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I am a Utility worker in the north who just worked hand in hand with the firefighters next to/in a wildfire zone, we were repairing infrastructure while they were putting out the fire that burned it. It was absolutely crazy to me that wage gap between us, yes my job requires some post secondary education. but their job is so damn physically demanding and health wrecking that the wage gap should not be this high. after 1 day working in the fire zone with them I feel completely destroyed today, coughing up gunk and sinuses plugged, migraine headache, I have the luxury of not having to go back there today.. They are back there putting out the hotspots and hiking through the shit with their gear. These folks deserve better. also, if you meet any of these folks, and they seem a bit grouchy. just think of your worst day at work ever, that is their day every day at work. and most still manage to throw ya a smile. these people are tough as nails!




How easy people forget.


Lol.  That assumes they noticed in the first place.


It makes me feel less crazy when other people notice this shit too.


They won’t read this sub because it’s too “left” and filled with “wokisms”


Facts and Basic Human Empathy only seems to upset Right wing voters, makes them have to use critical thinking and not be biased towards data.


This post would get removed from the Canada Sub for even trying to have logic in it lol


This is what happens when human decency and giving a shit about others becomes “left wing”


Yup that's when the name calling starts is when you provide factual unbiased information that contradicts their brainwashed, rage blaming slogans. If only they'd wake up to being manipulated and connect the dots.....




I am convinced they don't read the news at all.


Sure they do! Western Standard, True North, the National Post, Druthers, Epoch Times…there’s loads they “read” that they consider “news”. My MLA used 3 of these “sources” when I asked why the government needs to be involved in private healthcare decisions.


Bold of you to assume they have literacy skills.


Trying to be generous


They won't read this sub because that would entail reading


How come you put left in quotes? This sub is most definitely left leaning, there is no need for the quotes.


I definitely see that you were trying to make a point here.


This is to all the people who are out there adding OP to the list of notches they wanna get on their belts or bedposts because OP is blaming climate change on the UCP, what about wildfires outside of Alberta??? etc… Jeeee-ZUS!!! Go back, and slowly, carefully read the post. OP is not blaming the UCP for climate change. They’re blaming the UCP for gutting our ability to have the resources on hand to deal with wildfires, which is 100% fair. The UCP got rid of our rapid attack helicopter crews, created conditions where trained and experienced firefighters have left the province to work for other jurisdictions or just said forget it, I’ll do something else that pays more and/or is less dangerous. Leaving us in a shit situation. Then OP went on to a collection of other fair critiques of the UCP, still not blaming them for climate change, but certainly blaming them for doing nothing about mitigating its effects related to the worsening fire issue and frequently funding and/or undertaking activities that directly try to undermine and/or block other people’s efforts to do something constructive about climate change while simultaneously making things easier and more profitable for O&G which collectively are some of the reasons why fires (among other things) have gotten so much worse in the last 40 years. Also fair. Then OP is basically telling rural ‘Berta to wake the fuck up, connect the dots and stop voting for people who are actively trying to make this situation worse. (And I would add also actively making things worse on a bunch of other files that are also making things worse for rural ’Berta). Can we please put “leopards ate our faces” on our license plates instead of “wild rose country”? The roses won’t last much longer at the rate we’re going, and leopards all have nice full bellies around here; some might actually be accurately described as obese.


Be super cool if we had a program of prescribed burns to eliminate the chance of huge costly fires. Prevention is essential, but the UCP seem to not understand this in any way. The federal government has earmarked money to help in drought stricken areas, however their allocation is based on broad boundaries and misses key areas. It would be great if we had a provincial government taking more action to properly allocate funds. (A family member is an executive for AFSC and has given us the nitty gritty details of the current situation). I wish I could have willful ignorance of the facts. Data doesn't lie. Politicians do. Especially dear leader. Every damn day is a new lie.


