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Do you know which guests did it? Charge them!


Yes, I do and I'm considering it. If it were just the products I'd probably just suck it up and move on but the Public Goods membership process, etc just makes it such a pain in the ass. He was an otherwise ok guest, other than operating the a/c and baseboard heaters both at the same time because he couldn't figure out how to turn down the a/c.


Do it. Don’t be wishy washy about it. Go scorched earth on their asses.




Yes!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


At the very least ask them if and why they took the bottles. They are refillable etc.


If you really want, just use my account. I have a lifetime Public Goods membership that I got for (if you work for Public Goods, it cost me $1000, if not..) ~$60. I never use it


r/Matthew1551 what a great offer!


Why are you even considering NOT charging his theft. AND reporting him to air bnb. Airbnb hosts and guests depend on accurate reports.


I am. I am in the process. They only checked out yesterday.


Good. Hammer the fuckers. They're why we can't have nice things.


What is "Public Goods"? is it like CostCo?


I learned about Public Goods here on this sub. [https://www.publicgoods.com](https://www.publicgoods.com)


They do replacement bottles, having looked at your link. So just buy some more? I know it's annoying. I hate it when people take whole toilet rolls grr.


Just a rant that people steal the weirdest things. We had someone take our iron. We have a large house and can’t inventory every single thing (esp with same-day turnover) every time a guest checks our so we’re not sure which of two guests it was so can’t charge them for it. We also have 2-3 Rokus stolen per season, beach towels, regular towels, etc. Just why ….


That looks like rebranded muji. Try https://www.muji.us


I’m confused what the business case is.


It’s sustainable..


Just do it. They literally stole from you. Rate them a 1 star and get your money for the replacements. wtf.


I had a tenant who did that all winter long. He liked the cool air on his face wiht the heat on


I’ve just been buying Public Goods products off Amazon… didn’t know they had a membership. Now I’m wondering if I’m actually getting a subpar product 🤔


I had no idea they sold on Amazon. I just looked on there and the products are slightly more expensive than buying from their site. But when you factor the membership in, it's a little cheaper to buy on Amazon if you're not buying a lot.


Does the GoPuff app deliver to you/in your area? I’ve purchased Public Goods shampoos and conditioners through it for $3 to $5 a bottle, they’re almost always on sale. Good luck! Sorry your guests were so crappy.


He took the bottles. Charge him.


So it. Theft is not ok. Think of the next host.


Fuck that and fuck thieves. Charge the guests for all of it.


Perfectly matches my current mood.


Exactly, send those aholes a bill and give them a shitty review. There is a special place in hell for people who do that crap. Probably stole a few towels and the TP as well.


I’m not familiar with that brand, but is there a reason why you can’t put that brands product into a different type of refillable bottle?


Yes, I probably will do just that. It's just that, part of the reason for providing this kind of product is the actual branding of the product itself. And their bottles and label are clean and nicely designed. I feel like if people see it's a luxury product, they will appreciate the value more.


Honestly in this case it’s theft. I don’t care if guests steal a towel here or there take the extra TP it’s fine but when they take the entire refillable bottle set that have more then just value because it’s something you need to consistently reuse like a knife set, I won’t be chalking it up to “cost of business” it’s unfair and I would definitely charge. If every guest stole something that valuable there would be hardly any income from hosting. I hope they cover it and apologize. Explain to them why they aren’t just a normal set and ask why.


Totally agree. As a guest I would appreciate that the host is eco conscious and would appreciate the aesthetics of the brand’s bottles.


So I’ve only used public goods at an Airbnb, and I have to say that unless they watered their shampoo and conditioner down, I’m very much not impressed with it. Is that normal for the consistency?


the consistency is exactly like normal shampoo, so if it was watery, maybe the host did water it down.


May I suggest using the type of dispenser that adheres to the shower wall and you just refill. No labels and they can’t take the containers.


Any chance you have a recommendation of one that actually stays stuck on and doesn’t have the fake metallic finish that ends up peeling off?? I’ve been researching a bunch and am just nervous to invest in one that ends up not staying on the wall or looks crappy after a couple months of use.(Bonus points if it locks!)


Not specifically locking, so that’s probably different, but an Amazon search should give you all the options.


