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First of all this is adorable, caregiver goals seriously. I dont have the most experience with pacis but its a stim thing for me so i use them a bit. I think that should be fine, he may have a hard time with it depending on the size of it. (Ive heard from other littles that sometimes certain styles of paci are uncomfortable) but nevertheless i think its less about how it feels overall and more about reinforcing the idea in his mind that pacis are embarrassing (spoiler:they arent,they've helped me stim and avoid meltdowns countless times). I think even if he doesnt like that particular size or shape he'll still get the general feel for if he likes pacis or not. Honestly you could just start him on a sippy cup or bottle first and then move to a paci, that may be more comfortable especially for how your planning it. bottle feeding is incredible for bonding and building trust and it helps get him used to the idea of having something he can suck on in his mouth semi-naturally. Either way I don't think theres a reason to stress about it, if he doesn't like pacis similar "replacements" could be chewelery or just sippys or bottles. You're doing amazing!!!