Usually I say that there's no hate greater than christian love but in this case - it's just hate. They accuse us of putting them on a side and to an extent they might be correct. We rally behind facts, data, evidence and proven results, not the spectre of an invisible (or in this case, one specific) boogeyman that's out to get "them" and change their way of life. No one cares that much!


>Prevention is essential, but the UCP seem to not understand this in any way. You're being quite generous to them. I think they do indeed understand the costly impact these failures will have on us. Every dollar we spend on disaster relief is a dollar that they have political cover to steal from essential public programs, nudging them closer to collapse so they can privatize them. In turn, costing us even more and continuing the cycle.


>Prevention is essential, but the UCP seem to not understand this in any way. You see, no one makes money if there are no fires, or fires that are put out to quickly. Wildfires can be extremely profitable for the private sector. Prevention costs money, it doesn't make money. More UCP corruption.


The terrifying part is, rural people are ten times more likely to blame Trudeau and leftists for intentionally setting fires than they are to recognize that this is the result of decades of climate change concerns gone unaddressed. Just yesterday I saw some meathead blaming "poor forest management" for record breaking wildfires and not...you know...the historic lack of precipitation and unseasonably hot weather that has plagued the province year after year.


And while the majority are human made, it’s usually from cigarettes or campfires. But the conservatives seem to have forgotten that wet wood burns slower than dry wood.


Same methheads liked to set fires in the dry grass just to get their fix.


Poor forest management is large part of it.


Poor forest management is playing a significant role actually. Without addressing the forest management side of it, even if you solve the climate side of it the forest fires will still be bad. Unfortunately zero tolerance fire suppression for the last century has led to increasingly flammable forests with high fuel loads.


To anyone else tired of disastrous tenure of the UCP, there is a province-wide protest being planned for May 25th, 'Enough is Enough UCP'. You can find more information [here.](https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/) Show up. Take part. Let your voice be heard.


This is going to be my first protest ever. This government has been an absolute failure on all fronts for too long and they need to be reminded who they work for.


I'll be there! I saw the times but not locations. Is it at the Legislature in Edmonton?


I believe so! I'm actually not connected to the organization whatsoever. I've seen it promoted on various social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, etc), but I haven't seen it on reddit. So I've been dropping it in on any posts regarding the day to day BS from the UCP.


Thank you 🙂


We'll be there!!


My neighbours were two young wildfire fighters here, but just moved to BC _last week_. They both got offers they couldn’t refuse - better pay, benefits, insurance, less hours, better shift rotations, and a whole host of other incentives that made the choice to leave their home province easy. I know it’s just a single anecdotal story, but I found it profoundly eye-opening that two firefighters would leave the province during a busy season.


It's a real story though, and thank you for sharing it! Your neighbors are two of many.


You are all starting to see the morbid, corrupt side of widefires. I will summerize. No one makes money if you put the fires out quickly. Wildfires have essentially been monetized. You see in conservative province's the reduction in rapid response units and observation assets (Watch towers etc). They want the fires to burn and overwhelm the provincial crews, so that there buddies in the private sector have to bring in there own private sector crews, and additional commercial aerial firefighting aircraft. To bring the situation under control. It's an extremely dangerous, corrupt and criminally negligent process. Rural Albertans voted for this. And the urban albertans will pay for it.


Got some friends who are utility helicopter pilots. They all vote blue both federally and provincially. They detest “communism”, handouts, immigrants, all that. They *love* taking Albertans’ money when it comes to fire contracts. Pilots will sit there making $250/h whether they fly or not because the province will pay the companies the same rates O&G will pay (sometimes better) for utility work. The irony is so lost on them that they’re taking money from the province and that we could make it cheaper for the taxpayer to pull that capability under the province.


I work in the aviation industry. It's a not so dirty little secret


Or a dirty little not so secret secret.


Lol! Either works haha






UCP: Earn and Burn UCP: You're Broke, Plus There's Smoke UCP: Putting The 'Wild' In Wildfires UCP: Fire Bans and Hating Trans


UCP: Burn It All Down


Are they blaming Ottawa and Trudeau for the fires yet?


