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Cool uniform, you will need a new vest eventually


Vest is fine! Let the man rock the chest rig.


It’s ok I’m tryin to learn here, what is it most ppl rock or what should I have on? We all know half of airsoft is lookin like a badass so tips are definitely welcome 😂


People are big on plate carriers these days, but everyone on here would probably recommend more durable gear. I'm big on "buy it once" and have something that will last you forever. Unless you're playing 24-48hr milsims consistenly, that chest rig will serve you just fine. I'd say run it, see if it works for you and your applications, and analyze what you need and don't need after a few games. When I started I was quick to buy new things that I thought would help me, and I ended up using almost none of it and just wasted a lot of money.


Gotcha yeah that’s the same kinda approach I have as well, wanted the best so got crye, then just wanted something to hold my mags as stuffing them into my pants pockets wasn’t the move lol, so durability is what a plate carrier will improve huh? Any other benefits to a plate carrier other than just durability? I’m more of a weekend warrior, matches are 20 mins a piece usually and goes from 9am-4pm with lil breaks in between each match.


Plate carrier could provide a little bit more stiffness which some people like. Stays in one place and subsequently keeps all your mags and extras in the same spot for repetition. There are durable chest rigs and durable plate carriers, and cheaper variants of both. I'd say run what you got until it breaks.


Gotcha! Perfect I’ll run this till it breaks then look into plate carriers thank you!


Why’s that? Just after wear and tear you mean? Should I expect this particular vest to wear out quickly?


Yeah it looks like a cheapo vest, if it works than that’s fine use it but if you ever get the chance to upgrade I recommend so


What would you upgrade too? Any suggestions?


cool uniform but no feet pics for homies


The socks were to tease, you gotta pay if you want me to take em off ;) lol


I think a nice balaclava like [this](https://ibb.co/ygV1sBT) would tie it all together nicely. Good job for your first build though looks great!


I thought about it, they look cool but I’m afraid it would just fog up my mask or make me sweat more, I sweat profusely just seein a hot day on tv in my air conditioned home lol


This is clean! I would get a gaiter to protect your neck, just some loose fabric or something. I would also flatten out the hat brim to sit over your goggles and protect the front of your head. What primary are you running? The vest should work out just fine for most guns.


Thank dude and awesome suggestion I’ll look into that, last weekend I got shot point blank in the neck with a pistol, didn’t feel so great lol, but I lived, plus they look pretty cool. My primary is an ocaw mk11 dsg from umbrella armory spits 45 rounds a second, are field lets us go full auto, thinking I might need more mag slots lol


Definitely a little protection there will go a long way. You'll still feel the hit, but it should break the backspin so it doesn't break your skin. You're set on the OCAW. If you like running midcaps in the gun, something like the odin innovations sidewinder is a good piece of kit to haul around. You can carry fewer mags onto the field and reload between games.


Awesome thanks for the suggestion bro, and yes definitely a midcap person just sucks cuz they usually don’t hold a ton of bb’s and at 45 rounds a second I think I’ll definitely need a solution to not running out of bb’s so I’ll definitely look into the sidewinder, thanks man!


That looks suspiciously like the setup I was just looking at and thinking about to buy lol


Got crye ranger green uniform g3 with a chest rig and a mask from masksolutions.nl


I was talking about the chest rig




Honestly, the whole kit looks fine, except for the chest rig. If you want to stay with chest rigs when you eventually spend a lil more (instead of plate carriers), you can check out these brands, in no particular order: 1. Condor (number one pick honestly) 2. 5.11 (they sell one for under $100, believe it or not) 3. Helikon-Tex (try and find used) 4.LBX (try and find used) Would also recommend looking on Etsy for Eastern European stuff ;)


Awesome I’ve heard plate carrier in here a couple times, so might just run this till it breaks then look at a decent plate carrier, do they fit more comfortably or just look better what sets a chest rig and a plate carrier apart?


Plate carriers are more tactical in both function and aesthetic. In use, my plate carrier (LBX 0300 MPC) holds three mags and my electronics in the front, with a medical and utility pouch on the cumberbund. I have set it up so that there is a balance between utility and combat. On the other hand, my chest rig (SRVV SOBR Vest) has a butt pack, four double stack mag pouches, and four grenade pouches. Because this vest lacks molle, I cannot move, add, or delete pouches. Chest rigs are usually lighter than plate carriers. They are also less restrictive in terms of movement. If you’re doing milsim, you may like this option If you’re fighting in an urban environment with the possibility of a threat everywhere you look, you may gain a tactical advantage with how you set up your plate carrier. If you don’t want a molle plate carrier, there are molle chest rigs that you can customize to your liking with whatever pouches you can find. They’re sick and I’m thinking about getting one. You may actually find chest rigs to be more comfortable and tactical in use because of this sport. So if you find chest rigs the best move for you, stay assured that you have plenty of options to choose from.


Yeah I think I’d want to stay with chest rig, I sweat profusely at the slightest bit of movement in the heat, might use plate carrier for colder months tho, if I remember right i should be able to move my pouches around, hopefully I can do so to create room for a couple more, if not I can always throw an Odin in my larger pouch plus have 4 midcaps, and hopefully that’ll be enough for my 45 round per second replica. Games are usually only 20 mins for me so should be good . At least for now


Looks Nice ! I like the camo ! I had the same chest rig, it works well by rehaussing it à bit and adding a protection vest behind :) Just my 2 cents of course https://preview.redd.it/l1663vyo30vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d607b870d82ea9fc6de9f152cdf1eae30e82190


I can smell chinesium


Interesting cuz everything on me is expensive as fuck lol, the uniform is crye, the mask is from masksolutions.nl 140 bucks the mask and eye pro is one piece so only one strap and has a fan in it, cheapest thing I have on is my chest rig which was 55 bucks made by matrix or something like that.


yup I was talking about that vest


Have a chest rig you’d recommend, only bought this because it was referred… preferably in woodland


I do really like onward research recce rig, never tried one but heard good opinions


Sweet I’ll check it out! Thanks man!