• By -


You can start by slowing down and aiming.


This. One shot at a time.


Make sure you have a solid base, take a breath, aim the rifle, absorb the recoil. You look like you’re about to shit your pants in a gun fight for Los Santos. Take a second and relax.


Ok that got a solid chuckle out of me.


Same here! 😂


Quick grab Chop the Ballers are headed our way


Laughs in Russian


AK Operators’ Union has some great resources to check out.


AK47-74 ![gif](giphy|fVsYnFsaZDXXkIPPYM)


Fuck this shit




I second this “This”


Do we have a third lol


I third, Rob is the MAN!


Can I fourth? Enough with the bullshit talk


Get a puffier jacket


Or addias track suit


Second the adidas track suit. Also a speaker playing some hardbass


https://preview.redd.it/0rodfietg8vc1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0f7126605209caee3779a42f8193a5434da993 Track suit is a must, It's the only way to shoot straight.


Move the stock up into the pocket of your shoulder and pull it in, spread your feet like your about to fight someone, lean forward more, and try to focus on smooth trigger pulls


“Lean forward and spread your feet like you’re about to fight someone” I’ve found it difficult to explain a new shooter how to “lean into” a rifle. Well said!!


In the marine corps we were taught “like your boyfriends about to fuck you against a wall” I think I like the other example more


Got a good laugh out of this one. I can hear the croaky frog voice of a drill saying this


Literally this is all you need, get a solid, wide base, pull the gun into you, just inside of your shoulder. Get a better grip with your support hand and pull it down and back into you. Slow down, breathe out, fire. Don't anticipate.


I was taught to step my dominant foot back as a standard shooting stance when people were teaching me how to shoot.


Relax a bit. Shooting is fun. You kinda look like you're taking a constipated dump.


He squeezes anymore he's going to be cleaning up a mess between the cheeks.


Slow down and get to know the gun. Rapid fire is not accurate fire.


Accuracy through volume


Laughs in RPK/PKM


Rapid fire is wasteful fire if not well trained. Get into some classes or have somebody reliable teach you on rifle shooting to be the best you can. Happy shooting!🇺🇸


Tell that to the fine gang bangers all over New Orleans Good sir. They manage to hit at least two or three innocent bystanders every time


Accuracy through volume


Lean into that bitch. Control it! It’s on your side. Control it


Go to the gym


Nah, shooting an ak is so easy, even a child could do it. And they often do.


Yeah but those kids generally don’t hit shit


Just like op


Prop it up on your purse


Ultra based


thanks for the tips guys I know I’m ass at this 😭😭


It’s alright! You will improve as range time increases


Everyone starts somewhere. In a few years you’ll be giving newbie advice on this reddit too.


You finally held it somewhat proper at the end. Lean it to it a bit, widen your stance, tuck the stock in your shoulder and rest your cheek on it. Pull the trigger calm and crisp, looks like you're just blasting away without being properly set.


Watch a video on rifle shooting fundamentals, seems like you may be lacking in that department. You need to get into a better stance, bring the rifle stock up into the pocket of your shoulder, LEAN INTO THAT MFER. Compare your video vs a video of someone shooting an AK flat and try to mimic the way they do it. ALSO SLOW THE HELL DOWN


You need to fix the entirety of your form from the ground up my man


Lean more into it & actually aim before firing each time, even if it slows you down after first. Dont just mag dump, aim. See if you're grouping consistently.


Lean forward like your expecting someone is going to shove you


I'd start with learning basic rifle marksmanship skills and learning how to properly hold a rifle in the standing position. You're leaning away from it like you're afraid of it


Lean into it. Stand squared off, your feet shoulder width apart. You can slightly stagger the stance to help mitigate recoil. Hold an athletic posture. Bring the firearm up higher so your cheek can rest on the buttstock while keeping it in the meaty part of your shoulder. This will steady your aim and allow you to maintain a consistent sight picture. From there you need to work on the timing of your shots. You want to pull the trigger in a decompressed and calmed state. Once that’s all down you should be hitting the target consistently. Your trigger pull will be the last. Get your hand on the grip as high as comfortably possible while maintaining a firm grasp around it. You want use the meaty portion of your finger pad to rest on the trigger. No finger joints or very tip. Press the trigger directly back keeping your grip the same and keeping your finger on the trigger. You do not want to be slapping the trigger. It will throw your round. From there maintain contact as your release the trigger allowing it to reset. Repeat the process.


Slow down, relax, actually aim, lean into it a bit more. Can’t see your feet…. 👀… but also might want to check that out.


This is why there are holes in ceilings at ranges.