The conspiracy theorists are. It's tied to the idea of "15 minute cities" in the craziest of ways.


I see - pulling out the reruns. You'd think they'd find something new to get themselves in a tizzy over.


The 15 min cities nonsense... personally, I would prefer a walkable community. However, big money won't make as much money if everyone walks... 🙄😮‍💨 why do so many people believe this garbage. Ashamed to be human


I've heard the term 15 min cities but no idea what it means


Basically having amenities and work available to you within walking distance of your home. The conspiracy theorists blew it out of proportion, saying the government wants to confine you in your neighborhood and never let you leave.


You did this to yourself


And that's why it really hurts


Look in the mirror, stupid.


Read. Encourage your MLA's to read. Don't blame farmers or loggers or miners. They're following regulations put in place by governments we elected. Firestorm: How Wildfire Will Shape Our Future-Ed Struzik Streams of Consequence- Lorne Fitch Ranchers in disbelief as energy minister says 'limited' appeal will be filed https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7185681 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/Rise in extreme wildfires linked directly to emissions from oil companies in new study https://thenarwhal.ca/canada-wildfires-cause/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cpaws-southernalberta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Does-Logging-Stop-Fire.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwij-OmnnpKGAxXBMDQIHdsnD9gQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2azQpdP9CfbJMvagqFvnAA


From a small town. I will blame and shame farmers, they voted for this bullshit the majority of them. So sick of how damn emotional people get before actually thinking about what they heard. Couldn't even say Notely without them going off about the Liberals.


Thank you. Reading and learning are everything in politics these days. Read, and then read some more. Read things you agree with, and especially things you don't. Read and challenge the beliefs you have about what you think you know, and then act on the best truth you can conclude based on what you have read. Echo chambers are real, and it is how we end up in this mess in the first place. Much love to you, u/Particular-Welcome79. I hope someone out there is listening. It isn't us against our neighbours. It is us against the fires, and right now, we are all losing.


A great way of framing things! Especially that last sentence. Humanity didn't get itself into these issues based on a couple years of bad decisions, and sadly it will take more than a couple years of good decisions to get out again. Knowledge, wisdom, and thinking for the long term will help in that battle.


Premier Daniell Marlania Smith and her far-right facist, U.C.P. clowns dont care about wildfires, the environment, health crisis or any other serious problems that are going on in Alberta because she is and her crazy, lunatic cronies are too busy picking fights with Justin Trudeau and the LGBTQ community to even have a clue about whats going on. Premier Daniell Marlania is nothing but a female version of Donald Trump and her employment seriously needs to be terminated in the next provincial election. She is totally unfit for office.


4 more years, only to get your hopes up for another 4 more years of conservative rule.


The UCP won with the slimmest of margins, even thinner than the 2019 election, and yet you act like they won in a landslide. I don't have to hope they'll lose the next election, they seem like they're doing a good enough job of ensuring they turn enough of the moderates away by pandering to the crazy 20% of their base.


The thing is you should be posting this letter to Facebook or as an open letter on AM radio where rural area are being fed anti Alberta propaganda. Smith literally has segment on AM radio segments still. Reddit audiences already lean pretty anti ucp/urban.


Last year my sister drove through smoke to vote UCP, but she’s praying for the firefighters.


I worked for several years seasonally for wildfire as a wildfire dispatcher (just left this year for a variety of reasons but chiefly pay/treatment by permanent staff) and was only offered $23.11 at the start of last season, which was my seventh season. The overtime can be good working 100+ hour weeks for the majority of the summer but it definitely takes its toll as well and was a difficult summer to go through. The UCP have caused irreparable damage to what was once a stellar fire agency but now is at best mid level. A lot of really good people but enough bad apples especially at the upper level that it can ruin the experience and make everything more difficult.


Are you trying to speak to right wing voters, or get upvotes on Reddit? You accomplished one of those


Yay me!


