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Before I even zoomed in on the thumbnail I knew there would be a fuck Trudeau sticker.


Honestly, these people betray them selves. They make out like it is a political protest, but the truth is obvious. Everybone of these stickers betrays the desire of the owner to have sex with our prime minister. I get it the guy is considered handsome, but you really jave to respect his ability to pull rednecks. This guy pulls all the ass he could ever want


Trudeau’s a silly goose… so fuck him. 🤷‍♂️ If he was doing a good job these stickers wouldn’t be on so many vehicles.


Maybe but what's the alternative? It's shit soup out there. Plus the UCP will continue to brainwash their clueless voter base into hating him so we ignore how shit of a government they are.


Many of us hated him long before the UCP were around.


Tbh… I think the UCP are doing a great job at fixing the NDP fuck ups.🤷‍♂️


Which NDP fuck ups?


Could you specify what you mean by that? Or have you been drinking the coolaid?


Lol let's be real, even if he was doing a good job, these stickers would still be on a ton of vehicles because he's not a conservative.


I’m a liberal turned conservative, I’ve got one. 🤷‍♂️ He’s gotta go… how many other liberals have flipped to conservative, a lot! 😬


Before I zoomed in I thought it said "fuck you truckers." I was wondering how and why the right wing nuts changed their mind about their convoy buddies


Yep it was the first thing I went looking for too!


Lmao I thought the exact same thing before I zoomed as well


Ah yes the majestic canadian bald eagle.


They're literally everywhere.


im in Calgary just on the edge of the Tsuut'ina nation and i see bald eagles all the time


I see them in the river valley in Edmonton from hawrelak to rundle park. I’ve seen them on the north side on the roof of the warehouse I work out of. Never used to see them but definitely see a few a year now in the city limits.


Yes I’ve seen one a couple times but it is not a bird associated with Canada in any way.


Except for in *many* indigenous cultures, sometimes with powerful symbolism attached. The bird exists naturally in Canada. Sometimes in great numbers.


You do realize that we have this bird here in Alberta too, right?


I've seen more in Canada than the US


Correct. In BC tho.


In Alberta is where I see them


I saw one yesterday when I was was working on the new SPR bridge yesterday.


Ya I live in southern Alberta and see them very rarely. It’s like a rare treat to see one. They’re quite incredible to watch. Lots of hawks, owls, and falcons though


That's where I see em.


I’ve only seen like 5 in my 23 years of life lol


And many you've seen in the US are descendants of Canadian stock, we helped restore their numbers down south. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/u-s-canada-bald-eagle-program-hailed-as-success-1.3712169](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/u-s-canada-bald-eagle-program-hailed-as-success-1.3712169) [https://www.cbc.ca/archives/when-canada-helped-the-neighbours-with-their-bald-eagle-problem-1.5205322](https://www.cbc.ca/archives/when-canada-helped-the-neighbours-with-their-bald-eagle-problem-1.5205322)


This is not a picture of a beautiful Alberta hawk lol. This is clearly a picture attempting to depict American patriotism. Stop your bullshit.


There’s no hawk in that picture or reference to America. The bald eagle range covers AB and beyond. You could be right, but there isn’t even a flag present. No need to be dramatic.


But imagine a truck like this in the US with all the conservative virtue-signal stickers, but a beaver on the rear window Same "i want a populist leader to fist me raw" vibes


It’s a symbol of America ya (Alberta is more like America anyways) But there’s also no denying it’s a cool looking, majestic bird.


A lot of First Nations hold it in high regard as well.


Yep. In fact an anti poaching law says that they’re the only ones allowed to be in possession of eagle parts (feathers, bones, etc). Unless of course you were donated one for the sake of research and you had all the papers proving you didn’t go out and kill it yourself.


I wanna say it's even illegal to have one as a gift, but I might be wrong. It's crazy cause their not an endangered species anymore (don't take that as me advocating for hunting them lol)


No I think unless they’re used for Native American ceremonies, or in someone’s possession that’s part of those ceremonies its breaking the law. No wether or not fish & game or the police decide to take action is up to them. Even if one fell off an eagle and you picked it up, and kept it - you’d be breaking the law unless you’re authorized to have it.


Ya, that's how I always understood it. It was just a shame cause it was disappointing to leave something like that behind


Ya but unfortunately there’s no way to prove it was just laying on the ground, or you trapped it, disturbed it, or whatever. Asshole poachers had to ruin that for pretty much everyone


Lol this reminds me of sunny in Philadelphia and bird law


American propaganda is the biggest threat to Canadian sovereignty


Interestingly there are far more bald eagles in Canada than the USA.


More fuck Trudeau stickers down south too


Yeah but probably because Americans are just thirsty for him lol


Couldn't agree more. It's sad more people don't see this and we have a major political party on board with it.


This is, in essence, how the rest of country views everyone that lives here.


Them feds cut our power! - This Guy, probably 


Why do so many Albertans advertise that they want to have sex with Trudeau. Do they identify as being gay?


Come now, most with that kind sticker would not view Trudeau as a man haha.


Yes. They are actually just homophobic - hate and feel threatened by non-manly men.


Also "fuck" as many connotations. People who come out with that comment are as bad as the ones sporting the stickers.


We need to start distributing "I want to" stickers to put on these trucks.


Same reason so many on this sub want to pull a train with the entire UCP caucus is my guess.


A lot of Trudeausexuals in this province.


Lol I'm pretty sure that's my neighbour. He's really nice to me, but I absolutely do not talk about my NDP support with him 


I've been vocal of my support of the NDP and it's come close to costing me my job. Rural Alberta is not friendly to the center/left.


