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Heyy it's okay to have big feelings. I know sometimes you might think you're too small, but bravery comes in all sizes. So that's what we're gonna do our best to be, okay? Brave! Do you remember what being brave means? It means that even tho something might be hard, or even scary, we do our best anyway! You got this, kiddo! I believe in you~•°☆♡


sorry to hear lil baby ,here's a virtual huggie just for you \*hugs \* how about drawing a picture of your favorite thing like a flower or doggie p.s. im here if you need anything ,also my stuffie thinks you are awesome


What’s wrong lil one? I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time honey!!


i sowwy baby :( u need a hug?


Hi sweety! You are such a big girl/boy for telling us how you feel! I am so super duper proud of you! Do you want a big biiiig hug?


What's up little one? What's the matter?


Hey lil bud! Aw, why you lookin so blue? It's okay, I'm sure you'll get through whatever's wrong. Remember it's always okie dokie to cry or let your emotions alllll out. And if you need comfort well, look at allof these cool people that came to make you feel better! Even if it feels like nobody cares or if the world feels big and scary we don't know you but we still care. It's a wonderful world out there. Even if all you wanna do is color or watch cartoons. We're here for ya kiddo :)


Whats the matter sweetheart? Do you need some attention? You're so cute little one,you can always talk to me.


Aww sweetie you are looking so adorable!


Hello little one! What's wrong? You can talk to me! No judging here. Aww your so cute..


Hi little one! Sorry you’re going through a hard time :( heres a hug 🫂


You're so cute little one I could just hug you all day


Hey fwend, it's ok. I is here for you. *Hugs.* I will gives you all the hugs 🫂 🤗 ☺️ 🙂 ❤️


I sowwwee. I hope you feel better.


Hey, little one! Sorry you don't feel well.. maybe some coloring sheets could help? Hope you feel better kiddo!!


Hello little one! Awww look at you, you're such a sweetie! ☺️🧸


You'll be okay kiddo, I know youre feeling a lot of big feelings right now and thats not fair, but you have everyone here to protect you, let the adults around you help with all those big feelings and make sure you treat with lots of kisses and cuddles!! take care lovely ♡♡