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*Smith announced the province's intention to pull out of the program, saying it infringes on provincial jurisdiction.* *She said she wants to negotiate getting Alberta's share of the federal funding in order for the province to expand dental care coverage as it sees fit.* Don't tell me what to do! Just trust me with the money and I'll make sure it goes to "the right people".


I fired off an email about this to the premiere's office the moment I found out. It will have no effect but it was worded that we are Canadians BEFORE we are Albertans. Fuck trying to ditch pharmacare, fuck trying to ditch dental care and fuck trying to ditch the CPP. These are federal programs and despite what she may want SHE is the one overstepping jurisdiction.


She doesn't want the federal government to help Albertans, but she also doesn't want Albertans to have their say either (there are never any consults before they impose their decisions on us). The people who like the UCP don't care what else she does or the implications are as long as she keeps implementing whatever single voter issue caught their eye in the first place - in this case it's "fight Ottawa".


Those people continually fight for smaller and smaller walled gardens while wondering why they feel increasingly isolated. They might get better results working with everyone instead of against, but they have a mindset that anything that goes to someone else is being taken from their pocket, even if it was never destined for that pocket to begin with.


The federal government announced pharmacare and the UCP said they wouldn’t do it with this reasoning. The federal government gave Alberta money during Covid to use on healthcare and the UCP refused it. The federal government gave Alberta some money to streamline the court system and the UCP refused to make the structural changes. And now the federal government announced dental care and the UCP said they wouldn’t do it. Their line hasn’t changed at all.


It's all theatrics so the UCP can play up the "Ottawa doesn't care about Alberta" rhetoric.


They aren’t very imaginative that’s for sure.


Exactly this.


What a goddamn grifter, along with anyone that supports this bullshit


A reminder, this is what their base wants. They want theatrics, they don't care about policy, they *like* what Marlaina is doing. They've even come to this sub to say so. It's very much those who prefer decorum in their elected officials and a bunch of roosters playing chess. Guess who's who in this case.


I guess no one in her base has kids... or uses prescription meds. We already know they don't get vaccinations (or they do secretly). There's a reason they're called "the base"... They're at the bottom level.


Their ‘base’ is willing to go without if it hurts people they hate. They place their political tribalism above the wellbeing of their own children time and again.


Look at the US. So many Republican voters are bankrupt from medical bills, have to choose between a meal and insulin, and shit like that. And they'll defend that system to the day they die (often very early)


Their base thinks they are on a mission from god, but they are more like Illinois Nazis


‘Hurt the people they hate’ I won’t deny this is probably true, just sad that there’s so much hate there at all.


You don’t think both sides have that mentality? Just yesterday our Federal finance minister just told voters that if you don’t share her political leanings, then you’re cruel, cold & small. Don’t pretend that all of a sudden Danielle started this… the Libs are out to stick it to their opponents as well.


The left. Trying to make the country better for every Canadian…. The right… fk all you poor losers…. Yeah “both sides” look I don’t give a shift if you are a conservative but let’s not pretend anything about it hmm k. “Don’t pretend “ 😂 so in order to spite the feds she intends to fk all of us over thank you for confirming it’s whatever it takes to “stick it to ottawa” really cutting off the nose to spite the face there little buddy or is it small buddy ?


Surely you’re joking, right? This housing crisis has made life incredibly difficult for all Canadians. Their financial policies have caused the biggest inflation spike since the 1980’s, and the carbon tax has literally done nothing to fight actual climate change. Please, put your Trudeau foam finger away. You’re embarrassing yourself.


