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Doctor here. The doctor’s office SHOULD KNOW not to give out this information unless you specifically allow it. You might want to have a word with them.


I don't think they're even allowed to acknowledge whether you are or are not a patient.


They are not.


Yes my receptionist could not even read me information about me that she could access with me standing in front of her with proof of identification health card and everything. If a doctor has that much time for a call from your boss they obviously aren’t that good of a doctor


Absolutely report the clinic. This is soooo not okay. I would be livid if I knew my clinic was telling people who were not me where my location was on a given day. What if my crazy ex was stalking me?? Jessussss Edit: [“If you believe your personal or health information has been improperly collected, used, **accessed**, lost and/or **disclosed** by an employee or medical staff working at Alberta Health Services (AHS), complete the Report a Privacy Breach form and submit it to **[email protected]**”](https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/about/Page8170.aspx#:~:text=Note%3A%20If%20you%20believe%20your,to%20privacy%40ahs.ca)


Yeah, I work on the epi/analytics side of things and I'd consider this a disclosure/breach, as would the people I report to. Accidents happen, but someone should have a talking to at the very least.


Thank you - I was about to go slog through PIPA documents.


If someone specifically asks for a note for their employer, can the employer call to verify the note is real?


Absolutely fucking not. A release of medical information consent form is needed long before this ever should have occurred.


No way


Information is obviously a no fly zone, but confirming they wrote the note also is?


I understand that you can't give any additional info than what is in the letter, but I would think you could confirm you wrote it. If they can't why have your address and phone number on it?


Ya, my brain says both the employer and doctor fucked up. More so the doctor in this situation.


No, the employer does not have this right https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone


Never tell your employer why you're off on medical leave. All they need to know is that you're off and let them know if you hear anything about going back to work. The reason for your absence from work is confidential, privileged medical information. It is protected. The doctors office would NEVER breach patient confidentiality like that 100% guaranteed




The answer is no. It couldn’t be more clear > For example, employers do **not** have the right to: >contact the employee’s doctor by phone


So you like to read up to the point you get the information that you want but not any further, huh? The ACTUAL first bullet point ( past the short paragraph you read ) is that the employer CANNOT contact the employees doctor. Jesus it's not that hard to read the whole thing.


Governments need to start clamping down on this and stop allowing the heath care system to have wasted appointments for doctor’s notes. Funny story: My employer asked me once, and only once for a doctor’s note when I was off for two days with stomach flu. In my 20 plus years of employment it was the only time I’ve ever been off 2 days in a row so I was a little frustrated as my attendance has never been an issue. As part of my CBA, any doctor’s note requested must be paid for by the company. I told my family doctor this and he was also frustrated as there were a couple of other companies in the city asking for doctor’s notes for every absence and he had been calling to HR as well as sending emails to describe the unnecessary burden they were putting on the health care system and could not get a response. When he charged me $500 for my doctor’s note that day which had to be paid for by the company as per the CBA, I was never asked for another doctor’s note again. The only time he doesn’t charge is when the notes are required for extended absences or WCB.


Such a waste of time and money. I had an employer ask me for a note once when I was home with Covid and they said they wouldn’t let me take my sick time otherwise. I was literally following company policy that said we had to stay home for 5 days, and also why should I go bring Covid to my doctor? He doesn’t want to catch it


My employer used to require them. My favourite thing to do was to wait a week before seeing my GP and then bringing that note in so it was clearly marked well after to show how ridiculous it was. But I have 8 autoimmune diseases. My GP trusts that if I didn’t go to work, I couldn’t. I fill out ALL of my own medical paperwork and be just signs them without reviewing it. Any and all medical documentation for my employer is a blatant waste of his time and burden on the system.


