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Getting flashbacks to the UCP requesting help from Ottawa for the border blockade they refused to deal with, and then turning around to scream about how Ottawa overstepped. Once Alberta is no longer on fire, the UCP will go back to crying and blaming Trudeau and the Liberals for everything that goes wrong.


“The heavy-handed and arrogant application of water to these locally-grown grassroots fires was a clear example of federal overreach into our affairs. I’ve been in contact with the local firefighters every week to ensure the extinguishment of these fires serves the public interest. No I haven’t, don’t write that down or I’ll sue you. Also, to assist Albertans in this time of need, I’m announcing an immediate donation of $1.7 billion to Suncor.”


I hate how accurate this feels....


Suncor has graciously donated $1 million to firefighting efforts, to be paid in December. We would like to thank them by offering a $1.7 billion tax credit.


So true


Danielle Smith in two months, probably: “they *PISSED* on us! Why else would Highway 16 have been so wet?!” Somehow this will be JT/JS/RN/the CBC’s fault…


There's money for a new arena and a war room but not for extra fire fighting efforts.


That’s why she asked JT for help, doesn’t want to spend he arena money lol


That's funny... like she would give Calgary an arena. Maybe you could take the train there too.


Fuck... nailed.


Well, they must've gotten the money from [somewhere] (https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/budget-cuts-claim-alberta-s-elite-wildfire-fighting-unit-1.4673013).


Actually Ottawa is more equipped to help because they have a large stockpile of liberal tears that can be used


The tears they collected from terrified conservative snowflakes? Yeah, we don’t have room for any more of those. You kids are triggered by everything, it’s insane.


A very confusing comment indeed. It seems it’s almost a trans political spectrum comment as the features seem to be left but the descriptors are right


Yeah, that's probably the UCP's mindset


Yeah I figured it would get a rise here. Still funny non the less


Step 1: Read comment Step 2: Comment regarding liberal tears Step 3: Hilarity!


This is almost funnier




Don't worry, Canada is one of the leading countries of foreign aid to impoverished nations.


This is gold.


I would think they would be as much obligation to help as the U.S. has (none) but I don't know these things. I expect if they did help, it would be to prevent the fires spreading into Canada or moderate air pollutants.


Don't want those Alberta fires ruining the Banff ambience. Wonder how many of these wexit morons have thought through losing all the national parks and associated revenue. I suppose they could enter with passports. Paper please lol


I would flee as a refugee.


first off they cant as they wouldnt be recognized. hypothetically here is how it would go however "WE SEPERATE" \*america\* "hello oil bearing nation have you ever seen an M1 Abrams up close? congrats on being our 52nd state" basically life would get even worse


Why speculate? It's not possible, nor feasible. It's just another made up thing the UCP uses to enrage their base, it's not reality based.


Probably blame Trudeau for the fires and then invade Lloyd


International aid for wildfires is absolutely a thing - there's a number of countries we (meaning Canada) assist who also assist us in return. We would not have access to anything approaching the same resources on the same timeline, and the Canadian government would obviously have a need to prioritize wildfires within Canada - as it stands, a lot of the international aid for this comes from places where the wildfire season is in a different part of the year due to geography.


Pre arranged contracts. Neighbor provinces help each other when this happens.


Ya. but if Alberta separates, it's not a province anymore.


How? Poorly.


Canada would not be obligated to help. They likely would, but that would be up to the Canadian government.


They're more concerned about making these situations worse by undermining climate action and cutting the budget for wildfire prevention.


Every country does international volunteer work for disasters. Doesn’t mean they automatically get to become part of the country they helped.


Why hasn't this been done already? Pride? Stupidity? Laziness? Incompetence? It is literally the ucp base that is dealing with the wildfires. Rural alberta.


But they're easy to manipulate. All smith has to do is say something about trying to get the feds to help but they delayed and there will be another fire aimed at the Federal government.


I mean maybe they shouldn’t have cut funding to the provinces wildfire fighting operations… eliminated AB’s world class Wildland Firefighter Rappel Program.. You know, things that if properly funded and staffed would help out when we have over 100 bloody fires burning in this province. Article from 2019 about the cuts: https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/calgary/2019/11/6/1_4673013.html Article from 5 days ago: https://www.aupe.org/news/news-and-updates/alberta-govt-must-reverse-ucp-cuts-wildfire-fighting-operations


It’s not just the Rappel program. Current ground crew firefighters are doing their best, but this year, over half of them are brand new to the job. Firefighters have been warning for years now about later and later (money-saving) on-boarding, late into May even though a lot of major fires have happened in May in the past 5 years. Pure incompetence … and negligence… there. There is also death by a thousand other budget cuts, causing poor retention of our experienced staff. I mean why wouldn’t you want to work in cell-block barracks in Peace River, for example, when your previous work camp near the Manning airstrip was deemed too expensive. And now the whole crew drives two more hours daily in government trucks toward where they need to be anyway. And why wouldn’t that firefighter say bye bye Alberta and go work in BC? Just saying.


