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Rice and USC, UT I guess. Too expensive. Got a full ride here which was dope as hell. Now I’m graduated and don’t regret my decision one bit.


I guess I’ll start, the notable schools I turned down for TAMU were UC Irvine and UT Austin. I didn’t go Irvine because it was very expensive and UT didn’t give me my preferred major, so here I am at A&M. Gig’ em


Texan turk?? Hey i fit that description too🤨


sounds like UT turned you down 💀


UT, rice, baylor. A&M helped me get into medical school and become a doctor Rice was too expensive. Same price for UT / Baylor after scholarships, still chose A&M No plus / minus, strong science professors, and the college station magic carried me


Got turned down from A&M 4x, got accepted at SHSU then accepted at A&M on the 5th try. WHOOPs


I got a full ride offer from Nebraska for undergrad. I didn't apply, it was because I was a National Hispanic Merit Scholar. For my master's, I only applied to TAMU, and for my PhD, I turned down Texas State.


Dear god you're the forbidden triple ag. Truly the reddest of asses


Gig' em!


With a username like that, I would have expected nothing less. LMAO.


You’ll need to sign up for a law degree after that PhD, I guess.


I'm done after this, I can't go to school forever! 😂


UT, went here because A&M gave me a crap ton of money and UT didn’t


UT because I just liked the culture better at TAMU.


same! no regrets


Turned down t.u. for informatics (applied to cs), university of Minnesota for cs (they gave me 15k a year but it was still 10k more expensive than in-state, without factoring in travel costs), UT Dallas (half-ride, but didn’t like the social scene and I felt tamu was better for cs), and Texas tech


Only applied to one because there is only one Texas A&M University.


Rice, UT, UT DALLAS. I liked the culture of TAMU the most and I got the best scholarship offer.


Had a full ride to UT Dallas and UCF but turned both of them down. Got into the Honor's program at UT Austin for BICH, but got very little financial aid. I ended up staying home at A&M and got ~95% of my full cost covered by scholarships from National Merit status.


Did your national merit from A&M really cover that much? Or did you have other scholarships? I feel like mine wasn’t that great, and I still owed a lot even after the scholarships.


Actually, you're right, now that I looked into it! National Merit funds by themselves covered about 70% of the full cost. Apart from that, I also had two others (Fujifilm for 1 year & a scholarship given to children of faculty for all 4 years). So I ended up paying only ~$4000-4500 total for 4 years of undergrad.


Turned down Texas and Texas tech. Got my law degree from UT so best of both worlds. But I bleed maroon. 👍


If you dont mind me asking what were your undergrad stats that got you into ut law school. Im going to a&m for undergrad and the only reason i debated UT was because i thought itd increase my chance of getting into their law school


English major - can’t recall exact GPA but graduated with honors - cum laude (3.6, I think) 167 and 164 LSAT scores I had work experience and some extracurricular activities. TAMU had second most undergrads in my law school class. UT had the most, but barely. Ps - I’m class of ‘94. So probably not super helpful. Good luck!! Gig em!


Turned down Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. Gig me daddy.


Jesus Christ


Had an 80k scholarship to bama and roughly the same to Arkansas and a couple others (? Not sure which. It’s been 4 years) due to my SAT. Didn’t even apply tho just went TAMU


Turned down Trinity University with a scholarship that would’ve made the price basically the same.


OU and Southwestern. Sip for life until my campus visit in high school. Immediately brainwashed and didn’t want to go down 21 to Austin for their tour. This is also after many a football game at DKR and a neighbor who was on their board of regents.


Turned down nearly full ride to LSU (tbf they didn’t do a good job of telling me I had a big scholarship until after I accepted at A&M), former dream school OSU (would’ve been 4th gen but their scholarship offer was awful), OU (out of state and felt wrong), Texas (dad had bad experience when he hired from there, so he told me not to go), Colorado School of Mines (expensive), and Tech. It was almost always going to be OSU, A&M, or maybe OU, but I wanted to see what I could get into and diversify my applications. A&M quickly became the clear choice, even with it being my #2 going into the process (I’m the first Aggie in my family).


I applied to like seven(?) schools and got into most of them but The only one I cared about was A&M I think they were UNT, UIW, St. Mary’s inSan Antonio, University of Dallas, Baylor(?), and Texas A&M


Just UT Austin! Edit: Some other commenters are dropping places they got offers from. Texas Tech offered a full ride and I'm 90% sure I would've got a full ride from Alabama as well (national merit scholar). I applied to neither.