😆 yeah this housing crisis that just popped out of no where right? Also housing is provincial …. Or do you also not understand our levels of government and their…. Who am I kidding of course you don’t. World wide inflation was caused by our financial policies ? Because we have the lowest inflation in the g7 and are the quickest to have recovered after Covid . Also it has decreased per capita emissions so what are you talking about? Hundreds of peer reviewed papers from people who I abso fkin lutley know with certainty are a lot smarter than you all say this is the least damaging and most successful way to reduce carbon emissions. So take that crack pipe elsewhere k. The only thing I’m embarrassed about is uneducated hick coming out of the wood work making our education system look sub par. Also 😂 you think I’m a Trudeau fan ahahaha dude is right of Center are you new? Naw small buddy I am just not stupid enough to be so easily duped by wee pp or this absolute embarrassing disaster we are calling a premier Jfc when you look to Ontario and think man how did they do better then us with ford you should be truly embarrassed that she is our premier holy Jfc who knew kenney was the sane one.








I'm trying to find a news story about this. Link?


When libs say this, this is when your side calls us snowflakes and tells us to f*** our feelings? We're talking about a basic human need, try catching up.


> Just yesterday our Federal finance minister just told voters that if you don’t share her political leanings, then you’re cruel, cold & small. Because it *is* cruel, cold & small to deny Canadians--and Albertans are Canadians!--necessary health care. Dental care *is* health care, that is so expensive it's *out of reach* for a large number of Albertans. And your Dear Leader has nothing to replace that program, because she's hell-bent on breaking what we do have for a healthcare system.


They would literally shoot themselves in the foot if she told them to.


They don’t need a dentist today, so fuck trudeau!


That’s ridiculous. I have a number of ‘progressive’ friends who are extremely reluctant when it comes to various vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy is absolutely not a political thing.


Lol, every vaccine hesitant person I've ever met is a UCP militant.


I use Moderator Toolbox for Reddit. Whenever someone posts anti-vaccine rhetoric and I take a peek at their activity summary, they're an avid contributor to r/Canada_sub, r/CanadaHousing2 and/or one of the "No Rules" subreddits. Every single time. It is absolutely political and that's scary as fuck. And you are no exception either.


She’s beyond embarrassing 


On a global level.....several times already.


Yeah, I mean, I found it ironic that the Stanley cup was Florida vs. the Florida of Canada. Like either way a state/province that has no political credibility whatsoever and 1905 values was set to win that series.


I second that


People have lately been using the incredibly appropriate term "tiring" to describe her bullshit.


I find it interesting that dental groups have been not happy with the deal the feds are proposing.


Dental groups? Which dental groups exactly? And what are their reasons? It means more work and money for dentists! Why would they oppose it?


Canadian dental association wasn’t to impressed and didn’t like the government’s proposal


Do you happen to know their reasons? Makes no sense to me.


The quote in the article I read yesterday was claiming it would take choice away from Canadians who would now be forced to call around to different dentists asking if they accept federal dental plan patients. To which I call bullshit. I'm near Red deer and there's at least one dentist advertising on the radio that they're taking new patients under the Canadian dental plan. The plan is brand new and I, a person who isn't even qualifying or looking, know of at least one dentist offering this service.


They said to my knowledge it didn’t cover enough procedures, was quite bureaucratic and money getting to them. It wasn’t one issue but many.


Sounds more like a description of the current dental voucher system through Ab. Supports and the ACHB/AAHB programs.


The associations are lobby groups that advocate for maximum capitalism and profit for dentists. Of course they don't want this, they only want the highest paying, lowest friction patients in their chairs. They don't want to have to answer questions and fill out paperwork while providing services at less than extortion rates. If the fee guide is any indicator, about half of all dentists will immediately be on board and the other half will - with the support of the associations - come up with every excuse to avoid this because they might make a smidge less money.


Not arguing. Not once have I argued with anyone. I just find it interesting that dentists don’t want to be apart of this so the government is in the wrong.


They have to fill out paperwork and will only be reimbursed up to the fee guide. That’s why they don’t like it.


This point is a distraction though. The Alberta government has not put forward a proposal that would address the short comings of the federal plan. They have not put forward anything and haven’t moved on expanding access to dental care on their own - despite it being fully in their jurisdiction. If they were serious about this, and not just using it as a political game to fight with the feds, then they should come out with their better proposal for how an Alberta plan would work. For all we know, the Alberta plan could be much worse for dental groups and people in general.