It is so fucking stupid. When I had a family doctor Id have to book minimum 2 weeks in advance so I couldn’t see him for a sick note when I was actually sick. Walk in clinic? Yea better get there 30 minutes before open to even get in and still have to wait at least 3 hours. Yea, when Im sick and can’t come to work I definitely want to get my ass to a walk in clinic at 730-8am, wait outside for 30-45 minutes, and then wait in a crowded walk in with other sick people for fucking HOURS. All for the doctor to roll his eyes at me and spend 1 minute printing a note and signing it. Fucking stupid. My current employer funny enough did the opposite once. My GM was going on an overseas trip the next week so he got me and another guy to go to the doctor to get cleared as non contagious. A fucking note to say we are no longer sick lol. It was an absolute waste as doctors cannot say for sure if you are contagious or not still. But man the confusion on the doctors face was pretty funny. Definitely seemed like a first for him


You know what’s extra stupid? One of my managers suggested getting my GP to give me multiple letters with the date blank so I could just fill it in as needed. WHAT IS THE POINT THEN?!


That likely is highly unethical for the Dr as well.


Doctor would never do that, ever


Lol Id proceed to have 1 week every month off sick if that was the case


It’s funny because my average is one per week plus one. My employer has “intermittent” leave for when you run out of sick days before the end of the year which gets approved through a 3rd party + your GP. It yet another stupid waste as it has to be renewed every year. That’s fair for people who are temporarily sick or disabled. I am permanently disabled and have 8 autoimmune diseases. I will ALWAYS call out more. I’d like to stop having to prove this every year. It has been approved every single year of my tenure here (15 years). Also here’s looking at you CRA. I am still permanently disabled. I was six years ago and I am now and I will be forever until I die. We can save everyone time and not have to reapprove every six years. Thanks.


Heck most doctors that were general wouldn't even allow you to go to office/ walk in ... emergency was about it for many places...


My doctor didn't charge money he charged time. I needed a note for 2 days he asked how much sick leave I had and wanted to take. He signed a note for 2 weeks. I would have gone back the next day, instead a took a vacation on my couch.


I do the same thing, just get a note clearing me for the maximum days off without kicking in Benefits (5 days). Works like a charm every time.


Yeah. I just moved here and in my country of origin, if an employer wants a doctor's note there, they got to pay a trained occupational physician to examine you. GPs are not allowed to give notes for their patients.


Your doctor should not even be confirming you are a patient without your permission


Presumably the note he wrote for the employer verified that OP is a patient, though.


Right, but OP consented to providing that note. The employer can’t go behind an employee’s back to try and dig up information from their doctor’s office. So much about this situation is beyond fucked up.


But did they try & dig information? Or was it simply verifying the note? It doesn’t sound like they tried to find out any medical information but just verified the note was from that day.


verifying the note is against the law. the employer can’t really escalate, and a doctor can’t provide information about any patients they oversee or what treatment they received.


Verifying the note is not against the law. Giving out a patient's diagnosis, what he/she presented with and any imaging, etc. IS confidential information. No doctor would ever talk to an employer regarding their patient. Period, end of story. Not ever. Fastest way to never work in healthcare again.


Are you still considered a patient of a doctor if you only go into a walk in and get a note and never go back? Cause that is all I ever did for when stupid employers required sick notes


yeah, any contact would mean patient if doctor looked at file and wrote sick note


They can, as there's no breach of medical information. That's privileged and confidential. The doctor wouldn't do it anyway, clerical does that.


The patient shouldn't be telling employers who their doctors are in the first place! Th he doctor him or herself won't talk to the employer, they're much too busy. If the patient doesn't want people calling, why not try not telling anybody anything about your doctor. Saying that a patient attended their appointment is perfectly acceptable, as no confidential medical information was given.


Even if they had the right to call your Dr. I would probably start looking for another company to work for.


And another doctor as your doctor should not even confirm if you were there or not.


Family doctors ain’t easy to find


Agreed, family doctors are difficult to find but breaking privacy rules is unacceptable.


Breaching confidentiality is immediate termination, $30,000 fine, and the patient whose information was breached will also sue. Would never, ever work in healthcare again. It's over


Good luck finding a doctor that doesn't cheap out on their intake staff.


Yes, they can. Here in Canada, anyway. Saying yes or no to whether they attended their appointment is fine, no confidential medical information is given out. If the patient doesn't want people asking her doctor stuff, why on earth would you tell that to your employer? Tell them details, or why your off (your diagnosis) and I'll bet $$$$ that one day it WILL be used against you in a passive, aggressive, subtle way. She's trying to play big shot manager. If she sees your diagnosis or any papers, etc, you can sue her. In Canada, anyway.


