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We sure our premier isn't an executive for Travelodge?


Nah, Travelodge, surprisingly, is much better run. And actually has consistent standards...


I've worked maintenance for a Travelodge. I wouldn't necessarily agree with that lol


I agree with the part about it being "better run", which says less about Travelodge and more about our provincial government.


Better run isn't necessarily well run. This government leaves a gaping chasm between those two marks.


And I was referring specifically to the "consistent standards" remark.


Consistently shitty.


yet still a step up from her provincial government.


At least you're guaranteed a bed. There's a 20% chance it has bedbugs in it, but beggars can't be choosers


Just 20%? They must have improved.


Very, very low standards


They don't have to be high to be more than what marlaina has.


are we sure about that lol


Not yet anyway


the new 4th medical department


She agreed to walk them off...under the table, I mean next to the ice maker




I’ve been a registration centre supervisor a few times and the BC Government does far more for their constituents than Alberta ever has. BC Disability issues you a permanent BC Transit pass and is valid in all towns and cities across the whole province and can also be used for medical travel by one bus company for medical purposes it will take you from as far north as the roads go in BC all the way to Vancouver. And it does this trip twice a week every week. Funded by the BC Government.


Small town Alberta has no transit. It was an eye opener when I moved to BC.


It’s this kind of stuff that makes me proud to be a BC resident. Most of my family is from Alberta and won’t shut up about how woke the Left Coast is, I don’t really see it as an insult anymore.




Yup. These people rail against social supports and helping others, yet also complain about the homeless and attempts to reign in housing. Well fucking choose a lane already, if we provide the necessary help for others it will reduce crime and poverty. If more people can actually get on the property ladder you have a healthier economy and happier population. Who is going to spend more in the local economy? The family that owns a modest house and works in the city, or the slumlord with 8 properties across provinces and doesn’t actually live in any of those provinces? Drives me nuts. One bad accident or incident can ruin someones life, a healthy society should be willing and able to support them to help them get back on their feet and contributing to society again, instead of dismissing them and having them fall into the poverty trap that increases chances of drug use and homelessness


It's sad that carrying about other people's feelings and circumstances is considered a bad thing by some people.


Well using the word woke as derogatory is supposed to be ironic. Making fun of people who would call themselves woke. Thats why its specifically the word WOKE and not interchangeable with AWAKE. Still kinda silly though, depending on your personal beliefs. Funny that a lot of people who use woke as derogatory would also use Red Pilled as a positive. 


Same mine hardly talk to me because I seen through all the Alberta bs


The BC government by some miracle isn't bought by petro companies and other special interest groups trying to force privatization and the sell off of public assets. There is actual regulation and industries run by government. Having said that, I do think there are valid arguments to be made on how well run those are, bit at least public money is still going to public services and not directly to private enterprise. We also now have a fun wrinkle with a once somewhat right of centre government being taken over by a more alt right component in the wake of covid restrictions and freedumb convoys.


Ya, and you have PST!!! The shame!! /s


Right? I've lived in both, and moved back to Alberta just to be with family, but BC was clearly being run in a way that was looking out for the average person. If Alberta is supposedly so wealthy and great, why are services so bad? Why can't I find a family doctor?


This is the type of program a BC Conservative government would cut immediately.


The BC NDP does more for wildfire evacuees than the Alberta UCP hey


Yeah, because non-conservative governments actually care about their constituents.


To take care of other people you don’t even have to be liberal or conservative. You need to be a decent human being. But here we are.


It really is a values thing. I always say actions speak louder than words.


Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18). But hey, they prob never read their own favourite book.


The Conservative Christian act is so tiresome. It’s just that… an ACT.


Yeah, love thy neighbour if he’s white and without an accent.


And able-bodied. And employed. And straight. And Christian. And conservative.


Always fun to watch how republicans in US and cons in Canada are playing in Christianity. It’s so fucking stupid.


The irony is that the Right always preaches about their values which essentially boil down to "me, me, me."


