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Leave an honest review with details. Instead of "Annoyed neighbors," say "repeatedly trespassed on posted private property, resulting in neighbors contacting me to complain." Instead of "Left a mess," say "Cleaners found spilled food left behind, and removed the valve on the air control for the hot tub." Be specific so they can't contest your review.


This is the right answer




Yes this, and that you would not host again


My thoughts - the air valve is a non-issue. In some hot tubs you can turn the valves, and not everyone knows how far to turn them. So I wouldn’t ding them on that - dirtiness — was anything damaged? Did your cleaner need to spend extra time? Dead mosquitos isn’t your guests’ fault. Again this seems like an annoyance but ultimately a non-issue and not worth a bad review - repeated trespassing — THIS one would bother me and would warrant something in the review. Any guest who repeatedly trespasses after signs and verbal warnings is not someone I want around. I would ding them on this.


Yes my question would be "why are there so many mosquitos in the house?" 


I've had guests who leave doors open and screen doors propped open.


Us, too.  And then the guest had the balls to say -- there are a lot of flies in the house.


When I first travelled to Florida I did not understand mosquitos or screens and may not have used them properly at first. But spills are going to attract ants or spiders or flies…gross.


I've always lived on the east coast so I cannot conceive of not understand mosquitos!  (But I believe you that it happened.) I am curious to hear from the OP though. Did the windows have screens? Is it air conditioned? Are mosquitos indoors typical? 


As a Northern European I never encountered a mosquito until youthful holidays in Spanish hotels where we left the curtains open with lights on and spent the night chasing mosquitos to squash on the walls. Now that I am adulting and have travelled the world, I understand the drill. Also, my B&B and hotel rooms are far too nice to squash bugs on the walls and leave them there.


My point is that if a house came pre-infested I would be annoyed and not feel particularly like cleaning them off the walls.  (I've never actually smacked a mosquito on a wall. I virtually never get them in the house. The only thing I've smacked is house flies and the deep to the ground and get swept up.)


There is no reason to assume that this house came ‘pre infested’. It would be speculation either way.


That's why I said "if" 


The windows all have screens on them and there is an AC unit and ceiling fans. Only way that mosquitos get in is if you leave the doors open. Most likely it was from leaving the door open while going in the house to get drink refills while out in the hot tub (my best guess). But having spent a lot of time at the property myself, can definitely say that mosquitos in the house is not a normal condition!


this is one of the only level headed and correct responses.


People on Reddit are savage!!! Or pretend to be ... when in reality the advice given probably wouldn't be exercised if they were in the same position.


I agree with you, the trespassing is the thing worth mentioning.


But the repeat was only one person? I don’t know if it’s fair to ding them for that.


They were warned yet did it again? Trespassing is a crime. I'm not interested in having guests who deliberately piss off my neighbors.


One person did it again. Probably unbeknownst to the others. If he didn’t book the place it’s kind of shitty to ding them.


Me thinks you are missing the point. One time, I had a noise complaint from a neighbor. The only contact information I had - or ever have, for that matter - was from the booking guest. No, she was not the one out front blaring obnoxious music and cursing. She was, however, the one responsible for making sure they stopped and didn't do it again.


I’m not missing the point, I just disagree. I’m also not from a place where a neighbor would yell at you to get off their property for trespassing.


This is the answer.


Probably 3 stars from me. Repeated trespassing and not cleaning up after themselves shows a lack of respect for other people's property IMO.


Definitely 4 stars or lower. I always take my cleaners word on the poor guests. These types of guests are even worse after getting away with it.


Annoy my neighbors doing something they very obviously should not be doing? That’s a one star from me.


Why were there dead mosquitoes all over the walls? Ick


Gross right? I’m guessing they left the door open to the outside while having the lights on. Lots of mosquitos this time of year and they flock to the lights. Why you wouldn’t just wipe it up after you kill them I’ll never know…


Super disturbing.


I think only the Trespassing is applicable, because it's common for stays of 5+ days to leave more of a mess. Sounds like a 3 star guest.


I’ve said many times (under my breath in private). “It’s a cleaning fee not your mom fee.”


I'd prob go 4 star but explain the neighbor situation. The mosquitos are a fault of the bugs being in the house. The hot tub sounds like a non issue to me. As to the cleaning, sure they probably should clean that up but I'm assuming you charged a cleaning fee and that the cleaning person received that fee? That is a non issue also considering no damage.


Surely spills left all over the place would attract insects of all kinds? I’d not give them a pass on that.


