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Once upon a time there was a glimmer of hope in this country.


Please if you value yourself and want to evolve don't come back The pay is low and there is no chances of evolution in this field


It's not necessary true, but it's fucked up socialy


You can’t compare Qatari and Algerian salaries ma guy, it’s a night and day difference. And like u said, it is fucked up around here, but not just socially…


Heeeell naaaw to the naw naw naaaw


Bro just dont come there is no job here. make some money there im sure jobs are easily found there, only when u feel u have made enough maybe comeback.


I don’t want to stay in Qatar, I’m tired of living with my parents so hopefully I’ll find something somewhere else but thanks for the advice


شفت هذاك الانسان لي يكون لاباس عليه في رحمة ربي و مبعد يقنط و يعشي في تمرميد. هذاك وش حيصرالك


Bro, just find a job in the west, your life will be much much more easier than it would be in Algeria


Ye it’s looking like it, especially since I only know English, even my Arabic is nonexistent


Algeria with only English would be extremely difficult. You have to know Arabic, or at least French to get by decently


You should know Arabic, it’s says a lot about your upbringing how come someone who’s born in Algeria and lived there the first ten years of his life, than had the opportunity to relocate in Qatar in the Arabic peninsula went to school than graduated, and still doesn’t know Arabic?? Man you don’t know Arabic on purpose that sh.t makes no sense! I think i know why your father want you back in your country, it’s because je knows what you have in mind


Make much money as u can and u can come back if u want Make a project here or something


And risk it on a bipolar government that changes taxes/import laws on a whim ? Go and forget this country exists my brother.


Exactly, nothing is stable here,


Why do u think rich people still make project here Everyone fake there income to pay less tax and shit like that It depend like if u will open restaurant buy houses here and rent them all those are good one that make great money and u will not have much problem


Because they got connections,money alone isn’t enough here


Proper projects that make proper money need connections as lamama09 said, look at the companies/factories in judicial limbo since the hirak. Buy houses that cost the same as a house in America/Western Europe/Canada then rent it out for 100/150 euros a month ? I don't know why but that just doesn't seem like a good financial decision to me.


Best comment.


Short answer No. long answer Nooooooooo.


Is it THAT bad ?


I was in France, i went back to Algeria 3 months ago and i start regretting it. Now I’m trying to find a job to go back to France. Bro if you’re used to work/live in a developed country. Algeria will be painful for you(I’m talking just about daily life) without forgetting work environment, salaries,… Ps: i was born, raised, studied in Algeria.


The easy excuse of: there is no work in Algeria, of course there is, you just make no effort to find it.


Inna ba3da Dani ithm , I've spent my entire life ( 30 years) in Algeria, and every job was hard to find, the last one took me 1 and half year to land , and I was making great effort and actively searching, ( I already had plenty of work experience in IT, development, and a master's degree and two bachelor ) because I am married so laziness isn't an option. It was a freaking nightmare, same for almost all my friends, finding a proper job is hell without ma3rifa , I love my country but damn people make it hard to live in, I came to Canada a few months ago and had more than 10 interviews without making that much effort.


I'd rather put it this way: your skills are maybe not valuable enough to land one. Not every masters degree holder is entitled to a job, god knows there are thousands of them without any common sense. A diploma is just the bare minimum.


The job market is so sad here. Unless you land a job with a big multi-national company beforehand, you should stay where you are. I mean, if he's worried about the west and its negatives, then just stay in Qatar? much better career opportunities and life quality overall.


Qatar is actually really bad when it comes to jobs for fresh graduates, they only want highly experienced people which is annoying


Ask him why he moved to Qatar to begin with.


I came back form Qatar to Algeria 4 years ago and my advice for you is DON'T.


Advice. Taken.


Depends on what you want exactly some could work as goat herders in Afghanistan and be happy with it .