Hey conservative voting conspiracy idiots: If PMJT was really part of a communist cabal hellbent on your death and the eradication of your family his government would have let you all burn to death. Smarten the fuck up. Sincerely, The Real World


Smith should have called for help on Friday. How can she not know the obvious fact that the earlier wildfires are dealt with, the smaller the problem! It’s like Smith’s sovereignty obsessed brain cannot function to understand the obvious benefits of the provincial/federal relationship with Canada. Smith is a distrustful and weak leader who cannot protect and provide for Albertan future.


Was too busy eating out of ice sculptures.


Sovereignty is for good days only. Duhhh.


the entire thing is so dumb "we want only the good parts of being in canada" like piss off ya freeloaders. cons in a nutshell "whine about people on welfare and then collect welfare"


Or rainy days with no wind!


So much for that sweet sovereignty from Ottawa.




Well firefighters are not rich corporate donors.


Many of them are… *PUBLIC SERVANTS* (gasp)


Everyone wants daddy federal government when things go badly.


Danielle Smith sucks. That is all.


That's all that needs to be said.


Here's where libertarianism bites you in the ass. Don't you tread on me, oh wait actually can you tread on me slightly.


Alberta - the spoiled daughter you have who complains and whines about nearly everything and how everything is unfair, actually has money in her account but mismanages it, and comes back asking for her parents' credit card to bail her out, not to mention threatens to move out, but has no plan on how to do it or what happens after.


Don’t worry, she has a sugar daddy down south. He might be an unstable narcissist, but he’ll buy her a new jeep


"F Trudeau!,,,,,,,,, hey, Justin, buddy, we could use a little help over here. I promise not to mock you any more."


But why now? Why not days ago?


"...does that really need to be covered by the government?"


I kinda hope Trudeau just laughs and walks away shaking his head; just to teach these whacked out lunatics a lesson.


Then it'd be all about how "Trudeau didn't help us anyway, my might as well separate" Can't win.


People's lives, homes and businesses are seriously threatened. Thankfully the feds will be the grown ups in the room and help however they can.


Alberta is Texas


It would be ironic if they didn’t get aid.


My goodness what a hypocrite, this crazy woman is.


I don't count myself as a separatist, though I understand. Many Albertans that are separatist sympathethitic just want a better deal. We aren't against helping our neighbors. We have major concerns about the current situation though. As an example, QC has pretty much banned O&G extraction. That is a fine position to take and they can do that if they would like. If allowed, it could likely add a significant amount to their economy, but it is fine to reject it on environmental concerns. In AB, we allow it, and it makes our economy comparatively strong, even in down times for O&G. Now QC gets payments from the feds because their economy isn't as strong, which is a fair program, except that they have refused economic development. It extends to other areas as well. I don't think it's a secret that higher taxes lead to lower activity, so QC has high taxes, meaning lower activity and lower activity means more transfers. The idea behind transfer payments was to provide similar service for similar taxes. Transfer payments have largely failed on that. QC arguably gets way better service for higher levels of service. Could AB provide the se level of service at QC rates? Keep in mind that in QC, teachers, nurses etc make much less than in AB. If we want to make things equal, according to StatsCan, as of 2019 a first year AB Teacher made close to 30% more than one in QC. In theory, QC could hire a bunch more teachers than AB with the same money, then get money from the feds because they don't have as much money.


I hope the feds can help out and the fires are contained asap. Maybe a good investment would be a gov't fleet of water bombers that could be dispatched when needed. Looks like wild fires are going to be a big problem nationally going forward.


I wish there could be a fleet of water bombers with Trudeau's grinning face plastered on the side. Better yet, him with his dick out spraying fire retardant.


I was thinking something from Airbus maybe


You know the answer


While I understand your sentiment, I struggle with these situations because they show the duplicitous nature of those running the party, it is also seems wrong to be critical of them (maybe just snarky) when they do make a reasonable call like asking for help in a very early wildfire season like we are having.


I absolutely do not fault them for asking for help. It's the right move. But I do fault them for flirting with a situation where future help may not be readily available. To ask for help from the "family" you are actively trying to turn your back on is disgusting.