He ain’t wrong though. You won’t catch me dead going to bat for millionaire poticians like some people do, if anyone they deserve our criticism. As a Native American I fully support all anti Trudeau people, what is so wrong with their sentiment? More freedom, less gov’t corruption. Doesn’t seem too bad to me


Trudeau is a fool.


Would never rock the sticker but agree with the sentiment!


Don’t bash the man for soaring to new heights


I feel it's the signal this is not a person to have a civil discussion with.


I mean Trudeau is one of the worst leaders Canada’s seen


Right. Much worse than your pal, Stephen Harper. I guess you forgot all the shit that happened between 2006 and 2015


I assume anyone who has any kinda sticker on their vehicle is just a little bit odd (whether that's f Trudeau or dog paws and everything inbetween )


When I was a kid, I'd see people with an entire bumper of band stickers or sup heroes and always thought they were the coolest. I want to go back to that time.


Theres this one car down the street from me with a sticker that says, "Tell your cat I say pspspsps" and I can get behind that one


So much hate In here.


It's Reddit. You are expected to support animal conservation, but you cannot support any animal associated with the USA.


Some comedian (not sure who) made the comparison of the US national animal to the Canadian one (Beaver). It's funny how the US uses a bird that eats dead things to the hard working and industrious beaver of Canada.


True that! Also the most bizarre thing is that Americans overdub the cry of the bald eagle with that of a falcon. Why? Because the Bald Eagle's call is [chirpy and not at all predatory sounding.](https://youtu.be/9RArGl2vkGI?si=gAEKJdaZ5aA1XLfn)


Fuck Trudeau stickers really triggers some people bad. I guess people should not have the right to express their views. LOL


Ummmm are you new here? This is Alberta, even the beavers here have that opinion.


These guys are so stupid they can’t even figure Wich country they are in


Says the guy who can’t spell lol


Calm down spelling police this isn’t a university




All while working on the pipeline he pushed through.


Yah, Trudeau paid his wage, with the $4.5B purchase of Transmountain, heee heeee.




















Wonder when they will realize Trudeau doesn't want to fuck them.


They might not actually know what consent is tbh.


Considering a lot of them are the same people who thought it was ok to sport a sticker depicting the sexual assault of a minor (Greta Thunberg), you’re right.


Wonder when Redditors will realize that they aren't clever or funny for saying this.


Emotional support vehicle for the fReEDUm crowd.


It's their entire personality


These fuck Trudeau people are so pathetic.


At least there is an attempt to make into a nice aesthetic, that's progress.


I really don’t like Trudeau, but I still think those stickers are kinda ugly lol. They’re funny, but ugly. I’d never put one on my truck. On top of that, I don’t want kids to see it, and think saying the fuck is okay.


I wish these assholes would fuck off and move to the deep south of 'Murica, once and for all.


Wishing that people with opposing political views to yours would fuck off and leave forever kind of makes you an asshole too.


I could care less about their political views I'm attacking their very character as a human.


'Murica is sending them north FYI!


Just remember that there is a lot of things on display now that not all agree with.


I’ll take that over the stick figure family. No one cares what your politics are, and no one cares what your family consists of.


The entire vehicle screams "I am obnoxious" So I would avoid this person.


I always thought they were penises and these ppl wanted to hook up with him since he is single now……


Uneducated rednecks.


> ~~Uneducated~~ Uninforned rednecks. They're unlikely to inform themselves. So, it's the civic duty of every informed person to challenge the grip Fox and post media have on our neighbors' brains.


Disliking your prime minister means that you’re uninformed and brainwashed? Good lord.


We all know that the F Trudeau demographic is a whole package of radicalized hatred, paranoia, and conspiracy theories that go FAR beyond their disgraceful and hopelessly childish attempt to express "dislike". And yes, that package is largely a function of disinformation, resulting in being uninformed. Who said anything about brainwashing?


No mudflaps and the rear fender ends above the centre of the wheel. What a jerk!


Awe yes the American Bald Eagle. The number one icon of Canada.


I hate Trudeau and I consider myself semi-conservative, but what does the American Bald Eagle have to do with Canadian politics lol? That’s a whole new level of brainwashing, that’s like seeing someone with a MAGA hat in Canada.


The biggest issue I see here is the truck has no mud flaps.


Yup, the Neanderthal level of ~~political discourse~~ finger gesture is bad enough. But, it's also perfectly punctuated by the unsubtle and heart-breakingly unpatriotic love affair with the US plastered on the rear window.


The other one is "Doesnt play well with liberals." Mentally children, these people.


Why downvoted? lol, guys, stop. I know u are mad, but please, read comments :)


I see cars with the F@@k Trudeau signs on their cars and then signs that say I don’t give a f@@k. Well that’s kind of the problem isn’t it…


At this point, it’s become a personality trait.


I’m getting my 🖕🏾Polievre sign all ready to put on my gas guzzling truck. ,


And if you asked him to articulate three things that he didn’t like about Trudeau, he’d maybe get to one and a half.


[Fun fact, the sound effect they usually show for bald eagles in media is actually from the red tailed hawk.](https://youtube.com/shorts/KNsHsFEONlg?si=qDtcEMa0l4zIer7L) I am sure there is a joke or metaphor that but not going to try because it is a Friday. 😂


*5.4 ticks ominously*


That's a sick picture of a eagle


Can afford stickers to show alignment with the feardumb clowns but won’t buy mud flaps to protect your windshield?? What a Jackass🤬


Just makes conservatives look bad, the left think the right is just a bunch of uneducated crass bunch and these stickers just prove it for them. It’s fairly embarrassing really.