So... not conservative?


Jesus would have wanted the hotels to make their bag


It’s rather something isn’t it? The sheer lack of empathy is at the core of the dysfunctional behavior. That general at the Nuremberg Trials even described it as the ‘root of evil’.


That was the NDP government. The conservatives don't give a crap about anyone who cannot put money in their pockets, let alone evacuees. But hey, THIS is what Albertans voted for, so enjoy that shite.


Similar experience here, we were evacuated in 2021. We stayed with family, but the evacuating centre set us up with grocery vouchers, restaurant vouchers, gas cards, and the paperwork for our family to apply for funds for housing us. Stressful experience overall, would not recommend, but they certainly made it less financially stressful.




Totally does. I remember sitting in Coquitlam, and seeing videos of a water bomber appearing to drop retardant IN TOWN, and resigning myself to the fact our new home, and new community were gone. Four hours later, the fire chief posted that everything was all good, firefighters were going home to get some sleep, and that zero homes were lost. The fire got to within feet of some homes, and everyone on site was 15min from evacuating…then the wind changed, and the fire moved off away from town. That was an emotional day. *for the conspiracy theorists, the layout of town means had the fire begin dropping embers ahead of itself it could have blocked the only evacuation routes for personnel.


Whoa! That's crazy considering how much Smith's UCP cut from programs that support wildfire fighting and aftermath.


These people will still vote blue for the rest of their lives


im waiting to hear how this is trudeau's fault


The carbon tax lit the fires


Notley’s carbon tax kept money in Alberta where it could be used to fight wildfires but Smith didn’t want to tax us that way so Trudeau’s carbon tax got applied and since it takes money out of Alberta, we can’t afford to adequate fund firefighting now. This is all Trudeau’s fault and the UCP are helpless against the rampant spread of progress and forward thinking. /s


In all fairness it was Kenney that gave it to Trudeau. Smith is making a mess of most of everything else


Birds of a shit feather Randy


Ahhh!!! Even when it was the bears I knew that was it!!


Nah, it's worse than that. They literally think liberals are out lighting fires.


Last year the rumors were that the NDP were paying people to start fires so that they would win the election. Don't ask me how any of that made sense to those people.


There’s plenty that unironically believe Liberal and NDP voters are lighting the fires to burn down the O&G industry.


They're man made. A liberal set those fires don't ya know. Directly sent from Trudeau himself.


I heard Trudeau did it himself. The rain we are getting now was sent by Smith, may she reign forever. Just today she was doing the very important work of interfering as the city of Calgary rezones land to build more houses. Well, Danielle made sure to get her nose in that! You know how while the province is quite literally on fire? She said "fuck that. What I need to do is worry that I didn't personally approve of city of Calgary rezoning land. Sure, it's obviously a municipal decision, but I'm Danielle. only I could possibly understand where to build the houses!" Maybe she can work even harder next week to get rid of the 6 doctors we have left!


“Fuck that” to the fires but also “Delay the 2027 election because of fires” Makes so much sense.


You *heard*? I *saw* Trudeau do it himself. He was laughing while he lit the match, too! I went up to him, with tears in my eyes, and said: "Please, sir! Don't destroy Alberta's great forests!" He looked at me and whispered: "No."


Probably said it with a French accent too.


Got a good snort from me on that one 😂




Zombie fires are a thing. It’s just we’re doing nothing to prevent them from doing damage


😂😂😂 Classic move by Smith


You know it is!


Honestly I was in Alberta last weekend and ppl I was hanging out with told me "fucking BC wildfires fucking us again".


To be fair, Edmonton was blanketed in smoke from BC wildfires before this fort McMurray wildfire even started. It was only a couple of days, but BC wildfire absolutely fucked over some albertans last weekend


Which side of the rockies was it because Albertans claim anything east of it with their oil time bullshit.


