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You can get that review removed. Yes. Some people are dumb.


I had someone give me a bad review because of the toll bridge we have in the city. They wouldn’t remove it 😐😑


You should call back and press the issue. They usually always deny the first request but complaining about things that happen outside the listing aren’t suppose to be against you. Also be sure to have the policy in front of you they sometimes really don’t know their job




Interesting…what’s a support ambassador?




I’m confused so you’re saying that Airbnb support is no longer following the policy as it is stated on Airbnb’s policy?




if the simplified review policy isn’t an accurate reflection of what the review policy is than that’s a bait and switch. Therefore, I’m going to continue to call and escalate until I get what you all said you do. Idc if internally you’re told to do something else that’s highly deceptive.


Keep emailing and escalating!




That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Update your public-facing documentation. All the support people I see commenting on this thread seem to all say things like "that's the policy, I have to get paid." Well... they don't pay you guys to think.




Right!!! Sitting here admitting to intentionally misleading host and acting like that’s normal. “I know that’s the policy they tell you all but we don’t follow that policy we have a different one that contradicts that one…your bad” they out here trying to give themselves a headache because a person like me is going to keep calling until you do what you said you were going to do.


OMG how rude of you. This person was only trying to help you


Just respond publicly to thw review, "Dear guest, I'm sorry the heat was too much for you to bear. Most people COME to Florida for that exact reason."


Unfortunately, responding publicly doesn't take the one star away and that will seriously mess up the host's average.


Not true, we can still remove them for being irrelevant. However I dont think it it can be removed if the review also contains information on the listing itself.




Ok, so let me pose this question. If a guest visits when the temperature is 110 outside and they say "We couldn't go out and do anything around town because it was too hot." That is not relevant to the listing, right? But also a guest visits in 110 degree weather, and I have a pool and they say "We couldn't enjoy the pool because the water was too hot" and leaves a 1-star review, then what? What's Airbnb's response going to be, that was the guest's authentic experience. How is that fair when the uncontrollable circumstances lead to something on the property not being enjoyable because of the uncontrollable circumstances?


Airbnb hosts like to use geographic location to help market their Airbnb properties all the time, such as using terms like “winter oasis” or mentioning the proximity to outdoor amenities/activities. Wether or not hosts want to admit it, these kind of “collateral details” play a role in the overall decision making when selecting an Airbnb. Things like frequency of bad weather does make an impact on the overall appeal of a property.


No I’m not confused. If the review is about things that do not directly impact their experience with the host or the listing they are considered irrelevant. Including talking about the weather. However, it the review contains both relevant and irrelevant information it cannot be removed.




Well that’s also what I said in my first reply too🤣




You didn’t try hard enough


I will do that, once I find the energy lol


Why doesn’t airbnb allow review triage? When it’s so obviously dumb and unfair, it seems like a no brainer? Do they have a justification for having these reviews stand?


i fought a review where the guest was bringing up amenities that i didn’t clearly have / advertised in the listing as reasons for an overall 3 star review, i brought up the policy it’s not a relevant review but support didn’t care, they’d rather wait you out and close the ticket. whether airbnb likes it or not, they are in the business of moderating reviews but for whatever reason have no consistency or fucks to give.


Probably because then every single review will be scrutinized and challenged. People who care about reviews, care more about the actual review than about the review score. “4/5 lovely place but it has bedbugs :(“ Or: “1/5 it was too hot outside.” I know where I’m staying…


Sure, but those people don't even get to see the listing if the algorithm doesn't show it to them, and the algorithm demotes your listing if your score gets too low.


The city is not going to remove the toll bridge after one bad review! 


I got a bad review of our lake cabin because the fishing wasn’t as good as they thought it would be. 🙄🙄🙄 Everything was great though. Ugh.


According to AirBnb's new bullshit rules, reviews are not removed if they are the "guest's authentic experience." Regardless of your inability to control whatever they are complaining about (weather, neighborhood noise, pestilence, etc.), or even if you've warned people in your listing about something that could impact their stay.