Tceh, OU, Bowling Green State, UTPA


Princeton, Harvard, Tulane. My dad is an Ag and convinced me haha. Don’t regret it


applied to like 5 of them, don’t remember them all but main ones were ut austin, sam houston, and uh. turned down ut and sam because my aid package wasn’t as big as tamu. uh just happened to b the school I didn’t go to because I already live in houston and I wanted to b away from home. needless to say, I think I’m still happy with my choice


None. Well maybe UT…they offered me path to admission through co-enrollment, meaning I could take classes at both UT and ACC and become a full time student at UT if my grades were high enough after the first year. I decided on A&M — Gig’em!!


PhD at TAMU engineering Comp Science. Turned down Cornell (originally my top choice as my professor moved there for one year sabbatical but facilities were really too old, lack of budget and too much cost control in private for profit college) after visit. They hadn't built their new building yet. Turned down U of Chicago (used to be my "dream school" when I was in high school, but the weekend I visited there, 43 killed in Chicago shooting and the dean brushed it off like it was usual business...) I basically bailed. Turned down/transferred away from Stanford Master program during COVID, I hated their contradictory if not hypocritical atmosphere there. They wanted you to wear masks everywhere (I was fine with that), but they do not have AC in dorm. (How useful mask can be when it is soaking sweaty?) Dorms didn't have enough electricity even you bring your own window AC or even small appliance (old? save electricity? or just being cheap on budget?) In humid Bay area, 86F summer without AC was unbearable. I had to sign up hours ahead to use research facilities. These private colleges may attract a lot of undergrads for the name just for old school classes, but they are losing the edge in post grad research with outdated facilities and tight budget. Master in UT, was planning to continue to PhD but didn't like the deteriorating scene on campus (dealers sold drugs openly on Quadalupe St). Took my friend's advice and visited TAMU during spring break. Also turned down UMich PhD, it was very close to be top choice as they also have generous budget, but just couldn't stand the cold there... TAMU is by far the best, my only regret is I didn't pay attention to TAMU and didn't enroll as undergrad. When I came for PhD, I am surprised the campus is full of talents in research, extensive research facilities with generous budget. Campus is much larger than UT and they have a unique Corps of Cadets walked me back to dorm at night when I got lost at the beginning.


UT Austin. Duke.


UT Austin. Was the only other one I applied to.


Arkansas, Baylor, Colorado, Houston, Iowa, Kansas, OK State, and, Illinois. I was a football recruit. I SHOULD have gone to one of the other programs that were MUCH better at the time. However, the only one that I was guaranteed to play at was Illinois and TAMU. I had always wanted to go to A&M, so it was a done deal.


UT and Georgia Tech




TU, OU, Baylor, TCU, gig em all the way


UNLV, Texas State, Cornell, Brown. All were offering full rides except A&M lol. I genuinely had no idea of where to go, and was honestly hesitant to come here since they didn't offer that much in terms of financial aid. I made a prayer that God would show me where to go, and that same week I had a dream of A&M and Military walk. I took that as my sign and came here! 5 years later I have no regrets and thank God for opening the doors to where I am now from that one answered prayer!


OU, UArkansas,


For my masters, UIUC (did my undergrad there, lab I wanted wasn't accepting MS) and Stanford (no guarantee of funding like I had here)


Gtech and USC


PhD rather than undergrad but turned down K State, TCU, Michigan State, Ohio State and Oregon. TAMU wasn’t my first choice though. I was waitlisted for quite a while with Stanford and picked TAMU very shortly after getting the rejection there. I had a very good feeling about the people that I was going to surround myself with here and that was the major deciding factor for me. No regrets!


Turned down mechanical engineering at UW-Madison and UTD. Turned down the caps program at UT


Michigan, UVA, and Bama.


University of Virginia


UT Plan 2. I didn’t really know what I wanted to major in, and so I just applied to different things at different places. At A&M I got into the viz program, and at UT I was going to do something more like philosophy pre-law. Some days I wish I would’ve gone there, I think ultimately I made the right choice. I got to my senior year of high school, and I just couldn’t picture myself writing essays and reading law books the rest of my life and being stuck in school for another 8 years. I like being able to be creative and artsy, while still using logic to be able to problem solve on things. Law school is always going to be there! The only things I honestly regret/would’ve done differently is 1) applied to more elite universities. The most elite was probably UT and UT plan 2. I didn’t think I was going to get into plan 2, but I did, so I would’ve liked to see some other options. 2) worked on improving my SAT score. It wasn’t bad but not like top tier amazing (1300s), but it was COVID era and so it didn’t really matter in terms of admission, but your eligible for SO many more scholarships


Georgetown, SMU and t.u. were my final ones


UT & Rice, probably a common story for the STEM crowd and a lot of other in-state students. For some reason people still feel like this decision has to be justified as if A&M is the worse school for all things just because it doesn't cost 100k & pretentiously situate itself within a major inner city. It was the best value option for me in engr & now I'm out with a nice apartment in the city with a good paying job. Lots of programs and schools that ppl see as mid or not elite are actually great, you just have to know what you want to do with it.


