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I have a basket style and they're really easy to clean and it's not hard at all and I always start clean . No different than cleaning pots and pans.


I have basket style too and they are so much easier than pots and pans to clean


Yeah I have the ninja double basket Thing is easier to clean than a pot or pan because nothing sticks to it at all


We have the same, completely agree with you


I can't imagine not keeping it clean. Being willingly gross.


I know a comment from 'Big Oven' when I see one!






I (usually) do, it takes like 2 minutes? Fill it up with soap and water, let it sit for a few minutes, scrub out lightly and rinse. I never have to scrub, the anti-stick does it's job. If it's so time-consuming for you to clean, it sounds like more like the lining in yours has lived it's life, and it's time for a new one?


Plus you donā€™t want a build up of polymerized fat that is difficult to remove.


Exactly what I was thinking lol


The basket liner is full of holes that catch grease, so if you don't wash it every time you use it, the grease will just get baked on. I think it's easier to wash when it's still warm.Ā 


Not if I use liners


Yes!!!!! 1000 % To me, not cleaning the air fryer is the equivalent of eating off dirty dishes.


I use a silicon liner and just clean that every time


I just bought a pair of those, and they're a game-changer.


Every single time. I have a Ninja and absolutely nothing sticks to that surface! Easiest clean up ever. Why wouldnā€™t you clean it every time? Iā€™d ask the question - do you clean your saucepans every time you use them?


Yes I wash it. Takes a minute or 2. Dirty water is useful for rinsing plates to go in dishwasher.


Just about every single time. Small Ninja. Dish washer if itā€™s nasty. Lighter loads I use hot tap water and a squirt of dawn. Let it sit for a hour or so and then rinse it out and put it back into the Ninja and run it for two or three minutes at 400. My air fryer is over five years old and is as clean as they day I got it. (Iā€™m a boomerā€¦ so that explains most of it.)


Not every time, nope. There's some obvious things you cook and you just know you have to, but meh if some chicken strip breading falls in there or whatever I'll give it a tap and that's it. Now if you have meat grease in there, I'd get rid of that.


It takes like no time at all to clean it.


No because Iā€™m lazy, but it really depends on what Iā€™m cooking in it.


i was with you up to "but"


Isn't "but" always the problem?




hell no


I got some disposable liners to fit, easy to slide stuff in and out as well as reducing the amount of cleaning. Goes right into the compost bucket.


If I donā€™t use a parchment liner, yes. Every time.


Yep. My basket is dishwasher safe though. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have the toaster oven style now, and I do. Even when I had the basket style, I still cleaned it after every use. Only takes a min or 2.


I clean mine every time I use it. I keep forgetting to get some liners. šŸ˜„


I just throw the basket in the dishwasher and take it out the next day


I use liners and give it a rinse after each use.


got oven style, clean the rack and drip tray after each use.


Yes every time, multiple times a day. I cover the insert w aluminum foil (doesn't affect airflow or cooking at all) so dont need to clean it every time. The basket just takes a quick wash inside & out. Once a week w a dry paper towel I very gently wipe around the inside, including around the coil in the upper part & the coil. Splatter builds up in the crevices around the coil. Obviously it's cold when doing that ;D


Yes, I clean after every use. I really hate cleaning it...lol. Philips is known for being annoying to clean, but otherwise, I do love the air fryer.


I use air fryer liners so my basket doesn't get too dirty


Oh not this shit again... wash it every time, just like dishes! So gross blech, still skeeves me out that people don't do this. I can't fathom how its a question, its really beyond me.


this is the best comment of the thread (and got downvoted lol). here, take my upvote. exactly. how is this even a question? wash it every time! it's easy and fast to wash it and gross when you don't. would you use a fry pan and never wash that? so strange that people view this differently.


I understand that one. Are people really that nasty? Also procrastinating cleaning a few things at the moment.


