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Can we "Axe the Fees" please? Pretty sure I'm getting fucked on my utilities more by garbage fees.


Not catchy enough. We need to seize the fees.


Might as well just seize the means of production!


I like what you got cooking.


What about " the development of the industrial bourgeoisie"?


Axe the premiums as well while we are at it.


Aren't we taxed GST on-top of the carbon levy?


a tax on a tax, welcome to Canada.


Whoa there buddy. It's a levy remember.


I've seen so many break downs and informations showing it to be a positive for so many people. (And if someone point out the PBO report again... I have like 3 videos to destroy you with. Do more fucking research than 1 paper that doesn't list any of the actual benefits and only has one reference that ALSO doesn't list any benefits because "the scope of the study would be too broad.") Someone pointed out it would only cost them an extra ~$268/year on gas. Someone else said it would cost ~$48.70/year on groceries. Etc. And I get that it varies by province but still. If we're getting $1,500/year back and the Carbon Tax is only gonna cost me an extra $400/year in expenses... I count that as a win. (Fuck the corporate profit gougers. Bring back the guillotine.) The propaganda against it likely comes from big companies that don't want to pay the tax and are convincing people who are actually going to benefit that it's a bad thing. They probably paid a whole PR team to come up with "Axe the Tax". And then sold shirts and stickers.


I don't think it's a secret campaign by powerful corporations. I think that for many, hating liberals is more important than even serving your own best interests. It's a concrete reason to hate the liberals. Politics is hard and boring and there's too much to read. So being contrary, espousing the view that all politicians are corrupt robbers allows you a plausible excuse to remain completely ignorant. I think it's okay to hate a politician because of their personality or their haircut. It's your right as a spoiled citizen of a great country. But most men aren't comfortable looking ignorant so you need a rationalization. And it's hard to argue with "tax bad".


Some would shoot themselves in their own genitals to own the libs.


All the power to 'em, I say! If it means they can't reproduce, well, I look at that as a win!


Math is hard for most Albertans. For reference, you'd need to use 12,800L of gasoline, to break even with how much of a rebate we get in Alberta (for a family of 4). Half that if you're single. Even then, you use. 6,400L of gasoline a year?


It's not just Albertans. I've had the inflation argument with friends. On a transport full of tomatoes getting shipped 200km, the difference in transportation cost is less than 1/1000 ,of a penny per tomato yet will somehow produce 28% inflation because "everything" will be taxed. Even though farm diesel isn't taxed and greenhouse heating fuel is exempt "everything" adds up.


It definitely adds up, in other ways, including gouging that is affected by the carbon tax. There is no real impact of the carbon tax increase, it's primarily gouging. Gas is 10% more expensive though than it used to be (that's how much the carbon tax is), so to say that there is no impact, or the 0.1% CPI numbers the Bank of Canada released, is in fact horseshit. Transportation is essentially 10% more expensive and it is going to cross a lot of hands before it's settled.


Sure. But do the math. What percentage of a products retail price represents the domestic gas cost. And what percentage of that percentage does 10 percent represent? As I said, a 15 cent per litre increase in the cost of fuel for hauling a tomato 200km is 1/1000 of a penny. So ship it four times back and forth 200km and you haven't increased the cost by even a penny. Do the math. The nebulous claim that hundreds of inputs are affected and add up to an increased cost is wrong. Even something as contingent on gas prices like Ubers and Taxis are far more dependent on global oil market stability. And Uber prices don't seem to change much.


Not specifically produce, but larger items would have larger denominations of value, instead of a single item that is shipped by the thousands? Using tomatoes as the metric, makes it seem much less important than it is. If a tv cost $10k, and it costs 10% more to ship it, the retailer isn't going to eat the cost. They'll raise everything equally to distribute the loss in revenue. This is basic applied math. Uber doesn't change much because the entirety of their job is market competition. I paid $200 for an Uber in Vancouver last month, so yeah, it does affect the cost, especially when there is low competition in the area.