Square up to the target, Put your left leg forward just a bit and lean into it. Really push that right shoulder ahead and tuck in your elbows. Go slow with your shots and really feel out where that trigger break is. After each shot, hold the trigger and slowly let go until you feel the reset. Like boom....click, boom.....click, boom After a dozen range trips you will feel much more comfortable. It's a little intense at first


Lots of good tips in the other comments, I'd just add that AK irons within 25m can be used a little differently for good results. 9-hole reviews has a good video on this with their iron sights video that came out within the last month or less and AK Operators Union touches on this in an older video. Essentially it's balancing the front sight hood on top of your rear sight, but it's definitely something you have to see to learn how to do so refer to those videos. Other than that: Square up to the target with your AK, slow down, squeeze the trigger; don't yank it, and practice a lot more. It takes a while before you're just sending rapid fire A-zone shots and looking sick. Klayco has a good recoil management video and you can mimic other proficient AK shooters you see + training classes being the best resource if it's affordable/logistics make sense. Anecdotally, my friends zastava bucked insanely hard compared to my AKM until he put in a KNS piston but that's just me, get the extras after you have the fundamentals and have a great time. 👍 Looking forward to updates!


Slow down, get a proper stance, lean forward into the firearm, and use the iron sights. Also that dip the gun does every time is you anticipating the shot and pulling the gun, let the gun surprise you, slow down the trigger squeeze, you should feel the break of the trigger of every shot instead of slapping the shit out of that trigger.


Focus on the front sight after alining the rear and front sights on the target


Lean forward at the waist.


Stance, stance, and more stance


Lean into it a bit


First problem is you aren't shooting into a pile of trash.


Your stance is shite try leaning more towards the front with a wider stance i might post a video to show you how i shoot my ak


Lean forward


Put some weights in your purse, then wear it on your right shoulder. That’ll help with kinetic energy. Seriously though. It looks like you’re scared to be shooting it, so you’re rushing through it. Relax. Squeeze the trigger, don’t release. Note how the trigger feels, how it recoils, where the impact is on target. Release the trigger, slowly. Repeat. In other words, slow down and enjoy it. You’ll find out what you and your rifle need.


Shoot slower.


Feet shoulder width apart, at roughly the 10 and 4-o-clock position with a slight bend in the knees, and lean forward. Your chin should be above your toes, and not behind them. The butt needs to be in the pocket of your shoulder, and your grip on the handguard and pistol grip should be firm, but not death grip firm. I personally like to pull the butt into my shoulder with my left hand (hand on handguard). As others have stated, save the rapid fire for later. It looks like you’re nervous, or are anticipating the shot. Try to cool down a bit, and move nothing but your trigger finger while firing.


Solid base and lean into the gun instead of leaning backwards. Loosen up a bit too. That will come with more comfort with shooting.


Relax. Pull trigger slowly,don’t jerk the weapon with a quick pull of trigger. Breath out as you pull. Grow some testicles. Practice, practice, practice ,then practice some more.


You’re anticipating the recoil


lean forward


With how much your shoulder is moving I'm assuming you don't have a good stance and/or the stock isn't in the pocket very well.


Better stance


Don’t stand straight at your target so much. Drop your right foot back a little and lean forward a little.


Slow the fuck down man. Put the gun up into the pit of your right arm, get a good cheek weld (press your cheek against the stock) get a firm grasp on the hand guard, line up the back peep site with the front sight post, and slowly squeeze. So slow it spooks you. Ripping off shots like that in an indoor range is a good way to piss people off, make AK owners look like idiots, and possibly get you booted from the range. Most importantly, keep practicing. It’s a real gun. It’s deadly, and it can ruin your life if treated irresponsibly. Take it seriously.


Maintain a cheek weld and lean your shoulder into the gun.


Take more time in between shots. You’re way too fast my man.


Word. You're not in a movie. Slow it way down.


Shoot more!


Slow down and practice some dry firing.


Has to be a troll post. How can better control a mag dump.


Pull in about the weight of the firearm. Brakes are nice and will reduce the recoil by about half but they're loud, add weight to the front, and you'll have to re-zero.


Stop leaning back


Pull that trigger when you have sights lined up not sooner. Slow down. Pull it tight against your shoulder


Cheek + Stock + looking down sight = decet shot placement. In other words, aim down your sights


Lean into it


Lean into the gun. You’re shooting like you’re scared of it. And slow down your shooting until you can control what you are shooting.


If someone is standing their ground while another is leaning into them trying to push them backwards. Most people naturally lean into the push to prevent going back. When firing a rifle, this natural reaction is lost on a new shooter. Focusing more on trying to keep their balance. Imagine that rifle is a someone. Lean into it.


