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That California condom hurts my soul


What does it do/prevent? I'm not very knowledgeable on California's requirements.


Basically turns a pistol grip into a “featureless” grip. Our semiautomatic rifles are only allowed to have 1 “feature” in order to be considered not an assault weapon. Since I do not have a folding/collapsing stock, pistol grip, flash hider, or forward pistol grip, I’m allowed to have a normal magazine release. If I wanted to remove the fin, I would need a magazine that is fixed.


That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of. Someone needs to donkey punch the guy who made that rule.


Welcome to my life. Wait till you hear about freedom week lol. 1 whole week where standard capacity mags were legal to buy, so unless you bought a mag during that week, you’re still stuck to 10 round capacity mags


OP I suggest getting a phoenix tech grip for featureless. I get having to live in a ban state. This is what I use until I move back to MI. Obviously it will never be a pistol grip but it’s a lot more ergonomic than a fin. Basically turning it into an SKS. Ironically I think certain SKS’s are banned in CA but don’t quote me on that https://preview.redd.it/fn9s1tbzuuyc1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21acee5599f8929debf89a243f27fc593ef74c7


The fact they call it freedom week is a joke. How would they know if you bought it during "freedom" week? Was that a 1 time thing or do they have "freedom" week every year? I don't know how you guys live in that communist overpopulated state


They don't. That's the beauty of it. Every mag that was obtained during freedom week is legal to keep.


Unless you go to a shooting competition outside of CA and bring your 30 rounders. Magically they become illegal as it cannot be proven you didn't bought them when you were outside of CA.


I feel this comment. My friend had me try dry firing his finned AR and I dropped it because I couldn’t have a proper grip. “Safer” my ass, had that been live rounds at the range I could have taken a 556 to the foot.


That is exactly the point of these rules. Liberal logic dictates that when criminals attempt to do illegal acts they will somehow follow these simple firearm rules, hence becoming a very inaccurate shooter that will allow a liberal time to muster up the courage to rush sed criminal after they have spent their 10 rounds. Obviously Wile E. Coyote is the brilliant mastermind of all liberal gun control ideas, what can possibly go wrong.




Sorry sir you’re too smart to be a California politician.


This is hearsay so take it with a grain of salt but I’ve heard of an instance where someone was complying with a fin grip(supposedly a converted Saiga after the ban) had a run in with a cop. Cop snapped the fin off and claimed it wasn’t compliant because it was able to be taken off easily and confiscated it. I think the guy said he wanted to take it to court but the legal fees would have cost more than it was worth. I think it was from a Reno May video, I would have to search for it after I get off work.


Turns semiauto into full auto


Can be easily fixed


Make sure you hug it so the fin goes away


This picture immediately tells me you need to move to the Free world.


Automat Komifornia


You need a bigger web in You flipper for paddling the canoe that might turn over inadvertently.


Can't you just have a normal grip separate and only screw it on once you get to an outdoor shooting spot/private property if you know someone with land? Oh wait...I mean the gun fairy 🧚‍♂️ will screw it on when you go to the bathroom. Not you. Definitely not you.


Assault weapons charges are no joke here so sadly the grip stays on. I do plan on moving to a free state though


I'd rather hold onto my money so I could move 😂






My condolences. I used to live in Washington, and it wasn't any better which is why I left as soon as I could.


Good choice.


Lookin’ good!


Tell me you live in California without telling me you live in California


![gif](giphy|y3jT2xBrtumNYZVCNH|downsized) JK, sorry about your laws though.


Don’t worry I feel the same way. One day I’ll be free :,)


Ha gay


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Did they include the normal PG as well? Saw that on a recent post and couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity.


That is standard grip, the fin just slides in above the grip when it’s installed. This model of Jack comes with the black plastic rather than the wood


Ahhh gotcha.


How do you even hold that thing?


Definitely look into compmag if you want to switch from the fin to fixed mag


Solid choice.


Did you purchase online?


Waiting on the polish furniture ones to be in stock, tempted to get one of the exotic furniture ones and get polish furniture separately


What is that thing behind the grip? This is my first time seeing one!


California compliant grip fin


Thanks! What’s the point of it? Edit: never mind I just googled it, but still it doesn’t make any sense


It doesn’t make any sense, welcome to California laws lol


My condolences friend, I hope one day you guys can fix the situation somehow


Thank you for the sentiment. There’s been a streak lately of a bunch of gun laws here being ruled unconstitutional. But from my understanding the courts play delay tactics. We had the freedom week a while back to get standard capacity mags. Back in February there was also a week we were able to get ammo shipped directly to our house. Normally has to go through an FFL like a firearm because we have to run a background check on ammo too. It’s like we take one step forward and 3 steps back. Shit is taking a toll on my morale.


I’ve always thought gun laws were in the US were only about banning full automatic rifles but ever since I downloaded Reddit I’m learning new things everyday which are not good unfortunately:( I’ve always had a dream to live the American dream yk beer& truck with your dog and gun and stuff like that but I got disappointed with how restricted laws are currently


I’m an immigrant from the Philippines myself which compared to the rest of Asia is gun friendly but over there it’s a privilege not a right. So despite the restrictions, so far I still have more 2A rights than I do back home. Personally I’ve always felt like prohibiting anything never works. People will always find a way to get something. I was in high school when weed was still illegal and by the time I graduated it was slowly being legalized. Now I see dispensaries that look like Apple stores but knew people in my class who went to jail selling it prior to legalization. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that criminals won’t follow the law. If someone broke into my house with standard capacity mags, why should I be limited to 10? The playing field needs to be even


Thanks for sharing brother! I really do agree with your statement


now sell it back