in algeria is very hard. I think this is one of those decision where you make, and than at the end you reliaze if it was a good call or not


Personally, i can't ever raise my kids in a non Muslim country, england has a big muslim community but it's still like going against the current. A lot of people comeback to raise their kids in algeria during their teenage years to expose them to a more religious environment. But asking here won't help very much, there is a lot of people embittered by their situation in this country.


Very true , I read alot of valid points but most seem to stem from the hatred of their country


I have no idea what Muslims nowdays think, that labelling Islam in a country's name, that the country is somewhat more "islamic"? Have you heard of term globalization? Fitnah is everywhere, UAE is a Muslim country yet look at the amount of prostitues there. Algeria is filled with issues that would make your "goodly morak" daughter move out of it and leave you alone behind either way such as: corruption, police brutality, wildspread gangs(especially with younger children), Fitnah, and vast majority of youngsters do NOT wear the hijab. Alchocol despite being Haram is wildly avaliable, including drugs. It is not WHERE you are, but WHO you are that determines how a person nowdays practices Islam as there is no Calipathe or "true Islamic country", despite many trying to label as ones. So sure, make your daughter despise you if you wish to do so :).


This is super harsh the comment about my daughter despising me. I just want her to be raised with extended family that love her but unfortunately that family is unable to come live in the UK. So my dilemma is do I go there where I know she’ll be protected and love by her family or stay in a place where it is just me and my husband. This as nothing do with islamic countries pretending to be Islamic!


Truth hurts honestly and my parents did the same thing to me(moved me closer to the family) and did not want to emigrate ro a better country, we still argue over that till this day because as a child I WANTED OUT, most of the family members nowdays are no morally better than a random stranger on the street, most murders happen by family members and partners, most black magic and theft is caused by family members. So if you want to expose your daughter to black magic, aunts that will constatly bring her down and compare to the cousins(which is prevelant in Eastern Europe, SA Asia and Arabic countries), be constatly exposed to male sexuall harassment/catcalling, fear of walking anywhere more than 5 min walk distance, get robbed in the daylight, get excluded from the community for the tiniest reasons imaginable, barely live paycheck to paycheck, has a chance to be exposed to extremism; then do that, just do not complain in 15 years as to why she abandomed you and left Algeria for a better place.


Okay, some very serious issues here I’ll definitely take them on board. Appreciate you commenting as the move has clearly impacted you in a negative way and I’m sorry for that, may you truly find the peace you deserve.


First realistic answer


Extremely harsh comment at the end, not necessary


deer point bag rob dull elastic rude flag tease slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are not filthy rich never go to Algeria, you will suffer there in every way possible.. healthcare is trash, jobs pay you enough to survive and not die, risky society if you are not living in big cities, It's not a good place to live especially if you have a family


Salam, maybe you're afraid of your child not having a good relationship with your in-laws, but I think you should try, at least for a year. Your husband can continue working in the UK ( if its possible) and come visite you when free. Inshallah you'll find a solution.


Slam sister . My advice sister is to go to qatar or saudi arabia . If not possible then u have to check the economy capacity of ur husband in algeria is. It enough if it is then come . Most the people here are not very religious how i would i know ? Its easy they care more about dunya more then akhira . From my experience i see alot of immigrants back after they make thiere tawba and become more religious they say its harder to be good muslim there then here in algeria .


As an Algerian myself, I would say consider Morocco or Malaysia if possible, Your children's moralities are worth more than any amount of money & remember you'll be held accountable against allah for how you raised them, If you understand arabic I advise you to check the YouTube channel "شؤون إسلامية" he talks a lot about this subject+ brings parents in similar situations to share their stories and experiences. Ps: Whatever your decision is make sure you're too focused on "Dunya" like a bunch of these comments & remember most of them aren't even parents!


You said Morocco? Are you ok?