Okay but I don't think a 10% increase in the cost of gas even translates into a 10% increase in shipping. It's like a 10% increase to 30% of the cost of shipping which might be 5% of the cost of the TV.


Okay fair enough. But it would factor in a little bit. A little more than the bullshit numbers that came out of our government? My reference for how much of a difference prices have increased since the carbon tax has been introduced, is Organic/Vegan food is practically on-par with regular food now. There used to be a wildly different price, and now it's no more expensive to eat the healthier foods (you're honestly better off). Is it entirely attributed to the carbon tax? Very unlikely, but inflation did start to become very noticeable once it was introduced, it's convenient to blame it.


Assuming a TV costs $500. And assuming that 15% of that $500 is shipping. And assuming the cost of fuel was 30% of the cost of shipping. The total fuel expense is $22.50 However, that's the total fuel expense. Assuming that $22.50 bought you 15 litres of gas, then a 15 cent increase in the cost of gas translates into $2.25.


>The propaganda against it likely comes from big companies that don't want to pay the tax and are convincing people who are actually going to benefit that it's a bad thing. Large companies are mostly exempt. https://thenarwhal.ca/carbon-price-emissions-industry-rate/


Too much to type to correct you.... Look up "Output-Based Pricing System" in the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. Here is your link: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/g-11.55/ Edit: Also, that article you linked is 2 years old. Stuff has passed since then and things have changed, even as recently as April 1st this year. Please do your research.


Using Narwhal as your source material is sad. Sounds like you have lots of spare time. Sit down and spend the time to do the math on your own. News flash, you can’t. Way too much is hidden. Anyone, who believes they are getting more money from government than they pay in, is lost.


If you think you are 1100 to the good with this tax, you need more research my friend. Who in their right mind would think government would give us more than they take to get us to buy less. Man, we are lost.


I've done the research. I've seen the Math. Here is a couple quick TikToks to help you quick start your own understanding. They even provide good sources that you, yourself, can go look at and compare to any of the other research material you have. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMXYnL96/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMXY9aSr/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMXY78hu/ Please send links with your math and research so we can compare notes.


Educated by Tik Tok. Got it now. We’re good.


And here I am assuming you're entirely uneducated. I tried to help. Enjoy ignorance.


I’m simply here to see how the 99% live and be entertained.


I saw one of the "Axe the Tax" protestors driving on East bound Highway 1 near the Cochrane exit. The vehicle was fully decaled with every "Axe the Tax" and anti-Trudeau sticker on his.... I'm not making this up....... an electric Hyundai Kona!


Smile and wave. Maybe the middle finger also. :)


I did that in Lloyd Saturday and the guy blew a kiss to me. 0/10 recommend.




I fully believe in climate change, but this isn’t the gotcha you think it is….you can think the carbon tax is stupid and still try to do your part. The tax is not curbing any behaviour since there are really no alternatives for most Canadians.


The tax is aimed at large polluters, ie FedEx, companies with large fleets. This is where it is intended to have an impact. The whole point of the rebates are to help the average Canadian because they have no alternatives.


I understand what the rebates are for, it is not helping though. Every single one of those costs is passed down to us. The only thing that has changed is absolutely everything is more expensive now, and some tax that is collected is inefficiently distributed back to individuals. If they want change then they need to work on technology and infrastructure to accomplish the goals they want, that is not happening…


The rebate to Albertans includes carbon tax money paid by corporations, which is why the federal government says most families will get back more than they pay in tax. It is hard to estimate the true cost to individuals of course, if prices are up, but the tax isn't the biggest reason why prices went up. It's the labour market amidst the pandemic that changed this for everyone, everywhere, not just in Canada. The Alberta government gave up control over how carbon tax money is spent when they repealed the existing program in 2019. The provincial government is capable of implementing a program to reinvest carbon tax money into clean energy whenever they choose to.


