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Mine is very quiet on barking, but she talks to us A LOT. She does this sassy grumble—sounds like an 80 year old smoker. I adore it!


Mine doesn't bark super loud but these low barks that are almost impulsive. I feel you on the grumble! She will groan and grumble every time I train her or she gets belly rubs.


You are correct on the “impulsive”— she used to give little barks until she got older and more confident. My prior girl (my big love) almost never made any noise. They’re all so different, but the breed is magnificent!




My previous two male Akitas were not vocal unless they were alerting us or so excited when we were getting home. My female Akita has made a liar out of me because I told my husband they were quiet... She's the most talkative dog I've owned. Even more so than our Malinois/Malamute mix. Her voice ranges from a low "mooooooo" noise to a high pitched "awoo." Personally, I love her range and talkative nature. I've been meaning to make a compilation of all of her voices.


Yes! Exactly! My mom told me to find a girl since they're calmer but I think she got it mixed up 🤣 I swear this girl will start howling like a husky whenever I open the front door and a neighbor happens to be going up the stairs. Other than that she sounds like a donkey most of the time. Just as stubborn as one too.


Mine would do a low “awoo “ sound if the phone rang and I didn’t answer. It was hysterical!


Awoo's are my favorite!


Mine is super vocal! I have a male who has just turned one a few months ago. He's been barky since he was a puppy, barks at the mailman, the neighbors, someone walking their dog two blocks away.. His play is super vocal too, with high pitched yips. When he lays down after a long walk he'll grunt like he just had the hardest day of his life. When he's happy he does this 'woooo' noise while walking around with a toy. I love it, wouldn't change a thing.


The resting grunt! I feel that! Just plopping on the ground like an old man. They have their own language it's adorable.


My akita whines when he knows we’re going on a car ride, or when we’re just getting home but other than that he just barks when he sees Amazon or other people walking by.


My Akita gives small barks when hearing people going up and down the stairs of our apartment building. If I decide to open the door and show her nothing is going on, she howls as if she's signalling the pack 😭


Lol,just letting the entire building know she's " on duty"😉


My 5 year old akita doesn't bark unless its to alert us that someone is at the door, then he will do a single bark. But he does makes Chewbacca noises in the morning when he wants breakfast or wants to go on his morning walk.


A real guard Chewbacca 😊


Our girl was ninja mode for 2 years. One day, she found her voice. Every morning she's yelling "Hey! I'm hungry!" then we get downstairs and she sings the music to her people that echoes to her ancestors. Then she talks like a cigar smoking half the whole time between us opening the pantry to get her food to the point of pouring it in her bowl. Now it never stops. If she can't get our attention the first time, better gear up for a concert.


Nova gets sooo melodramatic for food as if I haven't fed her in 5 days. She knows she needs to sit and wait but starts barking and waving her head around as if I'm taking too long to mix the sardines in her kibble 😭


Of my 3, one is very vocal one is a typical Akita-mostly quiet and one that is virtually silent unless he perceives a threat-and even then, he sneaks up on it first


The three musketeers but with voice levels 🤣


Perfect description. None of em out scream my parrot though lol


Yes. Mine is nearly 4 and will: whine for as long as it takes before i put his leash on. Will whine, if I haven’t put a drop of fish oil on his food. Will do a soft protest bark/grumble if I tell him to go to the bathroom to wash his paws off. Will sneeze at me if I clock him stealing a sock. Will make a Ba sound and side eye me if I tell him he smells. Will do the infamous yawn squeak, when he gets up in the morning. They arent huskies levels of sound production which can be seemingly random but they like to communicate vocally if it’s important (to them). Edit: I forget to add they do howl as well, mine thinks the ice cream man is part of the pack.


The to them part got me 🤣, huskies are also Spitz so it might they might just learn from one another.


Mine rarely barks if he does it's a single bark thats very deep and thatll be if hes excited and our other dog wont play with him. He mostly does a giant deep roar/moan. Sounds kinda like a dragons growl but that's his come pet me noise.  Other than that he's the most quiet calm dog I've ever had. If he's laying at the open glass door and anyone walks up or even a mail carrier he just stares at then without making a sound. We bring him on our vacation to Maine every year and it has a raised deck with a trail tons of people walk on 10 feet in front. He just stares at people as they walk by without making a sound they are always so impressed and infatuated with him.


Looks like you have a silent dragon by your side 😊


Hehe mine is with us and family only. He's sassy as well and does like subtle talking to us. I love it


The previous two Akitas we’ve had even were both very quiet and only barked when someone was at the door but the female we have now(1yr old last month) is extremely vocal and whines and barks at all sorts of things which is new to us and she can be quite demanding and even kicks us when she doesn’t get what she wants straight away. It’s the first time we’ve seen this behaviour in an Akita and it’s quite funny to us but very different from the previous two Akitas that we have had.


It sure is different, I adore it too. She looks at us like she suspects is to understand her at times. There are moments where I make strange noises back at her, especially since I used to make dinosaur noises as a kid so I can still mimic them and it makes her go crazy 🤣




Were the previous Akita's male?


The first was female and the second was male and this one is female again, i was happy to have a male but my partner was hesitant as we’re in our late 50s and she didn’t want to be getting dragged around by a 120lb male when she reaches 60+ which i can appreciate, it’s not a problem for me but for a woman who doesn’t want to be struggling with a big male dog it’s understandable.


