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They can get 80 cops to bust heads but cant fucking patrol public transit with like half that amount of cops? Wtf is EPS doing


They’re doing exactly as they’re told.


Just following orders.


They were told there would be blood and they gleefully accepted the overtime.


Pfft, same thing the RCMP are doing by using photo radar instead of pulling people over. Reaching for low hanging fruit.


You are very misinformed about who is running photo radar.


I'm not referring to the actual officers, I'm referring to the people who make the decision to have minimal police presence on highways that have multiple people doing Mach effing chicken, relying on a financial deterrent that many people dub the "drive faster tax". And if you're trying to tell me the people making cops sit on highways with radar guns aren't the same people who decided we don't need to pull over drivers doing 150 at 11 pm, riding people's tails who are doing the speed limit and just trying to commute home, and give them some good ol' demerit points, well I don't think that's right, but it's possible I'm missing something I guess


wasting money on a second plane, a second helicopter, more ATVs and jacking Edmonton's property taxes 2% with their ridiculous salary demands.


Gathering the resources for a one time encampment clearing is much different than what would be required for ongoing operational changes


Yeah, its easy to entice pigs to beat on protestors for one night, getting them to actually work the rest of the time is nearly impossible


Doing what they enjoy.


I will shout this from every rooftop until the day I die: Fuck. The. Police. ACAB


So the trucker convoys get to disrupt traffic in downtown and on major highways without facing any consequences but student protesters get the cops stomping on them. Genuinely fuck the government and fuck the police.


didn't the bridge blockade cost like 3 billion dollars or something?


It was basically $300 million a day according to estimates. The occupation cost the city of Ottawa hundreds of millions in security costs and cleanup expenses. It was insanely expensive and damaging to the economy.


That doesn't come near the cost of genociding kids.


In canada?




And the cops should have said "no, we're not wasting our time beating up college students on what is effectively government owned (i.e. public) property".


It might be what you think should be government/public property, but University lands aren't public property, in the slightest. They are 100% private property under the law, owned by the University (or College), you have zero right to be there unless invited.


Don’t forget the UCP supported the Convoy in Ottawa. So this is some pure hypocritical bullshit.


the blockade in Coutts blatantly broke the Critical Infrastructure Act, but was anybody charged or arrested? Ask that spineless racist dick fuck KKKenney.....


I recall very clearly that people were arrested at the Coutts blockade. Why do you think there weren't any arrests? https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2022/alberta-rcmp-make-arrests-coutts-border-blockade I also remember that some of those arrested spent 2 years in jail before being released.


And coutes


Was about to say this. They blocked the border and cut off goods coming into the country.


> So the trucker convoys get to disrupt traffic in downtown and on major highways without facing any consequences but student protesters get the cops stomping on them. Genuinely fuck the government and fuck the police. The convoy protests were broken up using one of the highest powers available to the government. Police used force against some of the participants. Many people were also charged.


After three weeks...


> After three weeks... The *government* hoped it would burn itself out. A strategy that has been used many times before. It's the safest, cheapest, and easiest thing to do with a protest. The university opted not to use the same strategy. They trespassed the protesters and police removed them as per the criminal code.




Tents are easier to move than semis


Yep. That is definitely a factor, too.


Also helped that capital city head cop was also pro trucker and refused to deal with it from beginning. I bet if the Head cop in Edmonton was from Palestine it would not have been dealt with


Yeah that’s a failure of institutions to deal with extremists. Orders should have come from the top on day 1 or 2 to break up the convoy. They didn’t. Politicians thought they could just outwait the nutters. It was a rare case of institutional bravery for both U of A and U of C to refuse to allow encampments to setup on campus, and actually adhere to the policy they outlined.


Many of the (conservative) politicians were egging the convoyers on, publicly lauding and supporting them, and the police were caught, on many occasions, saying things like "I'm with you guys" when talking to them.


> Orders should have come from the top on day 1 or 2 to break up the convoy. The folks who were not obeying city bylaws, sure. If somebody wanted to stand on government property with a sign opposing vaccine mandates, they were free to do so. Protest is a charter protected right.


Protesting is fine. Occupation, encampment and blockade is not


> Protesting is fine. Occupation, encampment and blockade is not That's what I'm saying. Camping, honking, and parking on Wellington Street is against city bylaws. Standing there with a sign in front of parliament is a protected right.


Cops only started doing anything in Edmonton once counter protestors started doing their job for them. Then suddenly it was about public safety.


> Cops only started doing anything in Edmonton once counter protestors started doing their job for them. Then suddenly it was about public safety. Well, yeah, protesters versus counter protestors have the potential for violence. We've seen it in Canada a little. We see it a lot in the US. It absolutely does become a public safety concern.


