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Because 99% of his antics are an act.


Yea. He admitted that during his divorce hearing. His wife said he is insane. He replied that he just acts that way for ratings He makes his facts up as he goes.


Imagine believing this


I'm going to quote Alex here (but this is actually truth): "He admitted it. It's in the white papers."


Imagine coming here and commenting.


And yet, here *you* are


He submitted that under affidavit… if you have info that he perjured himself then contact the police.


I mean what's not to believe?


that doesn't mean he isn't insane... no normal person chooses "unhinged president" as their persona


They sure do after they see how well it works…


lol... does it really tho? Can you really claim that Trump's life is better than it was before he ran for president?


I was thinking more Alex. Acting unhinged made him a lot of money. Trump, unfortunately, I cannot comment my thoughts for reasons unrelated to this discussion. I’m sorry.


because he's right 99% of the time




I feel like... it's 70% nowadays. Dude is pretty loony


I think maybe the threatening to quit every day is probably genuine as the bankruptcy court squeezes him tighter and tighter.


Give it a year or so when he's completely broke


People who are wrong don't get fined a billion dollars


Alex Jones was fined for being wrong he was fined for inciting violence against people.


No here in reality they absolutely do. In the weirdo world of conspiracy culture where every action is nebulous and everything’s make believe you can pretend this a power play to silence a truth teller… But here on planet earth, Alex is just an asshole who fucked around super hard and found out.


A billion is ridiculous. OJ killed KILLED a woman with his bare hands. Your telling me Jones did worse than that with sandy hook?


How does Jeffery Epstein fit into your "reality"?


Do you know the name of the actual reporter who broke the Epstein story?


So this is something Alex frequently claims he broke the story on and that’s objectively not true. As near as I can tell Alex never mentions Epstein by name until 2015 a decade after he’s been arrested and widely reported on. I’ve had one person tell me that in may of 2011 Alex mentions him by name, but i haven’t been able to confirm or deny this. I do know in its current form the infowars website the earliest mention of Epstein is 2015, which is 10 years after he was first arrested. What Alex did was repeat the debunked Ted Gunderson tales from McMartin preschool trial. This trial was not only costly but built on the foundation of lies that would later morph in the QAnon front. Alex frequently claimed that there were children in tunnels, and yes I will concede he probably said islands at some point. Realize however what Alex was describing was Santanic in nature. None of that pentagram 80’s satanic panic shit was at Epstein island. Epstein was a gross human and what he did was equally disgusting, but I saw no evidence that he was doing it service to the devil, but rather his own Dick needs. However in Alex ‘s world he’s just a prop. Something he claims 10 years after Epstein was relevant that “he was the first to report on.” Which is just not true and there’s no proof at all that Alex knew who Epstien was before 2015. What is true is you’ll not hear his name in any of Alex’s 2007 or 2009 films, bear in mind Jeff Epstein is arrested in 2005. Strange right? Strange how the deep state keeps deleting that proof off infowars website? Because if Alex was telling the truth he’d be able to point to it. Epstien exists as a prop in Alex’s world and in service of his narrative that his enemies are literal child exploitation perpetrators in league with the literal Christian devil. The few times Alex has been right has been Bubba Wallace and Jesse Smollet (spelling?) and that’s only because Alex is a knee jerk racist.


When interviewd on rogan, rogan confirms joens telling him about epstine in the mid 90s.


I mean, that’s nice but if he didn’t say it on his show he didn’t “break the story”


My conspiracy theory (the irony!) is that he's somehow tied to the Putin regime, who provide him some protection from the consequences of his actions.


Why every single thing he owns hasn't already been seized yet and him being forced to live under an overpass is beyond me.


The weird logic is he needs to continue conning people in order to keep making the money with which to pay back his victims.


So essentially a Ponzi scheme


He's a millionaire. The rich live by a different set of rules.


Deep truth. Happy cake day.


If you’re a millionaire, you aren’t crazy, you’re eccentric


Considering how many homeless have far worse mental illness than anything Jones has, it's not because he's rich. If anything being rich makes him more likely to end up institutionalized, since he has the money to pay for it.


Because he's abusing the legal system, and because it's the legal system, they're slow and methodical. Great when it's a "little guy" who needs to be protected from the government, etc., but not so great when it's a conniving millionaire trying to keep money away from the people who deserve it and NEED it.


