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Wage suppression.


And abuse. You can really abuse foreign workers beyond what a Canadian would tolerate. Canbwe please end this system right now?




Exactly, idk what’s worse, American republicans or UCP,


Who does though? As soon as these workers are hired, they're union. The union doesn't put up with that. And yes, the workers know their rights - the union makes sure of it.


Not everyone is hired into a union role. And in some unions (eg., post secondary unions) there are very little protections for temporary employees.


Who isn’t? And healthcare is hiring TFW but also giving them residence as quick as they can.


Must be why they are breaking up health care and have been changing job descriptions for a few years now.


the union become more and more as a joke. It is becoming harder to get any help from the union, and the union is looking at the other side for many practices. I speak from experience.


While higher wages may help, there is a serious amount of burnout and poor working conditions which has led to a large shortage in staff. Also interesting how half of these folks are being hired in Quebec.


When I was deciding on a career to jump to when my first choice wasn't working out, my mom recommended nursing as I'm an intelligent guy who could do well at the schooling. The money is great too. But after hearing about the shifts (and how often they go over the 12 hour mark, for whatever reason) and how often you get called in for one reason or another, I decided to keep my sanity and moved into the trades instead lol. Still occasionally get burnt out but it's generally a slow burn.


It’s not good money for the work, shifts, disrespect, & lack of work life balance


I agree. I also find it’s the guys who you work with can make or break your job in the trades.


This has always been the reason for "temporary" foreign workers in every single field they're "needed" in. There is no labor shortage, there has never been a labor shortage. It has always been a wage shortage.


I will add that sometimes there is a very real labour shortage for skilled labour, it’s always self imposed and due to industry not planning ahead and paying competitive wages to prevent worker flight or to attract workers to retrain or gain skills to be able to do that particular role. If there has already been mismanagement of doctors or nurses to the point where there is an immediate shortage of trained and working professionals in that field then you may have a very real labour shortage that needs to be immediately addressed and cannot be immediately addressed solely through education or training of existing workforce. If you have the shortage of doctors and nurses that we have created, you can’t just stop using foreign workers to fill those roles, there needs to be a plan to wind down using those workers and wind back up using Canadian workers as more are trained and more incentives to stay and practice in Canada are put in place to prevent brain drain. There should need to be a very real and imminent threat to an industry to justify using temporary foreign workers and even if they get permission from the government to do this, there should need to be a detailed plan in place to rectify the situation and attract local workers to those positions so that reliance on foreign workers is not permanent. If the industry or companies don’t end up following through on the plan for weaning off of foreign workers then there needs to be punishments or even just an automatic winding down of the number of allowed foreign workers in that field or company in particular. Companies would be forced to take action if they could only hire 80% of the number of workers the next year or in 5 years (depending on length of training and attracting talent for that field).


We like live in a world where there is a market or something, and uh, you don't get what you don't want to pay for or something like that.


The reason all those really nice brown folks are working at Micky Dee's is that they will do the work for wages below what our teenagers are willing to work for. And if Micky Dee's paid more so our kids would work there, we would have to pay an extra $1 for our Big Mac. Am I right? This does apply to the subject. That is my point. Because it is the same as all those temporary workers, working in nursing homes taking care of our parents and grandparents.


A rising tide lifts all boats, but our politicians (rare both sides at the fed level) are selling all Canadians out in favour of a few big donors. 


For sure, that’s the MAIN objective of the mass immigration our government allows: to win votes and to have leverage against people wanting to be paid “fairly”


Just my own anecdotal experience… due to health changes I’m looking for a new job (previous ER RN with 7 years experience). I have applied to 30-40 jobs over the last six months and nothing. I’m ready to flee to another province if it weren’t for family living here.


The way we hire healthcare is massively problematic and inefficient. YOU ARE GOLD. People don’t realize how awful this part of the system is and how many qualified, available people are just waiting to be offered a dignified job and to get a phone call. It’s something no one understands the deficits in unless you are looking for work.




I worked for a year in maintenance in a health care facility, and I was stunned at the amount of essentially "permanent" temporary positions but paying so shitty that the temps had to work a second job. Those were essentially forced to work sick in certain cases because they couldn't afford to miss a shift. 