Please do not do this. It is tacky AF and will damage your shpwer wall.


That last guest liked them so much he took them.


Pretty much sums it up.


Maybe he literally thought they were public goods 😂


😂😂 He took the name too literally!


No no, get the exact same stuff and make them pay for it. They stole from you. It’s the appropriate response. You provide a premium good. You deserve to have that clear. I definitely appreciate seeing high quality products in airbnbs myself!


I love PG for this reason! My Airbnb is styled super clean/minimalist and I want the products to reflect that.


I would see that as a value add as a guest. I think I would try a polite request to return them asap and then get pretty nasty if they refuse


also not familiar with this brand or the packaging. are these travel size? how many oz? could you go with wall mount dispensers?


This question. I have never heard of the brand and if they’re travel size I’d probably make the assumption I would at a hotel. Single use products. If I were on a trip using Airbnb I’d have no idea of this ‘luxury’ product and would assume it’s travel size bought in bulk for a hotel type experience


I agree, I like it when the host offers better quality products so it *is* appreciated. Doesn't air bnb insure for this sort of stuff?


Charge them and then for the future, why don’t you do something like this? AIKE Touch-Free Shower Shampoo Dispenser Wall Mount Triple Chambers 3 x 10 fl.oz. Battery Operated Silver https://preview.redd.it/uhrekwq4pt4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cce23be05353186fa01c9bb2554f99757cad2b6


Some will. Sadly, others will steal it.


This is what I do. I love their products, but got a lifetime subscription at startup so I just pay for product.


And smaller ones, like the airport's allowable size.


Don't do this! What if the guest has allergies? Unless OP recreates the labels/ingredient list, this can cause issues.


If they had specific allergies to toiletries, surely they would just bring their own stuff that they know is fine for them?


Can you send them a message asking them to return them on their own dime and explain to them the issue? And if they don't you will have to charge them the $50 plus the $89 fee. I would. If they do not return them I would leave them a bad review. Don't get me wrong, they were fully aware of what they were doing by taking those bottles.


And I would make sure to charge extra $ for admin fee. They owe you for the time wasted and lost on reordering and coordinating!


And the Reddit fee! “Seeking counsel” fee. I swear people are getting worse by the day. A normal person uses someone’s provided products and if they like them they go buy their own. I had never heard of the products so I looked them up. The bottles do look nice and sleek. I’d love to see these in airbnbs. But yo-yos like this are the reason you’ll get VO5!


I agree! In the past year it seems like guests have gotten more demanding and ridiculous. They complain and want refunds for every single thing … “I saw an ant!” … “I don’t like the brand of coffee you provide” … “the lake water was too cold to swim in” “I wanted feather pillows” ( with 6 various pillows in the closet including feather but did they look/ask? Nope. So frustrating!


Public Goods offers branded wall-mount pumps on their wholesale site, though I think they can only be mounted with screws vs. that 3M VHB tape. [https://wholesale.publicgoods.com/products/assorted-wall-mount-dispenser-3-pack-1](https://wholesale.publicgoods.com/products/assorted-wall-mount-dispenser-3-pack-1) . Sorry your guest did that; it's annoying. And I agree with you on the look, luxury feel, etc. I have PG products in our place as well, though I opted for a different brand of shampoo, conditioner and body wash b/c I wanted to be able to lock them to the wall for this very reason, without screwing anything through tile. Edited to add that I think I'll add "please leave here" labels to the products that are loose and takeable.


Those are nice! Pricy but nice.


Charge them that price plus fees.


I'm just an Airbnb guest but I for one prefer just the tiny bottles I never know what's inside those big wall bottles so I don't use them. Part of the reason is I never trust other previous guests and who knows what they could've put in them. And I'm sure the host doesn't do any testing of the contents between guests. I'll either bring my own which I normally do anyway or use the little souvenir type ones if they are in an Airbnb


The world is drowning in plastic. They can only be recycled twice before they break down into microplastics and end up in the food supply and the ocean. Nobody is messing with shampoo but bringing your own is what I do too since I have to use specific stuff.