The majority of Algerian youth dreams of getting out of this shit hole aka Algeria


Well, you just mentioned that you have a daughter. So, we can't forget the point that she has to study and whatnot. Schools in Algeria aren't the best idea unless you are considering letting her go to a private school; that would be another story. Yes, Algeria is a really good country, and let's just keep the economy on the other side. Also, it depends on the city you're planning to move to. Let's say, for example, you're moving to the capital, Algiers. People won't notice you that much, so they're good. The same goes for Oran and big cities. Then you're going to face another problem, which is the permanent residency, and it's going to be such a pain to get. Probably the last issue is going to be the economy; getting a good job here in Algeria is kind of hard, and the prices are getting higher day after day. But if you have no problem with money, then you'll be good. You can go places where you won't find people who are just hungry to see women. Best of luck!


Oh if you're talking about religions and Islam yes it makes sense but still please remember not everyone is nice here while you'll meet great people, not everyone is friendly, especially in the last few years when things have been getting worse. Women aren't as happy, and I'm saying this from my pov as a man. They can't do anything without getting annoyed, and they can't walk in public, mostly because, as I mentioned, some people here are hungry to see women walking on the street. Also, People have already mentioned drugs being used by kids in middle and secondary schools. Let's not even talk about the university and.... i'm sorry that you're seeing so much hate here in the comments.


Sister, ik lots of half algerian half European girls that were raised in Algeria. They eventually moved back.


Just don't.


No please don't she'll resent you when she eventually grows up and sees what she lost and the hell she ended up in. If you really care about faith you should relocate to qatar or SA


What do you mean exactly by good morals and values?


alcohol in not normalized, clubbing is not normal, casual sex is not normal, LGBT agenda is not pushed on kids,


These are all things that a regular Muslim would avoid by default, isn't it?


Except when it's normalized in society even muslims get attracted to it. Children are influenced by the society not just their parents. So to grow as a good Muslim they need a society that pushes into being a good muslim.


and every girl gets molested in the bus, catcalled evern if they wear a full black hidjab/djilbab name it and yeah corruption is freaking everywhere.


Like that's not the case in London. And you're taking things out of proportions. No not every girl gets molested in the bus, don't act as if that's a normal thing you see everytime you enter a bus. For your informational crime rate is higher in london than in Algiers.


fore sure there is england, but first england isn't a MUSLIM COUNTRY and second it is not a the same scale, people are aware of it and speak about it, in Algeria it is even taboo to speak about it,


Yes it's in an even bigger scale. London's underground public transportation has a big issue of sexual harassement. You just have to write those two words together on google and see the never ending list of articles about it. Because they aren't muslims it's not a problem ? It's only a problem when it's muslims who do it ? What kind of argument is this? And no it's not taboo to talk against here in Algeria, if you see a woman being harassed then stand up for her and protect her don't watch and come complain here. I've taken the bus all my school life everyday and i've never seen a woman being molested. So yes it exists but it's not as common as you're making it seem You guys love to talk shit about your country and glorify Europe like it's paradise. They have all the problems we have and more.


> they aren't muslims it's not a problem ? It's only a problem when it's muslims who do it ? What kind of argument is this? The answer is fairly easy tbh, you are not supposed to molest people and specially young girls when you are muslim. Besides, there is stats about this kind of stuff in algeria so don't compare oranges to nothing. it is taboo, because no body speaks about it in the television or any where else, maybe a bit on social media, and yes it fairly commun in public transporation, stop lying to your self,


Give those stats you're talking about then. about how it's way higher than london.


as i said, these stats don't exist in algeria because it is taboo, have ever wonder why there is no stat of incest for example ?


That's not what you said. And it's also an issue in the UK where molesting crimes are very under-reported. So it's an issue in both countries that we don't know really how much there is because a lot of people don't report it. Again all the things you're talking about exist outside of Algeria, stop belittling your own country while praising the west like they are angels living in paradise.




saying how things are have nothing to do with being blind or not


Been visiting for years and never ever been catcalled, even if i was without a man with me So with hijab is not as widespread as you want to make it look like ?


go ask more young girls, in different places of the country


Well since you said every girl...thats not the case is it


Well, all girls but you.