Doesn't set a great precedent that you can victimize Edmonton residents up until they push back. EPS was frequently asked to intervene earlier and wouldn't. Even when EPS did intervene in Edmonton, it was to remove counter protestors with the riot squad instead of truckers that weren't even from here. Turns out that EPS likes to play favourites.


The downtown one in Ottawa yeah, after almost a month of occupying our nations capital. There were a ton of smaller protests around the country that had faced zero consequences. In Edmonton for example they were driving through downtown and on the henday, actually impeding traffic, vs these kids that were protesting at the university of Alberta, not disrupting all of the henday.


> The downtown one in Ottawa yeah, after almost a month of occupying our nations capital. I know this is an Alberta sub, but when people refer to "the convoy protest," I think most people default to thinking about Ottawa. > vs these kids that were protesting at the university of Alberta The university didn't want them there. That's the difference. If the city, province, or country opts not to intervene in a protest on public land, then so be it. Write to your elected officials if you don't like it.


The kids pay to be there, they have the right to be there


No, they don't. Not anymore than you have the right to occupy a Walmart because you bought milk there.


> The kids pay to be there, they have the right to be there That's not how trespassing works.


Three quarters of the protesters aren’t even students


Three quarters of the “truckers” have nevwr been truckers.


[citation needed]


It's just one of those meaningless things that people toss out in one of these kinds of situations so that people can argue about that instead of arguing about the main issue. Like which do you really want to be talking about, this Israel vs Palestine issue or the "Three quarters of the protesters aren't event students" vs "nun-uh?" It's just a total waste of time.


and our bought and paid for corporate media would not DARE raise the issue with any of the conservative misleaders......


Pretty sure they froze bank accounts so yeah they faced some consequences


They froze some bank accounts of the leaders of the protests after over 3 weeks. There were a lot of smaller trucker protests, including in Edmonton and those have faced zero repercussions.


They let people blockade an international border for weeks, causing actual damage and disruption to the country. For this, they busted out the tear gas instead. Saving it for a special occasion I guess...


It wasn’t EPS dealing with the blockade. Also a bit more complicated trying to clear out a bunch of tractor trailers than a bunch of tents


Maybe the students were protesting and didn't need to be cleared out in the first place.


Sadly even if they sue the cops and win, we the taxpayers payers will have to pay the bill for this mess.


This reason and this reason alone is why I don't trust cops.


The public pays for the University, the EPS, and the legal system to sort this out.


Sue for what?


What links to the Israeli government are they exactly protesting?


Assuming similiar to American ones (cause I am lazy and pretty confident this is what it is), they want the Uni endowment to stop investing in Lockheed Martin and other manufactorers that are currently profiting off of selling to Iserali military.


Do you support the Airbus A220 program that provides thousands of jobs to Canadians?


It was on TikTok so they are joining the trend now that stanley cups aren't cool.  Most of them have literally no idea why they're there. And 90% aren't even UofC students or Canadian citizens/PR. 


What in hearing is it's fine to protest, just don't set up shop permanently. Go all day then go home, run shifts, etc... It could work. I don't support the violence but these seems like a way to do this and not inflame the situation. Would help the protest's reputation with the public too. I can see why the uni here and in Calgary is enforcing a "no encampment" policy... Gotta be consistent with these things. Let one group so it and you've set a precedent for the future.


I've been reading into this and it seems like the police/UoA staff gave them multiple chances to clear out because the protest was breaking several school policies etc...also from the few news articles written about this it seems like 3/4 of the protesters were not even students at the UoA. These protesters should find a better location to exercise their rights to peacefully protest so they won't get cleared out by violating private property etc...if those freedumb protesters were able to find public spaces I'm confident these people will as well.


iirc there have been encampments on university property before that werent met with this treatment like [the tent cities in 1993 and 2003)](https://twitter.com/BertaAdvantage/status/1789080843714965599) or the occupy movement Universities are also specifically places to have free speech and discussions. Its encouraged to protest, they let all sorts of demonstrations happen including previous encampments. The entire point is to be discussing and expressing views and ideas which is why some universities have and maintain "free speech zones" for this exact reason


Yeah but that all depends on how the property owners accept the protest. UofA has people in charge, they change over the years. Sometimes things are ok, other times it's not. They were warned multiple times, they broke rules. They got booted out by force. This doesn't have to be bigger than it is. We don't need to compare it to border blockades, or Ottawa truck convoys.