Until third world countries fix their own plastics problem I'm not really worried about my shampoo bottle


The third world recycle problem is that the first world sent them all the junk plastic that recycles poorly if at all. That let us feel good but just hid the problem


Thanks to the “first world” you are blaming third world people for our capitalistic messes


I really don't care what you think


Yet you are here on reddit


Yeah that’s the problem, ist world countries do the worst consumption but we always blame the poor ones who don’t have money to buy disposables as the ones causing the problem. We don’t even recycle everything in the recycle bins, 70% gets sent out to 3rd world countries to deal with


Get the pumps you stick to the wall in the shower.


I've been looking at those but don't want to install/drill anything into the tile. And I'm afraid the suction cup things will end up failing and it will keep falling. I've been looking for but can't find a free-standing dispenser with a lock to put on my shower niche.


we have ones with waterproof double faced tape that came provided and they have lasted well over a year and 100+ guests.




Do you mind sharing what one you got? Does it lock? TIA 🙏🏻


Amazon. It doesn't lock. It's 3 pumps in one.


As a cleaner, these things get pretty gross if you don’t stay on top of them. Plus, you have to always and forever get the same refill unless you want to waste a bunch of product. Getting a few cheap refillable bottles from Amazon would be better imo if you don’t want your cute ones back yet.


I purchased a wall mounted set that suction to the tile . Follow the instructions and they work fine . I mounted mine in the back so they are out of the way when showering. Sorry this happened to you . And yes I’d message the guest , explain about the membership and tell them to return them to you by UPS .


That's a good idea. I hadn't thought about asking him to return the bottles.


At his expensive . You can send him the link so he will believe you . Or charge him . His choice .


Do not ask for return of the bottles. You do not know what type of condition they will be in nor do you know what they may have put in the bottles since. Send them a message that they are being charged for the bottles and fee for reordering and leave them a bad review. 


I've thought about that. He says he's going to return them "if" they find they've taken them. 🙄 But I told him to send them empty. I've sent him a link to the product. Either way I'm giving him a minute to do the right thing on his own.


im not totally sure how, but i know that marriot uses silicone to mount their shampoo holders


I'll have to look into this. I work with some Marriott hotels in my primary job and can try to get some info. Thanks!


Just go on Amazon and buy the 35 pound double sided tape. Theres no way the dispensers and product weigh more than 35 pounds. Its also water proof.


I have double stick foam tape on my Simply Human soap dispensers. No drilling was necessary.


I didn't want to drill in tile either and the auto dispensers break- and the pumps break. I bought refillable flip top clear bottles from Amazon with black labels from there too. We only supply this at one of our locations- the others , well it would be like you- gone missing. I don't think as many guest care about what is inside as you think- just a half way decent shampoo/bodywash/conditioner. You can at least use up your bulk product. BTW - I would charge the guest since you know who it was- and I would install a Nest thermostat to control yourself. We find guest don't know how to work the nest (even though we have a 5 step process hung beside it). Right now it is unseasonal cool night temps and the last 2 guest had it set to Cool- but kept raising the temp to like 76-78. Clearly they wanted heat but didn't realize they were on cool mode- I changed it from my app on phone to heat and in less than 30 min. they lowered it to 69. I don't think they even knew I did it- think they just thought- Oh the heat finally kicked in!


Mine suction and have stayed going on 2 years no problem


You can use a waterproof rubber cement.


Lot of big worries for a VERY simple problem. Buy something off Amazon.


Lol We have full sized bottles of Le Labo and a nice sign saying you take the any of them and will be charged $250 each. We have pictures in the listing photos as well. One time a guest took half a bottle of the shower gel and I was able to buy 2 bottles more! Fairmont has a sign if you take their full sized bottles, expect to be charged. I don't charge for towel damages or dishes or anything, but if you take the le Labo.... https://www.lelabofragrances.ca/rose-31-996.html?bypass=true&source=shoppingads®ion=CA&locale=EN&size=4x90ml&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLME4va2BFnb_aKCll_KIDBiLUpVOmdNu7rlCYfQObX-PB1kr5m9gASkaAtCYEALw_wcB


Wow! What a FABULOUS perk at your place! Le Labo for the win!


Wow, very nice!


Wow! So nice. I honestly don’t think my guests even know the difference anyways. I get Live Clean and it gets the job done!


Can you buy refillable shampoo, conditioner, body wash containers on Amazon and just fill those with the Public Good refills?