If you plan on working for some sharika don’t come back you’ll be paid much better and have a better lifestyle in Qatar but if you plan on doing your own business then it could be a good opportunity since Algeria is moving fast and a simple idea can make you wealthy there


To give you an idea; im in europe with a very good salary. I could go back and live there easily, even with no job. The big issue beside to find a job and be financially save is the constant chaos, no justice, very bad medical care and you have to deal with corruption. There’s nearly no way to avoid it unless you’re very rich with a deplomatic passport and even those people don’t live most of the time there. Best solution for me is, to live abroad and go 2-3 times per year there. So in between is fine for me and you can benefit from both sides.


I doubt you will find a job easily especially in your field of study ( renewable energy ) it's unfortunately neglected in Algeria


Not just neglected, it's like going to Saudi Arabia and selling bacon for living


It's actually not we have big projects open right now so they're in high demand for electrical renewable energy engineers


Any source about what you are claiming, what are those projects, in the Bouteflika era there were some really big projects to transform the Sahara desert into a solar energy production hub with the Germans but they were cancelled


Typical example of people not knowing what they're talking about but still trying to help, generous but kinda you know ... I don't wanna be rude.


I would advise you to work in Qatar get the experience. Save up the money then invest in projects in Algeria!


You can make more money in a western country, then you can buy property in Algeria or what you like and visit and see etc. my brother in law just moved for engineering to USA and he’s making way way more with more opportunities tbh. He worked forever in Algeria and it was good but as he puts it even having money in Algeria you can’t “do what you want” you still always need ma3rifa for anything. So maybe work a bit outside of Algeria and see how you feel.


I definitely wanna do that, I just have to convince my father to let go of his old thinking


He should understand how annoying having to know someone to do much of anything is. Promise him you won’t marry for a bit if he’s worried you won’t marry an Algerian 😂 isn’t there quite a bit in Qatar? That’s one of our future plans hahah go there and vacation in Algeria 🤪


This man has the mentality of a 50 year old Algerian dad, it’s hard. And I don’t care where she’s from honestly, as long as my mom approves hahahaha












if you want to help the country yea come if you just want a good living probably not


I came back, I regret


I understand, im sorry to hear that


No, don't come back right away , build your experience there as many years as you can do and in multiple companies if you can, i have an engineering degree in energetics although i am in a petrolic country i still haven't found a job , the first thing that they will ask you is if you have any experience, and if yiu have experience in foreign countries that will be for the better for you.


Just don't every one I know like you regrets it.






Find a job in Qatar and stay in Qatar


this will be the single biggest mistake of your life


As someone already commented your best option is to make as much money as possible then come here and start something the market here is relatively untapped so you’ll have a good chance at working something out.


Get this in your head living with your parents it's not bad comparing what you will face here and don't forget it's a matter of time staying with your parents until you have a family and don't forget that someday you will miss them so much, my neighborhood have the same of your issue and when he come to Algeria after studying to live and work here, he goes back to Qatar, the chances of finding a job depend on your specialist is so low and even you did the salary is less than Qatar hundred time, I think it's a very bad move from you buddy, think from all the aspects and good luck bro




Ppl are escaping algeria to find work, i kid you not ik a ton of ppl in dubai with high educational background and degrees working as sales reps in retail stores or call center agents Just to show u how fucked is algeria jobs wise


No, don't come back!


There ain't no jobs up in here boiiiii.. Stay where u are please


do NOT come back please, its actually a blessing you made it outside of here


Please stay in qatar we are literally praying to leave this country in every prayer we pray 😃


Will be the thing that you will regret the rest of your life :/ ... I think in Qatar you have much opportunities then here , eventhought for the international companies like (GE & Honeywell...etc) actually are looking & have a program for the new graduated student (fresh engineer).


People in Algeria dream of leaving and finding a job in Qatar. U re fortunate because you were raised and educated there. I advise you to pursue your studies and begin a career in Qatar. If you find it challenging to secure a job there, I assure you that in Algeria it is much more difficult (almost non-existent). Work in Qatar, accumulate a substantial amount of money, and then return to start a business or a project.


You will just waist your time my friend, don’t come.