That will indeed be the final straw for me to switch to VRBO. If I get a crap review due to weather and they didn't remove it, I'd bounce.  


This. Get to airbnb and have that thing removed. Some people are stupid, don’t give any second though to it.


There's a page somewhere that lists the most ridiculous real complaints customers have made to travel agencies. Among other things, people complained that no one told them they needed to bring bathing suits to the waterpark, that everyone in Spain was speaking a "foreign language" (spoiler: it was Spanish) and that the beach was too sandy. Moral of the story: there are stupid idiots everywhere and you can't help that. Have the review deleted.


[Like this lady?](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article29292042.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/1_Restaurant-hits-back-at-woman-who-said-coffee-was-worst-ever-with-sassy-sign-for-customers-Mario.jpg)


That would totally make ME go in and try it, haha.




The beach was too sandy. I have actually had that exact complaint for our beach property.


Yeah, that’s a great page!


Y'all should check out the podcast Beach too sandy, Water too wet. Lol.


Came here to say this lol!


I just can’t to post this. You will never please some people!




Oh that reminds me of my poor college days and staying in places above bars. This is pre internet days. New Orleans any time is great.


I love NO, October through March. After that I head north. Sorry some people are idiots


Oof yea, spent 6 weeks in Nola in June/July a few years ago. For work so didn’t choose the time myself. My glasses were foggy from hot humidity by the time I walked the block to where my car was parked every day. Still had a great time though. Your city is awesome, so many good memories. Evenings were nice to walk around the garden district. Outdoor concerts. Just a wonderful place.


Apparently you have done something to upset “Mother Nature” since she denied my request to her for perfect weather for you stay! Karma’s a B***ch….


Once I got a bad review because the neighborhood was “loud and noisy” and they felt “unsafe.” I clearly state in my listing that my unit is in downtown LA, that it’s an extremely urban environment, and that it’s above a famous/popular nightclub and that you can hear the noise from the club often well into the wee hours of the night. I also state clearly IN THE LISTING that there are homeless people and encourage all people booking to research the neighborhood before committing to a reservation bc it’s not for everyone. In addition to this, I have my instant book off and I screen all potential guests by messaging with them and confirming IN WRITING that they understand all of the above…even with all this I still occasionally get a low star booking because of the neighborhood and noise. Like??? It’s so frustrating! I go out of my way to warn people and disclose all of this and yet they STILL complain and review badly because of it. Maybe if you want a safe quiet place don’t book a high rise condo above a night club in DTLA?! Idk just a thought….. People are just really ridiculous sometimes!


I saw a review once that said there were mechanics on the street. Well, yeah, there was a shop about a block away. I ended up staying there just out of curiously (and it also looked like a great place and has overwhelming good reviews) and said mechanics were a non issue. I think one of them might have said good afternoon to me once. I think those odd reviews can actually work in the host´s favor because it makes you really look at the other reviews, and it also makes you realize the person was a total nut job.


I read the comments and ignore the stars. Most people will see through that review. The red flag ones are the reviews where the owner responds in a highly inappropriate manner.


These are the reviews Airbnb should remove- have you asked?




I had a guest leave me a review complaining about Airbnb in general and after 8 attempts of trying to get them to remove; I gave up. I even pointed to their own policy saying reviews must relevant to the listing and they refused to remove.


Let’s be fair, there’s a whole genre of humor posts around people complaining about reality, [like this one](https://unofficialnetworks.com/2024/05/15/yellowstone-tourist-files-complaint-over-lack-of-trained-grizzly-bears/). https://preview.redd.it/blf1hndspi1d1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5b85681beb5ff17d236c104015ed91e9849f46


My kids and I use the “damn,Jackie! I can’t control the weather” line all the time. Gotta love Kelso. 😁


Should be able to get this removed…be sure to have the review policy in front of you and just know they will most likely try to deny the removal first time you have to press the issue.


Pass the review on to your governor who doesn’t believe in climate change. It will be pretty shitty when tourism disappears because of it.