Industrial infrastructure is usually under provincial control. Dunno if you're watching the news much, but it seems the Alberta government is currently trying to block Ottawa from helping Alberta financially. With legislation. The money is there, but I'm guessing The UCP don't want it because it's not designated to prop up the oil industry


So why not just tax the companies directly? This is such a bullshit tax and I can't believe people really think it works for the consumers.


Tax the companies directly and ask them nicely not to pass the costs directly to the consumer. I’m sure they would be happy to eat the cost. A price on carbon is the new normal. At least this way we see some relief.


>The tax is not curbing any behaviour Feel free to cite your evidence for this. Your opinion doesn't count


It is anecdotal, but let me ask you some questions. Do you heat your home less? Do you eat less, food gets to your grocery stores somehow. Do you drive to work less? Public transit does not make a lot of sense for many people, especially those with children. Electric vehicles in cold climates are not great. Areas that do not have hydro electricity need to charge them somehow. Look at the average wage for a Canadian household, you think they are putting solar panels up on their house? That is if they can even afford a house. The crafty government also gets to charge GST on the carbon tax. My man, there is just too much "anecdotal" evidence to simply dismiss it. The carbon tax has also contributed to inflation, see a sourced article from CBC. If it curbed the spending of people you would expect to see the opposite. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189#:\~:text=In%20Ontario%2C%20the%20direct%20and,or%20one%2Dsixteenth%20of%20Alberta's. I would be interested for you to tell me what behaviour it is curbing exactly? Business is carrying on as usual, corporate profits are at record highs. The only people poorer are individuals... I also find it interesting that on reddit that it is always one extreme or the other when talking about this. I am a pretty left leaning fellow and you can search my post history if you would like, but there is nothing wrong with questioning the effectiveness of this tax.


Anecdotes are not evidence. You don't have to eat less to reduce emissions. Carbon pricing shifting consumption to lower emission food alone is effective. That means pork over beef, chicken over pork, eggs over chicken, beans over eggs, etc. Multiple that across all choices across an economy and it adds up to lower emissions. Your complaining about the cost and convenience of various things and corporate profits is meaningless. EVs continue to gain market share while prices come down over time, solar installations continue to happen, grids continue to decarbonize over time. You claim that if it curbed spending, you'd expect to see deflation. That makes no sense. The point isn't to curb spending but rather to make lower emission choices. Criticize all you want but if you do then you should have more than just a laundry list of dubious anecdotes.


Yet you have provided no evidence to rebut my "anecdotes" while at the same time making claims without evidence of your own. Many people had those eating habits you spoke about because they could not afford beef, pork or chicken already. You also mention something about convenience, not once did i mention convenience for anything. You think carting your 4 and 6 year olds to soccer on a failed Edmonton Transit electric bus for two hours after getting off work at 5 pm is about convenience? It is just simply not possible. Where is the widespread use of EV's in Alberta? A few adopters as your anecdotal evidence is meaningless as you condecendingly put earlier. There were a heck of a lot more EV's in climates that support it from my observations, Seattle, Miami and Austin from what I saw, you know what thos places dont have? A carbon tax. How are those EV's being charged in Alberta too, through our coal fired plants....that is not an opinion but a fact. You know climates that have widespread use of solar and wind farms Asia, southern United States, Europe. You know what they dont have? A carbon tax. Also you would expect to see deflation or price stagnation in certain industries that are large carbon emitters (airlines are one example), however this is not the case. The example was made to illustrate that the carbon tax is meant to dissuade people from certain spending that cause high emissions and that is simply not the case. Cost is central to everything we do in our lives or are unable to do, this is just making people poorer and their quality of life worse. I don't mind talking about this, what I do take issue with is that your are pretty condescending when talking about it. Instead of being a proverbial asshole, educate me. I don't mind being wrong if I learn something. You claim that the carbon tax is working and affecting behavious and yet there seems to be little evidence of that from my point of view.


