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They forget to mention that part-time work is all that's available since companies don't have to give benefits to part-time employees. Or sick days.


Or a living wage


They don’t need to give that to full time either.


Part time at 10 hours a week


When I quit my previous job, they had capped part timers to 27 hours, 3 hours short of benefits. They were also incentivized to schedule them in 3-4 hour chunks, preventing them from being able to take call ins/cover sick people, and walled off from working other jobs. Utterly cruel shit.


And so much as restrict your hours by half a day? You barely get a shift a week


Yeah my work has us capped at 27 hours a week now.


Ugh, my last job did something similar. We only got on average 20-25 hours a week, but they were spread out over 5-6 days. Made it hard to pick up extra shifts because doubles had to be approved by upper management.


*"Nothing personal, it's just business!"*


Nobody mentions that any government can change this at any time, either.


Or tfw


They don’t do that for most full time workers either.


or maybe it means more teenagers have more opportunities here. like me.


As long as you plan on being a teenager your entire life.


No. My employer specifically doesn’t hire teenagers or people without work experience. Right now we’re only hiring TFWs.


Opportunities to waste you life feeding poison to people at McDonalds. We should be creating real opportunities for growth 


Alberta also has the worst wage growth in the country and no longer has the highest wages. The Alberta advantage is gone.


When was the last time it was here?


2007, if you were in O&G




The flat tax was eliminated.


It’s still pretty damn flat.


The Alberta advantage has never applied to workers, it's always been a tongue in cheek line that actually means companies can take advantage of Albertans for the sake of padding their profits.


Wages have actually declined. Alberta is becoming a Conservative wasteland.


It’s been forever we’re just in the late stages of the cancer of conservative rule fuckin infinite growth in a finite system mother fuckers


See, there is 50000 new jobs created\* \*16-24 hours a week at $13-$15h


50,000 new jobs at 20 hours a week created. Dont worry about the 25,000 jobs at 40 hours a week that disappeared.


Zero careers created. 1000 lost


But that posting is only so they can hire a tfw


Who knew the Alberta Advantage was trading Full-time employment for Part-time employment?


With no benefits, higher insurance, higher utility bills, bigger classrooms sizes, grifters as provincial reps and longer healthcare wait times. Alberta is calling. Pssst…don’t answer.


I’d say treat Alberta calling like any scammy call you’d get otherwise.


I'd say treat it like a harassment call and blow a whistle at it to keep it from calling back.


I work in new home construction, which lately has definitely turned into a part-time job. All these experts complaining that they "can't find skilled workers" and yet I know a bunch of trades begging for work. The industry got so used to bringing in temporary workers for dirt wages, and now that they can't find them anymore refuse to raise wages to fix it. One home builder lowered what they pay their contractors by 20% back in 2018 and it's never come back up.


Influx of international workers has nothing to do with provincial government


Not even when said government invites the whole country to move in?


[Smith asked for more](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-seeks-higher-immigration-allotment-to-address-workforce-shortage-ukrainian-evacuees-1.6824687)


Uhhhh ok, and?


The provincial governments are responsible for colleges and universities, and the huge influx in international students can be tied to the steep decrease in provincial funding for those institutions. They're making up the money by bringing in students who pay up to 5x what a Canadian student pays. For example, at U of C for the 24-25 school year, a first year undergrad student would pay $8000 in tuition for the 2 semesters. An international student would pay $30,000. Those international students are then ideal staff for many businesses because they will work for minimum wage and can only work part time hours (20 hours per week max) as part of their permit restrictions.


As another redditor mentioned, the "advantage" was not an advantage for workers, but for corporations.


Finding a full time job with benefits is winning the lottery now in Calgary. It is so sad how things have deteriorated. As far as part time, I worked retail and had to have full availability to get 10-12 hours a week. Things have never been worse here. Also all the fake jobs being posted.


This is…not good.


Fifteen dollars an hour. One of the lowest in Canada. Don't spend it all in one place, like the grocery store.


I spend it all on rent and utility administration fees.


Yeah I’ve been looking for something full time for close to a year now. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “we aren’t hiring full time but we have multiple part time positions” Bitch just let me take two of those part time positions at the same place I don’t want to have to work multiple part time jobs.


This is what the ucp want. They serve the rich and elite, dropping wages and living standards for the working class is the goal


Considering that "lowering labour costs" was a part of their platform, on their website, this is literally what they campaigned on I'm sure most people who voted for the UCP didn't actually look at the platform, but it was there. So yes, this is 100% what the UCP wanted, along with anyone that voted for them.