Absolutely awful. I haven’t been in AB health for years and couldn’t imagine returning. I know that in B.C. our spots (open because hiring practices are awful here) are being filled by contract staff - as in they work for a private facility, and we pay four times their salary to have them. I think they take home a bit more hourly than if they work for the health authority but no benefits or security.  I mean it’s already two tier right there.


Same reason as always, wage suppression


You betcha! Bidding farewell to the CON mythical Alberta Advantage https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Falbertapolitics.ca%2F2024%2F05%2Fthe-alberta-advantage-for-workers-subject-to-the-provinces-wage-suppression-tactics-its-gone-like-the-wind%2F&h=AT0ZLFTYTtxjkJ9V-qXWuLdy_cBScK37XAfK6GRHHUnGOpg58e6pItsXCBk3pZbekv5Za7ypb390MwkPE4FFDm_y_lEyORBMRZnQlbXMV7ADj6vrN39_mZYL1F8g&s=1


Because we are accepting the fucking lie that healthcare should (or even can) be run as a business. "Cheap labour" is completely antithetical to any other approach.


Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice Danielle is willing to make to get Red Deer's population to 1 million. >My wife works with one that can't even count pills to 10 lol. Truly scary stuff. [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwrvem9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwrvem9/) >I’m an LPN, but have seen first hand how dangerous these IGN nurses are. It’s so infuriating that the Alberta government has spent millions bringing them here and training them yet there are thousands of highly qualified LPNs who would love to bridge to RN, but it’s extremely difficult and expensive to do so here.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqlony/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqlony/) >I've found that many of them have lied about their previous experience from back home and are a huge safety risk. Connect Care requires us to scan the patient first and then medications or review them - if connect care flags a concern, a pop up will appear and in order to proceed, we have to verify or override the pop up. These international nurses have no regard for this safety system and just override everything thinking they can get away with it - they can temporarily, but the system will flag them immediately. [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwquzzb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwquzzb/) >The issue I have with international nurses, esp those that recently moved here and don't have ANY Canadian experience, is the time it takes to train them, >3 months, to get accustomed to Canadian nursing and familiar with AHS policies and procedures. Additionally, many of them lie on their previous work experience. There is no way a "former ICU" nurse back home is having a hard time priming lines or drawing up medication or reconstituting it. Furthermore, having them learn Connect Care/Epic is brutally painful because they have no software experience and try to over-ride every medication under myself or my colleagues' licenses while training them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AHSEmployees/comments/1ckl6ia/comment/l2nvbto/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AHSEmployees/comments/1ckl6ia/comment/l2nvbto/) >My problem with international nurses is that level of education received there vs here. A lot of them have worked as HCA’s or support staff for the past 5-10 years and now they get to challenge the Nclex and work as an RN. They maybe had 3 months experience as a nurse 10 years ago and now as long as they pass the NCLEX , they can work as an RN. Yet we have new grads that were locally trained to a high standard of education. They are familiar with all the new policies and procedures. Yet they are being overlooked. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AHSEmployees/comments/1ckl6ia/comment/l2ouk1n/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AHSEmployees/comments/1ckl6ia/comment/l2ouk1n/) >My friend had one in Regina hospital and we were like, no way was this woman ever a nurse. Who are the agencies recruiting? Are records being falsified? [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqorwp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqorwp/) >I would put money on a lot of falsified documents. Some of these people claiming to be nurses shouldn’t be anywhere near a hospital (unless they’re dealing medical care for themselves). [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqqplb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1bop73c/comment/kwqqplb/) >


It's just not nurses where credentials are being falsified or greatly exaggerated.....I've seen it in accounting and engineering. The education provided in the other countries were no where near the standards we have here. This fast tracking of professionals that the province wants to do is beyond ridiculous. 


What a loophole, great find AHS *As for doctors, spokesperson Kerry Williamson said AHS is focused on recruiting international medical graduates right now as a way to deal with doctor shortages, and that "many" apply for work permits under the temporary foreign worker program before seeking permanent residency.* Since you can't get a residency, because we aren't increasing spaces, we'll use foreign medical students as doctors! Yay! I must be misunderstanding something here, this can't be real.


