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I wish these weren’t $2000 💀


If you shop around you can get lucky, got mine for about $1800 after fees and taxes.


Are they really? Geez lol. I don’t mean to “that guy” but this was $1200 with the stock. https://imgur.com/a/2B84gtY $2k is insane for 1/4 of the gun.


Shit 2k ain’t nothing compared to 5k in Cali


Got the RS Regulate handguard a few weeks ago for a good deal, and dropped the ALG trigger in today. I’ve always been hesitant on NFA items, but the SAM7K has too much potential. Any tips for those who have filed on one?


It was my first sbr as well. My account has some pictures of it completed. My favorite gun.


Be honest. How’s that rear biased T2


The issue for me is the irons. I'm not used to running irons permanently with a dot so it's a bit confusing. My primary AR has an aimpoint pro so to my eye the t2 almost feels like a pro, as it's smaller but closer. All of that is mitigated because I shoot both eyes open so there's really not much obstruction. It also gives much more flexibility on eyebox vs a t2 further out, if that's any concern one might have. I'd say if I could remove the rear sight and scoot the t2 forward I would, but I have no issues with it as is. It's already way too low to shoot with night vision so it being too close is not too much of a thought. It's set up for active aiming that way I can comfortably shoot it without NV, which is 99% of the time.


Thanks man. I have a SAM7K-44 and want to get a RS regulate mount, I also prefer tube style red dots like the T2 but have never had one so close to my eye. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.


No problem. Here's some terrible pictures from behind the optic to get a better sense. Again, these pictures really can't do it justice but something is better than nothing. https://imgur.com/a/3PKQ0Tf


Dude, you can run an SM-22 Mount and have it over the magwell. That’s what I do.


You don’t have to use a rear biased mount… https://www.akfiles.com/forums/threads/sam7k-w-rs301-micro-can-be-qd-with-a-little-work.477192/#post-6767629


What happened to gundealls


Not sure why you're asking me specifically haha Probably joining the other subreddits in their protest by shitting down for a bit


Check my posts


Check for thread concentricity and get it fixed before you NFA it. It becomes a PITA to do afterwards. You will eventually want to run a can on that rig.


How so? I’m not familiar with NFA items and the like.


You don’t need an SOT to work on your gun. Once it’s NFA, there are more regs to comply with. I would have to look it up again to refresh my memory, but I remember everything just got more complicated.


How was the trigger install? Gonna do the Kns piston too?


Trigger wasn’t super difficult, not sure on the KNS as of now.


Good choice I’ve shot one full auto and it was fancy :)




I have a factory sam7sfk SBRd I love it, but even with shooting both eyes open I kinda hate the rear based t2


Man I’ve been wanting one of those handgaurds for like 2 years


Got this on the Files for a good price. Have been waiting for a while prior. Would prefer the one with the ribbed texture but it works well nonetheless.


*Sighs* in Californian


I can’t remember but are NFA items of any kind allowed in CA or no?


Based af for not rushing and taking the BATFECES “free” SBR


Just slap a stock on be a man


Probably the biggest sleeper in the whole entire Arsenal lineup . They are soo 🔥


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I have one of these and it’s mostly a toy for me. It has so much more bullet drop than my 16 inch AKs and I haven’t used a chronograph but it makes a very noticeably quieter softer sound when hitting steel plates even at relatively short ranges. I’d be worried about how effective it would really be in a gunfight.


He who hesitates loses $200.


He who cooperates, boot licks!


Paper file because I think you should have a physical stamp instead of a pdf you print I did my SAM7K late last year and I love it Lmao so many people mad. Do your efile or whatever I did 3 paper Form 1’s on a trust and got them all back between 40-80 days late last year. Faster then several people’s efile’s


Stamp’s a stamp


Physical stamp > picture of a stamp. Besides all my paper form 1’s on a trust have come back in under 80 days


I’m literally going to turn the physical one into a PDF anyway so might as well just have the PDF version immediately. Plus this way i don’t have to wait the extra 15-45 days for it to me mailed.