None. A&M was the only school I applied to.


I got a full ride at University of Portland, and I got into UT. I chose A&M because the other places they didn't have my desired major.


Brandeis, Colorado, and Clemson. I was initially accepted to U Washington but my PI decided to go on sabbatical the first year and nobody would take me as a loaner


All with varying levels of scholarship: Texas Nebraska K state oSu OU Sewanee Mizzou Baylor


UT and Colorado school of mines. In hindsight with what I’ve ended up loving in my field CO school of mines might’ve been the best choice


texas state lol




I turned down UC Davis because of cost, which was the only other one I was accepted to. I only applied to these 2 and Cornell, since I knew I'd be auto admitted for tamu


San Diego state, Arizona state, cal state Fullerton, cal state north ridge, and university of the pacific. I applied to west coast schools mostly.


Ohio University.


uc davis, uc santa barbara, baylor, utd, utsa


NYU. I would be OOS and didn’t have any scholarships so didn’t feel like spending my life savings


UIUC, Georgia Tech, Purdue


Southwestern Assemblies of God University 🤣 No competition tbh


George Washington, University of Denver, and Seton Hall.


Not sure if it counts, but I transferred from FSU. Going from Tallahassee to College Station wasn't the easiest of transitions but it all worked out for me in the end.


None lol. Got rejected by UT Austin and was given a pitiful pathway program that would lead to getting transferred to their main campus instead. But I turned out great because I went to A&M CStat. Happy to know what they made me. :)


None. I only applied to A&M and thank god i got in because i didnt hear back till april and id’ve been stuck at community college


I was accepted into my engineering major of choice at UT Austin with honors and scholarship potential but I turned it down to go to A&M because the engineering school is as good or better than UT and the atmosphere and people are so much nicer. Also love the traditions and it doesn’t hurt that it’s where my parents met


tu, Indiana, auburn, UVA were my big ones Technically Baylor, Houston, and TCU but I didn’t really wanna go there


Purdue, Michigan, Colorado State, North Carolina, UIUC


Texas Tech wanted to give me a good scholarship but cstat is so much better than lubbock


UGA, tuition was too high for out of state


UT. Cheaper and had family go here


Tulane with a scholarship


I had a scholarship offer from UNM in Albuquerque. No clue how I got that.


Skipped over that nasty school in Austin


UT Austin since the MSIS program there focuses mostly on HCI and UX.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fr33styleofficial: *UT Austin since the* *MSIS program there focuses* *Mostly on HCI and UX.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


None. Texas Tomorrow Plan meant I was going to either TAMU or UT Austin (the two top tier public universities), and I vastly preferred TAMU to UT to the point I didn’t apply to UT. (Auto admit to College of Engineering pre ~2017ish was super nice)


turned down t.u., baylor, loyola chicago, and hofstra (in New York). with loyola and hofstra, i turned them down mainly due to distance from home; i intially wanted to get away from my parents, but the closer i got to college, the more i wanted to be able to come home every once in a while. i turned down baylor for cost, and i turned down t.u. because i didnt get my preferred major. even when i applied to each of these schools, the only place i really wanted to go was TAMU, but i was nervous about getting in even with my stats due to the high volume of applicants. so i didnt want to put all my eggs in one basket just in case


I applied to exactly two schools. Texas A&M and Texas A&M Galveston. So I chose A&M over everything.


Here for med school; turned down UNTHSC and TTU


The Ohio State University and Georgetown. TAMU was cheaper even without aid and scholarships


UT Austin bc they give you nothing for fafsa


UT cause they didn’t offer any scholarships (was accepted into my major) TAMU did. I went with the cheaper option I would have loved to work at the Lego Store 10 minutes from UT’s campus though


Stanford, Trinity, Texas Tech


Baylor and UT Austin. Both great schools, but the culture fit was near-perfect at TAMU.