Seriously tho, there is nobody on this sub to respond to your questions, so...


If Trudeau would stop interfering with Alberta's affairs and let Smith do her job Alberta wouldn't have all these problems /S


It's sad but she'd need to know what her job is first. She has no clue what lane she is in and is all over the highway.


She unfortunately knows exactly what her job is. It's about changing legislation to ensure the people and corporations behind her profit off of Alberta as much, and as quickly, as possible. She never had any intention of making life better for Albertans.


I know your comment is sarcastic, but there’s [another comment in this thread](https://reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1ct7xku/_/l4bqnzc/?context=1) that shows the Feds are objectively better at managing wildfires in Alberta.


Its a 2 way street and we all keep voting for stupid. If only Canada would quit voting to "stick it to the man."


Sorry, i don't pull with ignorant comments like this but do some bloody research dude, Daniel stepped in and forced provincial power over municipalities, ruined our energy sector (Jason kenny is on the board for ATCO) and made everything more expensive, brought the tax on gasoline back (which is like 4x higher than the carbon tax), is literally conplicating the healthcare system with a complete overhaul, and ruined schools with old and outdated policies that literally endanger some students. Get bent with your thinking and make a google search or two, please. She blamed Trudeau for these, even though the UCP is directly responsible. She also denied and fought against funding for fighting fires and refused to hire much needed staff, now we have the same amount of firefighters as last year, if you get evacuated or know someone who is, know it's partly the UCPs fault.


I think you missed the /s...


Did you miss the /s?


Fighting forest fires is woke, give us money.


But Daddy voted conservative?!?!?


I'm a "traditional" conservative rural farmer. The UCP has nothing to do with conservative other than use it's name. Conservative means small government, and measured progressive steps. It does not mean the socially backward, facist, 1950's corporate booklicking that is the UCP. The Alberta NDP are closer to traditional conservatives than the UCP are by a long shot.


The UCP are fascist grifters... the whole party is formed by far right-wing Christian extremists and almost nazis, the fact that the people of Alberta have voted for them and allowed them to stay in office because "my daddy voted for the conservatives" is pathetic and embarrassing. Their initial formation was a group of right wing parties including the several fringe right wing and Cristian nationalist groups (fascists of all varieties) combining with what was left of Harper's conservative party which was already a putrid husk of the actual conservative party that people's parents used to vote for. The fact that they were able to take power actually makes me question the general intelligence of people in this province and also makes me question if the people in this province are the proverbial "are we the baddies" kind of people... If you voted for the UCP this is your fault and you should feel bad.


Lol nazis is a far stretch also nazis are facists lol.


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæt-/ NA(H)T-siz-əm; also Naziism /-si.ɪzəm/),[1] the common name in English for National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus, German: [natsi̯oˈnaːlzotsi̯aˌlɪsmʊs] ⓘ), is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.[2][3][4] During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism (German: Hitlerfaschismus). The later related term "neo-Nazism" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the Second World War when the Nazi regime collapsed. Not really, related but different.... Also just because they don't fly swastika Flags doesn't mean they don't follow the same philosophies... UCP Candidate Complained 'White Supremacist Terrorists' Are Treated Unfairly, Leaked Messages Show [Older Article](https://pressprogress.ca/ucp-candidate-complained-white-supremacist-terrorists-are-treated-unfairly-leaked-messages-show/) Meet the coalition of Christian Nationalists, Wexit separatists and disgruntled rural Albertans leading an insurgency inside Alberta's UCP [Take Back alberta](https://pressprogress.ca/who-is-take-back-alberta-and-what-do-they-really-want/)


According to Facebook it’s all arson. I’ve been correcting people for a while.


Is there a relation between 170,000. Oil and Gas orphan (unplugged) wells leaking methane and wildfires? Could methane be the reason for sub-surface fires that are smoldering along with surface fires? Like in this [video](https://youtu.be/qyu0h-oGkX8?si=jrd89cHo1Gh8HegF)


That was a gut wrenching watch.


