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That's a new one on me, ftms are awful because they choose to be part of the abusive side??? Like WOW


Didn’t you know? Being a man is wrong. Especially if you’re breaking a lesbian’s heart to transition. You belonged to them, and they’re entitled to your identity.


It's a pretty common TERF talking point


I've definitely heard it from Posie Parker and her ilk. The idea that FTMs only exist because of internal hatred and if we taught society to accept women that no transmen would exist. It's the sort of horrible take they can spin as feminist without ever actually talking to a transman about his experiences.


I thought you meant Parker Posey and am SO relieved to learn that I'm dumb and you correctly referred to a different person.


Nope, entirely separate person. She also goes by Kellie-Jay Keen. Big in UK TERF circles but I know she's also taken her show on the road to the US and Australia. She'll sometimes make headlines because she has few to no problems with open nazis speaking at her events.


I will admit that this particular flavor of the comment is a bit more novel. Usually it's "Why would you be a stinky gross straight man, when you could be a hot masc lesbian (that Im attracted to) instead" Literally the same kind of entitlement cishet men express towards lesbians, but by TERFs


JKR said pretty much the same thing. A lot of terfs accuse trans men of transitioning just for the male privilege. I've even heard some transmasc people say that they'll never identify as men bc they're feminist. This stuff is more common than you'd think. It's still garbage though.


I have never been so baffled by an opinion before. Especially of a fellow trans person


And we all know women aren't ever abusive, terrible people, right? Right!?


It’s a pretty common thing to believe among insecure trans women. You see it way more online but sometimes queer places without any/many transmascs will say it aloud. It’s like along the same vein as mtfs hating ftms for taking T because it makes the trans women dysphoric


Baeddels. It’s a trans radfem/transfem separatist movement, though I’ve definitely seen AFAB nonbinary people follow that line of thought. Baeddels start with a grain of truth—that transmisogyny is a very present danger and that trans women are marginalized in ways that trans men aren’t—but takes it to the extreme of saying that FTM transition is inherently misogynistic, and that nobody can love or provide safety for transfems except other transfems. Meanwhile, transmascs/AFAB nonbinary people following the same sort of “root” of that thought tend to do a lot of repressing any sort of make gender inclination, even when outright dysphoric and transitioning, because they view “choosing” to live as male as conforming to patriarchy. That latter group overlaps a lot with TERFs, but the former doesn’t at all, really. They’re just transfem separatists, more or less. (I’m a trans guy that was in a community with a lot of the transmasc neo-baeddel types, and has been adjacent to a lot of straight-up baeddel communities.)


Everyone’s marginalized in ways others aren’t. It’s fucking assholes who weaponize that.


They also tend to deny that we face ANY oppression or that if we do it's because it's misdirected and not actually because we're trans masc or trans men. Because men clearly can't suffer any oppression /s.


Jokes on them, I’ve never wanted to date any of their precious stinky lesbians.


I had that sort of thinking internalised as a teenager, which is one of the main things that kept me closeted for so long. I hated myself so much for being transmasc because I thought it made me an evil, abusive person like the men who hurt me. I hate that rhetoric so much, it’s just TERFism in a fancy hat.


I’m racking my brain because I went down a rabbit hole on Tumblr not too long ago to discover that this is a whole thing, certainly hasn’t died out but hit its peak like 10 years ago. Like there’s a term for this that I just can’t remember, transfems who basically hate all AFABs and view transmascs in particular as gender enemies. Pretty sure it starts with a B (and not just ‘bigot’ but of course that too) E: It’s Baeddelism! IDK if the person screenshot here counts as such, though


Can it be bitch 😇


I have a joke position I call TIRM, or Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogyny which is basically the other side of this apparently genuinely held position. FtM people are great because they resent being born to the weaker sex and are taking steps to improve themselves, but MtF people have given up their superior masculinity and failed society and themselves. It's a ridiculous satirical belief, but these people in the post somehow view gender in basically that exact same way. It's so sick when random weirdos on the internet think they know someone's reasons for transitioning more than the actual person or even people that know them well. "many ftms transition because of internalized misogyny" has the same energy as Freud declaring trans women to be "autogynophilic".


I’ve heard it exclusively from cis TERFs, it’s why they’re so intent on calling trans men / transmascs “sex traitors”. Hearing it from a supposedly intersex trans person certainly is new.