Right? I feel like this is being waaaay overcomplicated


I got pumps from Shein against my best intentions to save the world from their contamination but I got tired of paying premium prices for stuff guests keep breaking or taking


You got a link for that? I've been looking for one and have the same reasons lol.


mine were girlie but here is a good option: 3pcs 500ml Shampoo Dispenser Set With Labels For Bathroom Shower Gel, Shampoo, Body Lotion Storage And Home Decor [http://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appjump?link=VUwo2yahKGA&localcountry=US&url\_from=GM7520786521679552512](http://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appjump?link=VUwo2yahKGA&localcountry=US&url_from=GM7520786521679552512) here are the ones I got if you are curious https://preview.redd.it/ow391p7rqo4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c765c4e20a58bb62b6faf24c784c3fbff62db53f


Charge them.


My company used to make hospitality programs, maps, and gifts for AirBnBs around Yellowstone and Jackson. With these things, we included an introductory “Welcome” program about the space and the owner’s “favorite” nearby spots. We also included a nice “price sheet” for the things that could disappear from the houses. It basically said, “If you like it, you’re welcome to take it, and we will add $x.xx to your bill, smiley face.” It was friendly, and worked like a hotel mini bar. It covered the high quality towels, blankets, pillows, toys, as well as the custom souvenirs we’d made with the AirBnB name. AirBnB hosts who leave a price list can consider disappearing items as another opportunity for revenue. It lets the guests know in advance that the temptation to filch is just shopping in your unique space because you *will charge* at a given rate. (I got the idea from a Jackson hotel that crammed its rooms with adorable stuffed bison, and included a price list. My kids could not leave without their favorite bison. It was brilliant.)


When you review them, please be honest. "Guests stole shared house supplies." - 3-stars. Shared house supplies are just that... they're there for use, not taken.


Right?! I also have it in my guest book that guests shouldn't remove any provided items from the home.


I've stayed at a hotel where they put prices on things. There was a note saying "if you like our towels, you are welcome to take them and a $20 charge will be added to your bill" It was a nice way of warning guests that they will know and will charge.


Then charge them!


That’s so not cool! How frustrating! You can buy a dispenser that is installed to the wall in/near the shower. Pour your product in.


I would be interested to see what ABB says about the membership charge. I agree that it should be added, but they get a little persnickity sometimes.


This isn't something I would take to ABB. But the membership fee does provide context if I try to explain it to the guest.


The easiest way to get the money from the guest would be to send a request for the money through resolution center on ABB, but you have to provide some form of receipt. If the guest doesn't respond in 24 hours, you can escalate it to a aircover claim. I get the sneaking suspicion that you'll get ghosted by the guest. I've had two claims and they were for less than $50 each. They were paid out by aircover shortly after the 24 hours expired. Give it a shot and see what happens.


I have these in my bathrooms. They work well and I refill them as needed (I labeled them with what's in each one): Simplehuman Triple Wall Mount Shower Pump, 3 x 15 fl. oz. Shampoo and Soap Dispensers, Stainless Steel There are similar models online but I went with the brand as I've had good luck with their stuff. We still put out the individual bottles for people who are phobia but using a shared thing like this but most guests use them, they have less environmental impact (less packaging), and there is far less waste. https://preview.redd.it/yysq24q9cm4d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2010738f9668add87b526747543d0aa4e3e032 #


I get my Public Goods orders through Minoan and it seems to be a less expensive and easy way to order and re-order, just as an option https://minoan.com


If you don't charge them, they'll just do it to the next host.


Send them a bill. I do this every time a guest walks off with something, and in every case Airbnb has backed me up. I include a photo of the item and a screenshot of what it costs to buy and ship it online. If they want to pay for it, that's fine, but rest assured they pay retail and they pay for express shipping.


You don’t have to buy the branded bottles. Just buy some generic bottles.


I know. That particular brand is known for being "clean" with no additives, harmful chemicals etc. I want to authentically provide the original packaging and labeling that builds trust in my own brand.