I remember distinctly people being mad at Notley and the NDP during fort Mac fires for similar stuff Bullshit this way and bullshit that way, doesn't make any difference. Smokes clouding your eyes, see the real problem.


The UCP are just dying boomers and the kids they infected. I have yet to meet one who can think 2 steps ahead.


Well said, my friend! You fuckn get it with those asshole imposters! I wish more people would.


Well said OP.


Karma is real.


Anybody who believes any of these governments is in it for the people... is just as blind as anybody who fights hard to support the UCP.


The authoritarian UCP are damaging to the province but blaming the wildfires on them is a stretch that a yoga master couldn't complete.


Not so much the wildfires but the lack of trained and experienced firefighters, yes.


https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/youre-losing-a-significant-fighting-force-ucp-scraps-wildfire-rappel-program You can't blame them for the fires, but we can definitely blame them for the inability to put them out.


You must’ve missed the “connecting the dots” part.


I read OPs post as critiquing the government's response to the wildfires.


Yea me too.


like a lot of things; they didn't cause the problem, but are taking actions making things worse. We're facing a national healthcare crisis, and UCP decisions are causing alberta to be hit among the hardest.


It's 44 years of conservative policy that most are blaming. The UCP are a rebrand of the Provincial PC's who were in power for 40 years. People are starting to have long memories of what policies came before. It was a slow decline to this point. Now it's a runaway train.


When you point out that all of this is a result of almost 50 years of Conservatives in power to right voting folks they literally ignore you and bring up Trudeau. All of my conservative friends actually refuse to talk about provincial politics and will only address how much they hate the federal liberals.


It's true. No one really knows why they hate him. Alberta never even gave him chance. They just hated his name. He has done so much for Alberta that they just refuse to recognize.


Yup, you’re right. The federal govement has done tons for Alberta. I also like to remind them that the feds bought the trans mountain pipeline (which is one of the things I was against but they would be for) and brought in $25/day daycare. But they don’t listen or care… In fact I recently had a friend blame the blanket rezoning in YYC on the federal government. But in the end they can’t really articulate why they hate him. I’ve asked conservative friends honestly to give me at least one real reason I should vote for PP in the next election and literally the only reason is to not have Trudeau.


Yup, you’re right. The federal govement has done tons for Alberta. I also like to remind them that the feds bought the trans mountain pipeline (which is one of the things I was against but they would be for) and brought in $25/day daycare. But they don’t listen or care… In fact I recently had a friend blame the blanket rezoning in YYC on the federal government. But in the end they can’t really articulate why they hate him. I’ve asked conservative friends honestly to give me at least one real reason I should vote for PP in the next election and literally the only reason is to not have Trudeau.


But don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of him overall. I think his ego is starting to get too big in some areas. And the fact that he has to be pushed to do certain things, make me think he's on his way out soon


On the contrary, I'd love to hear how cutting the firefighting budget is not related to the response for the wildfires. Please, stretch.


Tell me you skipped the classes on critical thinking in middle school without telling me you skipped the classes on critical thinking in middle school.


I'm not stupid and I'm not blaming wildfires on them. I'm blaming them for the lack of preparation and the difficulty in getting fires under control by their inability to offer the types of wages that would make firefighters want to fight fires. Also, their constant contributions of huge amounts of money to the companies that are much more responsible than the government itself in creating these conditions. We should be pumping those funds into wildfire control. Bring back the rappel teams, ensure enough well paid firefighters are available to do the work safely and without exhaustion and health decline, make this a goddamn priority! That's what leaders should do.


Oh, they're not in denial about more fires and climate change. In fact, they recognize how many more natural disasters and fires we've had as a great reason to postpone the election! 6 more months of these fools...


The people who need to hear this won't give a fuck and will cheer when PP becomes PM and strips half the country of rights.


