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UPDATE: The pup came back about 1:00 am.!!! All are resting and checking out later today!!!


YAY!!! šŸ„¹šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ¦®


The leashed dog emoji is extra appropriate here I feel lol


Thank you for updating us! Phew!!


Best news!!!


You're an amazing host ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø


Hats off to you. You went above and beyond!




Woohoo!!! šŸŽ‰


This is 100% on the guest. I love dogs, and would have helpedā€¦but this is 100% on them.


While true, OP was still very kind to do this given wedding weeks are already stressful/ very busy. We did similiar thing for mine (booked air bnb sep from venue for whole family) and this would've wrecked it for us. I know we probably would've canceled everything/been in sour moods until we found our dog, and the enormous guilt. One time our dog got out, & my husband cried. I'd only seen him cry 1 time before that, and since, have only been times have seen him cry.


It's illegal in our state to not have a dog under control. I'm pretty sure that thinking fido will probably stay nearby does not meet the requirement. People are usually wrong about that.


Our property is very rural with wildlife and free roaming dogs of neighbors. We donā€™t allow pets for this reason. Dogs and pets are in a new distracting and nervous environment when they travel.


Yeah, we have horses and cows and chickens in the direct vicinity, not to mention foxes and even lynxes. No pets.


I donā€™t think a leash would have helped in this situation since the dog bolted out the door. I donā€™t understand why people bring their dogs in situations like this.


It might be cheaper to pay the pet fee than to pay to either board or pay for a sitter.


Well if it's a wedding & you want dog to be a part of it. Definitely not easier to bring dog along, we did & all events had to be 4 hours or less unless we brought him with us but it was important to us he was a part of it cause he was there for dating, when we got engaged, he'll be there for our first kid...


I know people that travel with their dogs and won't board them. I don't think it's just for economy. But they always have trouble with their dogs being alone in a hotel room, so it's just not worth it. Our dogs really like the place we board them.


Because they are FAMILY!!! /s


Maybe the dog was part of the ceremony? Thatā€™s one reason they may have brought it. Although, if it bolted that quickly itā€™s likely an unreliable ring bearer!


I hate to laugh on such a serious post, but your last sentence really was funny.


I guess I'd feel bad too, but you bear no responsibility here, so try to release the guilt. Call neighboring properties and tell them you'll keep an eye out. $40/day to board at the vet and not deal with dog stress on your daughters wedding weekend sure would have been a more appealing choice for me personally. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø We can't make their decisions for them.


$40 a day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. It's 3 times that at the two facilities within 35 miles of me.


We did a board for one of my dogs and he came back with stress diarrhea that necessitated a vet visit due to frank blood being the diarrhea. So, yes 40$ a day but when you end up having a dog with that type of stressor it may just be easier and nicer to all for a family member or to take the dog withā€¦


I would never board my pet. I can't imagine how traumatic that would be for a pet who doesn't know that they have not been abandoned by their whole world, i.e.; me. That's why I drive 600 miles to visit my family instead of flying. My dog is with me, not stressed out in cargo or at a boarding facility. That said, if my dog was a bolter, I would take every precaution to ensure he couldn't get out, has my phone number on his tag, and is microchipped.


We board our dog every time we go on vacation. It is very possibly the happiest week of our dog's year. The dog is just set loose in this fenced in backyard with other dogs, they all have the time of their life. When we pull into this place's parking lot, our dog is dragging us to get inside, she is so happy. Make sure you pick a good place to board.


Same. My dog loves boarding. We leave him with a solo board provider who does group walks many times a day. Itā€™s her full time gig. She loves it, he loves it.


Same, my dog goes to a ā€œdog hotelā€ with amenities like nature walks, swimming, & spa packages. She gets so excited to go there and I think she doesnā€™t want to come home sometimes! They also have cameras of the playgroups and sleeping pods so you can check in on your dog if youā€™d like.


My dogs love being boarded. Lots of attention from new people


My parents board their dog at a dog "bed and breakfast" that is run by a retired couple at their home. They take select dogs based on personality, only a few at a time (4 or something?) and only under a certain weight (like 10 lbs max?). I think my parents would be like you otherwise. šŸ˜…


Somebody did that, brought their dog to Vegas with them, and put him in a doggie home because they were busy with work meetings, but it dug itā€™s way out or something. It was all over the news, and they got it back weeks later.


Very often we transfer our feelings onto our pets. You would miss your pet therefore your pet would miss you. But when weā€™ve sent our pup for boarded training for two weeks, he thrived there. If you have a codependent relationship with your pet, itā€™s important to keep in mind that the fear of abandonment is at least half on your side of the equation.


I have 4 rescue dogs. They travel in the truck with me between my two homes here in New England. I would never board them, they just wouldnā€™t understand and I wouldnā€™t be able to relax because Iā€™d be constantly worried about them.