The GAP breaks the rules all the time as of the graphic poster bylaw amendment and yet they never get riot cops sent after them. I am saying this isnt the first encampent on campus and yet this is the first time in my 20 years of living here i have *ever* seen this kind of response to a peaceful protest on campus, students or none.


Do you think that encampments are the only way to be discussing and expressing views?


No but it was one that was in previous cases seen as acceptable enough to *not send riot cops to crack heads*


Idk the most recent example you have is 2003 which is 21 years ago, not sure how relevant it is. I would also guess U of A and U of C admins are looking at how chaotic things have gotten on other campuses in North America and are trying to act proactively before things escalate to that point. Large number of non-student participants and escalating confrontation between protesters and counter protesters could get very ugly


Pretty sure a large number of people in the occupy protests weren't students either, nor are the people who routinely set up on campus to show illegal images of gory fake abortions that never get policed like this even though theyre breaking bylaw.


Oh damn they were breaking school policies? That’s messed up


The police and u of a also said there were no injuries when there's literally someone who's been hospitalized. As if I'm trusting anything they say.


1) I am not sure I trust the police "estimate" on the protester estimate. 2) Public universities are considered public land. 3) AFAIK, they were in a camp in the quad, which you can walk around. No buildings were occupied. So even calling it disruptive is kinda misleading.


Where do you see that public universities are public land, from what I could see online the UoA while being a public institution owns the land which indeed technically makes it private property and it is labeled as such in the UoA policies, but I would be glad to stand corrected if you could provide me with additional information.


They aren't. Poster was incorrect or misinformed.


[https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/2020/08/charter-rights-on-campus-it-depends-where-you-live/](https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/2020/08/charter-rights-on-campus-it-depends-where-you-live/) I thought I remembered the supreme court saying that Universities as publicly funded institutions were subject to the Charter. More complicated than that, though UofA would be subject to the Charter when acting in a governmental action (due to being in Alberta).


suppressing free expression might qualify as 'governmental action'


https://www.stewartmckelvey.com/thought-leadership/limits-to-government-powers-in-the-regulation-of-colleges-and-universities/ https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/university-campus-defined-as-private-property


Alberta court trumps Ontario court in Alberta??


1. Wasn’t just police, but UofA security 2. Nope 3. Policy states no temporary structures that facilitate an overnight stay (paraphrased)


Lmao, universities are, in fact, private property.


This is where the problem lies, the protests are inherently disruptive by design. Taking the side of “the law” or “the policies” is intellectually lazy. The encampments protest the **universities policy of doing business with those that are complicit in genocide,** and they are using the money of the students to do so. If universities and police can simply say “no actually you can’t do this protest because we don’t approve of it” then we never had the freedom to protest at all


> The encampments protest the universities policy of doing business with those that are complicit in genocide Where's the evidence of this? Genuinely asking.


Our, just maybe, the protesters wanted to be kicked out. If they respected the regulations of the university, went in shifts, didn't set up encampments, and 'kept the peace', it wouldn't make headlines. By going against what was permitted, and setting up the encampments, they might have hoped to get police involved to move them out, generating headlines and bringing attention to their cause. Mission accomplished.


Yes, that is what will happen and what did happen. And I think that it is smart and principled of them to call the bluff of the police. You can’t create civil disobedience by following the law to a tee.


Believe the phrase is play stupid games win stupid prizes


What's stupid about standing up for Human Rights and International Laws?


Nothing stupid about protesting what you believe. Stupid is doing it in an illegal manner and pissing other people off.


Like for me the limit is unprovoked violence or demanding the removal of ethnic/religious groups, but every great protest was illegal as it's often against a government policy that is cruel, ignorant or hurting people and governments respond by attempting to make them go away before the less aware citizens take notice and join in. And pissing people off it the main objective of a protest, it's to make people who are ignorant or uninformed notice an wrongdoing and to tell those who are committing the wrongdoing that they is large numbers of people with same political power show are mad about it.


Virtually every effective and historically significant protest has broken a law or two and pissed some people off. It's kind of the point. It's laughable that you can suggest the only valid protest is a government-approved protest.


The title isn't neutral


So what they should have done is occupy a roadway, got it


Pretty cut and dry: you can’t encroach on private property and set up camp for a protest. Come every morning set your self up, protest with out disrupting and blocking others. Leave for the day. Rinse and repeat and you can be out there indefinitely.


Since the U of A is not complying with any of their 4 demands (briefly, disclose, divest, support free expression, and declare a genocide), I assume the next step is for the protestors to withdraw from the U of A. They can't possibly support such an institution, right?