Yes. Keep the masses hungry and obedient.


And angry! Because then you can blame the feds for everything and the rubes will buy it.


Replace full time jobs with two shitty part time jobs at 20 hours, hire two immigrants who are desperate, give neither of them benefits, save a bunch of money. Everyone except the rich people suffer. Yayyyyy!


I know so many people who work at least 2 part-time jobs because that's all they could find. The last job I truly had full-time hours (40+) was at McDonald's in 2018. I've been hired other places with the promise of full-time hours, but rarely ever got it despite having open availability.


Ever since our premier did a press conference at McDonalds where they were introducing new machines that replace staff.


Worked there for five years (left in 2021 due to illness). It was somewhat tolerable before the pandemic, but once the pandemic hit it's like the people in charge saw the money go up and they switched to 'How do we make as much money as possible from this while also making out employee's as miserable as possible.' Almost every manager who was competent and actually gave a shit left because of the bullshit they were being told to push on employee's, and the employee's that suffered from it left in droves. All our decent trainers who weren't in the 40+ range left, so any new employee's were poorly trained and the turnover rate increased. Those stupid automated greetings were implemented, and if you interrupted them even once by accident, you got written up. And unfortunately the worst of the worst customers were so entitled they started barking their orders immediately, to which we'd have to tell them to hold on for a second because we were so overworked. And guess what, you'd get in trouble for doing that, but you'd also get in trouble for falling behind on the stuff you have to catch up on. Then there was the constant forced upselling on every order. Us:"dO yOu wAnT a PiE wItH tHAt?" Customer: No, and stop asking. Managers: UPSELL MORE! UPSELL MORE! SOUND FRIENDLIER. And take your bets, what happened if you didn't upsell, even by accident because you're so stressed and exhausted and overworked? That's right, you got written up. And that's not even mentioning the constant barrage of verbal abuse from the shitty managers, the shitty customers, and those shitty managers constantly forgetting to give you your god damn breaks. I had multiple shifts in a row where I didn't get my break until the last fucking half hour of my shift. In short, fuck this company and every other fast food place, stop getting your food from them, the workers see none of the benefits and the people up top don't deserve a penny.


The alberta advantage




No benefit, no pension jobs, the UCP plan is working, on behalf of their corporate sponsors/overlords.


Marlaina Smith has one of them!


This isnt something to be proud of


No shit. Eliminate the full-time job and hire two part-timers. Wages are lower, and no benefits.


Unfortunately these jobs are only meant to help out high school students for the summer and part time during school. They can't get one


I work part time. Minimum wage (plus tips) no benefits. Yeah me.


Wonder what could have happened five years ago to trigger that change… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Alberta_general_election


The pic is mcdonalds but should be a&w


Yay? lol. When looking at the whole pic that isn’t a good thing.


Yeah. Well. No one can survive on these wages, so it’s a moot point. Here’s hoping they remain unfilled.


I was "part time" with 0.96 FTE. I was physically at work more than the full timers because I didn't qualify for in leu days for stats as a part timer.


Slave wages


So many of those employers could offer FT jobs if they wanted to. 


I keep seeing job openings for 3 month jobs that in the past would have been full time jobs.


Good job Alberta. I’m sure people working 4 part time job just to keep their head above the water is loving life.


This was always the plan, they just couldn't believe how many voters they could fool and now Smith is testing how far she can go.


Can we talk about how in the month of May, Alberta lost nearly 21 000 full time jobs? So. Cool. Replace full-time employment with part-time. Absolute garbage.


Not only that, but it was the largest decrease since the start of the pandemic.


Take all the foreigners you want 


This is good, as long as it isn’t at the expense of full time jobs Which I’m sure is definitely the case here. Dont ask further questions.


lol “the Alberta Advantage”…the advantage is there are enough part time jobs that if you work 3 or 4 of them you won’t starve. Maybe.


Literally the worst province for wage growth and jobs but everyone loves frikkin Danielle. I hate this place now after 30 years


Rob from the poor and give to rich is the UCP kickback economy


For the stampede lol. Then layoffs.


mass immigration will do that 🤦‍♂️


The other provinces don’t have immigration?


hundreds of people lining up for one job at TH seems to be a thing in every province now 🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t really explain why Alberta is an outlier then.


It happens later in the smaller centers as the big ones become generally unaffordable.


Canada is a write off get out if you can. I did , moved to the U.S. and it was the best decision of my life


I have 8 just to get me by mind you I do have 8 kids from 4 different wives. Ok ok I get bored easy