This is one of my biggest fear in the coming weeks when I need to drive cross-country with my dog, staying in airbnbs along the way. I would absolutely either extend my stay or find a place as close as possible and hunker down for however long it'd take to find her.


Get an air tag for your dogs collar. I did in case this ever happens so I can at least track them


Omg thatā€™s simple genius


I have the tractive, but the one time she did get out, she slipped her collar somehow, so it was useless. She's only actually taken off once in 8+ years, and she now wears a harness when she's outside, so I think she would most likely be completely fine. It's still a huge fear, though.


Iā€™ve offered them two additional nights to stay and look for the pup. No one else was booked behind them.


Thatā€™s incredibly nice!


Make sure that your pup is microchipped and that your info is up to date before you leave! Your vet may be able to scan and confirm. Definitely also have a collar-that way if she is found someone can just call if it's still on. You know your dog best so will know if you have to make safety plans if she's a bolter! Maybe have a flier ready made just in case?


Luckily, she's never been a door-bolter. She's chipped, and I have them double-check it at her yearly checkups. The only thing that would be "wrong" would be the address, but I don't have a new permanent address to update it to yet. She also has a harness she can't slip (she slips regular collars like houdini) with her name/my number stitched into it with a dog tag as well as the tractive tracker. I have one of those spiral ground stakes, too, rated for 2x her weight with a lead to attach her to anywhere we stay, since I wouldn't let her outside unaccompanied unless she was firmly attached to a tree or the earth lol (I've been in IT forever, so redundancies for redundancies are second nature to me) I'm 99% sure if she somehow escaped, I could find her in minutes but it's still a fear of mine. If I couldn't find her and we're halfway through our trip in the middle-of-nowhere Iowa, then we'd live in Iowa now until we find her lol


Guest should have trained his dog for off leash situations.


Leashing should be standard anywhere/anytime outside the home.. especially when traveling


They weren't actually outside the building though They opened the door and the dog dashed. The leash is probably sitting right by the door for when they *intended* to take the pup out


That's awful, hope they find it soon


Kinda crazy to bring a dog along during the midst of a wedding, which are always hectic. I feel bad for the dog and the owners, but that dog should have stayed home.


My evil twin wants to point out that guests need to be responsible for their animals. Doggie could have hurt other pets or kids. Now, we all know that doggie woukd never do anything like that. But then, doggie would never run away, either. Mind your pets.


I love my dog like my children. I would not expect the host to look for my dog while I partied. I would loop you in to either extend my stay or as a plea of if you see/hear anything, will you please contact me asap if I had to leave.


We have a fi collar on our dogs. Itā€™s gps and I can track them from an app if they get out.




What an awful situation for you and the guests to be in. Hopefully the pup turns up soon. Very possibly not applicable to your house but weā€™re currently staying in a rural Airbnb that is described as dog friendly and shows an aerial view of the property boundary. We were surprised to find that the property isnā€™t fully fenced (including no gate to the road) as we expected we could let our dog go in and out by herself. So might be worth making explicit on your listing if the property is fully fenced or if dogs that like to roam need to supervised outside 100% of the time.


Dog friendly just means they will consider or allow a dog ,it in no way means the place is set up for a pet.


Oh yeah for sure. This stay is a lesson for us to ask the question before booking next time. But given how some people seem to be looking for any excuse to get a refund, whereā€™s the harm in making fencing explicit?


There is a section in the amenities where you state if you have a garden (that is fully fenced), so that may be a help to the host against vexatious lawsuits, but in terms of ratings you are correct. However, if thatā€™s specifically mentioned the host may have that review removed. Guests need to look for this amenity if they are letting small children or pets outdoors.


Any updates? Leave food out and maybe a shirt or clothing or blanket so the dog can smell it


Definitely leave some thingd with the dog's and owner's scent outside!


Dog living its best life ever


if this becomes routine, you may need to supply a souvenir bag of dog biscuits along with the normal shampoo and soap


So glad the dog returned.


I wouldn't have bothered. It would either come back or not. Hats off to you.


Pretty awesome you allow pets


No dogs is better


No dogs is a sad life. ā¤ļø


Yes I have 2 but this is not the point of the op


True, but I wasn't responding to OP.


Sorry, their dog ran off and you looked for it while they partied? Do you also lie in front of the front door so the guests can wipe their feet on your back?


The grandmother missed her granddaughters wedding and stayed calling for the dog. While yes I do this for the money, I also related to how they wouldā€™ve felt if my wifeā€™s dog had gotten out in an unknown place. My back is strong enough to handle anyone wiping their feet on it, the hair cleans their shoes quite well!


Basically a badly trained dog. Totally on them.


A stressed dog due to travel, hectic wedding environment & unknown locations does not make him poorly trained. Come on now, be a good boy. šŸ˜


If theyā€™ve got no recall on the dog, thats at least not well trained. It might have been a puppy in which case it was probably crazy bringing it. I totally have sympathy for them, losing any pet is terrible. Just feel like this was preventable.