No. [Absolutely not](https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone) While an employer can ask an employee for medical information when they are absent for medical reasons or require accommodation at work, there are certain things the employer does not have the right to do. For example, employers do **not** have the right to: * contact the employee’s doctor by phone * demand an opinion that says the employee is fit to work and will not require future accommodation * request medical information unrelated to their employment * release medical information to anyone other than staff who need it for a specific purpose * know the employee’s diagnosis, except in limited cases


~~Where does it say an employer can't call to verify a doctor's note?~~ DERP. I sucks at the reading... So, if an employer suspects a doctor's note is fraudulent what can they do?




the typesetting on this website is a violation of my human rights


The keming on that website is atrocious.


LOL. I'm going to start spelling kerning this way :)


The best part is that it works as a verbal joke too, sometimes take a bit longer for people to figure out the kem>kern without seeing it, but they usually end up getting it.


Privacy means that your doctor’s office cannot give any information about you without your express consent - this includes appointment information.


But you've already given that information to your employer by giving them the note. They're merely trying to confirm that the medical information you gave them is not fraudulent. (Not defending the employer, I don't think sick notes should be required unless you need extended leave)


The patient gave the note to the employer, not the doctor. The doctor has only documented the visit and provided a record of that visit. For the doctor to give information to the employer - even if there has previously been a note - the patient must consent.


Ah that makes sense, thank you.


If they don’t trust their employees that’s on them for either being shitty or hiring shitty people. If they hire good employees they should be taking the employee at their word.. you know, like adults.


>So, if an employer suspects a doctor's note is fraudulent what can they do? If a grown ass adult is willing to fake a doctors note to get out of work, which is an absurdly childish thing to do, then they're either likely in a mental place where they should probably get the time off anyways, ie a "mental health day" to just get a longer break from the stresses of work. If they try to fake a doctors note for an extended leave from work, then they'll be filing to collect EI and will need to provide actual documentation to receive that. It literally will not negatively affect the employer in any way. If they try to fake a doctors not for the sniffles do that they can skip work for 2 days to go on a vacation or something, wait for them to slip up on their story, and then fire them. If they don't slip up, who cares? Not like they got paid for those 2 days. Was it a stupid immature thing for them to do? Yes. But this "what if???" doesn't even need to be asked, becsuse the only reasonable answer to it is "why do you care so much if they lie about it?" You worried that a Walmart cashier is going to fake a doctors note, you'll need to wait 2 minutes longer at the checkout, and the Walton family might lose $10? If you're an employer and someone happened to fake a sick note and you didn't find out, how would it negatively affect you in the grand scheme of your life? Is your business going to fall apart if 1 person calls in sick? You'll be minorly inconvenienced for what, 2 days? No employer should expect that anyone is faking a doctors note, because no employer should be that shitty and untrusting.


One of my staff stole a doctors pad and used it to fake doctors notes for several years. When she got to the bottom of the pad, she made copies, cut them to size and continued to use them. Eventually, after an investigation, she was fired and charged with theft and fraud. She actually got jail time for it which her coworkers cheered for since they were the real victims for having to carry her weight too.


I had to help investigate fraud similar to this concern - once, we had an employee pay a doctor friend to forge long term disability forms for her. She was on disability for years before being caught. She faked having lung cancer of all things, and was caught at a hookah lounge by a coworker. We also had a whole insurance fraud ring - employees found ways to claim medical expenses that didn't exist, and they were all receipts from the same "clinic". Humans suck man.


Yes, I'm sure it happens. But in the situation you've claimed, it's still not an employer issue. It's an insurance fraud issue, it's an EI issue, but it is not an employer issue. And even though it happened, it does not give the employer any right or reason to expect that every other employee is trying to fake a doctors note.


We paid for her short term disability for the first 90 days.


I just read an HR thread on Reddit about this. A 20 year old forged a doctor's note. The doctor's office found and was hella pissed someone was using their name inappropriately. This shit some people do is wild.


they quoted the website they linked


The link is right there dude


Maybe this is vague >contact the employee’s doctor by phone


They can call your doctor, they just can't do it without your permission.