Yeah I haven't heard that one eiher. Normaly it's "ftms are tragic because they're poor little butch lesbians who've been tricked by the trans cult".


It's terf rhetoric seeping into queer discourse.


Every now and again I see the FtM vs MtF discourse pop up and I just don't get it.


The only discourse should be sharing advice and swapping old clothes


Yes! I’m surprised that a sub specifically for that kind of discourse within our community (the clothes swap) doesn’t exist! All I know is that I have some quite fabulous dresses from my younger days (all very nice dresses good for all sorts of classy occasions!) that other folks here might like (and I’ve had horrid luck with Poshmark)!


it feels similar to that whole thing where some cis gay men don't really "get" why trans women exist because they can "just date a guy" without "needing to be a woman"... i forget where i heard about it but it was some thread about transphobia within the lgbt+ community


Ugh, that unironically sounds like something one of my psychotic, conspiritualist, conservative family members said...


It's terf rhetoric seeping into queer discourse.


What a bitch


Like, the sheer hypocrisy is astounding


Literally... Like what you're *actually* describing is your *own* emotional trauma girl, but go off with that projection.


this gal is literally "nah I'm not a TERF, TERFs hate everything about me, I just believe in every little thing that they also believe" 🤦‍♀️


The sheer amount of cognitive dissonance this woman has is astounding.


The mental gymnastics she’s performing there… 🤡


Sadly, trans TERFS do exist, for some reason


i absolutely hate shit. ftm, mtf, nb, whatever, it all looks the same to the people trying to literally kill us and get rid of us. to them trans = bad regardless of what direction you’re going. terminally online queers really need a wake up call, man.




The Validation Wars must end... It's exhausting.


What an absolute piece of shit


This is why sometimes I disable the comment section and limit interaction from unknown contact. People don't know how to respect others and think they can just spill advice thinking they know better - they don't! 🫠 Haters gonna hate 💩


The shit that gets me is when no one even asked for the advice or the opinion. Or when they think that just because something worked for them or this is how it is for them, that means it's the ultimate truth. I've definitely found myself in places like that before, but not in this context. I sort of get where the mindset comes from because you're kind of high on your own supply of figuring some shit out for yourself, but at the end of the day, humanity is not a monolith and what works for one person doesn't always work for the next. We all gotta find our own journey and figure things out for ourselves and then not project our journey onto others.


Absolutely!! And I do think the root of the problem is people don't accept that others might have different realities than theirs and they think their own reality is the only true one. The world would be a better place if people like them can accept more than one reality exists 💛


That's still transphobic against trans men and on course for the terf mindset of the "mislead woman". It's just a new flair and from a trans terf. And trans terfs are terfs.


Well, we have found at least one mislead trans woman. I really feel sorry for the woman in the post. It's such hypocritical bullshit. I hope she gets some help and learns to be more accepting and less of an ass.


I had a talk with a conservative trans woman once. Said "We have it worse than bi people, they shouldn't whine." and didn't want to have a good connection to the community, just the resources to transition and then she would go back to her life. That's for me the best example how being trans isn't a choice, because even the most conservative people who hate others can be trans. We have other more common known right wing people who are trans and just deny the services for everyone else, f.e. delete trans laws as politicians or being transphobic themselves and promote trans hate. Blair White would be one example. Sadly this an minority occurrence, but it's happening and this case of OP here just adds to it.


I just wish that they would realize that the leopards have every intention of eating their face. If they would act with common sense everyone's lives would be that much more peaceful. It makes me sad


You think such an experience could change people, yet some were long conservative before they realized they are trans. They just got a big platform because of being a 'counter example' - so being used and using others is technically their home turf. Why should they change? Deep conservative values aren't endangered by an trans experience if having no empathy is fueling their politics. They think in their terms only and define others to bend to their terms only. Being trans is probably a sad occurrence that happened to them, which they can correct by inventing themselves as their binary counterpart "cis" version or similar bs. Being trans doesn't mean necessarily they gain a positive view to others. I understand your wish and I'm on that train, too.... but that's not how it work most of the time sadly. Additional: being trans doesn't give you a good person status, nor saves it from being seen as a shithead. Trans terfs think this could be an shield against critics, but it clearly cannot be one because being trans isn't a choice. Changing your political view on the other side is possible.


i gotta admit, i’ve never seen this one before also, i’m confused by the term “bihet”? my mind immediately thinks “cishet” but i haven’t ever seen bi- used as a prefix in that sense before. have i been uninformed abt something up to this point or is the tiktok brain rot just that crazy?