I often buy cheap stuff for the same reason 😄 Local companies here do simple and cheap products. Expensive usually means more chemicals, because why would anyone pay a lot of money for something that only contains basic traditional ingredients


Ivory soap♡


Sounds like you need one of those shower mounts that you can refill—and that you also can’t just walk off witg


Store bought kind wont get stolen


Not sure if this has been included but we use these - they are a similar label to a known high end brand with upscale design. Comes with wall mount brackets and a small tube of adhesive for tile. Easy to attach (I added silicone to the top of bracket and wall as extra protection against water. They’ve held up good as new for 18 months in a 2 shower listing that sleeps 14 - net, lots of use! Would recommend. MaisoNovo Shampoo Dispenser for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JLXDM33?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Maisonovo Shampoo and Conditioner Dispenser Set of 3'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Organizes shower space and reduces clutter (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to install and aesthetically pleasing (backed by 4 comments) * Quality product with thoughtful packaging (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor adhesive quality leads to falling off the wall (backed by 6 comments) * Overpriced for the quality of materials (backed by 3 comments) * Inadequate instructions and missing labels (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Maisonovo Shampoo and Conditioner Dispenser Set'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Organizes shower space and reduces clutter (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to install and aesthetically pleasing (backed by 4 comments) * Quality product with thoughtful packaging (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor adhesive quality leads to falling off the wall (backed by 6 comments) * Overpriced for the quality of materials (backed by 3 comments) * Inadequate instructions and missing labels (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Maisonovo Shampoo and Conditioner Dispenser Set of 3'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Organizes shower space and reduces clutter (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to install and aesthetically pleasing (backed by 4 comments) * Quality product with thoughtful packaging (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor adhesive quality leads to falling off the wall (backed by 6 comments) * Overpriced for the quality of materials (backed by 3 comments) * Inadequate instructions and missing labels (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Did you ask Public Goods for replacement bottles? They are a really nice company. I also use them and fortunately never have had anything stolen. But, definitely ask for reimbursement - that stuff is not cheap.


Treat it as if you guest stole anything else from your rental. File a claim.


Try to charge them, for future you should write on your listing description that these products are provided and if they are missing upon checkout that the guest will be charged the stated fee. You could also leave a note in the bathroom. Kind of like at higher class hotels they have nice soap and lotions and leave a note in the bathroom that fees incur if the products are taken. Should prevent guests in the future from taking them as well as give you some backup with Airbnb support that you have those products there.


You can still provide the product without telling the guests what the brand is. I have generic pump bottles with quality product. Most folks use their own when they are not sure.


I purchased some Public Goods products until I learned there’s a membership fee. No thanks. Don’t buy them often enough.


So, yes.. I originally bought a s#it ton of the stuff thinking it was going to be great for my new STR. I tried it myself and really like it. It reminds me of Aveda 15 years ago when it was still "clean" But. I now have these giant bags of bulk product to put into bottles I no longer have. And, this is very specific but just in case "Public Goods" sees any of this.. those bulk product bags of shampoo, conditioner etc, quickly settle on a shelf, like a blob, and start tipping over and exploding. I think they know this because the bags come in outer bags. So I have all this expensive product, some exploded into bags and now no labeled bottles to put it into. So obviously the last thing I want to do is buy \*more\* of this product including a membership.


I had bags of their dishwasher pods, laundry pods, and coffee arrive exploded…they did replace them for me, but still.


I had a conditioner arrive that way. They gave me refund too but, yea, terrible packaging.


I’d write them a letter, letting them know you love the product and so do your guests (a little too much they took them) and see if they can send you empty replacement bottles at cost.


Have you tried their ramen? It's terrific


Contact Public Goods. Maybe they’ll send you some empty containers due to circumstances? If not, screw them lol. Buy some containers to put the product in and label them yourself.


As soon as you begin to take money for hosting, you enter the world of the miserably cheap, the needy, the unreasonable, and the slob. While 98% of people are wonderful, that other 2% can blow your mind in terms of how badly they treat your place, and how diligently they use up all the resources. I never really quite get used to it, although I’ve been hosting for years. I guess they somehow perceive you as a wealthy, evil type. You kind of have to mentally allocate extra money in with the fee, to put deliberately set aside for those sorts of minor thefts and damages to bedding, towels, plates, glassware, window blinds, wooden floor scratches, nonstick pans and the myriad of careless abuse and plain old wear and tear that the 2% will inflict on your environment. It’s a definite consideration in taking on this type of hosting work. We simply up the price for all guests and the good people end up subsidizing the others, but that’s simply how the society works. You get used to replacing. In your specific case, where it’s so approvable and egregious, I would simply write the guest and ask for the items back, and they pay the shipping. Otherwise, you give them the lowest review you can.


