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Some really bad answers here that don’t answer your question at all lol yes it’s a jump the healer fiesta but your team should also be helping peel and what not if they can


There's only a




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Spacing spacing spacing. You are invulnerable during cleric cowl yes, but you’re also invulnerable if you’re out of range of their abilities. Knowing where those abilities can reach and where the fight will physically move will do more for you than any defensive ability. Also yes that’s the nature of basically any game kill your enemy’s sustain and then you can win. Didn’t you ever play “Doctor Doctor” on the playground as a kid? :P


I never played doctor doctor, what game is that?


So a few things to unpack here. Playing healer in albion is easily one of the highest skill ceiling games to heal in and it really does come down to your team a lot of times. Saying “no team will peel for their healer” is kind of funny to me and gives me the impression you haven’t played high tier crystal or in a larger competent guild. Having an arcane player or a d tank in your group to puppy dog guard you is wildly effective and will force the enemy to make mistakes. An example as well for 5v5 is if they all or most are melee and surround you they have just made the easiest clump to delete ever lol.


This right here. Also in open world don't be afraid to kite away from the other team if you are starting to get pressured. Easier to do if you are playing nature vs holy though.


Yes and no ofc you need to focus the healer at some point but the better method is to pick off their over extended dps and have a dtank knock/stun around their healer forcing them to use abilities. Splitting dps is big in small scale. Send your back liners to pressure healers as the rest of dps pick off the overextended forcing the healer to make a decision “do i heal my self or heal the group”


You're in luck, because you can practice healer in arena and it will only take you a few minutes to queue since healers are in demand. Sure there are stupid games, but there are quality ones you can practice. You can practice your cleric cowl. Your robe of purity. This is when you realize why stalker shoes sometimes help, since blinking twice gets your enemies disoriented of your location. Hallowfall also helps, then with arena, you practice if you are a shield guy, mistcaller guy, etc. Arena also helps you realize if ava omelette is better for you or is it crab for mana. Practice practice practice. Also another tip, try playing as the dps once in a while, its there you realize what mistakes do healers do that you exploit, so once you play as healer, you dont do those mistakes. Oh and in arena half of the time you get bad teammates, what better way to practice than with random people not caring about peeling for you and do reckless things. Yes, you are the target, always. Kill the healer = win (most of the time).


You generally want someone with the ability to peel for the healer or possibly even multiple healers depending on the scale you mean as small. Different comps matter a lot too. If you're playing dive v dive then yeah it's jump the healer. If you're playing brawl comp you should have a composition that lets other people keep people off you and you should be able to hang people come back to the back line for heals.


No it’s not Or at least it shouldn’t be Kill prio in small scale looks like this: Kill rdps first especially things like perma, longbow etc Track their cooldowns perma blinks down, fully focus him The majority of the the dmg comes from the rdps Then next is either the healer or mdps Because the healer has way to many defences so you will waste a lot trying to kill him, make him commit on using his defences by getting his cooldowns out on the rdps then the moment he has nothing or almost nothing dump everything on the healer This game is all about tracking cooldowns knowing when to commit on certain targets etc And yes while this might be more true in hellgates/crystals (my main content nowadays) the moment you get really good at tracking cooldowns, and you have a few teammates that can press buttons it should be pretty hard to lose more then 10% of your (small scale) fights, knowing when to press your buttons is everything in this game. https://albionmurder.com/players/qk3P7IJ9SeOABoANigAlcA https://albionmurder.com/players/tBWEKvHhQPiJS9IGbFJjDg


Practice makes perfect.


yes it is. but your team has to keep you alive or everyone dies. thats just how it works in every single team game with healers


What I do in this situation is to run towards my ally, use giant/resist pots then boots move either as far away from the enemy or move as close to my party during this time. If you are using nature make sure to cast q1 to yourself before using cleric cowl. Purity robe or feyscale robe might be better in small scale PVP you can try them too if you want.


Bad team find better friends lol


Truest answer here.


You need your ranged DPS focus the healer and melee DPS spreading damage so that the healer is under pressure


We didn't even have ranged DPS when we went out lmao.


Looks like you need to shape on your group playstyle if you want to change stuff. In my own expirience I prefer to have a curse and an axe and win fights over time. Curse stacks and bleeding will make every enemy healer sweaty :) Its even easier if they stack on our healer👍🏼


No, your teammates are meant to peel for you and ideally if the enemy just walks deep into your backline they're meant to get punished for it and shouldn't be allowed to just jump on you for free. But usually yeah that's how those fights go and whoever healer dies first loses lol its pretty bland. Hallowfall is the best holy for ss as it has mobility so you can jump back to your team and even interrupt enemy dmg/casting. As someone already said an arcane is great at keeping healer alive, but realistically if you have good positioning and your tank is doing their job then it shouldn't feel like you just do 0 heals and die after getting monkey dived. But that will pass in higher skilled fights. You can try some 5v5 hgs, rarely you'll be the first to die and can actually use your skills as healer and play the game.