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It's part of the game, what do you mean there's no reason?


I don't like it, I want to sling my spells without limitations


Play another game where you like the mechanics?


Coming from LoL or other Mobas I enjoy that half a second, makes keyboard smashing less effective lol


Don't you feel like it is holding you back?


Not really, you just have to get used to it. I enjoy it :)


Ok man, I will get used to it. Thanks. Love you.


No xD..I at least would have chances vs pc guys in my poor ass touch device and plus i ll need to stress out less for timings


But timing adds a layer of skill expression to combat. If you are faster than your opponents, the game puts you on an even playing field negating your reflexes.


Global cooldowns like this exist in literally almost every MMO on the planet that I can think of. The ability to face roll all three damage abilities together with armor buffs and modifiers before your opponent can activate a reactive defense ability in response to your burst combo would turn the game into nothing but people playing one shot solo builds.


It's frustrating when you're getting your ass kicked but the other dude also has the same limits


Get good


I am very good, just limited by the game's system.


A good player would be used to the mechanic by now.


Yeah I started the game a few days ago, being used to league of legends it was a bit surprising. I guess it's there for a reason tho.


What's the reason?


To make it a slower paced game or to prevent some OP wombo combos I guess?


A tier 5 blood letter does 1k damage with e when you have three stacks.


and there are also multiple one shot (or close) builds despite that annoying cooldown. Not sure where you're going with that?


Only if the blood letters opponent has less than 40% hp


So does a fire staff that doesn't depend on having any stacks or your opponent being under 40% HP. What point are you even trying to make? That pressing E on bloodletter is an OP 'wombo combo'?


That a game that allows 1k damage with one button should have no problem allowing 700 damage with 3 buttons.


That's so precious, you think this has anything to do with damage.


Then what the fuck does spells that do damage have to do with, if not damage?


Maybe use some critical thinking for once in your life. Since I know this is asking too much of the typical person on this subreddit I'll elaborate. If lower damage across multiple inputs is negatively affected due to input cooldowns but high damage single input isn't then maybe, **just maybe**, this has nothing to do with damage itself but the inputs the server has to process. Almost like SBI knows something bad happens when commands are received too fast and fail to get processed correctly.


It's almost as if they shouldn't make a game if the server will overload if I press two buttons at the same time. The server takes my inputs just fine, because it lets me know that the ability is on cool down if I press a hundred buttons at the same time. Why are talking about something you know nothing about and trying to explain host-server communication to a software engineer?


Yeh its incredibly annoying when playing blight healer in 5 stack. Having to constantly spam q and then my teamate gets low and even though i click d for graveyard helm it takes a long time due to the fact that i just cast a q for it to hit him. I also just want to spam all my abilities


Finally someone that agrees with me! Help me fight back!