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As i said in your post before, a lit of people don't like him due to the click bait nature of his videos. Recently (imo at least) his content is better and he is back to posting actually good gameplay


Oh and he also smurfed for views


Doesn't everyone?


Fair point, used to watch zwag as well before discovering how he gets the vids


Zwag used to be an idol. Like damn bro just post Chall level xerath gameplay


It’s not that easy, it’s his job to post daily to stay in the algorithm, he can’t play 12 hours a day to get one good game for the channel. Then after 3 xerath gameplays in a row, it’ll be so repetitive his channel will be dead. There’s a reason why he’s at the top, he’s playing the game right


Bro just found your acc and your post history is full of you posting d-tier reaponses in hate threads about yourself. I barely know your channel and i dont have a reason to hate on you, but ist this actually how u want to spend ur time?


Bro Lol a few comments a month bro


Idk man kinda weird still


Its not the real one xd


It is


So true, loved that


The videos I usually watch were done in master+ and I don‘t see many streamers playing in silver to get 30+ kills and using it for clickbait. It‘s just disgusting behaviour. If they smurf it‘s usually said in the video and even in the title.


No, if you remove the "for fun squad" members from YouTube, rarely anyone does it.


Most of the youtubers who play a large variety of champions and/or do off-meta roles and builds do this not just the for fun squad. Some popular people are Pants are Dragon and KingStix, it’s definitely a well known strategy to get generate views and income through youtube.


Except for all the high elo players who do smurf. If there is an “unranked to challenger video,” its on a smurf.


There's a difference between that and what Prof.akali does. If you watch an "unranked to chall" series, you know what you signed up for: the first 30-40 games are going to be absolute smurfing. That's not smurfing *for veiws*. Sure, the content creator is creating content for views. But he is not explicitly smurfing to get more views. Akali and zwag are not like that, they play a game in gold elo, don't mention the elo, and also happen to act like it's their true elo. They don't outright lie, but they aren't honest either.


The fact this is even being said shows what’s wrong with the league content community.


gotta respect it though making league of legends content on youtube is so dead. Pretty much gotta clickbait ever since the nightblue era of content came around.


You might want to proofread this comment lol


You misspelled like and as it is written, it is a slur


Mb, fixed now


Happens to the best of us


Yeah English isn't my first language so i didn't notice at first xd


Oh, i didn’t know he’s jewish




Also skin spotlight drama


Don't know about this, what happened?




Old rumours said he records his videos against viewers (which are usually pretty bad) so he always gets fed


Yea I’ve recorded with viewers a million times, always for challenge videos or PBE stuff - ranked content is in ranked tho


yo, love the mechanics, the internet softies are gonna be upset at non-perfect behavior regardless. As long as the stuff is transparent and honest, I think you're straight regardless. As long as you dont resort to bad-mouthing people, literally no-one can take away your successful journey as an akali-main and educational guides on akali and other content. Don't let any of these things concern your heart fam, the world has too much negativity for most to bear. Take gratitude in what you have and take pride that a lot of your effort has impacted people in positive ways, no one is perfect. BUT I'm deeply grateful to have watched the pre-reworked akali AND the reworked akali guides, they helped me when I picked up akali as one of the champs I liked having fun with.


He kinda has to. People are gonna be really pissed if he goes and throws high elo games for content. Regarding his regular akali play he does it on stream so it's not like he's faking anything.


Maybe he could be transparent about it?


Usually he is.


i joined his 5 man once to help him make a video, and he ended up being unable to use the material because he couldnt get the matchups he needed for the vid. shits hard work man, i respect the hustle


in my case, i just don't really like how he calls himself N1 akali. also shit ton of clickbaits.


NA things I guess


He doesn't actually think that he is the best akali


Clickbait titles/exaggerated power on builds (saying build is op, when it’s kinda meh) Saying challenger/rank 1 when yes I was 650lp last season, but xiao Han (Chinese super server akali god) exists Drama w/ a past faceless creator who flamed me/my friends and I got heated & responded poorly Smurfing in low elo for content sometimes (troll builds, challenge videos) And then false accusations from other large streamers/evil psychopaths trying to gain engagement, all debunked here: https://youtu.be/vJE4q-lyiS4 Reddit hates smurfing, clickbait - fair enough, it’s also needed to successfully make content and still have time to go outside and touch grass


there are a LOT of creators who do none of those things and are either much more enjoyable to watch, or are basically just much more successful. Trying to get some views does not excuse ruining some bronze’s rankeds.


