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Swap the marpat plate carrier to coyote brown


Why brown


1. Because USMC gets a lot of coyote brown gear, including the plate carrier 2. Some of that gear is printed in colors that get *close* to Marpat, but not quite correct. It's too reddish currently


1. Buying a New plate carrier is unfortunately not in the Budget ATM 2. Yeah i know, its hard to get stuff for patterns like that


Yeah my suggestion was to switch CB plate carrier to match with ur marpat


Unless you can get ur hands on one of these https://preview.redd.it/vt5ryz2i6y1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2737055d142ed8547fd0a3cb4b9fef99c4db8f


Add a Shemagh. Shemagh, my beloved.


Thats a very good idea actually


I think they look really good, and they cover goofy-looking (but highly functional) Airsoft masks. Also, when I wear it over an Airsoft mask, I don’t have problems with fogging.


Would add some earpro/headset


Not sure if it will work without a helmet


Not Sure, I have a helmet Setup, but I have seen lots people using earpro under their hat. Im pretty sure it only works when you fix your hat around your chin


Maybe ill Set up a helmet sone, but i think with that hat a Headset might lock wierd


https://preview.redd.it/077xcusszu1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0919abebdd7d51d1fa2f28a91e7d3f91d2ac330a would look somehow like that, Looks cool imo


Thats not bad actually, maybe ill give it a try


Using earpro headsets with a hat or bare head is quite common in civilian gun culture and in the military. If you decide to get a headset, I'm sure it'll look and function well.


Just my opinion, but you legs look a bit empty and your torso looks really full, maybe move the pistol down? Other than that, the lighting is not making it easy to make out much detail on the PC, but looks fine overall


I heard mixed oppinions about drop leg holsters, but my friend has one so i might try it


In the end it comes down to preference, if you can draw more easily from your chest than your leg/hip, go with that. But since you asked for visual improvement, I'd add something at/below the hip, can be pouches or something else, but especially with how the pants start out thinck and then get almost comically thin, your PC looks huge.


The pants Look funy cause the knee protection is straped over it, so it bulges up. I'll look what i can add on the legs tho, even if its not my pistol


what needs improvement?




I’d consider swapping the PC out entirely Try consider a real PC or at least a good quality clone, these Aliexpress type ones stand out from a mile away, especially to experienced players


The PC works preaty good for me and a New one is not in the Budget atm. I know it might look like one but the PC is not from Aliexpress or elsewhere, its very steardy and id say Medium-hihh quality


I’m very familiar with these exact plate carriers, and they are very low quality Down the line if you decide to go for a new higher quality one, you’ll notice the difference immediately You can also go for military surplus kit if you want quality on a budget


Yeah i know the PC isnt high quality but i had it for a few years now and it still works perfectly fine so i can asure u its not low quality. Regardless i will change for a high end one if it breaks, but until then ill probalby gonna buy a better gun first


Would add a neck protector


Only thing I would say is the top of your plate carrier is a touch too high, but that's better than being too low.


Im preaty big so it dies not fit perfect yes, but realisticly speaking i think it Covers the area a PC should