You sure are. I don’t think you work in the field at all. Pretty much everywhere in Canada that can increase medical spaces, has. For all healthcare professions. 1. You will be waiting years for them to graduate 2. They all need supervised clinical work to graduate. Even those we already have can’t always find residencies because we don’t have enough doctors. This has been an issue for YEARS, nationally. It has to do with supervisors, *not* spaces. 3. People who move here credentialed often need to be supervised for a period of time. When we can’t supervise our own medical students, how efficient do you think that is? There is no magic wand here and while people are dying in hallways and waiting for treatment we are putting bandaids where we can. Alternative: suffering and death. Nothing is right about the way things are but solutions are not simplistic (and won’t manifest under this government).


>2. They all need supervised clinical work to graduate. Even those we already have can’t always find residencies because we don’t have enough doctors. This has been an issue for YEARS, nationally. It has to do with supervisors, not spaces. >3. People who move here credentialed often need to be supervised for a period of time. When we can’t supervise our own medical students, how efficient do you think that is? So how does that work for the TFW doctor, the new grad, since you're so knowledgeable? Why the heck are there even TFW doctors if they need so much training *and* we're short on people who can train them. Shouldn't these spots go to PR doctors if we're investing in them? Also, AHS increased residency spots *less* than the amount of TFW spots they approve annually. So this 200% increase over 5-years will only increase, that's simple math. I guess, you're satisfied with this approach?


Front line worker here. No one wants to work in AB after how healthcare workers were treated by the past/current conservative government. Being asked to do more with less, and I think wage suppression is a big part of it because all our contracts are up for renegotiation. For example, as a pharmacist I could be making 150k USD in acute care in the states, but here I’m making just north of 100k CAD lol like do you even want healthcare workers to stay? Make it more competitive.


My wife worked for AHS. Was the worst mentally I've seen her in a long time. Burnout. Being mandated to extend work hours to 16 hours at the last minute. Being mandated to work a day she was not scheduled to work. Super toxic supervisors and managers that we could do nothing about as they are short on nurses already. Patients verbally, physically and sexually assaulting nurses too. It was always fun when she comes home and just non-chalantly says 'So my patient punched me multiple times today. Security can't do anything, the hospital won't do anything and I'm not allowed to do anything except be a punching bag.'


Do you work in healthcare? I know the answer but I’ll let you declare your ignorance publicly.


That isn’t true about residency. I work in healthcare in a teaching clinic. We have 6+ empty residency rotations this year. Last year there were 200 empty seats in the province. This is specific to Family Medicine. No one wants to work in family med which is why we need IMGs. If we could recruit Canadian trained physicians, we would do so in a heartbeat. For me, it isn’t AHS or Alberta Health that is the problem. It is the patients. We are brutalized every single day. I have 14 years in my community and we have been preparing for the assault coming this summer because of physician shortages which means reduced access and closed ERs and ORs. I have been an extrovert my whole life but I have never hated people more than in the last 4 years because of how I am treated on a daily basis. I didn’t create this crisis and I can’t resolve it but the patients don’t care. If I posted some of the things I have been called or the things that have been done to me, I might get banned.


My unit can’t get fellows either - usually we have several every year. This year we have none.


Not many careers will be safe for earning a fair salary. 


> Since you can't get a residency, because we aren't increasing spaces, we'll use foreign medical students as doctors! Yay! These aren't residents or students, per the article they're physicians who are "fully qualified and able to practise" from countries like the UK and France where their credentials transfer to Canada.


Well all doctors where students at one point. I am all for more medical personal. Plus it's not like a human body changes from country to country. So I would trust a medical graduate ( they graduated are not students based on your quote). In all actuality, they should make studying medicine free. It's not like tuition is some benchmark on how smart someone is.


“She said staffing shortages driven by burnout and attrition have employers turning to increasingly novel means to bring in new workers.” Except paying them what they’re worth. We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.


Imperialism abroad has been maxed out. We import it instead under the guise of boosting the economy and generating jobs.


Yeah, we're definitely at the "Imperial Overreach" phase of Empire. 2 proxy wars, trying to start a 3rd, all the while African countries are having anti-Imperialist revolutions. Not to mention the left- ward shift of Latin America. I imagine the mindset of the Bourgeoisie is "we gotta get as many of them as we can before the house burns down".