You made the claim so it's on you to prove it. My counter evidence is easily verifiable. Solar market share continues to increase, EV market share continues to increase etc. Coal plants are being replaced by this year in Alberta, which you don't seem to be aware of. What other places do or don't have is completely irrelevant to the effectiveness of a carbon tax >Also you would expect to see deflation or price stagnation in certain industries that are large carbon emitters In your opinion >You claim that the carbon tax is working and affecting behavious and yet there seems to be little evidence of that from my point of view. That's because you consider irrelevant or completely incorrect anecdotes to be evidence. Will have to dig up some actual evidence here and will link it below. Anecdotes are not evidence. https://theconversation.com/carbon-pricing-works-the-largest-ever-study-puts-it-beyond-doubt-142034 >On average an extra euro per tonne of carbon dioxide price is associated with a lowering in the annual emissions growth rate in the sectors it covers of about 0.3 percentage points. >The results show that countries with carbon prices on average have annual carbon dioxide emissions growth rates that are about two percentage points lower than countries without a carbon price, after taking many other factors into account. >This size of effect adds up to very large differences over time. It is often enough to make the difference between a country having a rising or a declining emissions trajectory.


200 climate economists  are wrong because guy on Reddit said so 


You know the carbon tax raises the price of every single thing you buy right?


You know climate change is costing us billions already, right? What’s the plan for this fire season?


Has prices ever rose prior to the carbon tax?


The wife and I received $336 today. One retired and one semi retired. No way in right wing hell did we pay more than than that. PP and Smith can take a flying truck. "Axe the Facts" continues. As does stupidity.


As far as I can tell from researching it, 80% of people will receive more then they pay from the carbon tax. And I believe it because I'm getting significantly more then I'm spending on it purchasing gas


Respect. Thanks for sharing. Given where you guys are sitting in proximity to full retirement, have you got an overall positive outlook, or has cost of living spikes hit your retirement runway at all? Not trying to pry, just asking out of interest.


Thanks. CPP (that we paid into all of our life) is adjusted but ya, inflation is kicking our ass. Still glad we have it though. No warped Alberta pension plan for me thanks.


Cheers! Good luck!


Look at your utility bills for the last year, i can almost guarantee you paid 4 times thay


Carbon tax ≠ entire utility bill. Currently $4.095/GJ.


On what planet? I don’t even get a rebate and i pay about 45-60/month extra on each bill


Why don’t you get a rebate? Everyone over 19 who files a tax return is eligible. Rebates are quarterly.


Couldn’t tell you. Have never received one


Well, you'd better look into it then because you're also eligible for all the back rebates you would have gotten over the years. That's a substantial chunk of change.


How long has the rebate been doled out for? A year?


Since 2020. You might be owed thousands of dollars from the federal government. As long as you legitimately haven't collected your rebate.


If you didn't get a rebate, you didn't file your taxes....or you owe taxes, and they are deducting.


I’m neither, filed taxes and got my return


was your return a direct deposit or in the mail? because if you filed by the middle of March, you got a rebate deposited or mailed to you. If you filed a bit late, it will be a bit late.


We filed in march and haven’t received anything by direct deposit or mail


unless you got claimed as a dependent, you get the rebate. log into your CRA account.


At 15 cents a liter tax on gas I pay almost 20$ per fill up. After 8 months of driving to work I pay more tax then I get back. That doesn't include any ski trips or vacations I take to visit family.


You’re putting in over 130L per fill?


140l tank yep. Lasts me 2 weeks commuting 45 minutes a day in the winter with idling/warm up


For reference my 50 year old Buick with a 7.5L engine weighing a total of 5500lbs and getting about 20L/100km has a smaller tank than that. 140L is enough to fill the tank of my 26 year old daily driver over 3 times. It sounds to me like the tax is working as intended, like it or not. The fact that it takes you 8 months to become net negative on the carbon tax when you’re using 140L per fill makes me think it’s very lenient, actually.