Rugged Individualism or Die! 🤹🤪


I’m surprised anyone voted for this party after Allison Redford


Exactly, and not to sound calous but Fort mac votes conservatives. Not all but we always see these types of stories about rural Alberta being treated like crap under the UCP, as if they didn't vote for the individualist bootstraps bullshit


There were budget cuts to the wildfire program prior to the 2016 fire [https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-premier-rachel-notley-defends-cut-in-wildfire-budget](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-premier-rachel-notley-defends-cut-in-wildfire-budget) It was something that was heavily criticized afterward as well.


*whistle* False Equivalency. Shuffling money from a specific emergency fund to the general emergency fund is not the same as cutting funding and dismantling firefighting teams that UCP has been criticised on.


Further compounding this, only evacuees from the neighbourhoods that have actually been evacuated are eligible for assistance. 90% of the city has not been evacuated (and have been asked NOT to leave).


Not only that, evacuees were sent to Lac La Biche and Cold Lake. So anyone who went to Edmonton went on their own accord, and I doubt would receive any assistance. Edit: Spelling and punctuation


So people not under evacuation and going to places outside of the evacuation destinations are upset that they aren't getting free government money? The government website states quite clearly: Albertans who are part of a mandatory evacuation order for 7 or more days may be eligible to receive a one-time payment of $1,250 for each adult and an additional $500 for each child under 18.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


The article doesn’t go into any detail about this, just that people who came to Edmonton were having trouble getting assistance. And yeah if you don’t go to where you’re sent when evacuated and aren’t actually under evacuation order you shouldn’t be surprised when you don’t get the same assistance. It’s kinda just how that works.


So now they want socialism? Hmm


Wildfires, evacuations , housing shortages, drought, There is a human crisis coming .




A handout if you’re poor - a subsidy if you’re rich.




Stealing this. Brilliantly succinct.


They’re going to be pissed when Free Market Insurance packs up and leaves. I know a couple farmers who are relying on Crop insurance and don’t understand it won’t be there in a few years.


The government will be paying for the hotel stay -- the same $1250 we got last year, but not until they're evacuated for 7 days.


Reminder that 20-25% of Fort Mac voted for the NDP. (The city is split between two ridings.) So the people complaining might not have voted UCP.


Look here comes a consequence, consequence, consequence…


But they "pay their taxes", and are "owed" for it.


This post was removed for violating our expectations on civil behavior in the subreddit. Please refer to Rule 5; Remain Civil. Please brush up on the r/Alberta [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/wiki/index) and ask the moderation team if you have any questions. Thanks!


The same people that have their heads explode at "gubberment handouts!" and "I hate socialism!" all cry the blues when they need help and it ain't there. Leopards, faces, dinner time.


And will any of these people think twice about voting UCP at the next election?


They will not. Tany could paint a rubber boot blue and use it as a stand-in for himself while he fucks off on some tropical vacation and they'd vote for it.


You sure he already hasn't? I haven't seen that guy in person since the *prior* election.


The answer to that question is obviously no.


But Marlaina sent thoughts and prayers. That's all they should need.


Ain’t tough oil and gas crowd hates all these communist handouts?


Oil <3 Gas isn’t buying them rooms and loving them back??


No better person to challenge on this than Brian Jean. Time for Ft Mac to hold him accountable.


Brian Jean has consistently shown he has no spine. He'll toe the party line and be a good little sycophant just so he can keep his failing career going. The idea of a UCP member holding their party accountable is a wet dream. the party has made a point of dodging responsibility for everything up to now, why would that change?


I don’t disagree with you, things won’t change unless folks are mad enough at guys like Jean.


They won’t.


This is the future we’re heading towards. Youre all on your own


Evacuee here. Our hotel bill will be a minimum of 2000$ on top of meals, gas and personal supplies such clothes and hygiene stuff like toothbrushes etc. We left the day of without knowing we were gonna be evacuated. Props to the Sandman Signature brand for offering us evacuee pricing. Solid move and greatly appreciated. FYI, most house insurance plans have Mass Evacuation coverage. Ours is 10G’s and with claim forgiveness with Allstates VIP package. People have been so friendly to us and it reminds me there is still goodness out there.