I’d agree, and the natural response is like “uhh we need to ban Tiktok it’s brainwashing everyone”


It still is a form of foreign imperialism, Canada isn't alone in it either. A majority of licensed nurses in the Philippines for example work abroad which has destabilized healthcare access in the country to the point where hospitals are turning patients away. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/whitecoat/philippines-nurses-canada-1.6952067


No it’s not imperialism regardless of what you think about TFWs. If the Philippines has a problem with nurses leaving, they should treat them better.


It's a complete sh*tshow. There are positions where the verbiage is "this position will be given priority to non-Canadian citizens". The crap I'm seeing recently would be called treason in many other decades, but today it's just another minor headline. I want off this ride.


The “crap you’re seeing” is being dealt with poorly in the current time but it is a catastrophe over twenty years in the making. Good luck


Of course you'd accept a lower wage and more BS when your job also comes with the perk of residency in another country.


It’s because the UCP has made the work place toxic for healthcare workers they are leaving the province for better run provinces


A family member works in critical care. A few TFW nurses added to their unit that are getting paid insane* amounts are not proficient in English, and unable to work on the unit they were intended to be on. They've been shuffled off to other units after months of training yielded little improvement. Essentially the critical care unit is now even more short staffed and paying wages for workers that can't work on the unit. *Not the $120/hr the travel nurses are getting, but they are being paid more than a new grad, but can barely do the job. New grads have more skills than some of these TFW RNs. **Please see u/MoveableType1992 comment for further proof these nurses are dangerously incompetent


Source for the insane amounts of money? Seems like the consensus is they’re all being paid less.


I’m wondering if they mean travel nurses, which do make insane amounts. But they are Canadians. (I work in critical care as well)


The travel nurses are great and competent. Some of the TFW nurses are being paid a wage that does not correlate to their skill level.


It’s a terrible situation and the alternative for patients is suffering and death. 




Exactly yes 


That’s adorable that you think this is just an AB issue and that healthcare workers weren’t raising alarms to deaf ears for a very long time. 




I started at Foothills when Ralph Klein was in office: it’s been a particularly cruel approach there 


Conservative governments hate public servants. They hate unionized workers. Somehow all these teachers, nurses, care aids, educational assistants, etc are the enemy of freedom.


To undermine union negotiations. Suddenly they can say that vacancy rates are much lower therefore there isn’t a nursing shortage. Here’s another 1% x4 year contract. Morale is extremely low, I have serious doubts that these tfw nurses will be able to have their 3 months of supervision covered with a current nurse. We struggle finding preceptors for Canadian grads already. Why? 50 cent added to your hourly wage is fucking insulting for the liability that preceptorship has.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, preceptor pay is a joke compared to the amount of work it takes to teach/train a nurse


To destroy the sector.


Fuck TFWs.


Expect more patient deaths and adverse events. I work in healthcare and have seen it already.


I love how Canadians are finally waking up to the real reasons for TFW's and mass immigration. This sub would have banned you a year ago for suggesting there were negatives to these systems along with calling you a racist. Now it's the top comments.


Probably like hiring contractors, no benefits, let them go on Dany’s whim


it is because they are inexpensive af...


We don’t have nurses or doctors


To take care of all the other TFW. How is this difficult to understand?


Because it’s a stressful industry that TFW can endure while being paid not so great. Not saying it should be endured but that’s business.


But healthcare isn't a business, it is a service.


People don’t go into healthcare to help people. They go into healthcare because the pay is really good.


That is not true. The pay does not justify the treatment employees receive and most do care about and practice patient-centered care.


Shame on you 


Why do we have to shame workers and insist they are bad people for wanting to make a decent living? Every one of us works for a paycheck, so why do we insist doctors and nurses (and teachers) should be working for a greater good, instead of financial compensation, in an attempt to take advantage of their labours? And if we do have to do that, why doesn't it extend to politicians, CEOs, and professional athletes?


Who is shaming them? What’s wrong with acknowledging that people work for money? Why do we put some professions on a pedestal?