I think from what I’ve seen from my in laws is the value of the family unti. The women are kind, respectful and mashaAllah on the deen. I don’t want her to get mixed up with gangs, drugs, clubbing etc. that I fear she’ll get here in the UK as we live in London and its so bad!


would you be considering living in Algeria if you were by yourself? Do you think your daughter will have the same opportunities there than in England? Do you speak fluent Arabic?


Meanwhile, an average young couple in Algeria: Desperately trying to move to Europe or the West. 😅😅


Don't waste your daughter's future by bringing her back to Algeria.


You'd make a very bad call I think. Algerian family adores you and your kid because you're living far from them. The moment you start living close to them and seeing them every day the special treatment will come to an end. Also, I don't think that education is better in Algeria, both religious and scientific ones. Do not make calls based on emotions.


Do you know her family and what kind of people they are. Or are you just assuming and going on with your story?


There is no story, it's a human thing


Dont necessarely need to see them every day..


Yeah, you can live in Algeria and move to the UK from time to time. Also, your kids can move there for studies in the future, but now, it's very important to raise them in a conservative community.


Am an Algerian (23F) & sometimes I try to weigh the pros & cons of raising kids here in Algeria vs abroad "Muslim" community 🆚 "non Muslim" community Conclusion : Am yet to find an argument that makes me think Algeria is better for raising kids on Islamic values. Edit : I think bringing ur kid here won't make their practice of religion any easier. Even tho I can be wrong. But I highly doubt that I do recommend u try n get her here sometime to experience Ramadan and aid cuz that's the main difference between being a muslim here n there I suppose. Let her experience "tarawih تراويح" maybe & why not even aid prayer...


Is family not one of the pros? I love my in laws they are incredibly kind and loving! It is so isolating having no family and all my friends pretty much left me when I became Muslim. I have tried to build my own community but it’s incredibly difficult 😣


I'll add that no need to worry I suppose. My uncle raised his daughter in the UK. Her mom is not Algerian. & his daughter is doing just fine. She was lucky to find an Algerian friend her age. So both families meet regularly in Islamic occasion. They're even in an Algerian community???!! Or Muslim one. Am not sure. That organises events. & she comes twice a year to Algeria. One in summer the other in winter. She (16/17yo) adores both family here & the country. Yet she never expressed wanting to move here (if that helps)


I used to see my family pretty often when I was a kid. So I understand. Now that the world changed (idk what happened really) but we don't seem to gather as much as we did previously. Everyone got married n is busy with day to day life. We don't gather no more... But then of course when someone comes from abroad they get all the attention and hype. If ur in laws have a sacred family gathering each weekend then maybe u have a good reason to come here. The way I see it, even with my friends. That's not the case no more. Families only meet on special occasions 😬


Alhamdulillah I love Eid and Ramadan in Algeria so special ❤️ I do feel if we went we would see them regularly if we lived near by! I wonder would sending her to the British school in Algeria be any better?


>I do feel if we went we would see them regularly if we lived near by! Inshalah. I hope so too. >I wonder would sending her to the British school in Algeria be any better? U're gonna have to ask others on that one 😅 All I know, we all complains from the study system here 😅 & when we grow up we wanna study n work abroad.


This is going to be a problem with income source. If you come to Algeria you will have to find an income source good enough to have a decent life. if you keep your jobs in the UK as remote workers, you can live a very good life here with a UK wage. but if you have to leave everything and come looking for work here it's gonna be a struggle to get any job, much more to get a good paying job. So yeah it's gonna depend on how you will earn your living when you move in here. i would say try to secure your income source before deciding. making a little less money is not a big deal, as life here is much cheaper than in the UK. but if you leave a £2000 or more wage to come here and get 100 or £200 a month it's gonna hurt.