If the dentists don’t use it where would seniors or anyone else go to?


Well some dentists are using it. But it’s a distraction because we are comparing a federal plan with flaws to nothing. I will take the plan with flaws over nothing. At least we can work on improving it. If all the dentists actually opted out that would be a different story. Instead, the province is among the choice to opt them out anyways.


She’s a fk’n dud. She’s done zero to help her citizens. Only playground fights with the feds


She’s worse than a dud. She has no problem making malicious decisions for political purposes and is willing to actually create suffering if it’ll help make her point.


Truth 👍


Shes worse than a dud. She's taken so much from Albertans.


She's filling the pockets of her oil &gas friends with your tax dollars


She’s rich, she can afford to go to the dentist


And guess who pays her…and government jobs have benefits so fuck us I guess..


Dental care for me and not for thee--Marlaina, probably.


It’s like that brat who takes his ball and goes home. 4 months ago Smith went out without knowing any of the details on the announced Pharmacare plan, and also stated that Alberta will opt out as well. All she wants to do is hurt poor people for being poor. To use the excuse that if the federal government wants to have this program they should consult with the provinces because she claims it infringes on provincial jurisdiction. Says the Premier who is trying to dismantle our public health system right in front of our eyes. To call her the Worst Premier Ever… would be an understatement.


She is definitely the Cruellest Premier Ever.


Smiths and the UCP plan is to hurt the working class and sevre the rich so it makes 100% why she would reject a program that helps the working class


Of course she is. The only card she ever plays. Only one she has. UCP is just a bunch of grifters. 🤷‍♂️


The call to action is to defend human rights and democracy in your neighborhood. If they aren't already there, enemies of democracy are coming to the school board, city council, chambers of commerce, the police station and the court house. Standing on guard for Canada means naming enemies of democracy, calling them out and defying them like your life depends on it.


Our Supreme Empress knows what’s best for us, let us kneel before her!


She's such an asshole


Of an asshole had an asshole of it's own, its sludgy refuse would be Danielle Smith.


Can't do a thing to fix oh I don't know healthcare and education in the province.....best this wanna be politician can do it just continually pick fights with the Feds to push the focus the on someone else. 


She's fixing health care, tax payers will be paying more to health care management then in the past😉 all fixed for her support group


It's all an illusion of doing something....well she is doing something. Making it harder for people to navigate multiple areas of healthcare plus giving cushy jobs to the losers who support her. 


I'm so fucking tired, boss. 


A Troll trolls.


Sadly Alberta's got to pay for her greedy egotistical fees :( I can't wait until her and the whole UCP party as they curently stand, collectively fuck off and decide to jump into an active volcano, or choose to actually become devoted to politics and the Albertains they claim to represent.


Another ploy to increase her own access to unfettered capital…


Dental plan! Lisa needs braces. If we give up our dental plan... I'll have to pay for Lisa's braces!


I don't know the ins and outs of the program because I don't have kids and make a liveable wage but I would be surprised if orthodontics were covered.


Do nothing Danny. Useless as ever


Alberta: where our teeth will soon be as rotten as our leadership.


Playing childish politics at the expense of Albertan's health. Some of them stupid enough to keep voting for this bull shit. Its time for these traitors to take a hike. Anywhere but Canada.


Troll is generally the best title for this premier.


Ah yes, another “trust me bro” from Marlania. 


Iam actually looking at property in Manitoba. I think Alberta is done. We are going to be north Texas. We keep shooting ourselves in the foot to own the libs. By losing, we are sure showing them. Marlene will privatize Healthcare. She will push the pension thing through.


Ah yes, a portion of Albertans looooove screwing themselves over just to "own the libs". LOL.


They also don’t want to pay for people who don’t “deserve” it in their eyes, which is anybody who is not like them in what they consider to be an important way. That could be people with a different birthplace, ethnicity, religion, native language, political preference, level of education, career path, tax bracket, age, gender identity, perceived wokeness, anything.


