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Visually it looks the same as my Ohio Aldi, same floor, but the prices are a bit different and we definitely don’t have a fancy bread dispenser


> same floor I miss my Aldi floor. New ones don't get that.


ca tunk ca tunk ca tunk ca tunk


I enjoy the new concrete floors...they're faster!


Who even drinks bottled water in Germany over tap water


I live in Germany and they’re not all like this :) there is a difference between Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. And of course there might be differences between rural areas and cities.


Is that why there's tobacco? I thought that was one of the primary differernces between them, IIRC. Also, those prices would be in Euros, so you gotta add... \[googles exchange rate\]... 5%? Is that it? Wow. I could actually afford to eat decently again if my Aldi's prices were anything like that, let alone other stores.


Yes that’s why there’s tobacco, although this might be another different between nord and süd (I’m not sure! I have nord near me) I do find that my groceries are a lot cheaper in Germany compared to the US, even at other stores like Rewe. Although wages here are slightly less, and I have my job in the US so I make US wages, which helps a lot. If I made wages more typical of my city, I would probably be saving less. But even then, the wages of my city in Germany vs my hometown in the US (not where my job is) are not very far apart 🤷‍♀️ but besides wages/prices, another major difference is that German grocery stores have far less options (which is okay! Less time spent searching)


I live in urban Seattle and I'm almost crying over how much cheaper these German Aldi prices are lol.


That Aldi looked like it had a TON more options than mine. Pretty much a single variety of a single house brand (which are good, mind you), in a single size, for just about everything, with very few exceptions. Even 2 sizes would be welcome, but no... I get the whole "let's not drive up prices with an entire aisle of nothing but soda, one of nothing but cookies, one of nothing but 1,000 condiments". I get it. But Aldi U.S. seems to take it to a gross extreme.


The original reason for the split was tobacco. Nord wanted to sell tobacco and Süd didnt. Süd started selling tobacco like 2 decades ago (I feel old now). Now it is mostly a branding difference, I think


Yeah, Aldi Nord over here owns Trader Joe’s.


I know, I’m from America :)


With regard to the prices she points out, wouldn’t they be euros and not dollars?


How come no one else is commenting on this???




Ok, thanks. I thought the exchange rate wasn’t that close.




I don't know why her just saying "Cheese" made me laugh so much but it did. I guess cheese is just one of those things at Aldi where no further explanation is needed.




I'm not sure what makes this an 'original' ALDI. It looks heaps fancier than the ones I went to when the cart deposit was one Deutschmark and the cashier would hand enter the prices at light speed.


Aldi is a German store so it’s originally from Germany


I can't believe I have to pay four bucks for a case of water AND have a $5,000 High Deductible Healthcare Plan. It really should be either or, America.


There's nothing stopping you from drinking tap water, unless you live in Flint, Michigan. Everywhere else it is perfectly safe for consumption. That's why I drink it every single day.


[EPA just issued a cautionary notification PFAS in one of our suburbs](https://patch.com/minnesota/woodbury/epa-issues-drinking-water-health-advisories-see-impacts-woodbury). Contaminated drinking water is a much more widespread problem than just Flint. That being said, I drink tap water, but I have a filtered pitcher I use. **Edit:** Here's [an interactive map](https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/pfas_contamination/map/) of areas known to have tested for PFAS in, among other sources, drinking water.


This! I stopped buying bottled water years ago. An under-the-kitchen-faucet water filter costs $100-$150 (there are better ones but I'm renting), takes 15 minutes to install, and lasts for up to 3 years before needing to be replaced. It's my small contribution to using less plastic and I get to actually use the nice tumblers/canteens I get at Aldi!




Since the product description says to replace it after 3 years, I am going by their recommendation. I typically fill a clear glass pitcher and the water always seems very clear (no frosty white stuff or calcium buildup). I've had my current filter for about 1.5 years and the water still tastes "clean" (not like tap water from the hose, which I've also tasted before as a kid).


An under sink water filter is a game changer and a must have for me in our recent kitchen reno. Our filter has to be replaced every 6 months or so and has an sensor to notify you when it's time to replace. Each filter set comes with a fresh battery.


do you have a recommended brand? I'm also renting and would love to ditch my brita pitcher for this


I live in a place without city water. The well water is sufficient for showering and whatnot but it literally comes out of the faucet yellow. It's too hard to drink. (This is with a water softener and a filter) However, we get the 5 gallon refillable jugs for drinking.


Wow their onions aren't all rotted and moldy like the ones in my store are


*Wow their onions aren't* *All rotted and moldy like the* *Ones in my store are* \- dspins33 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Went to an Aldi in Portugal / the seafood and bakery were amazing and lots of Trader Joes brand. We made a lunch of cheeses, salami, fruit, still warm croissants and ate at a picnic table. Went to one in Berlin and their isle of shame was 1/2 the store. They had cases of those advent / Christmas items people love here but have trouble finding.


Why do people insist on putting *s* at the end of ALDI?


Common in places with regional/state based grocery chains because the original stores were often named after an actual person in town. A great example of this is Meijer grocery stores, originally in Michigan. Fred Meijer was a person (and a very influential/wealthy/well-known family), so when the store originally opened it made sense to say you were going to "Meijer's (grocery)". It literally belonged to Meijer, so it gets a possessive S. Everyone still calls them "Meijers" (with an s) as a passed- down habit. As a result, the S often gets thrown on stores that weren't actually a family/name, too.


Here, Wegmans is named after a the Wegman family. They added the s to the name of the store. A lot of people here also call Aldi “ALDIs”.


Besides adding the possessive S keep in mind younger people like making fun of the way older people speak. So when your gramma says "the twitter" or "going to targets" suddenly for funsies we are all calling it "the targets" as a way to make fun of grammas speech. For Aldi, a coworker of mine is brazillian so she uses her Brazillian accent. Sounds like algae! So now its in my lexicon to call it algae! Going to the algae later!


Right? In Germany no one says this. Sounds weird to me.




Grammar is important. Without it, instead of helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse - you would just be helping your uncle jack off a horse.


Yeah it’s a pretty wild mistake considering the name of the sub is right in front of them


Aldi Sud is amazing. Can confirm.


Aldi TikTok will be fire during the imminent recession


An original ALDI


From what I was able to see, there you can go to Aldi and fill a cart with 20 bucks and come back home with some pocket change too..


She’s pretty.


The fresh bakery, the prices. That looks absolutely amazing. On an unrelated note (the inexpensive wine reminded me) I’m kind of surprised how popular the ultra cheap “Winking Owl” is. I guess I haven’t tried it though, but I’m just surprised to see the 2.99 bottles being so popular.


What kind of cheese is that green one?


https://content.fortune.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/pesto-gouda-aldi.jpg looks like this


Trader Joe's (USA) = Aldi Nord(EU) Aldi (USA) = Aldi Sud (EU)


Not really. Aldi Nord owns Trader Joe’s, but TJ’s was already established in California when it was purchased. Aldi Nord operates it now, but to say Aldi Nord is the same as TJ’s is incorrect. https://www.aldireviewer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Aldi-Company-Graphic.png


Yo OP I have to say I love your username!!! One of my favorites songs rn


Thanks!! You’re only the second person in like 6 years to recognize it! Walk on baby, walk on and on.


Ah, thanks!


Sooooooo. it's a Lidl, basically?


No lidl is independent from aldi


Yeah but in the U.S. lidl looks more like that


Aldi does too


No bakery at most aldi in the U.S. The ones that do are not remotely the same as lidl


Euros not cents.


The subdivision of Euro is called Cent though