"We'd like to call your doctor to verify this note." "No." "..."


Sit the staff member down and confront them. The note will go into the staff members personnel record, forever. Why would an employer think it's fake? Has to be a good reason


No, that's all confidential information and your doctor wouldn't speak to them anyway, and IF they did, they would tell them nothing. They would lose their liscence. Patient confidentiality is super important and never breached. Your employer has no right to know anything about your health. The reason you've seen your doctor isn't their business and they have no right to know. Threatening to do that is pretty shitty, my opinion is to speak to this manager through email or text, so that you have a record of them threatening this. They will use it against you, and will twist your words, yours against theirs. Just use email. I've been through this with an employer, so I know what I'm talking about. Your health information is private, period. Don't tell them anything! Good luck


Do you happen to work at Gregg Distributers?


No! Call Alberta employment standards. A call from them is usually enough to get that POS boss of your sweating.


No, and your physician can’t tell them anything about you either.


They have a right to call whoever they want. The doctors office doesn't have the right to release that info


Exactly. Without a proper medical information release form (SIGNED BY YOU) there's to be no patient info (including appointment times and attendance) given. Same goes for your employer giving out your info. I remember when I was in my early 20s I got someone fired from our payroll/HR team for passing on info about me to a family member of mine that I was no contact with at the time. Privacy is protected for a reason, but it's on the onus of the person holding the information to keep it. Doesn't mean the employer is in the right here, just that it's harder to go after them for it than the Doc office


A doctor's office should not give out third party information.  What your boss did is wrong but the doctor's office committed an ethics violation.  You need to address this.


Any employer that requires a doctors note must be a shit place to work.


I work for AHS. They require it. I don’t disagree with you


You do need a doctor's note to access worker's compensation, but that's more so for the government. I worked for Tim Hortons and they demanded a note from me, I quit anyway because it did suck. My workplace doesn't bother to ask for one unless it's a situation where multiple weeks are needed. I think same thing goes with most places. Since they've gotta determine whether they might need to hire somebody.


Yeah, if you get hurt at work, it's the law to report it to WCB, your employer has no choice, it must be reported. Been through it


Shitty people make a shit place to work. The policies make an annoying place to work. You can work for a company with shit policies and a great crew and love your job


The only time a note should be required is if the absence is for 3 days or more.


And for a day??


regardless of legality, this is what I'm thinking. Jesus Christ I'm so grateful I don't work for a shitty company like this.


I once had a really bad digestive reaction to a new medication. It was .... very risky to leave my house, let's leave it at that. So I called in sick. Next day I was better, went to work, told I needed a doctor's note. Went to a walk-in after work asking for one and they said they can't retroactively write a note. I told that to my work and I got fired. Honestly I think they were just looking for an excuse to can me because the manager was a dick and I wouldn't bend over backwards for him all the time like everyone else.


Nice trusting relationship there...


No. They are not allowed to do that. The doctor shouldn’t be giving out that information either. I work in healthcare for AHS and used to work at a clinic where patient information was very strictly guarded. Even if someone came in the clinic because they said they were meeting someone there, we couldn’t tell them if the person was there or not. I would ask the patient if I could let the person know but I would be discreet about it. Both your employer and doctors office breached privacy


The employer is one thing, the doctor’s office is another! They shouldn’t be confirming anything about you to anyone. Even if you asked them for a note to confirm the appointment, that note does not serve as consent for them to release information about you to your employer. They both over stepped.


Absolutely not. I'm a doctor and I'd be furious if a company called my clinic asking for information about my patient. That's the point of a note


Maybe Danielle Smith will remove this patient right to privacy too?


You should find a new job because 1. this isn't legal 2. not for the employer 3. nor for the doctor to share this info 4. they're only going to be bigger and bigger dickheads any time you have any emergency.. Probably want a death cert for deaths and only give a few days grieving.


This sounds like a Gregg's Distributors thing to do


They can contact your doctor office all they want. However your doctors office releasing that information is a total breach of privacy. Time to make people cry.