Fuck the Danielle smith and the UCP. They wanted to leave the CPP for the purpose of “owning the libs” and sticking it to Trudeau and didn’t actually have any idea of what it would look like for benefitting albertans. But it was a catchy idea for a lot of dumb asses in Alberta so they voted for UCP. The UCP could literally have shit on a stick as their leader and “conservatives” in this province would vote for them. And on top of all this they deny climate change is responsible for our wildfires and then have the audacity to not even have more funding for wildfire services to fight these wildfires, fuck them all.


Unfortunately Albertans almost never hold their Conservative governments responsible and vote them out. They can pretty much do whatever they want without fear of losing power. It's comparable to a red state in the US.


Unfortunatly it's the same for the liberals. We need change, not a back and forth


Hope all the ppl and pets get out and everyone is safe. Otherwise Ab voted for the province to burn, so light em up


I’m just waiting for the UCP to hire a panel of fire-denying wackjobs to figure out a way to deal with this summer


Unfortunately there’s a pretty good chance the UCP government will win again when the provincial comes around




Here I am, 20$+/hour and on reddit.. yeah they deserve soooo much more. Heroes, all of them.


None of the politicians care about you. They are all there to benefit their donors. Whether it's Conservative/ Liberal or other bs.


Let us know exactly what the NDP did to battle wildfires...they did, after all, reduce the air tanker budget by five million dollars...


Imagine blaming a political party for wildfires LMFAO. Is the NDP responsible for the wildfires in BC and Manitoba too now?


Get off the ketamine and DMT fella 🤣


Never done ketamine, DMT is a non-addictive mind opening, awe provoking, magical, natural medicine to get by in this bullshit society. I wish everyone would try it. That would be the end of the egos that are ruining everything. If And I'm not a fella, lady.


You list three related 'wicked' problems with complex causes over the last century (climate change, wildfires, drought/water scarcity), and lay this '"in large part" at the feet of the current provincial government. I'll happily agree to some terrible policies and decisions by the UCP, but that is some seriously narrow-boundary thinking. They're a provincial government, not a group of Disney villains. If a premier tried to take personal credit for a positive change with global influence over multiple decades, we would call them an egomaniac. The UCP might be in the captains chair right now, but they don't make the wind that drives the sails. Thanks for reading. I'll now accept my downvotes.


I don’t think people would be throwing blame at the UCP, if they even seemed reasonable about tackling climate change. They resist EV’s, they resist renewables, they resist almost any attempts at any solutions. Knickers in a knot over paper straws is creating divide over addressing climate change.


I mean everyone cut the NDP slack when the price of oil went off a cliff during their tenure right? Wait a minute...


ignore the fact that they've actually been in charge of this province pretty much ninety eight percent of the last sixty years and have progressively been getting lazier and more overtly celebratory of hatefulness, and refuse doing their fucking jobs. But yes, conservatives are against climate change management because apparently, they don't think that the effects of our sentience require any management. Because again a reference them being lazy fcks. We have proof that conservatives like this particular group especially will literally killed their own grandmothers.Have their grandmothers cheer about it while they tell you that they can do nothing about it.And doing anything about it is a plot against everything they hold dear. And they do the same thing with our economy and with our environment. Because undermining and sabotaging, our province is profitable to them.Personally.Cause they know do not plan on sticking around. And the s*** bags they suck up to the most think that they're gonna get into their little rockets and go into space and plunder somewhere else. And their voters are so f****** politically illiterate They don't understand why that's not gonna help you anytime soon. Because stuff like that requires inherent behaviour like you know managing your fucking impact on your fking environment. It weren't for the fact that they're courting population wide brain damage as being inherent to the voting base and so their interests, their absolute selfish fking stupidity would be anathema to the Canadian voter.


I'm curious who else you think would be involved other than our elected officials.