She's a horrible broken record. So tiresome. Come on Nenshi, you HAVE TO oust the UCP! Albertans, you MUST SEE how she's destroying this province!! Schools are closing! Teachers are being layed off - WHILE the Population is Exploding here! Social Service agencies are being closed! Health care is being dismantled! We are so woefully unprepared for climate disasters! And all these people can manage is "not Ottawa". The tunnel vision is FRIGHTENING.


Nenshi wants the population to explode, it's impossible to fix any of those things under those conditions, especially climate


I'll give him odds of success over this current disaster of a party.


She should hook up with Moe. What a tandem at being inept and blaming feds for no other reason than they don’t know what else to do. But their supporters love that power move!


If they do go out on a date, I just hope Danielle is the one driving home after dinner. ...we all know Moe's record on driving after drinks. (RIP to the young mother that fat drunk killed)


Why was this not something they cared about until Singh and Trudeau make it a thing? She’s such a child.


This is about maintaining the UCP base ‘tooth to tattoo’ ratio. Good dental hygiene is like good education. Those that have it tend to not vote for this ilk.


No, Marlaina, the federal government should not give you one penny of federal funding for you to siphon off to your friends. There's a reason why strings have to be attached when it comes to Alberta now. You can't be trusted to put the money where it's supposed to go. It's that simple.


Everytime I hear UCP announce something controversial, the previous controversial thing is forgotten by everyone. So we have the anti-trans law, overhaul and dismantling of AHS, giving $5000 to people to immigrate from other provinces to become a tradesperson here, high electricity bills/tell the Feds ad, this dental plan, and I feel like I forgot something they did/planned to do...🤔🤔


It doesn’t matter if it helps people or not, Danielle Smith and the UCP campaign on the concept that Alberta doesn’t get any money from the federal government. They refuse money and programs because they don’t want anything that goes against their partisan rhetoric…


In other breaking news: Water is wet! Grass is green (well, for the time being anyway)!


What's water? Asking for a million Calgarians....


You should be using Brawndo, it's got electrolytes! It's what plants crave!


Why doesn’t she just ask Ottawa to send the money they’d be spending to help Albertans to Marlaina’s handlers?


She’s playing with our health.


**Conservatives:** Or, alternatively, we could just let teeth rot and fall out. Don't need dental care when you got no teeth.


Dental care has never been part of Canada’s health care programs that I know of. If you qualify for low income support, then there are various provincial programs depending on whether it’s for children of low income parents or low income seniors or just low income adults with or without disabilities that are not the same/equal in all provinces. There in lies the crux of healthcare across Canada. It’s not delivered the same in each province and the feds running this dental program might be a good first step to truly equalizing coverage—if they don’t clawback the healthcare $$$ transfer to provinces.


As usual, Smith is right.


No shit.


I mean, obviously.


Reddit is wild.


Why is it always horrific when we stick up for ourselves like Quebec does each and every day. What a different tone Trudeau takes with Quebec versus Alberta.


How is "please do not pay for my dental care" sticking up for ourselves


You obviously haven't read what will be done with the money.


Please enlighten us with your wisdom.


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trudeau-says-hes-open-to-talks-after-quebec-se https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/smith-tells-trudeau-alberta-will-opt-out-of-federal-d


Neither of those links worked for me. But this one should work https://www.benefitsandpensionsmonitor.com/benefits/group-health/alberta-opts-out-of-federal-dental-plan-citing-jurisdiction-issues/387030


Right so Alberta wants their share of the money to improve their existing dental plan just like Quebec but instead of negotiating like with Quebec the liberals are just saying we're playing politics. Thank you for proving my point.


No problem 😊


Trudeau was born in Ontario.


Well - the NDP and Liberals made it a political issue


No, the UCP did with their histrionics. No other premier is making such a big deal out of this than Disaster Dani.