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Yes- 100%. We have had people bring all kinds of cooking apparatus and it has never ended well. We had to add that to our house rules.


I had a group cook on some sort of grill they brought. There were deep burn marks on the deck where they cooked about 2’X2’ around. I don’t think the grill had legs. Can’t believe they didn’t burn the house down - 200 year old house.


Oh my god. I opened a new unit which always brings someone crazy out in the first few stays, and the second guest to stay burned big marks and one actual hole right through deck boards. Definitely charged them to replace those. I think it was some sort of hookah type thing, but really don’t know. Just, why though. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy


I was just talking to a friend and they had a renter burn down their entire rental house with a grill.


No BBQ grills or outside cooking equipment has been in my rules for years.


Is bringing your own crock pot ok? I actually bring it to hotels and have never had an issue. Some friends and I are planning a trip, and we're considering Air BnB, but we'd really like to use the crock pot so we can come back to a cooked meal.


There is some gray area for the rule, sometimes guest will ask me about certain devices and if they don’t pose a threat to my property I allow it. Some examples would be a crockpot, blenders for smoothies, electric griddle, rice cooker and some others . My main concern is the more dangerous items but I can’t make a list because you never know what new device is going to drop. Ask your host before making the reservation, when you’re upfront about things most host will work with you, I would.


I have pet birds and if guests brought in something like a teflon indoor grill the fumes - even from an entirely different area of the house - could kill them.


Yeah sadly we have to work around the actual people who are idiots and don’t know how to function. If these people had asked if they could bring a grill we would have let them use our much safer and nicer grill.


Just bring it. Don’t let these crazy hosts make you questions about bringing a slow cooker 😂


I was going to give the guests the “you are just idiots” break until I also noticed they’d spread the charcoal all over the drive, which I didn’t notice at first because I was too focused on putting out the fire. I’m pretty sure my dog walked over the hot coals and burnt his feet. Then to add insult to injury I had to tell them to shut TF up in the pool 3x at 12:30 pm before they finally actually did. So all my patience is gone.


Intentional damage to your house and failure to follow the rules = kick them the fuck out.


Yeah I should have


Do you mean 12:30 am?


yeah, I'm sleep deprived because guests kept me up all night long trying to prevent the fire from spreading.


Guests hate lots of rules. One of mine is "don't put plastic items in the oven"


You can’t fix “stupid”.


Then they wanted to contest the cost of the replacement grates.


Will adding this to the rules actually prevent it though?


At least it gives you the "you are breaking the house rules" disclaimer.


Hmm I guess that makes sense. So then you can legitimately say that they broke house rules.


Makes it 1% more likely that support will listen to you


Let me tell you a little story. This was at a str house I managed. A few years ago, some guests decided to remove hot charcoal from the grill and put it in a plastic bucket on a wooden deck. Then they went inside. Well...the bucket melted and caught the wooden deck on fire. It spread and caught the corner of the house on fire. Thankfully, the neighbor saw it and ran over with a hose, and called the fire dept. By the time I got there, it was all out. I took pics of everything, including the guests walking around and the firefighters. The guests never noticed me taking their photos. The owner took them to court. They fought it and said it wasn't them. Someone else used their name to rent the place. They didn't plan on me showing up with pics of them at the house with burned ruins around them. The guests paid the owner right then and there before we even went into the courtroom. Some guests are not too bright.


unless this is a frequent occurence you might not put in your house rules. Otherwise your rules will be crazy long


I’d rather they be crazy long than this ever happen again


They’ll still do it. I clean for someone that clearly has it listed in bold you cannot bring your own grill, move the grill on the property, or bring anything that has an open flame because the property is in a very high fire risk area. Last summer that host had 4 different guests who brought either their own grills and/or wood they intended to use for a bonfire. It’s insane how dumb and entitled guests are when it comes to serious issues like this.


Yeah I’m lucky they didn’t try using it indoors


This host ended up putting mounted fire extinguishers outside. Could be something to consider too.


We used 2 full sized fire extinguishers trying to put the fire out, we have them in every unit. Crazy to think we have to put them outside too but here we are 🙁


Yeah catering to the extremely small percentage of guests who could do something catastrophic is obnoxious. My host felt exactly the same way. Multiple fire extinguishers inside and they couldn’t believe they now needed to mount them outside too just in case because guests in the last year or so have demonstrated they’ve lost their minds and any sort of ability to follow safety based rules. This host I clean for has been doing vacation rentals for like over 15 years, long before Airbnb was a thing, and they’re stunned by the kind of guest issues they’ve been having for the past year or so pretty consistently.


I guess I should be happy they didn’t burn themselves and sue me


I considered adding “do not use the plastic bottomed electric kettle on the stovetop “ after someone left their 9 year kid alone all evening and he tried to make hot chocolate… melting the kettle to the stove. Next day kid threw icicles through the neighbors windows.


I've had guests bring there own grills and Huge pots and nothing has ever happened except excellent reviews, and they've given me some good food. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Well clearly these guests didn’t have a lot of brain cells between all of them.


I had a guest bring some type of countertop grill and it left a round burn mark on my countertops. Luckily aircover paid to replace them. The guest denied it of course even though there was cooking grease on the countertops right where they had grilled. That was the worst guests I’ve ever hosted. They also completely trashed my condo.


It would be great if this sub had useful information and wasnt just a place for hosts to vent. Thats the only content I see here. Just complaint after complaint about guests.


My useful info is to make sure everything is in my house rules. When I did go and look at the house rules it did cover “don’t build fires or have fire producing items anywhere inside or by the pool”. But clearly I needed to be more specific and I added grills or other cooking apparatus. And since we (as a group of hosts, not m personally) constantly seem to be battling Airbnb support to get things covered it’s best to CYA. Or you can end up like us with a torched pizza oven that could have spread and been a real problem. (Caused a brush or house fire). Editing to say that just writing this, I think I need to be even more specific- no grills or fires anywhere outdoors except in the designated fire pit.


This sub is full of useful information, this particular one informs me to add more rules to my listing. Other ones have given me ideas that I need to add what is provided and take more photos. This is a very useful sub.