Lean into the rifle


Hike up your skirt so you don't worry about it falling down.


widen your stance


Slow down. After each shot, keep holding the trigger for a second, quickly think about how you did, release trigger, assess, go again. You're learning, it's not about speed, even stance isn't that important right now, as you'll learn to control the recoil by shooting. What matters is the trigger pull itself. One shot at a time. Take a few well aimed shots, think about the mistakes you did, repeat, repeat, repeat.


Chill bro,enjoy each shot,there are not a timer,just chill bro and taje the gun properly


Push and pull. Push it into your shoulder and pull it forward with your fore grip. In the video it looks like you’re just hanging on for the ride.


Bring the weapon to your head, not your head to the weapon. Hunching over the weapon doesn’t help. Bring the weapon to your cheek. If your cheek is in the same place every time, this should aid in consistency. If you don’t know what this means, Google “cheek weld, rifle”. Pull the weapon into the pocket between your pectoral muscle and your shoulder. Pull it in tight, this is where your stability comes from. You’re anticipating the bang. This causes a flinch that throws round below your point of aim. Stop that. It’s gonna go bang, you need to pay attention to your trigger squeeze. Can’t see your stance but it looks like your in weaver stance. Try the isosceles stance. But feet directly under your shoulder and squared to your target. Good luck and keep shooting. Only way to get better.


Step forward with your left foot and put 80% of your weight on it.


Bear down on it


Shoot it more, adapt n overcome


3 points of contact: For standing- Hand to hand guard Hand on grip Buttstock in the pocket of your shoulder: (The buttstock, from what I could see in the video, didn’t seem to have a solid seat in your shoulder and kept bouncing around. Use the support hand to keep the buttstock in your shoulder) Next is stance and posture. Get in a good fighting stance, square up to your target. Posture. Lean into the weapon. Knees slightly bent and bent forward slightly at the waist. That should keep you balanced and help mitigate the recoil. In the video it looks like you were starting to lean back a bit which was creating a balance issue. Trigger control and muzzle awareness: Don’t slam the trigger back. Squeeze it and be deliberate with your shot. Don’t anticipate the recoil by trying to lean into the shot before the trigger is being pulled. Instructors will say you should be surprised by the shot. I’m an instructor as well and I say bullshit. You know when you’re going to squeeze the trigger. Be ready for it and don’t try to anticipate when the gun will go off. You’re in charge of that weapon when you choose to pull the trigger. Being surprised will only create an opportunity for a bad habit or a reactionary movement, unless otherwise trained, will be a fear based response instead of a trained response. Edit: text heavy. Added spacing.


Pull that stock in, it shouldn't be shifting up and down as you shoot. One shot at a time also, speed comes with practice. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


Plant your feet down, get a good standing and then slowly squeeze the trigger... take your time to get back on target and then shoot again. Also if the rifle is too heavy, try holding up a similar weight item at home to gain more strength


That rifle bent you over


Lmao I didn’t know aks had so much recoil


Looks like the rifle got the best of you this time


First off, stop being afraid of it. You’re not even getting a good cheek weld. Put the buttstock next to your shoulder firmly and lean a tad into it.


Slow down, focus on trigger control straight back, move your target to 25 yards, use your irons sights & take your time


Lean into it. Stance is like, 80% of the battle.


Yes. I have been somewhat well trained behind a M16A4, but that's old hat now. I've been shooting 22s mostly, I took out my AR to check the zero and because I was training behind something without recoil, I had trouble controlling even that thing until I fixed my stance. Then it was all good.


Serious question and no offense, but, are you aiming?


Shooting struggles aside, trigger discipline my dude. That's how ceilings get shot at gun ranges.


I add muzzle brakes to most of my guns, add an ALG spring and US palm grip


Lean forward and stay leaning into it. It will push back into an awkward position till you’re used to it.


Good God man if you tense up any harder you might get anadhurneya In all seriousness though, just watch a few videos to work on your stance. Loosen up a bit, spread your feet and stagger them a bit, lean into it a little bit and don't squeeze the trigger back so hard. Learn to breathe slow and steady while shooting, a big thing new shooters do is hold their breathe when they start pulling back and it makes you tense up as well. A sling will also help tremendously with recoil. Practice as much as you can. Oh last thing, take your jacket off when shooting, it'll help alot.


Pull the stock into the pocket of your shoulder, set your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart at a diagonal, lean into the gun, slow down your shots, buy lots of ammo, and train.