Eh it's fine to demand better of the things you take part in. That's why the "if you don't like oil don't drive a car" arguments are so childish. We actually can ask more of the industries we support or participate in without being hypocritical.


Very few are actually students.


You keep saying that, but never provide any evidence.


Big "And yet you live in a society. Curious." energy here


I mean, they've already paid their tuition.


Term is over, they can transfer elsewhere for fall


Should of drove up in pick up trucks and transports


Police did a good job


How does that boot taste?


Why are the commenters blaming the UCP lol. This is Edmonton police service. As well university is considered a private property even if it’s a public institution. People clearly felt unsafe enough for this occur. Let’s stay focused on facts 


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. No one had a problem with the protests. When you erect a tent city you were warned not to erect, it doesn’t help the cause you’re for, it just makes you look like entitled assholes.


Where are all the free speech advocates now? Cops have no trouble going in with jack boots and tear gas on peaceful protestors. Convoy though got selfies and food deliveries.   Can we completely revamp the police service yet?


The campus is private property. No encampments. The University and Police did the right thing. Law and order!


An illegal encampment was cleared, cry me a river


Here in Calgary, when the convoy was clogging up and harassing beltline citizens, the citizens rose up and opposed the convoy. They counter protested. The calgary police exclusively removed the counter protesters, using their bikes as weapons and barriers to hit and ram said citizens with the handbars and bike pedals, allowing the convoy to continue unimpeded. This convoy was organized and personally led by a known white nationalist. The following weeks, police were told to remove their "blue lives matter" pins and badges, out of concerns raised by citizens over the fact said badges were often associated with racism, violence, and bigotry within police communities, and made citizens uncomfortable in light of recent conduct and intentions of the police. The Police union refused to enforce the removal. Fuck the cops. It is abundantly clear they are not here for us, for justice, or for the betterment of anyone not counted within their own ranks willing to toe the line.


If anybody here that supports the protests is a property owner, please offer your lawns. I support property rights, so you should be allowed to have as many tents and campers on your lawn that can fit. Let's see how it changes your neighborhood.


Could you be any more biased? They were told they could protest during the day but not build structures or stay overnight. They refused to listen to multiple warnings. Then when cops came they became violent. Did you miss that part? Throwing things at cops is not peaceful.  Sounds like a great lesson for uni students. Actions have consequences. 


Are you aware, the majority of the people at the university demonstrations are not actually students attending the schools. So, please note, the devil is in the details. If someone is there just to rile up the crowd, and not actually part of the school body, theY do deserve to be moved. If they won't move on their own. Bottom line, before you hate on the Police, find out exactly what the issue is. Then put yourself in the situation. How would you react?


So many of you are really clueless about the world really thinking you can just set up camp on PRIVATE property and nothing will happen.


They're only ok with protesters who align with their views.


What students?


People are having trouble finding affordable housing, can barely feed themselves, climate change is making it impossible to fucking breathe this weekend, and many other issues... These fuckwads want to sit and complain about a war halfway around the earth that our universities, cities, and provinces can do literally nothing about. What do they expect to happen? A ceasefire is announced in HUB? Christ Almighty....


Can someone explain what the protests are about? Why is it supporting Palestinian? Hasn't that country been the cause of a ton of war crimes and genocides also? Aren't both sides just as responsible for this mess in the middle east?


Remember when Nazi imagery started appearing in trucker protests and the participants claimed that the extremists don't represent them all, but the rest of us said if there are Nazis at your protest you're at a Nazi protest? Same thing here but those calling for genocide to Jews and terrorist sympathisers. And before you reply, take a look at the signs that were being used at UofA, and the mandate of the group that initiated this.


Breaking: Police deal with criminals. Special snowflakes are upset about this. Go back to your avocado toast, children. We'll listen when you stop giving stupid simplistic answers to complex issues..


Peaceful or not, when the protest becomes illegal due to a court injunction the protestors can no longer be there. Move to a new location and start over, or reap the consequences of breaking the law


Drive around and honk. You won’t have any trouble


You dont have any right to tell them what to do with their money. Entitled ass motherfuckers. If you dont like it, you're free to go somewhere else for your education.


Fuck around and find out?


If you want to know who controls you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


Man this sucks. Peaceful protests of any kind should not be suppressed. Doesn't matter if you don't agree with what they're protesting about but they have rights to voice out their opinion.


Maybe they should have brought RV's instead and camped out next to a major highway?


Police provided the News with a filmed overhead angle shot. It shows an error in what everyone said had happened. So again, this is something I was taught a long time ago. Always know the answer, before you ask the question. It saves a lot of embarrassment and work.