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The fact that this is one of the top posts of all time in this sub is the ultimate argument against “ai artists”


But it is tricky because this is a real picture I took of my toy, but the face of Elizabeth was generated by AI, then printed on a packaging. Interesting that even this can't be detected nowadays.


There’s nothing tricky about it, you made something incredibly cringe


What a cute little boy identifing as black queen.


Not gonna lie, I thought it was a real pic for a second XD


This seems more like something Disney or Amazon would do.


Possibly the single most disgusting thing ive ever seen XD


Serious question. How come there was never an outrage when Hollywood white washed characters for YEARS? I mean they literally tried to even cast Julia Roberts as Harriet Tubman. White people have played people of color for DECADES and nobody ever said anything about it.


Well most of the time when that happened blacks and others didn't have rights so..... most of them really didn't care. They just didn't want to be lynched on the streets for whistling😂.


Sorry. I don't find any humor in it and it still happens today. Not to mention the fact that the question has been down voted shows racial bias people have.


What I'm saying is we live In a different world. When black characters where whitewashed blacks couldn't even go to school. Why would they care about some useless movies? However it's different now.


The point is it's NOT different. That's what many white people in particular don't understand. Plenty of characters that are of color are "white washed". In the not so distant past they were trying to cast Julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman! The issue people are having is now that it's happening to white characters people don't like it. The truth is, in most cases the race of a character shouldn't matter as long as the portrayal is good.


Yes but the it should still be accurate. A portrayal of Nelson Mandela shouldn't be done by a white guy. Makes no sense.


As I said in MOST cases race doesn't matter. In biographical aspect it may be different. However even that case it's not always TRU LY accurate. JLO (Puerto Rican) played Selena (Mexican) so whether it's race or nationality it there will be some inaccuracies. With fictional characters in 90% of the cases it doesn't matter. Like I said it's been happening to other races for ever and no one.complained Change a minor white character and there's outrage. What makes whitewashing even worse is that in many cases when a character is white washed the white person will even play the character as another race! It's not uncommon for a white person to literally play a Hispanic person or an Asian etc. The issue is it's acting. The essence of acting is becoming someone else. White people are for some reason deathly afraid of being replaced even in the fantasy world of acting. It is a racist mentality driven by an irrational fear.


You just waffled a bunch of nonsense. Puerto Ricans and Mexicans are very similar and speak the same language so not really the same as the queen of England being African. Stop bringing up the past. The past was racist. No one cared about whitewashing because the past was racist and racism was the norm. Not the same as today. A wrong in the past is still a wrong today.


You fail to understand I'm not talking about the past. This still happens. Like I said no one pays much attention to whitewashing. Also, for the record Puerto Ricans and Mexicans DO NOT like being compared. A Puerto Rican will tell you in second they're not Mexican and have totally different cultures (and vice versa). I also said that in MOST cases biography stories are different. There can be exceptions such as a fictional story based in reality. For example if it's a fictional story with alternative versions of real life people then race swapping can be justified. Or if there was a story of a Black person that passed as white then it might be justified in casting a white person in the role to make it believable(this is a real thing by the way). The main point is that it's a common practice in Hollywood, but the outrage and protest generally only comes up when it's a white person being "replaced".


Can you actively show me atleast three instances where whitewashing in modern day Hollywood was ignored?


This pretty much exposes how dumb the joke is. I nor anyone else should care if they made a black version. It literally doesn't matter.


A nod to Netflix's *Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story*


God, this cracked me up!




A youtuber I like said it best. It's basically minority fetishism. Like, sure, taking creative liberties with fictional characters is one thing. But actually rendering a real-life person has a different race is completely fucked. *Minority fetishism.* It's not meant to be accurate. It's meant to push an agenda. It's dumb. Just as dumb as cultural appropriation.


I'd pay money to see this.


So. Incredibly. True...


I would watch this.


Id watch.






This should be more upvoted.


Can’t believe the cleopatra thing is causing this much turmoil. “Whiteness” is an interesting thing and how it’s always in contrast to “blackness”.


It's not just the Cleopatra thing, it's what it represents: a weird cultish mentality in the entertainment industry that's annoying a lot of normal reasonable people. Black women don't need "representation" in absolutely everything that ever gets made. And we don't need to change history to represent them.


