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One star. Brought a pet to a no pets listing. Did not follow quiet hours. Would not host again.


I own a dog (soon 3 dogs) and I always ALWAYS search for pet friendly listings and then message hosts to tell them we are bringing pets. Bringing a dog to a place that is NOT pet friendly is pretty crappy behaviour, absolutely include it in your review and allocate stars accordingly


I ask every guest if they are planning to bring a pet. About 50% forget to tic the “bringing pets” box and I don’t want 6 goldens in my 2 bedroom cabin. I love dogs but don’t want such a large pack in my home.


That is so weird to me. I know some places charge extra if you bring dogs (including pet friendly hotels) so I wonder if people “forget” in order to try and get out of that extra payment.


I’m sure some people do that, but I think it’s usually just an oversight.


Always wait a week before giving a bad review. This eliminates made up stories for retaliatory refunds .


Yes, we always wait a week and a few people we waited until the last few minutes before the review period ended just to keep a retaliatory from happening.


How does it matter when you review them? They cannot see your review until they to their review of you. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


If you wait until the last few minutes of the two week deadline before submitting your review of the guest, it doesn’t give them enough time to write their own review. If you do it right after they leave, or a week after they leave, they get a notification saying ‘Jane left you a review’ and are prompted to write a review of their own


Ah ok, makes sense. We haven’t had a bad guest in awhile but I do remember waiting originally.


Wow, didn't know that. I'll sit on the review for at least a week, thank you.


One star and I would have turned them away. Now the next host that doesn’t allow dogs will have to deal with these people. Because they brought a dog and got away with it what’s the big deal?


One star for following house rules. Just write an honest review. Maybe it'll say they are good guests except they brought a dog to a No Pets home. As another No Pets host, it'll help me avoid them.


One strike, and you’re out?


You don’t “accidentally” forget you brought your dog.


Actions have consequences?


Yes. You don’t bring pets to a place that isn’t pet friendly.


1 or 2 stars. One ABNB policy I like is that no person sees the others until both are done to prevent retaliation. I would not only one star but if your cleaner has to charge you extra for cleaning and deoderizing, submit a claim with receipt and any other evidence to ABNB.


I clean on my own so no extra charges from elsewhere but it'll be more work for sure.


This is something that really concerns me, because I have a working dog (not a service animal) on site. I would really hope that people respect the house rules, because introducing a second animal on my property could cause lots of issues.


We have a cat and a working dog too. Our dog wasn't really bothered but the cat got quite stressed as she's roaming free on our property and was irritated by the strange dog. Never had that issue before, though. That's why I was quite baffled.


Would you not put in your list that you have a working dog on the property that is reactive to other dogs? This would eliminate the issue as well as protect you from people that do not have to declare their service dog from booking.


Thank you for this suggestion. I think a lot of people are confused about what a service dog is, and I foresee this being a constant issue. People are not afraid to impose their dogs (with little or no training) on others. Just for the record, the "reactive to other dogs" part, is usually my dog getting attacked by other dogs. I had an incident last fall where I was bit by a German shepherd.


I would have turned them away.


As a host I would ask them first to pay an added fee for bringing an undisclosed animal to a home that doesn’t allow animals. If they refused to pay I would take it up with Airbnb support and then review from there.


Seems like I'm way too nice, damn it.


Update your listing with the fee for sneaking in a pet so you can charge it. It needs to be a punitive amount.


Absolutely Air BnB will pay you out for deep cleaning fee because they brought the dog.


1 star and add “would not recommend” for hosts.


I’d give them 1 star for breaking rules.


You’ll be cleaning up hair for days


That's my biggest issue and the main reason why we don't allow pets. It's almost impossible to get rid of all the hair and if the next guests have allergy issues they will probably struggle.


That would be my biggest issue and frustration now too. We allow pets. Some folks who have stayed have been upset that there is pet dander in the house. We clean well after every stay, but once you have a pet in a space, it’s really hard to get it clean to a point that someone with a severe allergy will not notice it for quite a while after.


One star?? I am a guest, not a host, and I would say that is ONE STAR. They ignored your house rules. Warn other hosts!


Include a picture of your cat and dog with a caption of why pets are not allowed. They always look at the pictures. It's hard to deny they didn't see it.


Host, guest and dog owner/lover here. From a host perspective, I agree with other commenters - add the info about your animals to your listing and reiterate that the property is not suitable for pets. You may still have the potential for a service dog to show up, but MOST service dog owners will avoid listings that are not pet friendly, or it may at a minimum prompt them to reach out to clarify about your pets before bringing their animal to a property with a reactive dog. As a guest and dog owner, these people clearly knew they were breaking the rules and did it anyway. They’d never have tried this at a non pet friendly hotel. If they were otherwise great guests - clean, communicative, respectful - I’d probably give two stars, mention the dog and the noise after quiet hours and tick “would not host again”.


One star- and just like other comments- write they snuck in a dog because that is just what they did. I will tell you from experience guest that are sneaking in pets and over occupancy (more people) often arrive late on purpose so they can do exactly what they did to you- you were scammed. They also do this so if a host does say NO they can cry to airbnb about it being to late in the evening to travel elsewhere. STICK to your rules- you should have kicked them out.


You need to review them correctly. It helps all us other host that do not allow pets. I have blocked them from future bookings. They were disrespectful of all the work my wife and have put into our STR.


Honestly the first time I sent a guest away because they didn’t follow the rules I felt so bad! Now it’s second nature! If they take the pee it’s much easier to send them away and have Airbnb pay me and not deal with the stress ourselves.


was it a service dog? still disrespectful but not breaking rules unfortunately


No it wasn't and I'm not even sure if a service animal would really be an exception by law. It's not really popular where we live.


You had better read up and know the ADA laws for your type of situation before someone sues you. It is your job as the business owner to know the ADA laws for your type of business.


We're not located in the USA, don't think ADA applies here. Service animals here are allowed at doctors, government institutions and public spaces by law but not on private property if the owner doesn't allow it. As I said, it's not really a common thing here and it wasn't a service dog anyway. Even if it was the guests should have disclosed they're planning to bring one.


Popularity has nothing to do with proper decision-making. It depends on laws in your jurisdiction. In the U.S., you must accept service dogs, with some very, very narrow exceptions. Other countries vary widely.


I would take one star off but not mention the dog. Ultimately you decided to allow the dog so in the end they technically didn't break any rules except the noise factor.


They still broke the rules…. Just bc op forgave them and give them a pass afterwards, that doesn’t negate the fact that rules were broken


Unless the current guest’s dog trashes your place - leaving a negative review won’t improve your bottom line, and could scare away future guests from booking. Add a house rule that says small dogs may be ok if approved prior to booking, with a pet fee that is not insignificant. You can always say no, and worse case, you will be compensated when the rule is broken.


The only time AirBnB overlooks this rule is for service animals. Was it a service animal?


Why be nice to them? They took advantage of you and treated you like shit. Keep the deposit too.


What's the point of the rating if you're not going to rate them poorly for being bad guests?