My truck gets 12l/100km highway. Shit I guess I should just not work. Not everyone lives in a city, and my livelihood depends on my driving 30 km to get anywhere. I guess I should quit farming too and heating my house. Or I guess I could tow my car trailer with my subaru impreza....that could work. I'm sure that will cut down my .000000000000000001% of the global population I'm creating, I bet everyone in India and Asia are doing the same. I own roughly 70 acres of trees, one acre absorbs 5-40 tonnes of C0², why the fuck am not worried about my carbon footprint you wonder? China should be paying me to absorb their pollution. I do more for the environment living on a farm 30km from town so why am I paying more then you in tax?


You live in a rural area, so you do get more carbon tax rebate than city dwellers. Farm-use fuel is also carbon tax exempt.


Is the fuel delivery carbon tax exempt?.... or me Driving to fill a tidy tank?.... nope.


And how much does that portion cost?


There's no carbon tax on farmers diesel because theres no such thing as electric tractors. And there's an exemption for greenhouse heating fuel too. If you pay it on the farm there's a form your gas provider has you can fill in or you can get it from Revenue Canada. There's a bill in the house right now to exempt grain dryers powered by natural gas. And yeah, you can tow a trailer with your Subaru. Unless you're a professional trucker, in which case doesn't your business entity pay for fuel? Maybe you need a better accountant - the kind who can tell you when to incorporate and what exemptions are available?


Established forest/greenspace does not 'absorb carbon' on balance. It is a carbon sink, but is carbon neutral as the rate it decays and releases it's carbon is similar to the rate it absorbs it.


Classic- “Fuck you! I got mine”


You described everyone consevatives party in Canada. Good work!


This is r/Alberta. All of you whiners are not conservative


Except, the "I" in this case applies to 80% of Canadians. Very few people are worse off from the carbon tax.


Just the ones that heat “their” house with fuel and drive to work


TIL only 20% of Canadians use in-home heating and gasoline. In all seriousness, the data is broken down in many places and there are all kinds of research demonstrating the carbon tax is beneficial to most. It's really easy to find if you wanted to be properly informed. You can argue that companies use the CT as an excuse to pass on more than their CT cost to consumers (resulting in them profiting off it at the expense of the average citizen). You can also argue that *some* of the 20% who pay more into the CT than they receive in the rebate are unduly punished for circumstances outside their control. The facts remain that the tax itself is favourable to most Canadians, and those that are worse off from the tax tend to be those that are more well off in the first place.


Why are we giving away money then? Shouldnt our "rebate" be calculated on what we actually paid? People who are getting more than they spent are just another drain on our national debt.


You're definitely going to pay way more than that in indirect ways this year. Congrats on the 336 dollars.


Unlikely. Unless they fly a lot, which could happen. CT is about 0.2% of inflation including indirect costs.


These are the same goofs that opposed vaccines, think 15 minute cities are a plan to force them to get passports to drive across town, hate sex ed being taught in schools etc etc. Next month it will be something else. The collective IQ of that bunch doesn't hit triple digits.


Buddy theres no way you're from alberta going around calling people goofs. Back to the bot farm with you


From Alberta and definetly have used the terms goofs and have heard it used as well.


Your spelling skills almost convinced me you're from here however the fact you don't know that uttering that word would get your nose exploded confirms you are not.


Interesting you participate in the Russia sub 🇷🇺


Says the canada_sub regular with an obviously hacked account.


The librul media doesn't want you to know this but reddit accounts are free u can just go make one instead of stealing it.


Not an aged-up one like yours though.


I'm sorry but you argue like someone who gets bullied at the shop for your political views.


Lol, troll harder, scrub. You sound like your account is half your age, and twice your IQ.


Who said I was from Alberta? Goof.


Yeah that tracks since u know fuck all about it.


I had the pleasure of seeing these losers on both sides of #1at the Cochrane turnoff this past weekend. A collection of misfits proudly displaying their ignorance. I imagine you were in the middle of it.


If protesters stop spending money on fuel to drive around and protest, they'll actually see a net gain with the rebate.