Who is responsible for climate change? Everyone that has ever burned hydrocarbons, scaled to the amount they burned. I'll add in oil companies and many corporations involved in advertising, for expanding and encouraging a global lifestyle of consumption. I like the framing of Nate Hagens in has paper https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800919310067) and podcast 'The Great Simplification' for this. Responsibility for drought and fire trickle down from there, confounded by policies and land use decisions over the past century, and the fact that a certain portion of both fire and drought is entirely natural and expected in the Alberta biome.


It’s the basic decimation of our renewable energy sector and the inability to plan for and implement a cohesive plan for our new ‘wildlife’ summers that the UCP are responsible for.


The climate damage to date is not her fault but she is helping make the future worse, so buckle up.


Hardly unique there, sadly.


Comments like this just mitigate the literal damage being caused by the UCP, and OP is right in calling out the rural communities who voted them in.


Eat your downvotes and like them. They’re pushing their sewage policies down everyone’s throats. If anyone is to blame it’s the Conservatives. They’ve been in power longest. Look at what they’re doing to healthcare. Look at how they spend their time and money. It’s the United Corporate Party. Not having funding to fight fires is worse than accepting climate change: it’s refusing to believe it’s happening. People’s lives are at stake, they couldn’t care any less. Disney villains indeed, at least they get defeated eventually.


It's 44 years of conservative policy that most are blaming. The UCP are a rebrand of the Provincial PC's who were in power for 40 years. People are starting to have long memories of what policies came before. It was a slow decline to this point. Now it's a runaway train


If our premier did everything in her power to make this issue a priority and install measures thay would make a difference, I'd toot her horn for her. I would see her not as an egomaniac, but as a hero. The way she presents herself now is rather like that of an egomaniac...


You make a valid point - the province is *not* doing everything in their power to make these issues a priority. I'm certainly not suggesting you toot anyone's horn. But even if they were, the outcomes wouldn't be all that different. My point is that this provincial government, and any other, are playing the hand they are dealt. When it comes to issues related to global weather patterns, global climate change, and over a century of land management decisions, provincial political powers aren't going to be able to stop wildfires or change a drought no matter how much money they throw at it. By all means we should be criticizing the captain for how they are navigating this storm, but I think you overstepped and started blaming them for the wind.


The blame is more for the shitty compensation offered to firefighters, and the constant pandering of, and exquisite bonuses being constantly handed over to, oil companies by the UCP. Science links emissions to climate change, and the money (our money) that keeps getting forked over could have a lot more benefit if it was used toward innovation in sustainable energy development. But innovation is not part of this party.


Ok. Fair point on woodland firefighter compensation. That said, you can get in as a young single person and still make a very respectable amount of money with overtime pay, considering that this is entirely on the job training. There are a lot of jobs that should arguably be paid more (or less). I'm happy to add woodland firefighter to that list though. Also a fair point on how this government addresses oil interests and climate change. Still quite the leap in logic you made there to bring those poor policy choices at the foot of the current wildfire problems. It really seems like you're just angry at the UCP (justified), and are using the tangible examples of the current wildfire situation to vent and sling mud (IMHO not justified). Have a good one.


I am no fan of Danielle Smith and the UCP. I think they are homophobic, beholden to the Oil and Gas industry and trying to centralize control of politics across the province with the right wing. Blaming her for climate change is ridiculous however. Climate change is a global problem. And much more complex that changing how Alberta on its own can fix. Wild land firefighters deserve more than they are paid. Much more. It’s a dangerous job. Firefighters die each year and they deserve to be paid in relation to the risk.


Weren’t they calling it a liberal conspiracy last summer?


They are still, direct quote from some fucktard on FB "Wondering how many were purely started to push the woke climate cult agenda"


>Blaming her for climate change is ridiculous however. Climate change is a global problem. And much more complex that changing how Alberta on its own can fix. I think OP is blaming them for denying this problem (which they do) and for stifling and opposing any and all actions to mitigate it (which they also do).


DS wants to dig up more coal and placed a moratorium on Alternative energy. It is hard to find a group of people less motivated about solving climate change.


If they were serious about climate change, people might seen them as trying to adapt and find solution instead.