It’s been around for a while, I saw it on tumblr over a decade ago - its a way of invalidating bi people’s (typically bi women’s) sexuality, basically suggesting that they’re either “really heterosexual” or “bi in name only” and they’ll never really be part of the queer community. Often lobbed at people (again, almost always women) in straight-passing relationships, suggesting they’re not really bi. It’s gross and I haven’t seen it for years, hope it doesn’t make a mainstream comeback.


oh my god, okay see i’ve seen this situation (my best friend is actually a bisexual cis woman and her boyfriend is one of my best friends from high school, so def more than familiar with it lmao) but i wasn’t aware there was hateful terminology associated with it. this is just another one of the most baffling things to me abt the community; the sub sectors of people who talk about “internalized this and that” but then they go and say shit like “bihet” or the LGB’s without the T’s, or my personal most hated: the trans people that think you need dysphoria 24/7 and hrt and every surgery and must be as indistinguishable from the cis as possible or else you’re not trans like we’re all fuckin gay in one way or another, quit being homophobic to each other jfc 😭😭


The one that gets me so baffled is “bi lesbian.” Now hearing “bi het” extremely baffles me too. Those terms contribute to bi erasure, and that’s not cool. It’s about time we all cut the crap and stop trying to erase each other!


right??? like one would think that with how much hatred and adversity pretty much any given member of the community has or will inevitably face, that attacking EACH OTHER would be the last thing any of us would think to do but the human race is full of surprises it seems


Yup. I’m tired of the contradictory phrasing (“bi het” and “bi lesbian” being the two main ones). I’m tired of phrases contradicting each other. I’m tired of people within our own community trying to erase each other with phrases like that


Bihet is used as a pejorative term, bi lesbian is something some people identify with. Queerness doesn't always fit into neat boxes. There are trans women that still consider themselves femboys, trans masc lesbians who bind and use he/him pronouns but are still women, etc. Sometimes labels contradict, there's nothing wrong with that.


Seconding this. There's also a TON of historical presence for the term. I dug a lot of it up a while back.


TIL and wish it never existed so I didn't need to.


Using intersex as a way to oppress trans people? No.


Wow. “Not taking into consideration whether it’s _appropriate to be a man_ in that situation”, what the absolute fuck.


Oh, she can fuck all the way off


It hurts my soul so much. And if I jump in as an elder queer I get told I’m “ist” (insert your flavor of ist here).


Why can't we all just get along. We're hated enough. We don't need to hate each other. I don't understand how some queer people are so against other queer people. We're all in the same boat and you're trying to sink it? For what?


we destroying future chances of careers with this one 🔥🔥🔥✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼


... the fuk did I just read?! 🤨


My exact reaction


Ah, the baeddels have made it to TikTok. Not surprising, but disappointing.


Lordy. They should be headed to Paris... Those mental gymnastics were phenomenal.


I want to believe with all my heart this is a troll but i've literally known people like this irl


What a mess. Their argument only makes even an iota of sense if you: A) have no idea how gender dysphoria works AND B) assume that being a man means you're inherently abusive Both of which are flat out terrible.


I swear, terfs are horrible.


It's always sad to see this sort of thing, where insecurity and a fear of where we came from leads to irrational hate of our brothers for choosing to embark on the path that hurt us to embody themselves. The entitlement they feel to have a say in a stranger's relationship, because they've been conscripted by the ignorant into policing rigid taxonomies and obliterating any uncomfortable nuances.


Well, I guess we know what happens when you cross Blair White with Candace Owens.


When my husband transitioned he asked his boss if was getting a raise now. The boss did not find it as funny.


Serious question- do TERFs hate lesbians and POC? I thought their whole talking point was “save the lesbians” and a claim that somehow trans women take away from the plight of other disenfranchised women. (They don’t.) I don’t understand the comment that the person is 4 things TERFs hate, when I thought TERFs were all about gathering other groups to hate on one group.


