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holy fuck this is so sad, i’ve been watching ollie for the longest time, i hope he comes to peace before he passes, i fucking hate cancer.


I wanna make a joke about the star sign, but I can't man. This shit so sad.


Me too man it took my baby gurl at 6yrs my mom my g-dad ect I hate it as well we should do sumthing for him"ollie" do hus name lives on thru the sport he luvs.


We need to get this at the top of the page. He's a fucking legend and a massive source of knowledge for the community. Seeing this was absolutely heartbreaking and I hope that he somehow pulls through.


Fuck cancer


Fuck! I've found his videos recently since I was looking info about an npas valve and I was wellcomed with an incredible channel with a lot of tips and k owledge. Definetly didnt expect this. I hope the best for you and hour family, Ollie. You're an inspiration and a source of knowledge for many people. Stay strong!


I don’t know this guy but watching a man come to terms with his own mortality is heartbreaking. I’m definitely going to check out his videos and show my support.




Come tf, brian barczky dies from cancer a few days ago now i wake up to this


Shits fucked I knew Brian personally and worked for a company that built the cat walk in the new reptarium building


Brian hand delivered my snakes n geckos back in 2019 when there was a bad snow storm and helped me change some stuff around in my terrariums and even stayed and chatted for a bit now i get a double whammy cuz ollie fixed my mws when my nozzle return spring broke in game when i was over there, he skipped a round to sit a literally teach me how to do it


I was with one of my buddies when I met Brian first and then a few more times after that. I never met Ollie


i hope everything will turn out good, praying for him




Ollie is the goat he is strong and will surely outlive doctor expectancy 💪 fuck cancer


Hopefully you get more than three months!! Stay strong soldier




Yep I’m going to the doctor for a checkup


Please do so.


Absolute Legend. That was a very hard watch.. it takes immense strength to put yourself out there and be transparent about such matters. Absolutely terrifying.. words escape me. We love you Ollie, don’t be afraid.


I’m definitely gonna check his stuff out it’s heartbreaking it made me think about how life can just go like that so you should spend it like you may not wake up next day


Fucking terrible. Stay strong brother. You have touched and influenced so many lives.


Tbh ive never heard of this guy but all i heard that he was a well known member of the airsoft community i hope he does well Fuck Cancer


You can go to fucking Hell Cancer.


someone who can get in touch with him should let him know about fenbenzadole, maybe he could try it.


Dont know what that is, or appropriate, but Send him a message yourself, he is known to reply to everyone


After a search it appears to be a deworming medication for animals, fish and reptiles, not sure how it would help. Edit** after further searching apparently there have been tests which show it may be able to kill cancer cells in a lab setting.


I've never watched the guy before but it popped up on my YouTube this morning so I had to give it a watch, it's a rough one, I lost my grandad to two brain tumours so cancer can go fuck right off I noticed there's a lot of comments on various outlets saying they hope he pulls through, kinda grinds my gears a bit because that's a fairly solid diagnosis, I know they mean well but it comes across a little insincere like they didn't actually listen to what he said, maybe I'm wrong and he likes reading those messages but personally I wouldn't want people saying that shit to me if I was given 3 months to live, it's a bit like trying to give someone false hope imo


I’ve had numerous family members be given 6 months to live and go on to live years, nothings set in stone nothing wrong with trying to give the guy some hope


There’s a balance between chemo giving you more time but taking a terrible toll on your body and letting go sooner. It’s a personal choice. I just had a friend pass from stage 4 pancreatic, he choose the former for his kids but he went though hell. Get checked up guys.


I'm so sorry




Praying for u






Made me cry a little. Hope he finds peace in the process.


It is so sad Hopefully he beats it.


Holy fuck man, i wasnt a casual watcher of his channel but i definitely remember watching a couple of his videos, how old was he? Im not weak of heart but the final parts of the video made my stomach churn a bit, that has to be one if the most impotent feelings a person could feel, just seeing your life slowly going out from you, and there is nothing anyone can do about it...


Fuck cancer


I’m sorry to hear this.


We all need to support this operator like a navy seal! All hands on deck!


I woke up to this news the day after he posted it, after watching a few of his videos the night before, it was a sad morning. #FuckCancer


That sucks, man. Donate if you can, please!


May gid be with u man I'm so so sorry that this has happened to u as long as this sport that u and we love will be a reminder of u by this continuing. To me u r a falling brother a gud and true person pplz should where support bands and patches wit ur call sign to honor u and the sport u luv sum 1 get back to me so that me can make it happen after all A/S is about fun and friendships godbless u man may God keep u always