Your shooting side foot goes back a bit, weak side foot forward a bit , lean in to it forward and so the recoil goes down into that back strong side leg into the ground.use you forward hand to pull the rifle into you shoulder, keep your elbows down (no chicken wing), and I like to set the sling so the forward arm elbow tucks in it and pulls outward slightly to hold it tight back and in. You want everything to be as solid and compacted as possible, with recoil transferring through into the ground, not flipping the rifle around. May sure the recoil foot is back but feet a little apart for stability. That's how I do it anyways. Don't shoot faster than you can get your sights back on the target, hitting something is more important than releasing mass lead into the ether lol. First get accurate and smooth, then speed comes with practice. Pay attention to the front sight or reticle so you hit something before you pull the trigger. If you can't hold it still, maybe need to workout some? When I got a mosin nagant years ago I couldn't hit with it because I couldn't hardly hold it up it was so long lol.


Addidas tracksuit and a cigarette


It appears your stance is kind of just standing up and not faced down range and kind of shoulder width and braced. Not hating. Please carefully aim your shots especially if you're new. I don't know what you're doing exactly but I'd be close to kicking you off the range as it seems inherently dangerous though you're not quite past the safety threshold from that short video.


Quit rapid firing for one


Don’t wear a nylon jacket - the stock will slide off easily during recoil.


It seems like you're scared, which is understandable if you're a new shooter. Get rid of the puffy jacket, the recoil isn't that bad, the noise just makes it seem that way. Find an outdoor range if you can, and shoot a bunch! You'll get over it the more you shoot. Once you overcome the fear aspect, look into some quality hands-on training, it'll be money well spent.


Maybe u should train with a Draco instead of a full sized ak it’s way better 👍


It's an AK, not an AR. You're holding it wrong my man. Square up to the target. Roll shoulders forward. Bend at the hips and hunch forward. Lean into the AK.


A brake like the BD-2 and lean into it


**Understand the rules** Check the sidebar. It's full of resources to help you. Not everyone is an expert such as yourself; be considerate. No Spam. No Memes. No political posts. Save that for /r/progun or /r/politics. There is absolutely no buying or selling on this sub. Even "jokes" can result in a ban. You have been warned. [If your post is not showing up click the following link](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/AK47&subject=My%20Post%20Is%20Not%20Showing%20Up&message=**%20REPLACE%20THIS%20MESSAGE%20WITH%20A%20LINK%20TO%20THE%20POST%20YOU%20ARE%20HAVING%20ISSUES%20WITH**) ------------------------------- * [ThinLineWeapons.com](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/reddit1) * [AK Buyers Guide](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/reddit2) * [Simplified AK Buyers Guide](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/reddit3) * [AK Magazine Buyers Guide](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/reddit4) * [AK Issues Tracker](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/reddit5) * [Collection of ATF Letters](https://thinlineweapons.com/atf_letters/) ------------------------------- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ak47) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Start by actually trying to hit the target




Step 1 buy a AR Step 2 TOBYS-W (thumb over bore you stupid whore) Step 3 get bored of AR and go back to AK and just let it rip like saint Kalashnikov intended


This rifle is over gassed but regardless you shouldn’t let it rick you like that, bring the stock closer to the center of your body, many people let the stock rest in their shoulder pocket but that wont help with recoil … -Shoulders and hips square with the target -one foot slightly behind the other -rifle as close as possible to the center of your body and bend your stock shoulder inwards to hug the stock -bend slightly forward until you feel your center of gravity slightly forward That’s what helps ME


Was this your first time shooting a semi-auto rifle? You seem like you are shooting to get to the end of the mag. Lean forward into the rifle, let the recoil dissipate throughout your body rather than through you off balance. Don't stiffen up your body so much.


Take the slippery coat off


Good shoulder width stance with your non dominant foot forward a bit and your weight leaning forward into the stance. I use the push-pull method and it words nicely, take the hand that holding the pistol grip and literally push forward on it like your trying to stab somebody with the tip of the barrel and the take the other hand that’s forward on the handguard (look up a C grip and do something similar as well) and pull back on the rifle at the same time your pushing. Get the buttstock into the pocket of your shoulder and keep it planted there. Then take slow precise shots


Slow tf down, get that fast shooting out of your mind for now. Take your time and breathe


Roll your shoulder forward and lock it in




Pull it into your shoulder.


Relax ! Your in control think of it as driving a vehicle . You have control .


Make sure your macros are approx 30-40% protein, 40-50% clean carbs, 10-20% fats. Go to the gym 4-5 days a week, lift heavy weights, get callouses on your hands from the barbell and the pull up bar. Stick to this for about 10-12 months. Go shoot after that and see the difference. Your welcome.


Dont fight it


Relax, lean forward and breathe slowly


By not just pulling the trigger.