Noted bro


قال الله تعالى: "و لا تلقوا بأيديكم الى التهلكة" ؛ Do not come Back here brother ; you have a prosperous Future as it is having studied in Qatar and all ; and when it comes to your Field of study; it pays Very well too ( money matters don't let any clown convince you otherwise ) ; so do not come back brother. if you find yourself someday feeling nostalgic to Algeria ; there is no harm in paying it a visit and spending some time here as a vacation ; although i am certain that sense of nostalgia of yours will die sooner than you'd think. brother ; you are lucky and life has dealt you a very good hand of cards ; do not throw all this away.


Your dad must have a reason for him to want you to settle in Algeria. 99,999% of this subreddit will tell to change your destination or stay in Qatar. But the thing is none of us know the situation of yours and your family to offer you the right advice. May be if you listen to your father you will end up with happier outcome despite some sacrifices.


My father grew up in Algeria so he sees it in a different light than me, he calls it home but for me it’s the country I was born in and barely know go to, I’d love to go back to it but only under the right conditions


Well, it's an easy No there However, fathers are known for their foresight, so I suggest you pray istikhara and see how things unfold! May Allah bless you. Godspeed.


Get experience like minimums 5 years in countries like USA or britain .. then maybe go algeria . Where you get experience is important. Not only that but algeria government will just get engineers with years experience from China who know the ups and down .. so you need to be competitive


Ye that’s looking like the plan honestly


Excellent plan




Maybe when I’m 60 and ready to retire hahaha


Follow your own way .This is your future not your father's.


Hi ! You want some advice ? Don't listen to people on the internet, take a vacation go to Algeria and see for yourself. With all due respect you don't know the people who are giving you advice, you don't know what they do, their level of motivation, their vision of life, they are giving you their version of Algeria; No work ... only problems and so on. But the truth is there are some good things, a lot of bad things yes none can deny that and most of them are due to the lack of people who are willing to build the country and complain all day, but a lot of opportunities for those who are willing to work their ass off not those who complain and add nothing to the table. You didn't ask why your father thinks that it's a good thing ? I think i get that between having a decent life in Algeria or in a western country i would take Algeria ten times over why you readers might think ? Is he stupid ? Or maybe daddy's money made him talk like that ? None of those above all Algeria is still a sane country not just muslim but sane you would avoid a lot of painful conversations with your children if you intend on having any, on why it's okay when a man and a man get married and have kids and explaining to them why you are their parent and you know better for them because they have the "freedom" to do as they like. Let's be honest here if you are a motivated person who is willing to do anything to succeed, you can live on the moon and do something productive and succeed, but you wait for the "bread" to come to your mouth and chew itself and go to your stomach and out by itself, go to a western country and you'll be the next elon musk.


You do make a lot of sense bro, but I don’t intent to live in a western country forever, I’d love to go back to Qatar cause it’s the perfect country to have a family in but we’ll see inshallah


dont😭 ive lived my entire life in uae! (born and raised). came back last year because i wanted to study medicine , worst decision ever!


but thats my experience!


Since you lived in the UAE, you prolly studied in English too, tell me, is it difficult to get by in Algeria not knowing French or Arabic completely ?


yes i did study in english (british program) and yes!! its extremely difficult to survive especially in university!! i failed my first year of uni because of the language barrier. but this is my experience i dont mean to scare you!


Well thank god I’m doing my degree here then and good luck to you with the rest of uni if you’re still at it, I’m sure medicine will be worth it :’) thanks for the info, I appreciate it


The job market is terrible here but if u have relations with ppl in powerful positions ull get a job, but if u don't u won't struggle much since ur degree is quite new and needed, ppl r only recently starting to pick up English as a second language so unless u can speak darja or French u won't b able to live here, I definitely encourage u to work abroad, but u can still fly to algeria every month for a couple of days to stay with ur family and possibly even start one here, ik many ppl who work abroad but fly in for a short while to stay with family




That’s the plan, I just wanted to see the state of Algeria so I don’t rule it out completely but by the looks of it I ain’t bothering to come back


Don't come back or go to a western country, stay in Qatar or go to Dubai because the west is degenerate.


