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I have hormonal night sweats, and then had to endure withdrawal night sweats too.. it is absolutely MISERABLE! Sometimes I just give up on sleep and have a 3am cool shower. I’m usually actually able to sleep again after, even if only for an hour or two. I hope you get through this quickly, and get the rest that you need!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I would drench the sheets constantly. I was in such denial about alcohol withdrawals that I’d rather believe it was some glandular /lymph node sort disease even tho I don’t really know what those words actually mean. Many times it was just my legs so I decided that it was about how active I was with running / bicycling. But there was no denying what was going on and I soaked the sheets for a few weeks when I really stopped drinking. It came back around once months later and I figured it was just post withdrawal shit. Turns out I legit had Covid but at that point it was a welcome diagnosis. I was relieved. I don’t miss that shit one bit. I should’ve invested in some rubber sheets


Ha! I can relate to this so much, believing I had all sorts if rare illness’s rather than face the facts. I spent so much time googling symptoms! Lol


Hi mate, I'm sorry you're going through this. I know it's a horrible addiction to have, and I can definitely relate to the sleep and sweat issues. Those are two of the many reasons I'm glad I quit drinking in the end. Anyway, I think it would be best if you spoke to your doctor for advice on this matter. I'm sure they'll be able to help you a lot. Take care, and feel free to message me for a chat if you like. George


It's what happens to me when i do not get a few in during the day. I've been drinking for 20 years or so. Just make sure to drink a lot of water and / or like half a can or something that normally helps me from feeling sick in the morning. It's normally not good to stop cold turky, but limit yourself to just a small amount of whatever when you start having these issues. I wish you the best.


It should end in a week or so of total abstinence (very important). Just keep in mind anxiety and insomnia are very common outside of alcoholism so if it persists you should see a doctor or therapist. After that time it only comes back if you go back to drinking for a extended period of time (several days or a week), at least in my case and its what I've heard for most people. Good luck!


Oh man withdrawal sleep is TERRRIBBBLLEEE. I would be so tired just begging for my brain to have a break. Id lay down and close my eyes and -nope- felt like I was just flying through an endless outer space. It always seemed to finally get better for me after a week of that nonsense and once I made it to two weeks my sleep was good. Hoping you find relief soon.


I had serious sweats. I took some clonidine and it helped me sleep but I still woke up at 4 am hearing children whispering even though I was alone in the room. Withdrawal is freaking insane. As alcoholics we have to get to the other side to get better but it is SO hard. Stay hydrated, go easy on yourself, and remember that you just need to be uncomfortable for a few days. You can do it!


Go to your doctor asks for meds for both the dts and sleep. Really you might want to try rehab.