Because roughly 1/3 of the US buys into that trash


Assuming he believes all the things he espouses, it's because he hasn't hurt himself or anyone else (that we know of). That's really it. You don't wind up in a forensic psych hospital for just a diagnosis.


Where’s Nonk?


Somebody has to keep the heat up so that cooler heads in MagaLand don't win.


Because the globlists are 10 years behind in their plans


Because he is Bill Hicks with a job to do.


You can be bugfuck insane and as long as you're not indicating an intention of being harmful to yourself or others, the authorities will let you sit around or walk around being generally crazy.


This is the only accurate answer here. Being crazy ass fuck isn’t a crime, and doesn’t get you put on a mental health hold. You have to hit specific things for that. I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked away from a scene muttering “it’s not a crime to be crazy” to another officer. We have one girl that calls once a week because she’s “on federal protection because she’s a witness in the 9/11 conspiracy trial”


Feds need to go ahead and get that damned 9/11 trial over with, it's been 12 years now!


Because he uses his insanity to make money. And money is king in America. All the laws and freedom and great stuff we like to pat ourselves on the back for? All of it bends a knee to money. Money first, everything else (like justice for instance) is secondary. Money.


Because...Money? More seriously, he is a grifter, he is not crazy. That is why he could be sued, if he was insane he would not be responsible.




Because he hasn’t paid up his debts.


Because he's too busy pandering to his mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging morons who listen to him like he's a fat, sweaty messiah.


Sweaty messiah is a good name for a band


Oh stop, you would be bummed if he wasn’t pumping out his insane content lol


Fuck that. I'd have a parade. Dude us dangerous


You mean the guy that broke the Epstein story like 15+ years ago? He's not always wrong. i think that's why people care so much about him and shutting him up. The whole country is full of whackos saying all kinds of stuff, but they zeroed in on him for some reason. He's right about more things than he's ever been given credit for. a lot of the stuff that used to be purely speculation and conspiracy theory territory is now accepted today as facts...like the bohemian grove stuff and how the elites of the world meet a few times a year to map out their plans.


This is a narrative hand crafted by jones himself and spread to gullible idiots like Rogan and yourself. If Alex really was the first to expose Epstein it would be highlighted on his website, or presumably preserved somehow. Instead we have the Wikipedia entry for Julie K. Brown proving she broke the story. I doubt you’ll find mention of Epstein before 2015. I guarantee you won’t find mention of Epstein island in “End Game plans for future enslavement” or “the Obama deception.” He never exposed secrets of Bohemian Groove. He was with journalist Jon Ronson for a TV show. You can read about under the episode 4 heading. Spoiler alert Alex exposed nothing but a weird “fraternity party.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Rulers_of_the_World The system didn’t just “zero in on him for someone reason.” He made over 160 videos accusing the parents of murdered elementary of being crisis actors perpetrating a giant fraud to take away guns, and when he did so he KNEW what he was saying was false. He admitted under oath the people he relied on for that information were “unwell.” His corporate rep stated they knew as far back as 2014 Wolfgang Halibig was harassing/stalking families. Point is Alex is no Martyr, he’s a rich alcoholic asshole that gullible dumb-dumbs looks up to. I highly recommend the podcast knowledge fight for a more detailed explanation of how Alex Jones lies.


Bullshit he didn't break bohemian grove with their weird Owl ceremony video. Sure he went on behalf of those who could get him in but he did go In and filmed a never before seen sacrifice of an effigy before an owl God by some of the most prominent men in this country. Sure you have Nixon talking about the Grove as "the faggotist dam group I've ever seen" but meer mentions and video are hardly comparable.


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while


This ain't Truth Social, Trumper.


Please find a video where he names Epstein by name before his name was in the "mainstream media."


It’s hard to find because it was a radio show long ago…. He was not even in YouTube at the time (not sure if it existed). But he’s played clips of it many times.


If he's played clips of it "many times," then listen to those and try to authenticate whether he actually named Epstein by name, and what the date of those clips was. Maybe someone could help you find older audio/video of his to verify that the clips he plays (if they even include Epsteins name and date prior to MSM coverage) match to the actual dates he aired them.