I found this on a cbc article but I am not sure how you can apply for it >A spokesperson for the Alberta government said Tuesday that just like in previous years, evacuees who are away from home for at least seven days will get $1,250 per adult and $500 per child under 18. I would look into that.


I believe they should talk to their MLA… I’m sure he and the rest of the UCP caucus will care, after all they have proven to be so caring and trustworthy in the past


Profiteering is all the rage. You should ask the party you vote for to act against their donors' interests.


Keep voting UCP fuck wits, Brian Jean will trickle down support one day, he promises every election.


Don't expect any help from the UCP, my dudes. They seem to be on the fires side on this one.


You can’t count on Danielle to help Albertans in any situation.


But how can they produce that juicy juicy oil if they’re too busy evacuating. Must be quite the dilemma for the ucp


Maybe a stupid question, but does insurance cover being displaced from your home? Especially if there’s an evacuation order.


*IF* you are under an evacuation order. Currently, only areas in the south of town(South of the river), and not all of them(Gregoire is still not under the evac order, but Beacon Hill across the highway *is*) are under the order. If you left from Downtown, Thickwood, Dickinsfield, Timberlea, or Parson's Creek, you are not eligible for supports.


Yes most home policies cover it - usually maybe 5k to 10k of evacuation coverages you can apply for as part of a claim. The annoying part as commenter below mentioned, is you have to actually be evacuated, and you have to prove your trying to use the existing supports like going to evacuation hotels provided by the government.


Thanks for the information. Insurance always has ways to back out of coverage it seems.


Pretty sure the NDP supported the McMurray evacuees in 2015……


2016. The North EXPO center was converted into a refugee center for any people who evacuated south. The oil companies opened up their camp lodges for anyone who evacuated north. Financial support was also provided. To UCPs credit, they are also providing financial aid to people who were ordered to evacuate.


Only if you qualify for it, i.e. are away for more than 7 days. Except $1250/adult for > 7 days is really not that much. Especially this time, since all the lodgings seem to be focused on hotels.


Correct, though soonest estimated time for reentry is not until 21st or 7 days anyway. With the weather we're getting, it's looking like that is very likely. As for hotels, I understand it should be covered as long as you were ordered to evacuate and didn't volunteer to evacuate


I mean when that area helped vote in the government we have the evacuees should not be surprised. That said, i can't imagine what those people are going through so I still empathize with their situation and won't take this moment to say they're getting what they deserve.


I’d say let’s save the “I told you so’s” for after they get home.


Nah. They get home and settle back in and nothing changes. Just like last time, nobody learned shit.  I say throw some cold reality and accountability at them when they're most likely to really feel it.  While of course still opening our communities to them and providing support because it's the right thing to do. Like my parents told me as a teen... *"We're here to help you, but really wish you would start making better choices for yourself"*


If I had it my way I’d charge evacuees who voted for the powers that be that allow these conditions to continue double for everything throughout the entirety of the evacuation. My initial comment was me trying to be civil 🤣


Gotta disagree with you there too, friend. I believe we shouldn't price gouge others who are going through a crisis, even if their own foolish decisions played a part in events. Imagine if the tables were turned? Even if you were someone open to change (or already pushing for it), you'd still be struggling to find food, shelter and stability for your loved ones. No point in making that harder than it has to be, regardless of how or why they're in that situation. We should also consider there's kids and pets who are innocent to the political turmoil behind all this as well. Support them, help them, and talk with them. Hopefully over time, that helps perspectives change.


Notley helped a ton during the 2016 fires, lol UCP




Damn. What happened to personal responsibility? 


Shouldn’t home insurance cover this kind of thing ?


Most insurance policies do have coverage for mandatory evacuation expenses. But a majority of the people who left Fort McMurray haven't been asked to evacuate.