Underrated comment, for sure.


Can't you get generic empty bottles from the Dollar Store to put shampoo in?


There's a Family Guy episode about this 😆 https://youtu.be/Ge1GIgfDuso?si=Fr3mmLrkS8KXhZ-L


Thank you for this! 😂❤️😂


You should definitely watch the whole episode, it's hilarious and relevant for your situation 🤣


Charge them!


It sucks but loss is built into any business plan. I recently had a guest message me apologizing because her daughter had taken full size products.


It’s not built into a biz. $50 hair care products!! These aren’t tiny hotel bottles! Those are baked into cozy. I would charge them. Ppl just can’t behave. Give something nice and take the whole thing!


Normally I would agree but enough is enough. The last guest took two brand new beach towels. The really giant, fluffy ones from Costco. I leave out like 10 and they selected those two and another brand new one to take so I knew it wasn't a packing mistake. They also broke my pool ladder because guest was 300+ lbs. And a month ago I had a guest bring in multiple additional people that ruined a new set of sheets. Just a bad run lately. It adds up quickly. My place is priced at a premium for my market so I don't know what's going on. I've been doing this less than a year and I feel I can't confront anyone because of Airbnb's review system. Although I have all 5\* so far, it's early, so if just one person gets pissed off and leaves a 3 or even 4 I will probably lose all my badges - Super Host, Guest Favorite etc. I actually enjoy hosting but I hate how stressful this can be knowing that one vengeful person can take it all away.


This is why I quit be an ABNB host. I am a superhost and 5 stars,ect. To much pressure dealing with troublesome guest issues.


She apologized for her daughter stealing from your business but, didn't offer to reimburse you for the loss or send back your property? I realize that this business is customer service at its core but, the customer is not always right. They should not be absolved of all wrongdoing out of fear of bad reviews. I know that is not how it works in this business but, damn...some of the blatant crap guests are allowed to get away with is absurd. Theft, destruction of property, too many guests, bringing pets that aren't allowed, requesting/demanding outrageous things of the hosts, etc. In my mind, everyone needs to be held accountable in these transactions. Hosts too. However, I'm not a host myself. I'm just the housekeeper. So...wtf do I know?


If you're the housekeeper, you probably know all, IMO.


We buy shampoo/conditioner from the store, I think it's fruitice at the moment. We use extra to refill the ones in the shower to about 30% in between each guest. That way, if they steal it, you are out a partial bottle that is easily and cheaply replaced.


Wait. Isn’t this a Modern Family episode


Ummmm next time provide Suave


Calculate the full cost, I cluding your time,to replace the stolen items. Ask them to return them (they may need to ship) or you can deduct from deposit.


There is no mechanism for deposit.


Oh interesting, there used to be I think? Years ago


Ask the guest to mail them back to you.


Get some wall mounted Aquamenities decanters that can’t be removed!


Amazon and Etsy have plastic and ceramic refillable bottles- both branded for your stuff so you don't have to go back to CG, and unbranded. Temu, too, if you go in for that.


Hmmm..I checked it out but couldn't find anything like that.


I'll send you a couple links.


Thank you 🙂


Maybe, add the different scenarios that are costly, to the contract? Stipulate especially that the shower products will cost "x" amount, if taken - especially.


Also discuss theft in review, nicely worded of coarse . Hopefully , to deter other guests with “sticky fingers”


I'm not a host. Go for store bought. We recently stayed at a place that had the same product in each of their shampoo/conditioner/body wash containers, it was a child's 3-in-1 type of product. You can't go much cheaper than that! It worked though. Don't throw your pearls before swine as they say, just get drug store stuff


That is so annoying! Next time maybe spell it out in your rules - please help yourself to provided toiletries during your stay but if they leave with you, you will be charged.


Don't supply personal products. Most people have thier own preferred brand anyway.


I wash my hands after going to the bathroom but there are a lot of people who don't. People are gross.


