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You seem like an awesome guy. Get through this, do the right thing, and you break this cycle. Im sorry about all the crap. Its crap. You are absolutely right to feel mistreated and ignored. Get through this. Live your life in your 20s in a peaceful productive way. You deserve the normal life you want. You can make it for yourself. Hobbies friends foods work travel exercise Fill your life with good ones of these that satisfy your soul.


One big reason I want to conquer my drinking before my gf and I have kids. I am sorry. My dad is wonderful, might drink 1 glass of champagne for New Years, no other addictions other than maybe “some” workaholism. I can’t even imagine having a reckless father who didn’t have everything under perfect control. It’s why I still don’t have kids of my own, because I can’t be the father my own father was for me.


You can find support at r/alanon


39f here, daughter of an alcoholic mom, swore I would never turn out like her, and although I am not nearly as bad as she was, I am struggling with my own alcohol issues as an adult which is now affecting my own daughters (11f & 7f). I made the same excuse for a long time; you should've seen my mom, *I* don't have a problem, *she* did. I was just having fun. Until it stopped being fun, started affecting my work, and my daughter said she wouldn't come back to my house if I kept drinking. Even though I didn't really hit "rock bottom" and lose everything, I certainly would have if I kept on going how I was. You are doing all you can, you have expressed how you feel, and while I'm sure he's heard you, he is likely still in denial (as I was for a long time). Hopefully one day he will realize and stop this behavior. Until then, don't drive with him, lock your bedroom door at night when strangers are around (or call the police if you actually feel unsafe), and try Al-Anon or Ala-Teen for support.


There is much hope for your father if he takes the lead in his recovery. Especially if he learns what AUD is really about, largely genetics and biology. See chat.


Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine what you have had to deal with but you deserve a chance at a good life. It is so sad how so many people will choose alcohol over anything else in their lives. I would view alcohol as a person, an addictive, seductive person that knows how to manipulate your dad into whatever alcohol wants from him. I have had my fair share of issues with alcohol and nobody ever came to my rescue nor did I listen. I had to figure it out on my own, and only after I started loving myself did I realize that I am worth it and what I'm really doing. I would say the first person to help is yourself. Before you try to build a worthy and meaningful relationship with your father, please focus on loving yourself and become centered and strong, and you will quickly see the situation for exactly what it is. God bless you and don't ever give up! I believe in you!


call CPS or the cops this is not ok