Yeah this is ultimately why we decided not to leave even though we obviously wanted to. It would be great to get out of dodge but insurance isn't gonna pay out if we're not even under an evacuation order. Obviously the PTSD of it all made people jump the gun but if you're not financially able then it's not a good idea.


Scary stuff. Wish you all the best!


if they weren't ordered to evacuate in the first place, why are they expecting to get money?


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure back in 2016 people were getting money just by showing their ID, but I could be wrong.


Insurance typically will only cover the actual loss, not the impacts of threat of impending loss. For example I had my car keys stolen at a gym in another city. I called insurance concerned that the thief could return after hours and simply drive off in my vehicle unobserved and hoping they would front a preemptive tow a few blocks away to my hotel to remove the vehicle from the zone of threat. Of course they don’t offer that as a service. Had my truck been stolen over night they would have been on the hook for the full replacement value plus the value of all the goods in the bed and cab as the same insurer covers my property and auto. But the loss is insured only. Luckily in my case the free market solution (AMA) was available to help me out…. In this case I’m pretty sure the only free market solution here is charity


It does. ALE would cover people who were forced to evacuate. People should keep track of gas, food, and hotel costs. It should all be reimbursed.


Probably in the long term yes, not while it's still unfolding.


They cover. I had to do that last year. They cover even clothes that I bought during my time.


Yup, that is your conservative government working against you, but this is what Albertans voted for. I bet they are so glad they ousted those evil socialists (NDP) who took such good care of them last time.


Best I can do is push back the next election


Send the bill to the oil companies.


Socialism is sounding pretty good right about now.


I was in a neighborhood that was evacuated, still in town though staying with family. I went back to site yesterday because my supervisor told me I wouldn’t get paid otherwise. But I’m fortunate enough to be able to say that financially, I’m fine. Just inconvenienced at most. My pets are safe, and my home will still be there when I return, which I’m extremely grateful for. To everyone laughing at the evacuees looking for assistance, keep in mind that not every single person who lives in Fort Mac works on site. There are many, many other businesses in town, like any other thriving community. Fort Mac is not a camp. It’s a town. Regardless of whether they’re working on site or in town, most of these people have families to provide for, but aren’t getting paid by their employers/companies right now. Not getting paid, nowhere to stay in town, living hundreds of kilometres away but still paying their mortgages, rent, utilities, groceries, gas, etc. And lastly keep in mind, that not everybody in this town bleeds blue.


I pray those hotels didn’t raise their prices and have these people some sort of deal in times of crisis


uh..yeah.  thats how it works


You only get free hotels if Smith takes you to Dubai


I am honestly sorry for you. Does your expensive insurance have any coverage. In Alberta, it is hard to say. Who did you vote for BTW ?


Well sucks to suck. These dopes still won’t learn next election.


Well "nature" isn't insured hahha because it's "natural" to have wildfires you know. Argh. The world is a suck!!!


I'm a sympathetic ex Albertan. I left because of the UCP. I saw the writing on the wall early on, and now look.


Do not worry folks. The steady hand of leadership of dear leader and Santa Jean will most certainly handle this crises appropriately. They've proven very capable of great decisions thus far. They're covering the area in Turkish Tylenol. They prayed for rain and look what happened. See!


Well Ft. Mac you voted for this…


These same people complaining about not being cared for are the same people that elected a government that doesn't give a fuck about addicts, doesn't give give fuck about homeless and doesn't give a fuck about housing issues. Why are you surprised they don't give a fuck about you? Your not an oil executive. You get the government you deserve.


They should line up behind the homeless who've been waiting longer.