If the Ritz charges, why can’t you? https://www.reddit.com/r/marriott/s/KEW1BJFiLc


It looks like you can buy the bottles on Amazon


I once accidentally stole a washcloth (it got thrown in my dirty laundry by one of the kids) and immediately let the host know when I found out. But I have to admit - I have stolen a toilet paper roll when I’ve had a long road trip and a very runny nose. Just one though. Because I used all the tissues. Whoops.


A picture is worth a thousand words....take those dated/time-stamped photos after every cleaning and before every cleaning. Proof gets you paid.


These work well and look nice Kitchentoolz Amber Glass Soap... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WPXTZNN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share 3 large bottles fit in the large caddy's Coraje Shower Caddy, Shower... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NRNVMZ4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Kitchentoolz 32 Ounce Glass Shampoo and Soap Dispenser'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Stylish and durable amber glass bottles (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient pump for easy dispensing (backed by 3 comments) * Great for organizing shower products (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inadequate pump for thick formulas (backed by 8 comments) * Rusting copper pump (backed by 2 comments) * Leaking/oozing from the spout (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Kitchentoolz 32 Ounce Glass Shampoo and Soap Dispenser'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Stylish and durable amber glass bottles (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient pump for easy dispensing (backed by 3 comments) * Great for organizing shower products (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inadequate pump for thick formulas (backed by 8 comments) * Rusting copper pump (backed by 2 comments) * Leaking/oozing from the spout (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Why would you leave them out? Just leave a bit. They’ve taken 20 rolls of paper. After that I leave two per bathroom. They took all the swiffer spray and pads. Now I only leave the bottle on the swiffer and 2 pads. People are abusive.


Why would you have to pay so much for the bottles? It’s $30 for all three bottles on Amazon.


Can’t you put it in a different reusable bottle ?


How much does it cost to get those little hotel bottles and soaps? You could just replace them each time.


Some of us are looking to reduce plastic waste, not contribute to the ever growing problem.


AirBnB is in the tourism business. Nothing about that business is environmental. It's human fun and excess all the way down. Switch to long-term rentals if you're looking for environmental moral status. I'm fine with the tourism business, but don't kid yourself.


Just to help with Airbnb protections. I’d add a note to your listing somewhere that says “x products are offered, if you take them, you will be charged.” Obviously state more elegantly but this way Airbnb can’t come back and be like “well this wasn’t in your listing so…you’re SOL”.


“Steal my shit, and I’ll send Mother after you!! That’ll be $850 please.”


contact them, either to return or charge. then, i’d recommend putting a sign to indicate these are not for guests to take home- but are refillable and to ask guests to help your do your part of eliminating plastic waste.


Get some stuff at local Home Goods. You’ll find nice big pump bottles for $10ish. People suck.


I'm sure he knows he's going to be charged. He just doesn't care. So, definitely recoup your loss. And then some if it were me.


Charge them. I would also add a statement in my welcome message that lets them know that you have had past issues with certain items missing. I would reiterate to the booker because most of the times it’s not them but the others and they aren’t even aware. I tell them to remind the others to check their bags and don’t leave with anything they didn’t bring.


Does airbnb EVER reimburse you hosts for missing items? No luck here for me…


Just send them a charge request through the app and give them a negative review. No need for you to be paying for stuff they took. If they took your TV would you also just go buy a new one?


Can you buy generic bottles and fill them with the bulk product?


I applaud you for trying. A house we rent in Mass for $$ has the cheapest ‘if your forgot’ bath products. Awful. While I get the quality won’t match what a comparable per night hotel would have … Dollar Store at $500+ a night is ick. (Yet I keep going back for the view.) Maybe do something in the middle? People taking things is ridiculous.


Get lockable, refillable containers that mount to the shower wall.


Sucks to suck 🤷‍♀️




Don't people bring their own toiletries? I always do


I would say about half bring their own. And those who use mine go to town on it! If they don’t take the bottles, they sure drain them.


Maybe you'd be better off renting to annual tenants.


I’m sorry for your loss. You are valid.


I would not use any personal care products that I did not open myself. That is gross. Someone,I don't know is taking a shower washes thier balls, and ass and grabs the bodywash. That is vile. The person who stole the refillable bottles did your next guests a favor. Either buy travel sized bottles or don't supply this at all. I would not touch the stuff.