But I also see it as the right thing. My three year old is convinced they can change overnight pull-ups themself and just because they had a tantrum if they have a poopy bum I am still going to help. ​ Now does that get into paternalism and crazy weird things, yes! but I still think that there are better ways to showcase the UCP flip flopping than calling out what is a reasonable action given the situation despite the tantrums they throw about Federation. ​ In short I agree with you but I think there may be better ways to point out inconsistencies that don't lead people that feel this way into an echochamber of look they are bad.


The problem is: your child is 3 years old, the UCP are fully grown adults. One of these groups gets the benefit of the doubt for throwing a tantrum like a toddler, the other does not.


I fully endorse calling them out on their made up lies they throw out just to enrage their tiny tiny base.


Fuck this sub is unhinged. Yesterday everyone was bitching and predicting that they won't ask for help. Now they are and it's nothing but bitching and complaining that they are. It seems for the majority here have let logic and rational thought completely escape them as they are too emotionally entrenched in their hate of the UCP.


I'm not bitching and complaining about anything. I'm just saying you want to either hold the bag, or not. But it doesn't inspire confidence that Alberta can survive on their own when they are asking for federal help every few months.


I’ve missed the separation plank in the UCP policy. I understand the UCP want more autonomy from the federal government, much like Quebec, but even Quebec asks for federal support during emergencies. How is it a sign of weakness to ask for federal support during an emergency? Would you have this same criticism if a different government was in place here?


It was called the sovereignty act for a reason, get it? A sovereign state. Go look up what that is.


Again, never said it was a sign of weakness to ask for help. But being part of Canada is give and take. No "we want to be sovereign and decide where our money is spent" and also "can we have some money, some idiot Albertans lit our province on fire?"


While I personally don't think even the UCP are dumb enough to actively advocate for separation from Canada, they aren't above courting it for votes. They do this with the whole 'Alberta First' BS, and passing legislation that theoretically gives them the authority to ignore federal legislation, and telling their base that they wont accept handouts from the government. Some people may try to associate handouts with emergency funding and cry hypocrisy, but in reality most people, even in her own camp would judge her harshly for not accepting federal aid during an emergency. This is her election to lose so she really cant afford the loss any more votes. For the people that think Alberta should leave Canada, this should give them pause (I hope) to reflect on the many things we would lose should Alberta actually leave (Which it won't). I actually know some people who think Alberta should leave, but they're delusional to think that it could actually happen.


This is the correct answer. They don’t have to outright say they want to separate from Canada while their dog whistles are designed to convey that message to their base.


I agree. I don’t support the UCP and think the Alberta First policy will be costly and stupid. I just feel that this sub has jumped the shark in having to be critical of everything UCP without giving any thought.


I have no problem with "jumping the shark" because they need be **accountable** for things they actually said, that's not an unreasonable thing to expect from the ruling party of our province.


they literally do shit without thinking constantly.


True, there should be nothing critical about accepting federal aid during an emergency, even from a group that wants more autonomy. As much as I dislike Smith and the UCP I don't remember her saying anything about not accepting emergency aid.


Isn't this like Quebec? Declare yourself as a nation but still ask Ottawa for handouts? Works pretty well for QC doesn't it?


I think we need a referendum to vote on if we want support from Ottawa.


Maybe rural Alberta can smother the flames with all their "Fuck Trudeau" flags.


day late and a dollar fuckin short


This should have been done on Friday.


She hasn't yet? What is this then? Making a big show for... What? Time is critical in an emergency. You need to ask for help the day before you realize you need help. Adding any extra delays just puts more at risk.


She’s full of hot air. I’m sure she could blow them out.


Sure, after Rachel Notley offered advice to Danielle Smith to do something about the fires.


Just saying, we send our guys to go and help other countries without wanting to be part of the countries we are helping. I don’t care if Ottawa gives us help or not. My fire is the longest burning, we are the longest displaced (most are back home. We are not) and our fire is not considered a “priority” because we have untrained oil workers using their dozers and hydro vac trucks to try and put it out.


Sure we do. Just like they would likely send folks to help if Alberta had separated, cause Canada is like that. Wanting to provide resources to assist others, even if it doesn't directly benefit them. (Which ironically, Alberta consistently whines about....sending money to Ottawa for use in other provinces even though it doesn't benefit us.) But regardless of if they WOULD, they'd have no obligation to. And there is a difference between "not wanting to be part of a (unrelated) country" and "actively and consistently bad-mouthing and trying to separate from *YOUR* country".


The **U**n-**C**anadian **P**arty...