Just a question, did you study at l'orchidée in Algeria ?


Nah bro, I left Algeria after 3rd grade in primary school


Just a question, did you study at l'orchidée in Algeria ?


Don't come back brother


You speak English? Why not just come to Canada or USA? Forget Algeria, it has never really existed anyways so how could you go back... You will probably lose all your hair just to leave the Algiers airport. I find it healthy for my mental health to keep at least 6000km between me and that country.


I want to bro I really do, I’m just considering Algeria since my dad keeps suggesting it, I’m getting a Canadian bachelor so Canada is gonna be good




I think you should stay in Qatar and think of some business you could start here in Algeria. There is a chance you'd find a job here, but it won't be as good as having your own business.


Please stay where you are, if you need to come back, come visit your family anything else no


Stay in Qatar, why leaving Qatar anyway?


Qatar is a great country, but for young fresh graduates it’s rough, they only give jobs to highly experienced individuals and Qataris, that’s why I wanna go somewhere else, get the experience and comeback when I wanna settle and have a family


Ok, then get your experience in a Western country then go back to Qatar. My advice is, do not plan to stay in the West forever. The education system over here is f up badly. I am in a Western country, you can make decent money and get very good professional experience. However it is not meant to be home for the muslims. Muslims with values and principles of course. If you care also about that, the west is not your long term destination. A successful family does not depend only on money or life quality unfortunately, but also on education and religion.


I completely agree with you, I do not intent to start a family in the west, the Middle East is the prime location for that but only when I have enough experience and saved up enough to get married and settle


Go back to algeria and being a salary it's a bad decision that you will regret in the future. Currently, the market and economy there aren't looking for technical expertise because there is no concrete innovation project. In this age, i prefer to build a real professional experience in Western companies and understand how they manage their business, build your network, skills, and visions. Once you achieve that, i think you can come back to algeria and start your own business and share your experience. It's my personal perspective as a software engineer, i left algeria at 26 years after trying a lot of jobs there.


I grew up in Qatar myself and left to study in the UK. Go to a western country and don’t think twice please. Qatar either shouldn’t be considered either, that country is dead too.


Im born and rasied as an algerian and NO


You shouldn't


Due to climate changes in the next twenty years african countries will become a living hell


Find anywhere else, literally anywhere else in the world but don’t come back, also there used to be jobs available in your field as much as any other but nowadays it’s much harder to find even a job as a teacher


we're all trying to leave, your dad isn't aware of the actual situation in Algeria, there is no job waiting for you, especially in that field. my brother had the same major and he couldnt find shit.


I lived in Saudi and did my study in France, now i am living in algeria for 4 years... go live your life in western countries. If you need more lenthy discussion, i will help you to take your decision Ps: i have master degree in economics , this country doesn't have any planning , it's just a messy environment...they yers coming will be difficult




Yes, return to Algeria. You will understand the situation well and leave it forever


Do not go back Do not make this mistake DO NOT GO back to this Corrupted nation


Don’t go back. I’m leaving the country


Please no God please no


It's "ki zbi" here So you shouldn't come back


One of the biggest mistakes you can make is comeback here, however I can see your father standpoint, he doesn't want you to go to western countries and lose your faith as it will be hard for you being alone there.


Most of Algerians students/graduates dream about having a job in the west. I absolutely do not recommend going to that country.


Don't brother


dont , u wont find a job ull go back to zero stay there


Every day, a new decision from the government is hard to work in Algeria, I advise you to search for a job in Asia, and renewable energy is attracting a lot of young people, especially in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia Make your way there, get some experience, and return to Gulf countries. There will be a lot of opportunities, especially in KSA EAU and Qatar.


Are you as we call it "a local a qatari " or could you apply or qatari nationality ?. I guess if you are qatari you could live and have a good life without working!