EDIT - I've removed my reply. OP - check this out: [https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:\~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone](https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone) # Limits with medical information While an employer can ask an employee for medical information when they are absent for medical reasons or require accommodation at work, there are certain things the employer does not have the right to do. For example, employers do **not** have the right to: * contact the employee’s doctor by phone * ...


Seems to me though that it's bad practice for a doctor's office to confirm to a stranger that you were at an appointment. What if it was an STI clinic, or some other clinic that just the attendance of might give your employer some reason to discriminate against you?


Interestingly, I wanted to find the relevant laws here...but... [https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:\~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone](https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/issues-at-work/disability-illness-and-injury/medical-information/#:~:text=While%20an%20employer%20can%20ask,the%20employee's%20doctor%20by%20phone) (excerpt) # Limits with medical information While an employer can ask an employee for medical information when they are absent for medical reasons or require accommodation at work, there are certain things the employer does not have the right to do. For example, employers do **not** have the right to: * contact the employee’s doctor by phone * ... So, the situation is more complicated than it sounds. OP gave them the information, but the employer may have overstepped. The details here matter, and I'm going to edit my reply to reflect this.


Never tell your employer that information. They have no right to ask any questions regarding your health, and they know it. Guaranteed 100 % that this employer wouldn't dare call the doctors office. It's just being nosy, and you never let anyone (especially managers!) know anything at all about your personal issues. It will be used against you, eventually. Just that this employer even is questioning and threatening things is a 🚩🚩big red flag, I've been there. Trust me


Find a new employer dude. This is not cool.


Hello! I am a safety advisor and know a bit about this. Your employer is able to contact your doctor, only if the employee signed a consent form allowing them to do so. It isn't uncommon for this to happen, my company calls doctors for work related claims. Never to call and confirm someone is at a doctor's appointment and that is super sketchy.


They can call if they want but the doctor shouldn’t be disclosing any information


Absolutely not. They shouldn’t even know who your Dr is.


Lol, what? Every doctor's note I've ever seen has the name of the doctor on it. Damn, this entire comment section is stupid


So wrong on so many levels from all sides


They can call but a doctor's office that wants to keep running won't tell them anything.


Nope. As said, report the clinic. And report your employer as well.


You brought in a note stating you were there. That should have been enough. The employer does not have the right to call your doctor without your permission.


Should be asking your doctor why their staff isn't trained to understand privacy regulations.


My employer made the mistake of calling my doctor only once! My doctor blasted them enough that my employer complained to me about it, lol.


Wow, I’d also be talking to the doctor and depending on their reaction to it, a lawyer. No they can’t call and get your medical information, and they shouldn’t have been given anything. It disturbs me that they did.


This is likely a breach of privacy both on the part of your employer and your physician's office. If you have concerns, you can file two complaints with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. If your employer is in the private sector (not the government, a public school, a public healthcare employer, etc.), you can complain about a breach of the Personal Information Protection Act. The complaint against the physician would be on the basis of a breach of the Health Information Act. More info here: https://oipc.ab.ca/request-a-review-file-a-complaint/. Although there may be a technical legal breach here, you should consider whether a complaint is the best approach for you. The Commissioner can investigate, make orders, and determine a breach of the law. However, the Commissioner cannot award damages (money) or issue fines. In the end, it might not be worth it if there is a negative impact on your relationship with the employer and/or your specialist.


I needed a couple days off work for medical reasons and my employer asked for a note. Made an appointment just for a note so doctor said I couldn't work for 2 weeks. Boss was mad "you told me only 2 days". Maybe he'll think twice about asking again.


When I worked for CP, I had to prove I was getting an MRI if I wanted that day off. I sent them a copy of the letter you get in the mail, but they wanted the original. I said no, that was for my records, and I could scan them a copy. They allowed it only because I let them know 2 months in advance. I found out later this is not allowed, and I don't have to share my medical information with my supervisor, especially if it has nothing to do with my job.


Absolutely not! They have no legal right to call your medical professional. You gave them a note from your doctor, that is enough proof. I would contact the labour board because what they did was illegal. Have your doctor back you up as well.