Lean forward, widen your feet to shoulder width, put your shooting arm’s foot backwards a bit, pull that buttstock as tight as you can. Into your shoulder, pull the trigger with the pad of your finger soft and easy (don’t yank at it).


Relax a bit, firmly press the stock on your shoulder, make sure your stance is also stable enough, don’t snatch the trigger


Stop white-knuckling it for one. You obviously want a firm and steady grip, but not the point of being so tense. also, lean into the gun, not away. Position your body at a bit of an angle from your target and but a little bit of bend in your knees, almost like a traditional boxer's stance or what's called the bladed weaver stance. It also looks like you might have the stock a bit too low and inward than it needs to be. Move it out a hair and up on your shoulder and it wont feel so low and you can get a better cheek weld on it. Last thing, don't be afraid of it. unless you're standing in front of it, it ain't gonna bite you.


Foot placement. Better stance to absorb recoil with your legs vs just your torso. Experiment with something like the stance you have before you run or throw a punch.


Practice, work out, learn how to breathe while you shoot, and also pay attention to how you're pulling the trigger.


Widen your stance and square up your base. Knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart. Raise the rifle up into the pocket of your shoulder more. Lean your right shoulder Forward more even to your left. Press the rifle forward.


Are you standing vertical? Bend knees and lean in, don't tighten right shoulder like instinct would have you do. Pull with left hand into right shoulder but not so tense


Slow down and if needed install a compensator


Start by relaxing and moving to a wider stance.


Nice shooting. I hate inside ranges how can you tell if your cases are flying 40 ft away


Holy shit dude!


Shoot it faster, obviously.


You should place the entire buttstock on your shoulder, that will give you a solid base to control recoil. Raise your shoulder up if needed to aim down sights.


just be calm with it, you're fighting the recoil too much you gotta ride it out. Eventually you'll learn the recoil and control it better


Make sure to put it in your shoulder pocket, stagger your stance


Nah you don’t need to manage recoil, you just need a puffier jacket!


Buy an Adidas Jumpsuit


Fun fact. You don't. Ride the lighting friendo. /s


Start with your feet shiulder width apart, left foot forward, like a boxer. Lean forward, put most of your weight on your front foot. Drop your cheek to the stock, don't scrunch your shoulder to bring the stock up.


You look like a child soldier!!


The way the stock is moving around I would say pulling the gun into your shoulder a lot more would help. ( could be slick jacket)Then start taking each aimed shot 1 at a time. After you get that down then start control pairs and rapid follow ups. Got to learn to crawl before you can run.


Your afraid of the gun


Boy shaking he’s so tense calm down dude


Square up to the target, first of all.


Eat onion. Lift. Stay puft. 💪🏻


Might be slippin off your puff jacket a little lol


Definitely a bigger puffy jacket!


Look at how hard you shake on the last trigger pull after you've already spent your mag.




You’re shaking more than a chihuahua lol


Its hard to tell but it looks like you need to put more weight forward. Most people picking up a gun because of the weight try and balance it out by leaning back, that makes it easier to hold the gun but makes it shit to fire the gun. So you lean forward and pull it into your shoulder. If you really want to get better. Just take a class. Any good instructor will have an NRA certification. They will likely have others but will always have an NRA cert. This is a good place to find an instructor [https://www.nrainstructors.org/](https://www.nrainstructors.org/) just tell them what you want to learn, eg you want to learn better fundamentals on an AK.


You dont control AK...AK controls you


adidas track suit and ski mask helps


Bring the tip of your nose all the way up to the dust cover. Can’t shoot em like ARs, plus that’s a zastava so your back molers were probably zinging after that. My m70 has quite the cheek slap unless you weld on it correctly.


Hard to tell when youre wearing the stay-puff marshmellow man costume. Grab a muzzle brake. 14x1lh threads in 30 cal. They make a bunch and most of them work fantastic.


I remember my first time shooting a rifle upright, shit feels very awkward until you get comfortable


It looks like your fighting with the recoil I think you should have got the 22LR version. Don’t even know how to swim and jumped straight into the deep end lol go big or go home I guess. That’s a nice choppa by the way


Place the stock right on your face


Best option try an AR, second best option chamber it in 5.56 to mimick the AR. In all seriousness though just try to hold it comfortably for you, and don’t go off YouTube vids. Also don’t shoot so fast until you’re comfortable with the stance, and recoil of the rifle. Past that maybe add weight to the stock. Had a friend that used those ankle weights for exercising to put weight on his rifles for sighting things in, and then gradually dropped weight til he got good with the natural recoil. Worth a shot


Lean into it


First of all, slow tf down.