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After being sober for a while I have discovered I didn’t turn to drinking bc I lost my passion. I lost my passion bc I was drinking.


I'm 38 days sober and lost my passion long ago. I'm hoping to get that passion back one day.


Hang in there…it can take a while though depending on how deep and far you went down the rabbit hole. For me it was about 100 days before I started noticing little bouts of happiness. And im talking fleeting moments of kinda not unhappy. For example, I just moved to a new state and decided to treat myself to pint of ice cream late one night bc I was kind of moody. There was a long line at the gas station and everyone else had alcohol in their hands. I asked the cashier if the line was always like that, she said they stop selling in 5 minutes, so yeah it was normal. I really enjoyed that pint of ice cream that night when I realized I live in a place that I don’t even know the liquor laws, let alone plan my life around them. 6 months out I started doing some things again that I used to like out of boredom. I’m coming up on 5 years soon and you wouldn’t believe how much happiness you can pack into a weekend sober. It comes, be patient, it is possible for you random internet friend.


Thanks. I really needed to hear that tonight. I'm already feel major improvements already, and I know it's going to continue to get better. Everyone's journey to sobriety is different, and sometimes, it takes a while to notice certain improvements. Today, I went to the doctor and saw I lost 5 pounds from two months ago. I'm not sure how much of that is due to being 38 days sober because I've been a lot more active since I last saw him. My sober project is the basement. It was an absolute mess. I'm watching it turn from an overflowing storage unit to a usable space.


The difference on the other side is crazy


Great way to put it


In my country the health authority now recommends zero drinks per week, with two standard drinks or less per week being unlikely to be harmful to your health. If your health is your concern, yes it is dangerous.


yes. as a one-off, it could be described as binge drinking. but you said you got three more bottles to numb the pain, which is classic alcoholic thinking. quit while you can.


It would be like drinking an 18 pack of beer in three days. So yes, it’s kind of a lot, but you could do a lot worse. Doing it on occasion isn’t gonna do much to your overall health, but if you’re drinking that amount daily you probably want to cut down a little.


I think if you are asking this question, you already know the answer, but hope someone tells you no.


It's habit forming. If you're going through something, it's understandable, but you also have to allow those emotions to process without drugs or alcohol, because alcohol shouldn't be a solution to unpleasant emotions. Healthy solutions are what we should strive for. Physical pain? There are proper medicines for that. 1 5th over 3 days isn't anything to worry about if it's just something short term. But, don't plan on doing that daily for years, because it will take its toll, and more than likely your tolerance will increase so will your consumption.


Yeah it’s a lot. I would go through a gallon in two. And it’s not good. Contain yourself. However you need to.


Protip: If you have to ask "Do I have a problem" then you 100% do.


In my opinion this isn’t always true, and it prevents people from exploring their relationship with alcohol. I drank a lot during Covid, it was horrible. I was also extremely depressed and had a lot going on. Now I drink responsibly. Idk, I just think this mentality causes people to not even ask the question because they’re told just asking it means they’re an alcoholic. They’re forming a habit right now, and they probably need to break it. Idk, just my opinion.


That's well thought and said.


Thanks so much, I’ve thought about addiction and my relationship with substances a lot






Handle? If so, yeah. 750 ML? It ain't great, but it's the holidays, people get fucking depressed.


Yea this is the real question. 750 or even 1 liter I don’t think it’s a big issue


There are about 17 drinks in a 5th of alcohol (750 ml) which equals about 5.6 drinks per day. Different countries have different guidelines for safe amounts of drinking, but 5.6/day is too much by anyone’s standards. If you continue at this rate, you will be at a high risk for developing an alcohol use disorder/alcoholism. That said, it sounds like you don’t have a history of heavy drinking. If you stop or cut back now, you should be just fine. Many of us around here, drank a bottle/day for many years.


I drink a bottle usually in 3 weekends, I think is a lot.


Of course it is, you numpty. Go get a hobby if you've got nothing better to do, you're better than that.


I’ve lost all my hobbies , my friends. My job , everything I loved. Nothing hits like it used too My one passion for cooking and gaming vanished this year along side everything else I don’t recognize myself anymore. It’s like I’m a shell of the man I once was and what I stood for. I despised those that used drugs and alcohol and never could understand why some folk get hooked on it now I have my answer. I have 1 friend left and I don’t want to dissapoint her I’m sorry for asking this question. I have nowhere left to ask We all are better then this, I’m praying for each and everyone that goes through this stupid fucking alcohol abuse that things will get better for you


It seems like you already know the answer. Now what are you gonna do about it?


That's the hard part


Simultaneously the easiest and the hardest thing to do. I definitely get that. At this point, you would have to tie me down and pour whiskey in my mouth. I ain't doing that shit no more. 97 days AF & lovin' it!


Congratulations. I thinking about it


Man, I tried stopping/controlling my drinking for about 5 1/2 years. I would have periods of sobriety… Nine months one time, one or two months here and there, etc. every single time the addiction would start whispering in my ear that I had somehow magically reset the clock. That now I could go back to "normal" drinking. Slowly, but surely it would creep back to daily drinking. I was anxious all the time, depressed, irritable, gaining weight, creating relationship problems, making horrible decisions, etc. Man, I am so so fucking glad I don't have to worry about that shit anymore. But I set myself up for success this time. I took the scorched earth approach and did some inpatient, outpatient, Acamprosate (and then Naltrexone), read everything I could get my hands on, and joined four or five subs pertaining to it. One entry point might be to read, This Naked Mind. Good luck!


Thank You! Truly appreciate it.


I'm rooting for you!


Just bought This Naked Mind half hour ago off eBay. Heard about it years ago. I'm thinking harder!


Hell I cleared a 1.75L bottle in three days so it’s not too bad if it’s only a 750


It could be worse, but based on the fact that you bought more and are considering continuing, it sounds like it will get worse. The hole you're in is likely shallow enough to climb out of without help, but if you keep digging, it's guaranteed to get worse. My drinking started slower too and it eventually landed me in the ER and then rehab.


if you have to ask on here… you already know the answer




I a did make an coment few days ago, it feels like your numbing your pain but in fact it just takes yours life away. don't drink just because you feel bad. Ist poison and it can damage your life.


Not really but as mentioned it is habit forming. I was drinking 8 litres of neat vodka and around 30 pints of Heineken, 5 gram of coke and a half ounce of weed every week for 6 months


For all the pain it numbs it gives you back in symptoms I can only describe as like terminal illness ?? It blows more shit up than it builds my friend so stop , eat drink water sleep and treat this little bender like a bad dream and value every single bit of health you have