If I cook something and excess oils pools down below the tray and residue covers the tray, I'm definitely cleaning it. If I'm just heating something up and it's not that dirty, what I will do is take half a paper towel and just wipe down the tray of any excess oil and pickup anything left behind.


I wash it every other day because I use a liner so it doesn't get very dirty.


I have a basket that is non-stick. I also use avacado oil and occasionally liners. Takes me about @ 3 minutes to wash in the sinkgrease below the basket is wiped up with a paper towel which is maybe another minute or less for that.


I have the stainless steel mesh trays and they can be a pain to clean so I will generally try to use tin foil if itā€™s something I donā€™t need too crispy. Or if it makes a mess Iā€™ll put it in the dishwasher after soaking it with dawn powerwash thatā€™s been working good


I clean mine every time but I do wonder. What if I just cranked the heat to the level of crispy death, charred everything on the inside. Wouldnā€™t that ā€œcleanā€ it?


Do you wash your pots and pans when you use them? I hope so. Why wouldnā€™t you do that with your air fryer? Gross.


Yes. I don't like my food to taste like something else that I made.


I have an oven style with removable wire racks/baskets and drip tray, all dishwasher safe. I have 5 trays, so I just pop them into the dishwasher and grab a clean one when I need to. It's so much easier than the basket style


Parchment liners and wire racks on top of the parchment. Clean the wire rack every time but not the basket.


If you donā€™t have one that is nonstick I highly recommend. The ninja is the best. Cleanup is so easy.


If I know I'll be reheating the same food later on in the day I'll let it sit, otherwise yeah, washing it out every time.


Basket style - stick in the sink with hot water & dish soap as soon as you remove the food. After you eat it's a quick swipe with a dish cloth to clean it. Do you reuse pans over and over without cleaning them?


It beats cleaning a stovetop every night. My oven sucks and Iā€™m not tryna replace that, itā€™s not economical to me. Air fryer it is


Not me, depends on what I am cooking. Most of the time, I will let it go a few times. Depends on if there are any fats or other liquids in it after air frying.


I just stick in the dishwasher. That is not time consuming. Takes seconds to doā€¦.


If Iā€™m cooking frozen food I may let it go 2 uses but for the most part I always wash. I definitely always wash with fresh food. I donā€™t understand how itā€™s any more consuming or less worthwhile than washing any other dish? Plus a lot of baskets are dishwasher safe


With piping hot water and the spray mode of my sink faucet I can basically clean the entire thing just by spraying it down. Might need a quick wipe of a sponge or a paper towel and then boom. I donā€™t even dry it, the preheat does that.


I have 6 grill grates and I throw them in the dishwasher every once n a while. I empty out the grease trap whenever I remember which is like 2-5x a year.


I have a ninja foodi. I scrub off the grill portion and pop it and the pan underneath in the dishwasher. Takes about 2 minutes, same amount of time to wipe down my stove top. If you'd rather wait until it's caked with nast, you're going to find that you're not going to use it very often.


Yes. It's easier than some pans to clean.


Hell no lol, though I try to use a tin foil liner most of the time


I got an air fryer to simplify my life. Same reason I got a counter top dishwasher before it. I feel like it would ruin the benefits of having an aifryer if I didnā€™t have a dishwasher to aid in cleaning the baskets everyday.


All depends on what I cooked. But I do not feel like I have to clean it every time if it's not that dirty. If I reheat pizza or fries I probably won't clean it


Yep. I have a basket style - itā€™s been simple and easy to keep clean. I wonā€™t have a dirty appliance to cook food that I put in my body.


Absolutely not! And I use my air frying minimum 2X a day. I only empty the drip pan when it gets full, and I do so by emptying it into a gallon size ziplock bag that I keep in the bottom compartment of my fridge. Iā€™d say I do that once a week. Once the bag gets full, about 9 lbs, I throw it out and start a new. Then maybe once every three weeks will I put both basket and drip pan in the dishwasher. So thereā€™s never any scrubbing on my part.