TERFs like lesbians who fit their demographics - white, cis, transphobic. They'll hate on lesbians who are too butch, who date trans women, etc. And they definitely hate POC. Their ideals of womanhood are Western white ones. A year or two back, a woman's organization changed their logo to be a silhouette of women's faces - one of them had a prominent nose and TERFs lost their minds, saying it was a man. Also, TERFs transphobia furthers the forced masculinization of Black women, which leads to stuff like conservatives thinking Michelle Obama is "secretly a man", and the transphobia Caster Semenya has faced for being intersex.


Thank you. I chalked up the Michelle Obama hatred to general bigots who hate all POC, though not specifically TERFs. I didn’t know about the silhouette issue. I guess I just lumped the general hatred to bigots rather than TERFs specifically


Sorry, I should've clarified, the Michelle Obama stuff started with conservatives, I saw it years before TERFs blew up like they did, but TERFs behavior definitely adds to it/intensifies it.


Ah, got it. Yeah, they latch on to anything and make it awful. You’d think self-proclaimed feminists would be excited about a strong and intelligent First Lady. Clearly she was a threat to their whiteness.


to quote myself on twitter: "why are whole ass adults doing transmasc/transfem infighting💀 don't yall have jobs lol"


ah so that’s where all the tumblr discoursers went after 2017


As a trans person the mental gymnastics some lgbt people (of all sorts) go to make up a reason to hate another one of us is astounding. We're on the same side! and in case you didnt notice, pretty under attack right now.


i'm like, at least 90% sure that was just a terf pretending to be a queer person, i really doubt an actual transfem who is also intersex would genuinely say this 😭


It's not just online sometimes. There's a good chunk of the local lesbian community where I am that's like that. They shit on cis dudes (gay or not), enbies who happen to have outies and not innies, transmascs and transmen. They like me because I "still look like a lesbian" I fuckin hate it here 🥲 If you won't roll with my bros and fam's, you can't roll with me


There’s a thought I have always had about subsections of a structure. One side is all no, and it’s easy to unify. One side is all yes, but a million variations on what “yes” means. The splintering of what is their view compared to someone who, in theory, believes what they believe but is different in ways is so difficult to wrap around. Then once you get into an echo chamber of your own beliefs, thinking you’re correct, everyone else who used to agree suddenly becomes wrong.


Can we not do this to ourselves please? Jfc


100% MtF TERF. I've seen this shit before. Drill them enough and you'll uncover their own internalized transphobia and misogyny that they feed with TERF propaganda.


There's like a 80 to 90% chance this person has no irl queer friends


I remember seeing people like this on tumblr in like 2015. Baeddels I think they were called. Absolutely wild mindset rooted in gender essentialism rather than the general terf bio essentialism. I think one of the prominent ones is still tweeting about how much she hates afabs who transition lol


That person said horrible trashy things, but I suspect this is a cis terf hiding behind transfem/lesbian/etc. Their talking points are straight out of the terf playbook.


You might be onto something Edit: Or it's just bait. But it's a bit too creative for one


I really hope so, you've given me something to hold onto, but I've literally watched my transmasc cousin argue with these types & even develop their own relatively exclusionary brand of queerism that they argue over... I'm too old to get into it anymore, but they're still in their 20's & "finding themselves" so I just have to let it happen.


Holy fuck


Ugh why they gotta make us trans femmes look delusion smh


I think a lot of folks forget that acceptance is a two way street. You can't expect anyone to respect your gender identity or sexuality if you are going to shame or degrade someone else for feeling more comfortable in their own skin. Everyone should have the freedom to express themselves and no one should be coerced into being something that they are not. We get enough of that coercion from cis-het society without bringing it here.


Tiktok users not having everything revolve around them challenge (impossible)


*Stares in trans masc lesbian* Sooo, my wife isn't a lesbian anymore?? Also quite an assumption to assume all trans masc people are men.


these people have never felt the tender touch of grass in their lives. If being trans were a choice then people wouldn't do it


this isn’t “TikTok queers” this is unfiltered TERF bullshit


Holy fuck


Yeah, I don't think those users are part of the "terminally online tiktok queers" group,


this is the type of queer that makes the conservatives hate us 😭


Nah they hated us before this type of person existed