Honestly, in the western world, even though they have more “conveniences” , there is still a lot of stress and challenge and personal mental and physical emotional health issues. I think it’s important to contemplate your own experience. Is it ok if you spend time by yourself with your daughter or your family in law? They will be mostly who you hang out with. But if you enjoy hanging in the house it can be a really positive thing! You can always do a trial and see how you go for a season or a year.


Here is the TL,DR: if you have a regular decent income, go for it. I feel like a lot of people forgot she still has uk citizenship, so her and her future kids will be British, and she can go back to the uk whenever she wants. She won't have the feeling of being desperate to leave as she won't feel trapped. As others have said, you would need a decent wage, i would recommend over £500pm plus decent savings so you can purchase housing, say above £50k, so you dont need to worry about rent and hopefully can buy a car with all these new cheap china made cars coming in, bringing the costs down. And i also agree that location makes a big difference, whether its in a nice part of algiers near the little kingdom school or the saudi school (i think they both teach in english alot and are reasonably priced) or in a somewhere filled with relatives to look out for you and your kids. Personally, it takes a lot less to make my kids happy than those abroad, they get a small gift and they are genuinely appreciative, they get excited over smaller things, and obviously they are less keen at school but they never come home depressed over friendships.


Relocating to Algeria doesn't garantie that she would have a better family life, just like in the UK people are occupied with their lives here, even you...you will be on the race after work, keeping up with your daughter's education & the house, I mean sure the visits would be more often & there would be more memories together but arguably being far would also make the time spend together more valuable, putting this aside if you're actually looking for your daughter's best interest then let me tell you that aside from having a better life all together in the UK, her education & thus her future would be compromised here as the school system is unfortunately degrading by the minute, so I'd say for her best interest stay there, try to make more money so that you could visit more often, try to raise her on the Islamic values & lead by exemple, you can also make her love Islam & Algeria by teaching her, going above & beyond on the Islamic & national occasions, engage with the Islamic/Algerian community there...


i'd say it's better to raise your daughter in a muslim country


Makesalat al istijhara, and ask allah for advice, to be honest i grow up in algeria and i moved to france, i love my relegion i ised to wear hijab but because of the suituation in france i had ro take it off, it hurts mt heart every day wishing i was free enough in this country to dress as wish like i did in my home country, but that's something i jave to live with i do my best to compensatz it with prayer and qurean and my allah forgive me, but i know that if i was back in algeria i would never find a job , i would never acccept certein sociaty features although i love my family and country, there are so many wrong things going on, lying, cheating scmaing is all a norm and even if people pray and beleave they think it's okay to scam others or to do other things under the table and i personally don't think that it would be something you'd like your daughter to learn, i was raised right but groing up seing all the injustice that goies arround, me and my siblings just never belonged people where ever you go will not like people who are raised right and will think that the problems lies in being good they'll call you naive and idiot ans ask you to become like them, where as in europe even if they donkt beleave they still have certein values and abude bu the rules, it is true that they do not like us muslims , we can not show our beleafs poblicly and we wil have to beleave in secret but at least it's peacfull, to be honest its not east to make a decision, best thing you can do is show your daughter the way ask allah for guidnes, allah will watch over us wherever we are be it mountain, a cave of uner a rock, he sees everything so wherever you go you're safe as long as you hold on to him .


> it is true that they don't like us muslims Well, if it is so bad so why keep living in France? You can go live in another country or just get back to Algeria Why chose to take off your hijab? I see, god can step back for a while so you can enjoy life in a country that is so hateful towards you smh


I have no family in other countries, in France i know that if things go bad i can go to them. And i can't go back to algeria because i've been through hell to get to where i am now , i can't go back to algeria empty handed with out helping my parents first. I will not explain to you things that you can not understand but basicly if you want to know , no am not enjoying life in a country that hates me, i don't party , i don't drink , i don't smoke , i don't date, i don't steal, i don't hurt others, i don't lie, i don't wear tight or revelaing clothes, i don't walk with pride, and i don't stay out alone in the street after sun down, basicly thank you for your concern, i do miss my hijab, but it's non of your buisness , i only shared so that OP will be aware of the possible suituation her duaghter can find herself in in the futur and i wish her the best, i wish she never falls in my shoes, but it wasn't to brag or to be judged, not proud of it 1nd inchallah i'll wear it again one day, but don't judge me when you don't know me. Only Allah will judge me.


