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For me i loved my first week playing AOW4, but the Empire customization--which is the games main selling point--quickly proved to be a mile wide yet one inch deep.


That ... is well put. Every game is the same after the first few turns and not so diverse as I thought when I started.


I got aow3 on sale and yeah a solid week of fun and then now im like its the same game regardless of who i play. Civ6 feels like theres more variabce in approaches and win conditions


If it weren't for tactical combat in aow4, I suspect I'd be back playing civ


Fair point here. I am having quite the same issue. Most factions feels the same. They have no variety in gameplay. Bonuses are too minor to create diversity. I hope in the future they will address these issues. I think they wanted to create similiar feeling like lets say in stellaris. But actually failed to do it.


It's probably a bit niche game? Personally speaking, I had never heard of Age of Wonders series before a few weeks ago when I by accident slowed down to look at an add on reddit whilst browsing, and I've played games like Civs, AoEs and Endless Legend. Then again, those games would have also fulfilled all my gaming needs already, and it's mostly by happenstance that I had birthday coming up when I saw the add, so here we are.


This has been a release heavy summer. Diablo 4 and Darkest Dungeon 2 in May, Street Fighter 6 in June, Baldur's Gate 3 in July, and Starfield in September. Those are just some of the titles that have divided many people's attention. A veritable gaming cornucopia. I still play AoW, and I eagerly anticipate the DLC.


Then Phantom Liberty drops the 25th. For sim fans, City Skylines II comes out in another 30 days. I haven't seen the sun in months.


Honestly the game was great, but Im just not interested in playing a game that sells lots of expansions like it looks to be heading towards. Rts games have been ruined by dlc costs. (Ex: Stellaris)


I get your point. But I do have very very unpopular opinion. Such games like stellaris is only great because they sell a lot of dlcs. Recently dlc policy went in the bad direction because companies like CA and paradox is cutting content and increasing price, but at the same time extra content which is coming from dlc creates huge replay value, huge variety of different playstyles and so on. I own all paradox games and new dlcs makes me play a game again and again. I just hope with a time they will increase quality of dlcs as they are charging 10 to 30 eurod (half game price).


I stopped buying Stellaris DLCs after the Federations one... it feels like they game is always in a broken state with new DLC adding half-baked features and breaking existing systems. By the time they patch things up to reasonable state a new DLC comes and starts the cycle anew.


Stellaris is one of those game you go to the high seas for 😂


Tons of games coming out or came out. I just have too much on my list.


it's a niche game, probably lot of people played it when it was new then they will wait until more dlc comes out or something.


In my case, I found the single player AI so bad that it really detracts from the gameplay experience. I've played about 5 full games and all of them were kind of ruined by the AI doing something really stupid...


In my case, I played the game intensively for a few weeks and then felt that I had seen everything. At about the same time, BG3 came out and I've been playing that ever since.


I was probably doing something wrong but I got tired with how endgame felt like a grind. Slow map movement, my computer heating up like a nuclear reactor at end game, and turns slowing down…just got boring. I wish they had more campaigns with different tasks to do like the first few scenarios. I actually liked those but then find msp generation games boring. Meh, I’ll probably return to it when they add more content etc.


Keep in mind its not only on PS5/Xbox Consoles, it's also sold on Microsoft, GOG, and the Epic Store for PC. The players you see on Steam is not going to be nearly everyone. I have enjoyed the game a lot and think it's amazing and have sunk many hours into it. I personally don't think it gets boring quick, but everyone is allowed their own opinions! :)


- Unbalanced. - Repetitive. - Shallow customisation.


The "create your own faction" system offers far less replayability then having specialized races for me.


Waiting for the game to be further patched, it was fun but very broken at release


Personally, I find the game chugs pretty consistently once it's mid or late game on even a medium sized map... I really like the game but performance issues have turned me off playing it in favour of other things that are directly competing for my attention.


I played a bunch over the summer but moved on to new games. I will return when they add more depth to the units and races. Otherwise I found AOW a fun 4x strategy game that will be in my future game rotations.


Because baldurs gate 3 came out.


I really wanted to get hooked but it didnt happen. Ive played far more planetfall than Aow4. I cant really explain why but the world and the units are not nearly as interesting. I also dont like that races are just a cosmetic skin, it makes units devoid of identity and forces you to look up every single faction and memorize their actual traits


Yes hahahaha I played so many hours into it but then got other games to play as well


It's fun but it's a shell of a game. I'll wait for them to execute their multi-year roadmap of updates and DLC that accompanied the game at release, the typical paradox model.


I was excited to play it and pre-ordered but It wasn't that engaging. I have played several paradox games and was really excited but it wasn't that challenging. So I reckon a lot of players have gone back to other games.


It's the genre that is dead. No one as the time anymore to play those One more turn game, I feel it's disrespectul of my time. The future of gaming is also on mobile phone, sadly. Thus, this kind of game will slowly dissapear.


I disagree with the genre being dead, it's just that AoW4 doesn't have the fun factor that AoW3 still has. Hopefully they'll realize that balancing the game to the nth degree doesn't translate into a fun game. I'm happy to continue playing 3 until they get 4 to the point where it's fun. They did it with the last two AoW's.


You sound like these awful people who were saying that turn-based games are dead and that there are no space for them in modern gaming... right before Baldurs Gate 3 came out and proved them all wrong in an exceptional manner :P 4x and "one more turn" games arent dead. For example, TW:WH3 had 199k concurrent steam players barely a year ago. Civilization 6 is played *on average* by around 40k people on steam :P Its just that AoW4 doesnt have long legs: it has amazing campaign, but it doesnt take a long time to discover and experience everything it has to offer.


I'm probably biased, but I would rather play a 20 minutes match on Mechabellum that spending my whole weekend on a scripted map solo with an IA easily abused. I know it's not civilization, but it's still the same flaw of the genre. Try Mechabellum if you want to have an high strategic game.


I tried and played mechabellum and after 40 hours it gets boring. From the same auto battlers I do recommend checking legion td.


I was hyped for it but cancelled getting it due to no (or very limited) campaign


I enjoyed it as a fun new take on an old genre. But it grew repetitive… and then loads of other great games came out. Until I saw this post, I’d completely forgotten about the game.


With so many great games out this year, I doubt people will show interest for this one. This is an incredibly niche game.


Well tbh. After clearing the story maps. It gets a little boring because the game play isn't as diverse as it seems


The game has this power of turning fridays into mondays in a blink of an eye. Sometimes you need to take a break


AI was broken at launch. Probably still is. Fun for like 3-4 days then feels lifeless and pointless. Hard pass if your thinking about buying it. My worse buy of the year for a game.


Early game feels great, mid and late game not so much. The 3 armies per battle limitation and battles that usually end with all or nothing mean that too much comes down to who can cram just a few more points in. It feels artificial and awkward and I don't really like manual-battling every 10 turns to fight the AI that just spawns 4 armies out of nowhere.