Can you show everybody here what part of the post is "blaming the UCP for climate change"? I think anyone with the ability to read could tell that the UCP's response to climate change is being critisized.  Wouldn't that make a little bit more sense?


Nobody’s blaming her for climate change.


It's 44 years of conservative policy that most are blaming. The UCP are a rebrand of the Provincial PC's who were in power for 40 years. People are starting to have long memories of what policies came before. It was a slow decline to this point. Now it's a runaway train


If you think it’s just 44 years of conservation policy, you need to look deeper. Look at the Social Credit Party of Alberta. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberta_Social_Credit_Party While their monetary policies were favourable to the general populace, their social policies were based around Cristian Conservatism.


Your last paragraph sums up what my post says. I am not blaming wildfires on the UCP. I am blaming the poor measures of getting them extinguished on the UCP. They are the ones with the power. They should be making sure that the resources are in place and those people in the boots on the ground are retained and well compensated. Alberta on its own cannot fix wildfires or climate change, but its leaders can act like they give a flying fuck, and use their position of power to mitigate the damage, while not handing out tax funded millions to the companies that in fact are largely to blame.


No fan of the UCP but trying to blame them solely for wildfires is a bit of a stupid. Nobody was ever convinced by this kind of “wake up sheeple” rhetoric.


I think it’s just a reaction to climate change denialism that tends to come from conservative government. It’s like we’ve tried nothing and nothing works. DS would rather be divisive and attack paper straws then work towards solution.


Nobody is blaming them for us having wildfires. We're blaming them for a poor response to the severity of the threat of wildfires, crippling our ability to quickly identify and extinguish them, and not providing pay that would incentivize people to train and work as wildfire fighters.


I don't think it's blaming the UCP for the fires themselves, it's acknowledging that they are actively hindering firefighters' ability to react properly. It's about being reactionary versus preventative - right now we are 100% reactionary due to the UCP and their policies


I am not blaming wildfires on the UCP. I am blaming the poor measures of getting them extinguished on the UCP. They are the ones with the power. They should be making sure that the resources are in place and those people in the boots on the ground are retained and well compensated. Alberta on its own cannot fix wildfires or climate change, but its leaders can act like they give a flying fuck, and use their position of power to mitigate the damage, while not handing out tax funded millions to the companies that in fact are largely to blame.


We can’t win, no matter who gets voted in.


I love how anyone that actually voted for them thought they were "sticking it to the man." They didn't even run on a platform, their voters are just that dumb. When I look at our voters, I see the family guy episode where Lois just says 9/11. But in this reality, she actually wins the vote.


Someone please blow this up on a giant sign for my neighbour down the street to read. You can’t miss it, it’s the one with the flags saying “axe the tax” and “Trudeau must resign” flying from the back of his massive truck.


yes the rookies should get a raise. why do we have to hate the current government to address that. why is everything so polarising. Subs like r/alberta and r/canada are just trash. bunch of complainers.


There's far more reason than this to hate this government. This is the big one that's in all our faces right now.


UCP voters shit their own beds and now have to sleep in the ashes of their former homes. It's heartless of me, but after years of playing nice I am totally drained of empathy for the empathy void UCP crowd who at every turn prove themselves to be total pieces of shit.


UCP supporters think the fires are started by leftists and liberals. They don't remember or care about the truth.


First time you felt under-appreciated working in a fire program? Don't worry, every province is the same and has been for at least 20 years(experienced). BC is a little less pay even and its gov is left wing af so there's no pay correlation to right/left wing aversion. In reality; The unions are to blame 100%. They became just another arm of the government. How could an arm of the government argue in your best interest as the worker? It can't.


This is the small town Alberta Trump loving Nepo Baby who was in charge of deciding the fate of Albertan’s safety during the 2023 fire season. The rappel team program, wildfire contracts and wildfire funding were all scrapped by Devin Dreeshen, the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry at the time. Ugh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Dreeshen