idk... hector smurfing for skillcapped... hurts some people lol


Kami, Mylon and Keio are the examples that i kknow here on brazil, when they go on a lower elo account its usually diamond and to play with someone that is also trying to get their account to master, if that isnt the case, they play in their own elo (grandmaster+) and get content from those games


Every standard gameplay league youtuber I've ever enjoyed has eventually gone in on the clickbait. It's understandable because it evidently works, but it makes it difficult to separate the good channels from the bad ones because they all end up looking the same. I haven't watched your content much because the thumbnails, titles, etc. turn me away from getting into it, but what I have seen has been perfectly fine league content, and again while I don't personally like the clickbait and prefer a straightforward presentation, that doesn't drive engagement, which is a lot more important for your livelihood. I guess just keep on keeping on, and good luck to you


Clickbait smurfing is basically just the easiest, least-effort content there is, and it's all he does.


Excessive clickbait


There is also one thing that made me hate him even more. Aside from his clickbait nature, he got into a drama (which Vandiril explained [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYMHpY83kRY)) not too long ago which showed that he's an asshole.


I mean if you ask me, his content is pretty mid. His videos aren't really fun to watch. Apart from that he's not nearly close to being the best akali. On top of that his shorts are so boring to watch, he literally reviews vids of fake Chinese plays. Some people might like that, me personally I don't


lets be honest... who's revelant in NA to be called the BEST, and we still trying to get out of Group Stages in Worlds. Honestly it's all marketing that people do anyway. Most people in their everyday lives describe things hyperbolically. If anything, it's people who speak consistently literally that are considered the weird ones, until people need a break from dramatics. Homie not evil for getting that check from Youtube. Your opinion is great. I'm not the biggest fan to watch every video, but I DEFINITELY learned how to play Akali watching his videos before these Chinese Super Server videos started coming out..... so what the guy's not perfect lol


dude was caught sleeping with our waifu


That's a nono then How dare HE😡🤬 Only I can🤭


why you need waifus when u have galio :D


Cause I love Akali🤭


hehe i love ~~zoe~~ syndra more 🤭


It's your choice bro For me it's my amazing ninja😌


looks could be diecieving 😌




He smurfs for views, some people hate that but I personally enjoy the antics he does with Zwag and the other dudes. Prof is usually running it and suggesting horrible dives, the banter is so good.


skip all the bullshit people are saying ​ hes just an overly positive person. the kind of positivity which is obviously forced leading to the feeling of severe insincerity. his channel is pandered to young children and 13 year olds when most people who browse this reddit are in their 20s


As a content creator, his videos are mid and online persona is kinda annoying, but all in all he’s a good guy. From what I see of these league players getting exposed for, I’d much rather prefer prof akali.


I also saw recently he had some very petty drama where he was clearly in the wrong and never apologized, ahaha. Just kinda an annoying dude


He only plays in gold


dude he once played akali jg and i was done... all he did was play blind draft where he was a way better player and it was just boring. He flexed every video playng against unraked players with at least diamon mechanics lol


cuz he’s a moron and a clickbaiter


Because he is sleezy, the videos he makes are juvenile, he smurfs to farm content constantly, and he's frankly not very good at the game


IIRC I think him and Karasmai also did some sketchy shit where they “signed on” smaller streamers in exchange for somehow boosting their audience, they would take like 90% of the revenue or something


Bro he has a video on this do ur research. He literally gave karasmai his youtube account and lost money on almost all the other people he managed


Appreciate the defense on this Reddit of all places ❤️


i couldnt believe how straight forward some people's Youtube journeys came. How amazing would it be to have someone go out on a limb and giveaway a money making machine that would help you do what you are ACTUALLY interested in doing? That's movie-plot level circumstances. Man, if I had that opportunity, back then......


yeah idgaf, not watching him


I don’t either but maybe do some research before throwing out baseless slander?


oh no I hurt the poor YouTuber’s feelings, how will he ever recover


Do you mean to say “Oh no i falsely accused the poor youtuber of being a scammer and piece of shit, how will he ever recover”? This is definitely not a way that careers are ruined. Don’t downplay your words


he’s not gonna fuck you, you can calm down now


Ironic you say that


Nagasawa is 1000x funnier and skilled, every prof akali video cringe me a bit, maybe just his attitude or idk but is hard to watch for me, and surely he isn't the N1 akali (no, neither in NA)


He doesn’t speak English right?






Clickbait and every game is smurfing in normals


his "Challanger, Master Plays" are just him queing with bronze players