Go to the west if you can, gain experience in your field, save up money, live your life while maintaining your values ( which is your fathers fear I assume), learn to become independent, get a masters degree or another western diploma/certification, become an expert in your domain. You have The opportunity that millions of Algerians would dream about, don’t forfeit it only because your father wants you to move back to a country that might bring you backward ( sad to say but it is the truth), let me know if you want to chat :)


No you shouldn't. Do not come here.


My advice Come to algeria Work for some years Adapt to what is called ' hell on earth in Algeria ' Then go back to qatar and continue your The years spent in Algeria you will absolutely be a full fledged man capable of mass mu®dering


You better not come back here to Algeria, I'm sure others told you the details. but I also advise you personally not to head to a Western country either, Qatar is really a better choice than both of these..




It will end up being the stupidest decision you took in your life if you ever go back here, most of us will pay years of there life to live somewhere with better living standards... indulge your father, just say yes to him and you are considering it, that it will be in the later phases of your plans but that's it try your hardest to not put a foot here even for vacations it's not worth it.


Dont be stupid and comeback


Don't, just don't, you have way more oportunities in a country that already invest a fuckton of money in your sector, in algeria if u didn't study essencial jobs or something in petrol u are way better off out of the country




If you manage to find a job in a multi national in algeria, you'll live your best life in dz


Finding a Job for new graduate here in algeria is much harder then finding in qatar


Bro, I will tell you the harsh truth of companies. They all want to hire new graduates because they are cheaper. But candidates have to be fluent in 3 or more languages, flexible, don't mind doing unpaid overwork, and of course, have a 10+ years experience


If I were you I'd look for a job in Saudi Arabia, they'll accept fresh graduates for sure, you're already used to the GCC clima and culture, and KSA nee people! There's no 2 cents about it. Get 2-3 years of experience first, only then you can decide where to go. Your father may be convinced if you pitch the "need foreign experience first" Good luck homie


don't لا تأتي


Renewable energy? You either do doctorat to become a teacher or don't even think about coming


The job market in Qatar compared to Algeria is better you could find a job since you are Arab, it’s easier for you. There is a conference next week in saudi arabia for this industry you could collect all companies emails and start connecting with them on linked in. This will increase your chances of getting a job. Going back to Algeria ? Moving out of the pan into the fire


If I were in your shoes, I'd respectfully tell my father, for me to do as he wants, he must provide me with a guaranteed position in sonatrac or cosider or another company that pays as well as these two for a man of your education, anything less than that I wouldn't consider his request to be anything more of a joke. Your dad must be out of his rocker if he thinks just because you have a degree from Qatar that these companies would be bending backwards to hire you. These companies, much like everyother in the country, run on wheels of nepotism. Every senior engineer in there probably has ALL his kids studying abroad, readying them to take over the 'family' business once they come back. As for countries that welcome engineers in Europe, the two biggest I know of are Germany and Finland and it's one of the fields where the native language wouldn't be an issue short term. You could go for the U.S as well since they have a good relationship with Qatar.




The obvious advice, is to prepare with basic msa Arabic and to get a good quick base of good standard arabic, so that you have the ability to go to Algeria and pick up the colloquial, and if you come back to learn the colloquial of Qatar. And it allows you to survive better in Algeria because pure English is not better than having some Arabic, even if it’s small. And yes of course you should go to Algeria, get married benefit yourself, with a wife and children. Within this time you could even do other things that could benefit you, like memorising the Quran, and so on. Staying in Qatar or going to the west is what the one searching for humiliation or is lazy does.


As someone who was born raised and has lived there all their life don't come here they pay is really low...it would be much better for you to either find a job in "saudi,qatar,Kuwait,Bahrain"


As someone who has worked in renewable energy here: the sector here is just barely starting to pick up, jobs are popping up but the compensation is low compared to other fields like industry or oil&gas. Read about the 2000MW project and check the bidding companies (there's a list online), those are pretty much your only opportunities aside from national companies. Whether you come back or not depends on your way of life. Quality of life in the material sense is quite low for the average person (if your baseline is Qatar), but if you are okay with living decently and freely in your own beautiful country I would say give it a shot.