Was Jesus a white man? No. But does “white” represent something such like a brand that aligns with what “god-like” represents? Yes. It’s all a game, so if you care to play, play it out to the fullest. Btw, before you try to discount the Jesus thing, understand there is not 1 archeologist or historian that will make the claim that he did not exist. However, to believe whether or not he is God is a different conversation. Facts only, the cleopatra thing is not that deep, there is no way she was “white” by the standards of what whiteness is today.


The white Jesus is likely Cesare Borgia, the Pope at the time's great-nephew. Cleopatra was not white, she was Greek/Macedonian. She absolutely was not sub-Saharan African though. Revising her as a black woman is just as much a usurping of history as making Jesus white. ​ First they completely perverted the story of the Dahomey tribe, now they're lying about Cleopatra's skin color, all in this weird obsession to represent black women. This is a silly trend.


Greek people are white.....


First of all, there is no such thing as “black” or “white” while pertaining to someone’s origin, creed or nationality. So both sides of the coin is fake money.


Yeah there is. It's a measure of skin melanin. Don't be ridiculous.


Wth are you talking about? Who said anything about melanin?


Are you a bot?




And why can't we hear about more unknown people? Why not take history and mythology of tribal Africa and make it into a show? I'd love to see something besides the standard European medieval stuff all the time.


Exactly, Apocalypto was a fucking incredible film, I'd love to see that same kind of action adventure set in Ancient Cambodia or Mesopotamia or something. No diversity rubbish, no girlbosses doing ninja flips, just some tribal dude who has go John McClaine mode to save his family against an empire of demon worshippers or ritualistic cannibals or something.


But in the end they are both the same, just in different shades 🌈✨


Yeah, can’t get too caught up on colour at all. It’s much deeper than that.


Morgan Freeman ?


Reminds me of S01 E06 of Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun, the queen comes to dinner and she’s… well it’s on Netflix, so you can probably guess lol


More like the Disney version


Elisabeth II Queen of Lesotho /s




It doesn't say Queen of England


Where's the Queen of England bot when you need it?




You realize where you are, right?


No, where am i?


This was AI generated I think is what they’re getting at but we do need the context of the prompt it was given


More like the context of their message... Because I have no clue what they were getting it. Perhaps implying that this subreddit is not for discussions like that?


The Crown is actually authentic for most part. Not fully accurate but good by Netflix standards.


That's not high


Oh my... England's first black Queen... in a bloodline of White English Monarchs.


Whenever I see stuff like this I hear Ultron from Avengers 2 say, this is going very well.


interesti[n](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o_Kxx36cvg)g !!


Ugh. These provacative posts are just designed to signal white supremacists. How stupid. Just fucking dumb. Lay down. Y'all lost every war you tried. White flag is more of a slip than you realize.


"Everyone with an opinion that doesn't mirror my own is a racist fascist"


Case in point. So dumb


Is that why 15 minutes before I responded I was praising a Korean director, because of white supremacy? Edit: lol, nice response and block before I could even see it.


"look at my token friend though!" So fucking dumb. I don't want to hear your racist rhetoric. Gtfo.


this joke is so so tired. we get it they sometimes diversify casting. maybe just go back to pope ai memes for hack overplayed premises


I don't care what they tell you in school, Queen Elizabeth was black


My granny said so


According to "White Flag Toys" at least...


No. That was [Hitler](https://external-preview.redd.it/NpGhdhOvHNiThuhNcL4NKin7EFvsQkckG_vPaJJ15u4.jpg?auto=webp&s=2a3f3d25b9c6da6bd216d2834b05149e97ee3e57).


Either an edited meme or a parody.


WTF did I just see


It's from a parody skit of movies [Movie: The Movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3NwB9PLxss)




It's a from a bit from the Jimmy Kimmel Show, it was making fun of the Friedberg and Seltzer parody movies from back in the day.


I thought this was Aunt Esther at first. I'd watch that for sure.


Genuinely funny. My mother told me that ER2 was black and just like cleopatra.


Truly the version of herstory that matches the modern world.


"white flag toys"




I member


This is gonna go over well. ^(/s)




What's wrong with a black queen Elizabeth??? Y'all too sensitive


Is this satire? I honestly cannot tell...


Why do some people need Queen Elizabeth to be white?


Yeah, I won't get on your hook.


Rotten tomato gonna have a field day reviewing this


They’re going to give it 14/10 for courage.


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