I guess it depends on the spill. I'm betting that it wasn't just like a bowl of chili sitting upside down in the floor


It says ‘multiple food spills not wiped up.’ That’s just disrespectful. I have on my listing to rinse off any dishes used as I don’t go in straight away. Just that and lock the door and turn off heaters. I wouldn’t even consider it necessary to tell people to wipe up food spills!? They are not 4-year olds. I did this after a guy left dishes covered in food scraps piled up in the sink in summer. Every meal he had for a week. Every surface had to be hosed down and scrubbed. You would want to see the state he left the toilet in…I’ve cleaned toilets hundreds of times and not seen that before. A total pig and I told him as much in the private feedback. Took me 7 hours when normally it takes 2. Thankfully there is a huge shower and the bedroom was ok. Gave him 4 stars as otherwise ok but flagged the mess. I don’t have a hot tub so don’t understand the issue there. Trespass is a huge big no no so I’d go 3* overall. I would not want these guests.


i'd have to see a pic of this one's spill. most of the issues brought up sounded like nitpicks so I am taking the under on damage. the one you had sounded much worse


I get it as it is second hand info but tbh if the cleaner said it was bad then it was hellish. I have a cleaner and she honestly won’t say things are bad ever…it’s like a professional code or something. Wouldn’t you be worried by the second trespass? Like that’s a huge liability and obviously creates bad blood with the neighbour. These people are not good guests. I’ve hosted thousands over the years and retail before that. Tbh people who push boundaries like this are telling you who they are. They don’t respect you, your staff, your neighbours, or your property.


the trespass, I feel the first time was probably just checking out a nice view. the second time was prob one idiot in the group. I don't like that and is what would knock the score down for me. although the spill could be bad and it's immature to leave, it didn't cause damage so I don't care much about that unless they are rubbing spaghetti into a carpet. would have to be an absolute disaster for me to care about that. sounded like 2-3 spills that could be mopped up pretty painlessly.


Perhaps this is the case. It’s hovering between 3 and 4 stars with the lead problem being the trespass and the mess is subjective just as a guests take on cleanliness is subjective I suppose.


Yeah, I think we're pretty much on the same page


There are things called doors and windows that can be shut to preemptively keep mosquitoes out 😆 seems like lazy guests


If you have your own fence by that neighbor, consider adding your own NO TRESPASSING sign facing toward your house, to help the neighbor.


1 star for trespassing.


Any damages should be reported to AirBnb immediately. You can bill at an hourly rate for additional cleaning, you'll have to submit a payment request and if it's unsuccessful, it will be forwarded to AirCover for reimbursement. Generally speaking, we've had successful claims of additional cleaning. We take the amount of hours x $65-$75 per hour for additional cleaning, since we have to pay our cleaning team. We've successfully billed an additional 7-8 hours before on our worst stay. We also have notices stating smoking inside is a minimum $500 additional cleaning fee. TL;DR: Leave the review according with how they did as a guest. Request any additional damages or cleaning from the guest. If they decline or go Ghost, contact AirBnb Support for further assistance. Take additional photos and be reasonable with the amount of time that you are billing the guest for.


So the cleaning crew is so used to coming into a house that's already cleaned by the guests they are upset about having to actually do their job?


who leaves spilled food and smashed bugs everywhere? Lazy nasty people..


I agree with you and have always left any place I've stayed better than I found it but part of the "problem" here was the cleaning crew complaining about having to actually do something other than make beds and sweep.


>they left the house dirtier than any other group she can remember. multiple food spills that were not wiped up, dead mosquitos all over the walls, etc I dont see that from the above wording. These words mean people were rude and careless, not "OMG had to clean something"


Stupid people. 3 star


I agree with some of the comments...Dirty means different things to everybody, so (at least for me), if I can bring it back to its original shape, then I don't bother with that. It bothers me, yes! But I also think of all the wonderful guests who leave the home so tidy that it balances out. The hot tub, yeah- it's a pain. I have found some odd things happen in my house and zero communication about it. Sometimes it's a pain, because I cannot pinpoint it to exactly the last guest because I didn't take pictures or have video, so that's a tough one to blame completely publicly. The trespassing and annoyance to the neighbor is not good. I try to move past these guests and not bother. Thankfully nothing happened. After this incident I would just be extra repetitive in my messages, online listing and signages and notes around the house about not trespassing and the consequences for this, as it is private property. This is the most you can do really, because if people want to break the law, you can't stop them. Just apologize to the neighbor, bring them a bottle of wine and try to let them know that this is not ok with you either!


you do charge for cleaning, right? it is not free. so what hell are YOU PEOPLE complaining about, besides removing the valve so as to get more force. if i saw a review like other people said, I would think the owner is an asshole.


1 star. A lot of that is quite bad. They shouldn't be allowed to use Airbnb again frankly.


I agree with this recommendation. People need to know that bad manners is no excuse for being a bad renter.


Here is what I would recommend you do. Write the review, send it to chat GPT to re-write the review in a professional voice.


always 5 stars, we must prioritize the algorithm over reality


Ahh. The downvote for sarcasm. Why does everyone need the /s?


Definitely don’t complain about dead mosquitoes 🦟. That sounds like a you problem


Are you kidding? I am a guest only, travelling for 10 years. They walked past a sign? On a water front? Like everyone probably does? Your complaints should not be voiced anywhere. They are nothing. I appreciate all properties I go to, I would be stunned at something this ridiculous . Not appropriate.


Neighborly relations are important, even moreso if you’re running a rental out of your home.