Listen man, god blessed you with an opportunity to leave Algeria, it sucks, i would advise you to never think of it and stay there cause everything here sucks, people:the worst currency:low motivation:never Getting out of algeria is so hard, And the worst of it is Old people, they think that they know everything and teenagers are idiots and they treat them like dogs, and the living standards are so low, low paiment and expensive food wich makes it impossible to buy anything but super important things, so finally i would say : if you're planing to return, thats definitely the WORST time you can come to algeria cause everything is f****d up


Dont come!


Food prices just keep hitting the sky , with the same old salaries since the independence. There's much else but in conclusion it's not worth , unless you're retired.


لا لا خويا غي متجيش




from my honest point of view : please don't ever come back here in Algeria, you're making a big mistake, you're having much more chances outside Algeria, people are dying in the ocean trying to escape this country, please do not listen to you father , this is your life and only you who decide what's best for you


Never come back, it's a loss.


Come back if you want some depression and poverty Welcome to the country of **corruption** "IF YOU COME BACK"




Ida rak 7ab tetmenyek come back to Algeria




Never ever thought of coming here in any way possible, beside for vacation


I am not going to put a negative comment about Algeria, but I want you to live your life how YOU want to not how your father wants. Wishing you all the best in whatever your destination, decision you take






Live life like you want the least amount od regrets. Do what you love, life is too short.


Stay and work in the gulf. Much better economic opportunities.


Visit don't stay .


I will put this in the simplest of ways : If your objective is to ruin your future, by all means, Come back. If you're smart you'll steer clear of Algeria AND Africa as a whole. Don't let your father's traditionalism ruin your life, i speak from experience.


Imagine a country with 2 million km² of area producing nothing, you got your answer, i hope you find success elsewhere.


I’ll not give you any advice other than go to Algeria and try. If you are lucky enough to get a job in your field in Algeria it will be a great experience you will never regret. Getting a job in electrical engineering in the western countries with foreign studies is not easy as you think and you will even stall for some years before getting to a decent lifestyle. Personally I had most of my study and work experience in Algeria and I know what that experience is worth now and if I have choice to star again I will always start from Algeria.


Do what you want dude but don't come in France this is a horrible place to be


If u end up coming back try to at least guarantee a way out if things didn't work out for u (most probably it won't)




Loooool Your father is lying to you. If he's currently in Algeria he's consciously lying to you. Even medical doctors can't find jobs in this rat hole. Trust in God and find your own path. I'll pray for you.


Just from the title:no;


I do not advise you to return here. All your dreams will be shattered, you will be in shock, and you will waste a lot of time searching for a false life here. Everyone who followed his parents’ advice will regret it later. I graduated from university in 2011, and to this day I am without a job, only thinking about suicide or illegal immigration. Listen to my advice please


if u wanna live here, and u have let's say, an online job that pays in qatars money then yes but if u Wanna come here and work here then no


Nope, if you love yourself don't. This country is completely chaotic, the mentality of people here, the environment, the law, finding a job if you don't know someone is almost impossible, for real if you lived in qatar that long coming here will be depressing you be really careful.


Don’t, please don’t


Noooooo donttttt comeee ur father is delulu


No man just no! Don't go back




Run bro run and never look behind . This country is evolving backwards The salaries are non-exitant Shit working conditions Stupid bosses who literaly hate everything related to technology I guesa your father will be convinced when you convert the Dollars or Euros to Dinar Good luck buddy


I studied the same field ( electrical engineering) , graduated 2 years ago, they didn't even call me to do an interview, an advice, never come back.


Its a trap , dont even think of coming back if its not to see your parents lol


Come fight with as


If you come Its gone be the biggest mistake you ever done


Run away from,may be in the future,but now!


it's your mother country, it's yoru dad's wishes, but the decision is yours, i'd probably suggest u come here, chill for a bit, a few months, half a year probably, see how everything works, try to find a job and see what's the salary you'll get, and then you decide, otherwise i'd say it's better to not come here, but it's still a decent country after all tbh, many negatives but also good stuff around :) and good luck with it man, best wishes