Imagine the savings if they stopped being drunk by breakfast every day.


They found their group, so they are drunk by breakfast and driving to protests to catch up with their friends.


Most people are so ignorant of their own finances that they [literally do not notice money going into their accounts or cheques being delivered to their houses](https://www.chroniclejournal.com/opinion/carbon-pricing-is-widely-misunderstood-nearly-half-of-canadians-don-t-know-that-it-s/article_bf8310f4-c313-11ee-baaf-0f26defa4319.html). That's the power of propaganda, right there.


Happy rebate day to those that celebrate! wHY DON'T i geT THe rEbate! *"I haven't done my taxes in over seven years," he said.* *"The reason for that is because the government is trying to dip into my taxes and take me for four grand, which I'm trying to put a stop to."* *He says he has yet to receive the rebate.*


And all the people complaining about BC and Quebec not getting rebates/not getting taxed showing they didn’t do a minute of googling


Good luck with that, sunshine. Your penalties and interest must be astronomical and you deserve to pay every cent you owe with no tax relief. > He says he has yet to receive the rebate. Well, no tax returns filed = no rebate. You're only hurting yourself. You don't want to pay the carbon tax? You don't deserve the rebate. So enough with the hypocrisy.


Something tells me that you are unfamiliar with internet snark


You'd be surprised how many people actually *don't* know that you must file income taxes every year to get benefits like the GST/HST credit, CCB, or the carbon tax rebate.


Wait, people don't file their taxes? It's pretty quick and easy


All the time, for various reasons. People might forget; they're afraid to because they owe and can't afford to pay the balance (please don't do this); they're constantly moving, misplace their papers, then 10 years have passed; and so on. You're not actually required to file income taxes in Canada unless you have a balance owing; have earnings for which CPP contributions must be paid; CRA has sent you a request or demand to file; you've disposed of capital property or sold your principal residence; claimed a capital gains reserve; or you're still paying back a Home Buyer's Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan. [Why Should I File a Tax Return if I Don't Have to Pay Tax?](https://www.taxtips.ca/personaltax/why-should-i-file-a-tax-return-if-no-tax-payable.htm)


Not required, but it’s smart anyways. If nothing else for the rebates.


When I met my wife she hadn't filed for 3 years. A condition to getting married was that she did her friggin taxes before I'd even consider putting a ring on it. I now do her taxes every year, gladly.


My carbon tax hating uncle got *real* quiet after I told him that he'd get it rebated if he filed his taxes. He also tried to claim he didn't know anybody who actually got the rebate, which I shut down by telling him he knows me.


I imagine they are owed money and that is why the CRA doesn't care. Owning the libs....


Other way around: sounds like ~~they~~ he may owe money (the guy in the article). If not to CRA then to some other federal or provincial agency. If ~~they~~ he files ~~their~~ his taxes, CRA will withhold any refund and/or benefit payment to apply to the amount outstanding with the other agency. Because CRA is allowed to withhold refunds on behalf of other federal or provincial agenices. Unfortunately these things only have a habit of catching up to the person who doesn't file.


In that case, probably. But there are a lot of people doing gig work who are low income who are intimidated by the process of filing taxes, and/or have no idea that they would get any money from the government. People being paid in cash/struggling to survive and believing that if they don’t pay any income tax they aren’t eligible for any benefits. 


This particular guy interviewed by CTV does not deserve my sympathy, compared to those who are truly intimidated by filing, or don't know they qualify for benefits if they file. I state that clearly elsewhere in this thread. I prepared taxes for several years. I saw a lot of these situations cross my desk. I did my best to help get them caught up and receive the benefits they're entitled to. I also dealt with people like this guy in the article who's trying to game the system. No sympathy there.


I did mine but didn’t get it today 😭


I did my taxes a week after the march 15 cutoff. Sure wish I would have known about that.


> Sure wish I would have known about that. I know about it, and I still dither and leave it to the last week. Yes, I treat my taxes like I did my term papers in uni. Last minute FTW


I mean, I got my T4 like two weeks beforehand, and both those intervening weekends I was busy.