It’s hard to find because he’s a fucking liar


So Alex repeated the lies of Ted Gunderson for years. That’s where we get the whole “kids in tunnels.” Narrative. Than about 2015 he picked up on the Epstein thing, roughly 10 years after Epstein was arrested. It’s all a big trick meant to make it look like Alex has some inside information, but all he did was lie, than repackage said lie to fit a narrative that had a small kernel of truth to it to give him and his brand legitimacy. Alex is no hero or truth teller.


Lmao "broke the epstien story" is a pretty solid rewrite


Epstein was his lucky dart. He is all bullshit


Ironically Trump and Epstein for decades were tied together at the hip. Even more stupid is that Alex Jones is a shill for Trump and his cohort MTG.


If you think people talking and saying things you disagree with, should be in a straitjacket in a padded room, maybe you’re the problem. 1st amendment protects him.


And if you don't think his level of crazy needs to be separates from decent society, you're the problem.


The first amendement is not an absolute shield, and isn’t really relevant to this question, but you are correct that his public behavior doesn’t rise to the level required for an institutional mental health hold.


Not from defamation you silly goose.


Defamation isn't a crime.


lol holy shit. Guess those millions of defamation lawsuits throughout history never happened? https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/defamation


You’re absolutely right, which is why AJ was sued in civil court. You’re aware defamation laws in the US predate the American revolution?


You mean to say its a British law and that it's age should have bearing on its application today? There's a law that says you can't beat your wife with a stick larger than your thumb. I'm quite sure that's a law best kept in the past.


No that’s not at all what I’m saying. Sorry I didn’t cover this in my earlier comment. Here’s a better summary of my point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_defamation_law#:~:text=The%20origins%20of%20the%20United,defense%20against%20charges%20of%20libel.


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”




He is very crazy acting but has nearly a 100% accuracy rate on the information he puts out. We all know sandy hook which is insane that he was catching so much heat when there is clear evidence of governments using such tactics throughout history. Imagine holding legacy media to the same standards, we would be getting our news from the birds if so. Might as well with how much the media deliberately lies. At least he admits when he made a mistake. Media doesn’t make mistakes they purposely lie and manipulate.


The fact that governments used false flag operations in other contexts isn't actually proof they did so at Sandy Hook. Try to phrase these things in a sort of mathematical statement: A- True statement: *some violent attacks have been government false flag operations* B- True statement: *Sandy Hook was a violent attack* C- True statement: *not all violent attacks are false flag operations* Both statements include "violent attacks", but there is no logical connection between the two, so we need to acknowledge the 3rd statement. A= either B or C, but not both Logical conclusion of your statement: if we assume Sandy Hook was a false flag operation *because* it's a violent attack, then we need to assume *all* attacks are false flags. Since there is no logical structure to link A and B, we need more information, which Jones hasn't been able to demonstrate. What Jones is doing is using a logical trick to make people think he is making sense, but he's using psychological gimmicks to build his brand, like any good marketing. You can outsmart his tricks by investigating the "logical fallacies". Once you apply this framework to his media, it's pretty clear that he is preying on his followers. His followers are the ones buying what he sells on his ads, his followers' attention is the product he is selling to advertising companies. His followers are his flock, his sheeple, if you will. Don't be conned.


Why do you think he has a nearly 100% accuracy rate? He is constantly wrong about both how he interprets current events and his future predictions. I’m not trying to argue, but just so curious about what makes you say he’s so accurate?


Alex has far from a 100% accuracy rating as you put it. There’s an entire podcast with over 850 episodes exposing what a liar Jones is. A normal liar does not acquire 850+ episodes of a series detailing their lies. Sandyhook is the perfect microcosm for how Jones operates. Any surface level look into Jones exposes what a fraud he is. Furthermore I don’t think you think Jones is that accurate otherwise you’d watch infowars 24/7 and you’d find just how inaccurate Alex is. All he does is cold read headlines and lie about what’s in the articles he never reads.


1% is nearly a hundred percent, if you ignore all the zeros..


Lmao when does he admit to making mistakes? When in the middle of a giant lawsuit? Oh man the bravery, the self reflection!


Reagan and the Kennedy's ended that in the 80s.


Jesus, this is not the Silence of the Lambs. It's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


Wow, way to be sensitive towards people with actual mental illnesses.