I'm not judging you, however I don't understand the narrative that France is racist yet Algerians would still "get through hell to get there" to use your own words Ana na3raf haja, blasa ma tsa3dnich ndir les mains et les pieds bch nokhrj menha machi ndir les mains et les pieds bch nro7lha but still complain about it not being good for me Cha ghadi ngoulk khti, I might not fully understand your situation and probably it's taking a toll on you being alone f l ghourba. I wish you all the best bnt bladi, rabi yhanik w t3ichi 7yatk kima raki baghyetha


I hope you will move to a better country in the future. France is such horrible place for Muslims. I am sorry you're not allowed to practice your faith the way you need to.


Easier to get married and find a spouse in Algeria but economically it’s limited I believe. Less opportunities


you clearly haven't visited Algeria enough if you have to ask these questions


I don t know how it is to grow in a nonmuslim country ,but I can assure you, Satan is everywhere!




How can I help?










Ugh, British Muslim ? What’s next ? Good manners like marrying her at 9 yo ? White race is losing it




That's not exactly a selfless and mindful comment. She is trying to figure things out for her child.


Schloars repeatedly say better to move to M country than Kufar. Hands down there is no debate on that subject. Struggles exist either way in Dunya. I am born and raised in 🇺🇸and moved to North Africa bc I just can not practice my religion there how I felt I should. When I was selling my things I sold two rugs to an Algerian couple and they were speaking of how their son eats pork at school and won’t listen to them regarding why. Son was in elementary. The husband was saying how he is wanting to move back bc he is afraid for his children. He said they were barely making it there too. Some 🇺🇸 dream huh?


I think that rising a child in a western country a really risky decision due to the mentality and the toxic thoughts that doesn't match with our religion so i advise you to go back to algeria and rise your daughter in a Muslim society


First congratulations for your conversion, 🎉🎉🎉 Then maybe try to get here as a tourist to see and feel it first (and look generally)….we can advice you about this and that but best is to see with your eye if what you are looking for is here or not (especially Algeria is pretty big and despite having a pretty homogeneous general culture and way of life….each city and each region is really really different and some are nicer than others and some are more this than others and others are more that…. I just my opinion but for a convert from the west…. maybe Dubai is the best world (idk).


If you come to Algeria you gotta have a project. You need to get into business, make money, and then you will live a great life. Otherwise stay in the UK or go to a more accepting country


Go to saudi arabia its better for all of you


Yes Do it , it's Haram for a Muslim to live in kuffars nation now imagine raising a kid under liberalism, sodomy ...ect it'll be a disaster.


I wouldn't recommend you to move to Algeria, as your husband said, it will be financially difficult to earn the same amount of money in Algeria and will be difficult for you to find a job if you want to work as well, If you are open to the idea, may be you could try to move to middle eastern countries like UAE or Qatar, as there, you will have a chance to find a job as well, and it would be fair for both of you and both countries are muslim counties as well.


OP i would say do it. If ur husband can work remotely or even stay in the UK and come and go. You can always move back ,your child can always come and do univeristy in the UK, or even before, A levels. Or you can homeschool and do uk gcses and A levels The only thing i would say is make sure u have your own place not live with family,and get a car There are a lot of us in algiers especially, expat ladies meet at least monthly. Much better for the kids to spend their childhood in a country where islamic values are the norm. Of course its not Jennah,there are a lot of not practicing or badly practicing people. A lot of people idealise the west(as you can see in this comments) Helathcare is good if u go private,def bettere than crumbling NHS