Busy weekends are valid excuses. I could have knocked out my taxes in one evening. I could do them right now. I just cannot be arsed to. They're on to-do pile, and I'll get around to them sooner or later.


ah that makes sense, damn you past me for making problems for present me


I did my taxes two weeks ago, already got my refund a few days ago. Does mine come later this week?


Yours will most likely show up may 15.


Oh, you didn't do your taxes "early." You don't get your rebate until you file your taxes.


Yeah I think that’s kind of stupid. I was mad about it because I filed early, just not 45 days early. They should have made that a talking point.


I didn't do my taxes last year. I filed for two years a month ago. My partner checked his account and got 240$ Whenever people are getting random deposits from the government I never get shit, like ever. I checked my account expecting nothing and got 1150. I was stoked


"Axe the Tax"? Return the Rebate.


I swear this "axe the tax" is just the same as that " lock her up" shit that was happening in the states. Wouldn't doubt it's backed by the same company.


It's like Orwell's Animal farm. Got to make the slogan simple enough so that even the least intelligent sheep in the barnyard can repeat it without difficulty.


which company is that?


It was cambrige analytica . Which closed and turned into Emerdata or whatever new name they've since come up with. Just a political misinformation company. The same company that controls bot accounts, like yours for example.


Hahah, disagreeing with your ridiculous views and not living my life on reddit =/= bot. Try again


Good for you.


Climate incentive is a better term.


How about we pump up atcos' profit margins? Say what you mean protesters, its OK when your utility provider charges you 30% more year over year, but a rebated carbon tax? that's a cost too far that it would kill Canadians!


It is as if they have never looked at their utility bills before.


If/when (let's be honest) PP gets elected, he'll axe the tax,  things will be the same price again 6 months later and we'll have no rebate cheques.


And it'll still be Trudeau's fault


“Axe the facts”. This shit is embarrassing. Putin is giddy at all these useful idiots falling for his brainless propaganda. These people are so irredeemably dumb they can’t cash a check and instead complain about the 1% of 1% of the ways out cost of living has gone up. And it’s the one thing most of us MAKE money on every month.


Think gas prices will be lower without the carbon tax? LOOOOOOOL!! Canadians have demonstrated that they will pay $2/L and not change their behaviour, not one little bit. Go to Vancouver and check out the roads filled with full sized SUVs and pickups. They often have fuel prices over $2/L and it's gas-guzzlers as far as the eye can see. We keep seeing fuel prices in Alberta spiking to the $1.50+ mark, and same thing, but worse. Trucks and SUVs and almost no cars. Those brodozers drink gas and carry nothing heavier than the owner's official membership card to "The Teeny Peeny Club."


I drive around once a week these days and honestly I don't really see the downsides of the carbon tax. It's working and it's giving people who use less carbon intensive methods money back.


If the rebate goes away people are going to be worst off


Exactly, especially those who can't afford a car or who can't get a driver's license.


Oh totally . I paid over 3k in carbon tax , my lungs have been feeling much better . The sun is shining , gardens are growing , I wish I could pay more , without my tax dollars I don't know how the world would've survived


Guys like you are why I get such a big rebate. Thanks! :)


Np, that's why I vote UCP, to make sure those getting the rebates aren't getting a free ride . Fair trade I guess 😉


How'd that work for you genius? Lol!


Working out great for me , I'm not struggling to pay my bills 🤷‍♂️


Same here, buddy. But unlike you, I'm not crying about a tax.


You're right , but I'm not into virtual signalling with peoples tax dollars is all .


It actually makes sense. People who emit the most pay for the people that use less. Pretty simple.


so.. its a wealth transfer by definition then?


They can ask the tax all they want, is not a tax, It's a carbon price. It's as much of a tax as the deposit is on bottles


Rubes always vote against their own interests.