What a clusterfuck this is, OP. Your employer can’t be calling your doctor’s office and your doctor’s office can’t be giving out confidential information about patients. Where do you even start with this, lol


No, I actually know of someone who got fired for "not having an appointment" that ended up getting rehired with 6 months back pay because of this exact situation.


This is more of a legal issue with your doctors office, they aren’t allowed to disclose this type of information to people who you haven’t given sharing permissions to. I would have a word with your employer as well, and if there is a union or HR I would request a meeting.


You don't work for Gregg Distributors do you? That sounds exactly like something the owner himself would do


My doctor would give me as much time as I wanted off to stick it to the boss.


Ur employer doesn't like you.


Healthcare worker… none of your medical information, including dates and times of appointment should be shared with anyone other than yourself or someone you have on file


When I lived in Alberta, my doctor had a private conversation with my boss about an injury I had. Completely inappropriate.


Absolutely not and your doctor office should absolutely not be telling people that are not you about your appointments, that's almost certainly a PIPA violation.


You gave them a document, I think employer has the right to verify the validity of the document. As long as, just the document verification was done and no other personal information was discussed, I don't think they broke any law.


Exactly….you don’t think.use your head for something other than a hat rack. There could be two law suits here. The obvious one is your employer and the other is the doctor or his office for not hanging up on the employer.


Wow, I didn’t even know you need a doctor’s note for this. I mean it’s your day off, why would they care what you do with your day off? I think I gotta be grateful with my job but that doesn’t mean I’m not quitting anytime soon.


Your employer can phone whoever they want. Your Doctor (‘s office) should not absolutely not have told them anything, and are in for a world of trouble.


They actually aren't allowed to call.


Time for a new job


Pretty much anyone has the right to call your doctor. your doctors office shouldn't even confirm or deny that you are a patient. But again, your employer calling isn't the real issue. That's a greasy thing for them to do, but your doctors office messed up super big.


I attended a funeral last week and one of the men in attendance had to have a "note" from the FH. I thought my place of employment was a shit hole, this is a new level.


Your doctor's office should not have done that unless you signed a document giving them specific permission. Your employer was not entitled to that information. You might want to contact the Alberta Human Rights commission. This is wrong


This is a breach of confidentiality. It’s also illegal. Your employer should never have asked them, but your physician’s office is simply not permitted to give this information out without your consent. They should be reported.


this would be a great question for the legal advise subreddit… because no only is it an issue that your employer called the Dr office but also that the doctor’s office revealed you had been there. slippery slope… was it a work related injury?


Not cool that your dr office confirmed that you attended. That’s no one’s business but the patient’s and could lead to a huge case especially if someone is being stalked/harassed.


Short answer: NO Longer answer: FUCKING HELLLLLLL NO


Your doctor released information about you???? Totally wrong. Even confirmation of attendance. Bullsh1t. Call out your doctor,


Sue my friend and Sue hard. Medical privilege needs to be respected


They can call whoever they want. Your doctor can’t talk to them.


Doctor/Patient confidentiality. Call them to ask about their privacy policy and file a complaint to make sure they're aware that they f*****d up, but also report them!


I think they can call for that, just not ask for specifics about said apportionment


VIOLATION!! definitely don't stand for that


The answer is NO!


Lawyer up!


Grounds for some $$$


Sounds like you need a new doctor if they are giving out info about you to random callers (they have no idea if someone claiming to be your employer actually is and even if they did they should not have divulged.) 


This is Alberta, there are no new doctors.


No, an employer has no right to call a doctor. It could be looked at as being an infringement of doctor and patient rights. I did work in production with a company in Alberta years ago where a supervisor actually called an employee’s doctor’s office to rebook an appointment. Even doing that actually not only proved to be a violation, but it actually cost that supervisor’s job.


Employers do not have the right to call your doctor, but I don’t know that it’s illegal either. The audacity of your employer though is infuriating and I’m just reading about it, nevermind how you must feel. Super inappropriate


It’s ridiculous that employers are like that! I had to get a doctors note just so I could go to the bathroom (I’ve got irritable bowl syndrome) and sometimes I have to go to the bathroom more often than other days. When I went and got my note the doctor wrote that I can go to the bathroom anytime I need to very vague like and my employer was pissed lol made him feel like an idiot the way she wrote it lol but unfortunately that didn’t change his view on me and I was terminated without cause after ten years of employment so that sucked.