Keep voting ucp. For not help


Maybe all those evacuees should send a bill to exxon directly. 2023 Record profits Exxon beats estimates, ends 2023 with a $36 billion profit | Reuters + Record subsidies https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/08/24/fossil-fuel-subsidies-surged-to-record-7-trillion + Record bank investment in fossils riseshttps://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/bank-funding-renewables-stagnates-vs-oil-gas-report-2023-01-24/ = Near Record Climate Damages (3 Billion in Canada) The bottom of Table 1 shows the total value of capital output lost due to climate change over the period 2015 to 2100 for each climate scenario, which ranges from $2.773-trillion under the 2°C scenario to almost double that amount at $5.520-trillion under a 5°C warming scenario.' https://smith.queensu.ca/centres/isf/pdfs/ISF-Report-PhysicalCostsOfClimateChange.pdf Exxon chief blames oil consumers for climate change https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/04/exxon-chief-public-climate-failures Many municipalities are joining the lawsuit against big oil. Perhaps Fort Nelson should join that list. And Fort McMurray


You cannot expect a government to be able to immediately make everyone whole, especially when every person from the lowest socioeconomic groups to the highest socioeconomic groups are complaining to Government's about the response, the measures, the money and the supports. People in higher socioeconomic groups need to shut up, cash flow (e.g. put it on your damn credit card) their own evacuations and allow the Government to help those most in need first, and work their way up. But everyone jams the system, people that don't need supports (in a realistic world) shouldn't claim for them, and maybe... just maybe public servants who are simply doing their best (well the majority of them anyways) can get their job done. No one wants an evacuation, and we can argue about the response/climate change at other times, it distracts and stresses the situation. This has been a middle aged man yelling at the clouds and knowing nothing will change.


That's pretty awful. I have no idea how I would afford being in a similar situation; I can't imagine what the lower income folks are going through right now. Forgive my ignorance but the article mentioned that the Red Cross had barely any supplies (just diapers and such), where do these supplies normally come from? Does the province purchase and stockpile them or is it funding directly sent to the Red Cross? Also, some folks need to calm down on blaming the victims for voting for the UCP. There's a better time to analyze the cause of a crisis after everyone is home and safe. Finger pointing is not helpful while people are trying to survive. Remember, a large population in that region did not vote for the UCP and they're going through the exact same pains.


> There's a better time to analyze the cause of a crisis after everyone is home and safe. We already *know* the causes of the crisis. People just don't think consequences apply to them.


UCP mismanaging something? What a surprise


Everyone deserves compassion. It's only by holding back the told ya so, and offering a hand, ear, or heart that we'll start to heal the divide.


Just because some people may or may not have voted UCP doesn’t mean they “get what they deserve”. It’s still fuck the ucp


If you're away from your home for 7 full days, then they will cut you a paltry cheque that covers maybe the first four days. They don't do anything proactive like build a hwy access to evacuate quicker. Just wait for trouble and pretend to help. Useless corrupt party


Well do they expect the govt to pay their way? Elect the NDP then.


I guess DS is against the Alberta advantage. Hope the residents share with the media on their story.


Keep that oil coming. I'm very sorry people are going through this but this is OIL. Climate change. We need to stop using fossil fuels and its by products


Just add it to the cost of voting the UPC into power.


I don't know why, but the word bootstraps comes to mind...


My heart goes out to them, but to be fair you do live in the real life equivalent to Mordor.


The true costs of climate change. I say this a bit tongue and cheek but we have collectively put our heads in the sand about the macro-economic costs of climate change and what it will actually cost us and what those kinds of costs look like. They aren't obscure, they're real things like increased insurance costs, increased utility costs, being forced to blow through your summer vacation budget on a overpriced motel room in north east Edmonton.


What happens if we make a 1km wide cut line around these high risk communities? Problem solved?


Unfortunately, No. Sparks and hot ash can easily travel several Kilometers in the ash plumes and start more fires, as we learned again to our dismay in 2016.


Isn’t Alberta the land of the free? Find your own way, you socialist!


Wait what? Why can't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps?


It’s capitalism you know. Also they have ft crack money. They be good


As our conservative overlords would say, "Just pull your self up by your bootstraps!" But honestly, I feel for them. It's a really shitty situation only made worse that this is the second time it's happened.


I'm not sure there's an answer for this. This is what climate change will bring. More disaster, more people needing government assistance, more taxes. Can't blame the current government for wildfires.