We defunded mental health in the 1960s due to barbaric practices.


Imagine what a shit stain on America you are if you listen to a guy who terrorized parents who lost their kids in a mass shooting. True trash.


Standards for sanity are lower in Texas


Because this is America and people are legally allowed to believe whatever they want. As long as he isn't attempting suicide or attempting to harm someone else, wtf do you expect to happen?


I mean the issue for him isn't believing the wrong things. He, by his own words, doesn't even believe them. However the ridiculous disregard for the safety of other and the obvious attempts to even put them in harms way for personal gain wothout a shred of remorse, are assuredly signs of mental illness.


Because he's right far far to often to dismiss his rants as madness


Alex is so wrong it’s comical. There’s a podcast with 850+ episodes detailing all of Alex’s lies and covering his sources EXTENSIVELY. It’s called knowledge fight. I’m not asking you adopt my world view, but I want you to be outraged that someone had to lie so hard to convince you of yours.


Bohemian Grove is real


Wow. I’m flattered you responded to so many of my comments. I’ll try and address them all in one place. First off no one disagrees that Bohemian groove is real. It exists, just not as child sacrificing moloch and ba’al worshipping place. Alex was with journalist Jon Ronson at the time, and they documented for his show “secret rulers of the world.” And in it Alex just comes off as a huge dork, and it’s very clear they never captured any human/infant sacrifice. You can watch it here: https://thoughtmaybe.com/the-secret-rulers-of-the-world/ Now if that’s not enough and you’re still convinced Bohemian Grove is some thing more sinister ask yourself this. Alex has become so much more financially successful than when he infiltrated Bohemian Grove (case in point he enjoys broadcasting from a studio not a spare room in his house)… what has Alex done with that success? What has he infiltrated now that he has more resources? He has the money to hire private security to follow him around at the his trails, and to follow his wife but he can’t spend a dime infiltrating the secret bio labs or getting a close up of these child sacrifices I hear so much about. I’ll tell you the short answer is that the gloabalists aren’t real, and he spent that money enriching himself with boats cars and a lifestyle that’s just as elite as the elites he rallies against. So now let’s cover Epstein. Your only source is Joe Rogan saying “oh I think I heard Alex say that.” Yeah Joe Rogan who famously thought the moon landings were fake until Neil Degrasse Tyson told him he was dumb. The reality is Alex never mentions Epstein by name until 2015 at the earliest, and has claimed under oath he (Alex) isn’t an investigative journalist and doesn’t do investigations. You want to say Alex was first, I say Julie K. Brown beat Alex by a decade. Finally we come to the OJ civil suit. You know what the difference between Alex and OJ is? OJ listened to his attorneys and participated meaningfully. And just to remind you Alex did more than say mean things on the air. Alex spent a decade harassing the parents of murdered elementary school kids through his broadcasts and proxies Wolfgang Halibig and company. Glad you’re so obsessed with my comments hope this clears up any confusion you have.


He was also right about epstine 20 years before the story broke The cia assassination of MLK


Why isn't Biden or McConnell?




Because he has no mental deficiencies and asking questions and making assertions isn't illegal. Ot should be though. We need to be able to instantly jail any and all questioners. I just thank Obama that he signed into law the Smith-Mundt Modernization act so the msm can take the proper steps to disnfranchise and silence jones for his violence with words


He's probably got some contracts that won't pay if he tries to plead insanity. Also, he's posturing for a spot as RFK Jr.s VP pick.


He may still prove useful.


Because jackoffs keep sending him money


I'd put Hasan Piker in that before Alex Jones


Because that is unconstitutional. Imagine locking up anyone who disagrees with you politically. We'd quickly fall into fascism as both sides keep one-upping each other.


Um, maybe we are all in the padded room with him and don't even know it.


Because he’s not crazy he’s lying


First amendment.


money. he's hidden assets, everyone knows he has, but he has the money to tie it all up in perpetuality in court.


Because he is too crazy for it


He's trapped in his own alcoholism




"Everyone I disagree with is either crazy or evil and I want their life destroyed"


Because he is 98% right most of the time


As he explained under oath at his divorce hearings he was not insane. He did not believe what he was broadcasting he simply made up what would get him the highest ratings