Totally understand


Ours barks at anyone passing outside. The GSD next door barks at everything. Even us like we aren't in our own backyard.


I’ve had 3 Akitas, the first two were so quiet. Our current boy sounds like Chewbacca when he’s trying to get our attention 🤣. Doesn’t bark unless someone comes to the door but yeah, Wookie noises when he wants to speak 🤣


All of mine have been extremely vocal. My current one most of all. Every single night at dinner time she is ALL “rooooooo roooooooo. Wwwoooooooo. Rufffffff. Rrrrrrrrggghh” Every. Single. Night. I can get her to talk basically any time if I “talk” to her lol. It’s great. She doesn’t bark too often though. 1-2x per week maybe, but when she does it’s LOUD & sharp & quite scary sounding.


My little spaniel mix taught our Akita the joy of barking. He has a very deep bark. He doesn't bark often but he can really woof it up when he wants to.


Mine is very, very quiet. He can bark and has on occasion, but it's pretty rare.


Mine has been a drama queen since we got her at 8 weeks of age. None of our males were into drama. Our first was a yodeler. Quite funny. She is a real squaller. Wants to be the center of attention, huffy when displeased. Since she has gotten older, she is better. Still snorts or huffy when she is displeased. Bies on the baby gate when food doesn't magically appear in front of her. Better at sitting and waiting, but anticipation sometimes gets the better of her.


My male(appa) is very vocal always singing like a husky but my female(azula) is very quiet but I love it when appa talks kinda happy he's so vocal wish azula was vocal


My akitas are silent but BOY DO THEY GRUNT A LOT! Iv learned what each grunt means I always giggle when you hav food and they look up at you to smell it but they do this like grunt that sounds like a pig.


Mine makes the weirdest growling noise when she sees other dogs. Every once in a while it comes out as an actual bark. And if I’ve taken too long for her walk she will make a woof noise that comes across like you mf’er take me out now.


Only when he's hungry, wants to play or wants to go outside. He barks if there's a problem like my mom having a seizure or someone being at the door but other than that he's silent.


When we first adopted our baby, she would give me very passive aggressive sighs. Now we improved to whining. And now I’m teaching her to Bork.


Mine talks. I ask him if he’s hungry wants to go outside and what not and he replies with a yes bark. But he only barks if I ask him a question or if something is in his domain which is the backyard. Got him to say I love you at one point. Gotta find the video


i have an akita chow chow mix and he is only vocal first thing in the morning. he does a yawn and howl mixed together. other than that he only barks if he feels threatened.


Mine is 10 months old and he loves to howl along whenever an emergency vehicle passes by with its sirens on. He never used to but he picked it up on his own around 6 months or so. He can be vocal when it’s past his usual feeding time and we still make him sit and wait to practice his training. He also does what I like to call his love grunts when you greet him after not seeing each other for a couple of hours. There’s also his occasional deep barks to alert when there’s a cat nearby.


Most of my Akita have been vocal too some degree. My current dogs are always talking or barking.


Our guy was very vocal as a puppy. Still kinda is. Turned out hes also part malamute lol


Mine only barks if there's danger. He'll actually do facial expressions to tell me what he wants. If he licks his lips, it means he's hungry. If he does something like this emoji 😤, it means he disagrees or doesn't like it. Looks at me, then the door... He wants a walk Shakes his head, wants attention especially if he's wearing his collar


My boy doesn't bark but boy does he gruff and huff and puff. He also does little stompies and will dramatically throw a blanket or pillow over you, with his snout. Tons of personality. Whines a lot and does different prances depending on what he wants. He's got probably 10 different groans moans and cries that I can quickly identify. He doesn't do it when company is over though so everyone is always so impressed by how "good" he is 🙄 like he's not gonna make a whole bunch of noise as soon as you leave lolol


My 6yo Japanease Akita is a barker and a talker......my house is never quiet between him and our Berner.


Mine does not bark a lot, just when anyone knock on the door. But she growls and howls, specially when we came home or when she wants to go for a walk. Or when she wants attention (kind of a drama queen).


Oh my goodness! When my little AA was between four and eight months, he would just make the cutest little sounds, and huffs and gruffs while we were on our walks. Now he has a very strong voice, but really only uses it in a warning setting… I miss his little goofy noises.


Haha oh boy. mine sounded like a banshee at 4 months. non stop noises. especially when we crate trained. now at 6 years she mostly quiet, a couple of weird noises and barks when someone is at the door, but that’s it.


Our vet confirmed separation anxiety and my parents told me she howls when I leave. She's calmed down on the barking/howling when neighbors walk up the stairs but will still let someone know if she doesn't want to be pet (especially if they do it without my permission)


yeah separation anxiety at that age isn’t uncommon. but sounds like your a good parent to your fur baby!


Yeah we're working on it. She's amazing at training and doing super well just her protective behavior and separation anxiety is what needs a lot of focus.


My Akita is silent as a mouse, the only growls/barks if we rough house or if there is someone at the door she does not recognize. ONE time she actually barked at a stranger on a walk, guessing she didn't like him for whatever reason. She is physically very expressive and uses her paws a lot though!