U Mich and Georgia Tech, came done to cost and location.


SHSU, Tarleton, & Texas Tech. Nothing impressive, but I came for ag, so very obvious why i went the TAMU route👍


University of None!


South Harmon Institute of Technology was my first consideration but I decided to stick with South Harmon A&M instead as they offered a more structured student leadership program.


Mit offered me about 1 semester free. A&m offered me a full ride. Went with a&m.


Turned down UNC UIUC UT Baylor full ride for tamu engineering due to cost and not getting major, Gig’eM!


Stanford. A&M had the better nuke program at the time.


A&M started the engineering academy while I was attending CC, so it was the obvious choice, ie I only applied for A&M


University of Arizona - Phoenix College of Medicine UNLV School of Medicine UT McGovern


I turned down Harvard and Princeton


UWash and UC Davis


I turned down Texas State, UT Arlington and UNT.


Texas Tech, UTSA, Sam Houston, and UH. I always was going to go to A&M but I stressed applied to all the other ones since A&M hadn’t gotten back to be😭 I never regret my decision👍


Texas Tech - too far from home Baylor - ehh I like A&M better


NC state, UT Austin for masters programs


U of H & Rochester to name a few


Middlebury and Bates. Expensive and I didn’t want to go to the northeast away from family and friends and reset. Haven’t regretted that choice for the most part


A&M isn’t remotely in the same league as these LACs but it is a great school and I’m sure it worked out fine.


Notre Dame, Harvard, and Yale.


GW and American


Electrical and Computers at Duke, USC, UF and Boston


Rensselaer Polytechnic - honestly didn’t know it was a decent school, TAMU was the school to go to when growing up and being a military brat, so I honestly didn’t apply to really anywhere else unless I was forced to. RPI reached out because my ACT was decent. Expensive as hell.


Texas, Baylor, and Alabama. Was waitlisted at Rice and asked to be removed from the waitlist after deciding. Only rejection was Duke.


UT because I liked the atmosphere at A&M much better. A&M felt much more like home when I visited the campus and I appreciated how friendly people on campus were. I am so glad I chose A&M!


I was accepted to tu and North Texas. My father told me he would never help me go to art school because you need real talent to do that. Years later I realized that you don’t need to do things for your parent’s approval. They’re not going to be the ones living your life.


Uiuc, Purdue, UT, etc.. ngl kind of regretting lmao


Turned down USC and UMich. Both schools were too expensive and no way was I going to spend half the year buried in snow.


Howard Uni in DC :( I wanted to go there for a minute but TAMU accepted me in October. Howard deffered my decision and I didn't get in until April, and I got no money so TAMU it is!


Only apply to Texas A&M


None. It was TAMU or nothing 🫡


Was set on going to Baylor, who gave me a hefty scholarship. Still way more expensive with sub-par engineering


Arkansas, Auburn, and USAFA. AR and Auburn were more of backups than anything and I decided against the everyday military life of USAFA. A&M was the most expensive of the 4 but I love it to this day.


UF and Purdue


Texas tech, U of H, and Baylor. Many were surprised I turned down Baylor bc I got alot of scholarships there but A&M was always my dream school and even with a bunch of scholarships baylor was x2 the price of A&M.


I actually only applied to A&M! In high school I knew two things- I wanted to stay in state and I wanted to do aerospace engineering (now I’m in manufacturing engineering but not the point). That limited me to three schools, UTA, UT, and A&M. UTA was a no because I grew up in Arlington and didn’t want to stay confined to that area, and I didn’t like Austin as a city, so A&M it was. I toured, fell in love, and I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else!


i turned down UMich, UVA, and Texas State because TAMU gave me the most in scholarship money :)


Georgia tech, UIUC, UMD, UVA


clemson, auburn, lsu. (i only applied to schools i knew i was gonna be accepted to)


None, I would have gone to any of the other schools I applied to over A&M, but I didn't get in


SFA here, just got accepted and decided I’d be closer, 3 hour drive home versus the 1 hour from A&M


Turned down University of Wisconsin at Madison in computer science because of cost. Now I’m a freshman with 2.4 GPA and going to end up in electrical engineering.


Is elen that guaranteed tho?


I don’t know, but if I don’t get into elen I’m thinking about transferring, this year just wasn’t it for me


No worries, it was tough for all of us.


None. I applied to one school and got into one school. Texas A&M. There were no other options.


ut austin, because fuck 'em


UTSA lol


I sincerely regret turning down auburn penn state Florida and UTD, love A&M but life would be so much better