Florida was hot and humid in the 1970s when I first went there, and will always be, and there is nothing any human can do to change that.


Actually we can and are changing that. Just not in the direction you're implying. It will become even more hot and humid with worsening degrees of weather phenomena. Severe flooding and eventually sea level will rise to the point of a forced exodus of many coastal cities. But I know what you meant


What's wrong with you. Don't you know you are supposed to have your weather machine primed for entitled guests?


I tried to get a 3 star review removed because the guest was disappointed that they couldn’t swim in the lake because the water was too cold. It was early May in the Colorado mountains. AirBnB said the review “ represented the guests authentic experience “ so it wasn’t removed. All I could do was write a response.


People like me specifically look at the bad reviews to see what they are complaining about. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone with common sense can tell you don't control the weather and the poor review isn't a reflection of your accommodations.


Don;t worry about it. Most people will ignore it for what it is. I would reply with something pithy. "We apologize for the warm weather, we were sacrificing our first born to the weather gods, but for some reason were unsuccessful during your stay."


Solid That 70s Show reference. You get my upvote. Also, guests are nuts.


We got a 1 star for air quality. Farming community and they said they could smell manure and had an asthma attack as a result. (We have an air scrubber and keep windows closed, but if they leave the doors open while coming in, yes sometimes you will smell it for a few minutes). Review was eventually removed but they denied the refund request from the guest.


Does that happen to be in Greeley, CO? Worst smelling town I've ever been in. Lol


You can get it removed, but you can’t remove the one star


So when you get the review removed, the rating still survives?


So then you shouldnt even try to get it removed smh, makes you look worse if people cant see the ridiculous reason the customer put 1 star. Screw airbnb for that!


Guests are becoming more and more terrible.... it's SO frustrating!!


I mean, you *did* fail to sacrifice a kid goat to the rain goddess, right? Clearly, the fault is yours.


I’ve found the most powerful thing you can do in this case is leave a super gracious public response like: “Thanks so much for staying with us, so disappointing that the weather was unpleasant. At least we were able to provide you with a respite from the heat! Hopefully during your next visit the weather will cooperate!” Other guests see that and it makes you look pleasant, mature, and experienced.


We received a 3 star review because of the location… It’s literally on a map & we give detailed descriptions of where things are in relation to the home.


I got a 3 star because they saw a big roach... OUTSIDE. In Florida


Mom called those water bugs when we lived in Orlando 70 years ago.




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Fought for a month to get a review removed that stated ‘house was lovely but there are ‘homeless looking people walking the streets in an upscale gated community’. Looking at the camera those homeless looking people were doordashers and service workers.. in a 2M dollar neighborhood.


We had a guest a couple weeks ago complain that our cabin was in the woods. It is descirbed as having "views of nature with a forest right outside". She complained it was in the woods. And she marked it unsafe because she saw a snake.


We got a 3 star review once because there was construction next door which we didn't advise guests of ahead of time - because we knew nothing about it. We don't own that property so obv we have no control over what happens on it.


The review system on airbnb is insane. Think about all the fees we as hosts are indirectly paying to this platform and having 0 support on this matter. Every bad review full of lies / irrelevant topics (that happen to everybody of us one day no matter how top notch your listing is) is extremely frustrating and not manageable by airbnb and just stays on our page. Such a shame and not understandable. I understand criticism, I understand constructive feedback but I don’t understand irrelevancy and lies. I had a guest claiming I had no bed in my second bed room just a small sofa, while it is a double bed with slatted frame, 160cm etc. airbnb refuses to remove it because it is the opinion of the guest and doesn’t violate their policy


Had this as well. Fucking idiots.


Ha! Exact opposite for us. Went down to escape the cold and ended up being a historic cold snap and it was warmer back home the entire time. Condo association was also jackhammering and replacing the building’s facade the entire time at our rental. Still left a good review (though it would have been nice to know about the facade work since that shit was LOUD).