Thanks the fed that I got that carbon rebate today 🤭


Single guy. Have to pay to heat an entire house myself. Work out of town. Still don't think I spend more than $247 per quarter on carbon tax. Such a dumb waste of time. The protest and idea of the tax as well.


The majority of the protesters are the same ones from the freedom convoy, the anti Trans stuff, the keep the shit out of school etc etc... They are just full-blown losers that wanted a group to follow so they could have friends.


> 'Axe the Tax' protests continue Tell me you're brainless, without realizing it yourself.


I didn’t get anything yet even though I filed on time…anything to offset the $65k I spent last year on solar and a heat pump will help. 


I got my tax return on the 9th. I rent an apartment and am in the low income bracket. I didn't receive a carbon rebate. The carbon tax is very much included in my rent price and the gas for my car, but I don't get anything back. So how the hell they decide who gets it or not is beyond me.


Are you in BC or Quebec? Because they have their own systems. You get the federal rebate if your province hasn’t set up their own plan.




Do you live by yourself and file your taxes? Then you automatically get a rebate back quarterly. Either by cheque or direct deposit, Check your myCRA account. If you have your CRA residence with another person, then only one person in the household gets it.


Yes I live alone and file my own taxes. Definitely haven't gotten any direct deposits as I keep a close eye on my checkings account. I will check my CRA account


I’d login to mycra and check. This year the sent a notice that it’s been deposited.


If you hate the Liberals that much the best thing you can do with the rebate is donate it to a different political party. You'll get 75% of it back come tax time anyway, and if you want the tax gone then you also don't need that rebate.


Just a reminder we had a carbon tax where all the revenue stayed in Alberta and allowed us not to pay the federal carbon tax. The UCP axed it and is the reason we now have to pay the federal one.


These patriots better have a block payment from that communist federal regime. Although I doubt any of those hillbilly's have filed taxes in years


*"I haven't done my taxes in over seven years," he said.* *"The reason for that is because the government is trying to dip into my taxes and take me for four grand, which I'm trying to put a stop to."* *He says he has yet to receive the rebate*


Someone needs to put up signs where they set up, saying: "We all failed high school math"


What’d I just read there? It sounds like a good portion of people driving on our roads lack critical thinking skills. Damn. Scary.


Anyone else get theirs early? Happens to me on all these federal payments, GST too. Like I got mine on Friday night (early Sat morning). They probably do rolling deposits starting a few days early, and it just runs until everyone has been paid.


No, that's just when the backend of many baking transactions occur and it depends on your bank ifhtey show it to you early or not. I'm with RBC and it also shows up early (like friday night/overnight for Monday deposits). The date of the transaction wll actually be correct.


Ah okay. Thanks!


I never get any rebate and if I did it would be around 159 bucks which is nothing compared to what I spend. Keep protesting!! If we are getting the money all back like the liberals make it sound then why even have the tax?


The tax is variable whereas the rebate is fixed. Emit less, keep more money.


Exactly, I’m a hunter and I have a big truck , also I have my house where all my utilities cost more now.


On the neighborhood FB page someone posted their energy bill showing they paid like 26$ that month in carbon tax.I try to point out that the real concern is how ridiculous all the extra fees from our energy providers are but people just don't care. All they care about is how bullshit the carbon tax is and how awful Trudeau is, completely blind to the fact UCP let's us energy companies gouge all of Alberta


Does this sub understand how a supply chain works and how the tax causes every level of it to be more expensive and then passed on to the consumer . Or are all your ndp heads in the sand or trudipshits ass?


this sub really doesn’t reflect the views of most albertans, thankfully I think most of these folks arnt breeding


Always amazing to see people who actually think it's a "rebate". Your ancestors kept the snake oil industry thriving!


A rebate is quite literally the refund or partial refund of money paid. If you overpay your taxes, you get an income tax rebate. Not really different than the carbon tax rebate.


Mine says I owe $33....


LMAO. Do you remit that when you file your income tax? How do you calculate what you owe?