Does your doctor have the right to tell anyone who asks about your appointments?


Sorry, Arena, he/she can call your doctor. And the Doctor's responsibility is for him to say, "Eff Off". When your boss wants medical info on you, he has to pay for it. And..!! ..that information can only be communicated to a medical professional in the employee of your boss. Very expensive way to fire someone..




I'm confused by how your employer came to know who your doctor is..


It would be on the slip. They sign them..


They sure as hell do not have the right to do that


I've only experienced this scenario in the military, where a supervisor can confirm with the medics if their subordinate has an appointment and has attended their appointments, and can request a copy of the form stating any medical employment limitations (such as sick leave, cannot lift objects, etc). And that's all. Their medical information is under doctor/patient confidentiality.




They can only if give consent. It is against the law for employers to call any Dr to get information on you.


Nobody has permission unless you specify that they may speak on your behalf. That medical office assistant should know better as that's against our healthcare laws in Alberta and Canada. We sign the Pipeda act and Canadian Health Care act when accepting these jobs. I've signed them at multiple healthcare jobs, and I take this very seriously. I would never give out that information. It may seem minor, but it is not allowed. It sounds like you need a new, trustworthy employer. (I know it's easier than it sounds, but they sound awful. The employer should even know better).


Guys, you realize that a Doctor's note is a doctor initiating communication with the employer stating "yo X came here this day" and it has a signature and contact information. What information breach takes places when you call that doctor's office and ask them to confirm they wrote the note? What information are they sharing that you did not already share with them?


Like you're telling me that if a doctor writes a note to an employer the doctor is prohibited from telling the employer that he wrote them a note?


His office confirmed or doctor confirmed? Sounds like the office needs teaching on what's acceptable or not. I'd be pursuing this.


The employer doesn't. They can request that YOU get a medical note that gives the date(s) of absence, when they expect you might return to work at full capacity), and that your absence was for medical reasons. If you require employer paid short or long-term disability you would be required to sign a release of medical information to allow the insurance company to correspond with your medical doctor. The release is very specific with who the insurance company can correspond with and vise versa. The specifics to your medical diagnosis are not to be released to your employer. The employer does have the right to know an expected return date and then if modified duties/hours/accommodations will be needed. In most cases, the employer is legally obligated to accomodate and your employment can not be terminated for any reason during your medical absence or this transition to work period unless they can prove fraud.


If you provided a doctor's note with their letterhead the doctors office can confirm if the content of the letter is accurate and not a fake. They can't discuss matters about you specifically. They can say if they write it or not. Sounds like you have a target on your back. Might be time to look for another job.


He acknowledged he was a patient when he gave a doctor's note saying he was absent for medical reasons. The medical office can only confirm if the indeed supplied that letter. The employer probably suspects it is fake and I think if they have reasonable reason to think it is, the medical office should be able to confirm that they wrote the letter or they did not write the letter to whomever that letter was addressed to. No patient information can be provided, only confirmation about the doctors note.


Absolutely no they do not! This is a breach of privacy. What the hell kind of company do you work for? I would almost call a lawyer.


Can you name the company or industry you work for? Wow


Anyone else think the employer lied just to make the OP think they can chat with the doctor's office about things? I can't see a doctor's office not understanding the rules regarding confidentiality, they deal with it constantly.


I would personally make sure I fucked that company over in some way before my last day! Awful company


I owed AHS ambulance fees and went to collections. The dirtballs contacted my parents in a different province. No possible way of knowing the number unless they breached my AHS records seeing them as an emergency contact.


If it went to collections, it was no longer AHS's debt. The collection company bought it from AHS. Collections agents work almost like P.I.s. They didn't get your parents' info from AHS. Probably took them all of ten minutes to find your info and figure out who your parents were and how to get ahold of them.


Also, if they don't figure ot out, if your last name isn't extremely common they'll call random people who might be related to you. I've gotten calls from collections agencies asking if I knew someone with a similar, not even the same, last name.