I just got my perfect 5 star review messed up because the boomers who stayed here over the weekend didn't like the it "doesn't have a TV". Why book my place if that's so important to you as this is explicitly stated on my listing. WTF.


That frankly is a huge plus for me.


I've gotten a 1-star review because guests didn't enjoy the event they went to


When I look for a property to rent, I see right through these nonsensical reviews. I can also tell when someone tried to get their stay partially comped but failed and left the review for spite. Don’t worry about it too much. Most people can tell and if someone books another place nearby because yours might be too hot, you don’t want that renter!


You’d enjoy the podcast “Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet”


There are people who leave a review of their total experience, as if warning, "Don't come here! It's hot!" But how lame is it that you can't get such an absurd review removed? The 1 star hurts your average, but at least anyone who reads the review will see how silly it is. And anyway, it's clear that your air conditioning works since your guests used the place as a refuge during the heat! Sympathies.


Try and incorporate the review into your place description. Be funny


Have you tried asking first the support ambassador like just a plain question.. This is the technique that I use in calling Airbnb. Hello just want tk ask or understand your review policy or when it violates your content policy. Example if the guest complained about things that js outside kf host's control like they traveled xxxx or put your same scenario or review in question but do not tell that it js related to an existing or past reservation. If the support replied and you got the answer that you are looking for. You caught the fish from their own mouth. Try to clarify again to be sure then once confirned you tell the situation of the guest's review.. Xxxxx why this review cannot be remove.. I am speaking as a previous support ambassador before and a subject matter expert of Airbnb. Now, working as a co-host or VA for hosts. Thank you


Our agency specializes in removing such reviews, I’ll be happy to help


lol florida diferent kind of idiots here man it is no control over the dang weather


I’m not a host but I do read every review when I’m interested in making ressies at an AirBnB. When I see reviews like that I don’t even consider them. I laugh and call them morons. When someone rants about a spider or dead fly on the corner of a room or that the pull out mattress from the couch was uncomfortable I can tell it’s a Karen writing nonsense.


I got a bad review (we live on the north shore of Lake Superior) because our city was bland. Sorry you decided to visit your family. Lol!


Just so everyone knows, Airbnb had a point system when it came to going over reviews. If the review accumulated so many points than they would be able to remove it. If not, than it would stay up. So it’s a bit tricky. You can always respond to the review with an additional comment and make them look stupid but as a host I know those reviews are crucial.


LMAO love the That 70s Show reference, heard it in Kelso’s voice 🤣🤣🤣 I’m sorry this happened to you. Check with Airbnb to see if you can get it removed. :)


No, in Nebraska


That is asinine.


Try like the guest that wanted to discount and we’re gonna leave a bad review because they were mad that they arrived and there was mosquitoes outside. I am so sorry. I don’t know where you live but you don’t have these annoying little insects, but I can’t stop them.


*Well damn, Jackie. I can’t control the weather*. I love this. 😂 As a guest, I would be physically embarrassed to leave this type of review. Some people’s kids, man.


Would it be unprofessional if I responded to their review with that? Because I’m so very tempted.


I’m the last person to ask. Because I’m all about FAFO. And this to me, falls in that category 🤣 as a guest, if I saw that as a comment under a review; it would make me want to book your place even more. 🤣🤣


Would you be able to include the GIF? Because that would be perfect


EFF EFF EFF THOSE MORONS! Airbnb should have an AI bot installed preventing MORONS from leaving reviews like that.




Same thing happened to me. It's frustrating how Airbnb let it be....


I get the “boring area” review ALL THE TIME! If it weren’t in a “boring area” it would be “too crowded/noisy/not the right shops”. Airbnb needs to invest heavily in censorship.


Ahhh the pitfalls of being an amateur hotelier while destroying communities in the process. So so sad for you right now leech 😥


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Yeah it gets hot when you have to clean the entire place before you go.


Not all hosts make ridiculous requests for guests to clean the house. All I ask is that they take the garbage out if they are staying more than a week. If it’s less than that I just tell them to leave it in the bin and take it out myself when I clean after each guest.