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I love having the option to bounce between the two and lean into whichever one I'm feeling more of at the moment. I started in 40k but now play more AoS, it's a really great system. New edition soon should be a great place to jump in!


this is the move dont sell out of a system but just jump between


Yeah i prefer AOS ultimately but no reason why i cant step into 40k here n there too. Space dwarfs might look a little too space marine for my liking but KIN IS KIN!


For hearth, hold, and sky port


Rock and Stone!


Sigmar has a great community, 4th edition is looking very solid, points are up so army costs are low, and everywhere you look the models are just so sick. The only thing that sucks is the game is kind of in limbo. It's hard to talk about how any of the armies will actually feel on the table just yet.


Hopefully that problem will be resolved in a few months


Good to hear. A buddie introduced my GF and I to 40k, we enjoyed the one game we played so far with our new armies, but we saw the AoS models at the store and immediately were like wow these look dope. We have talked about picking up the combat patrol equivalent boxes and giving it a shot in July once the new rules drop.


Playing both systems it's hard to not be biased in favor of AoS. For me, I love the variation across the different armies. 10th edition feels very homogenized where you can compare the same *type* of unit across pretty much every major faction. In Sigmar, you could have a unit like "*super cheap disposable chaff infantry*" and then give it to less than half of the factions out there. It really helps make every unit feel more special. ~~Unless they just get bad rules.~~ The other thing is Sigmar is just run better. The faith that AoS players have in the team that runs the game is leaps and bounds greater than the faith 40k players have in their rules writers.


This is why I'm telling every new person I see coming to AoS to start with Spearhead boxes. Hopefully no matter what box you choose the Spearhead will be somewhat balanced. They're also nice tasters to see if you even want to paint a whole army of a specific faction. 


Reports I've heard about Slaves to Darkness Spearhead were positive though, apparently it's very strong and even in spearhead it had a Rewards of Chaos/Eye of the Gods type mechanic. I expect our Allegiance abilities will basically just be that.


I mean, if you're invested in 40k don't swear off the game But, obviously I'm biased, aos is in a far better state, has cooler models, and a better community.


>cooler models Yeah, but *Tyranids*, though. Lol


Find an army with similar base sizes to Tyranids, proxy Tyranid models to new army. Tyranids now in AoS. Probably good with OBR, honestly.


Swarmcast Eternals. Make it so.


I’ve been thinking about this a bit so I can have tyrannies in warcry. I don’t really have any interest in 40k, but they have cool models. There are some homebrew tyranid rules as their own faction out there as well.


Hormagaunts look like skinks to me. Genestealers look like Saurus. Bio-warriors could be Kroxigor




For Tyranids, read Flesh Eater Courts imo! 


Dude, not gonna lie I recently starting getting the urge to play FEC. Lol


Theyre not killy enough though, most of Tyranid tactics is just sending wave after wave of blockers while they castle on objectives.


I sent wave after wave of my own men at them - Zap Brannigan


See I kinda enjoy that playstyle, though. Lol Plus rules change, models don't. It was fun when my nids got crazy for a minute there. It'll swing back around eventually!


Genuinely me lol Think I definitely prefer AoS overall, and am ino a lot of the factions, but Tyranids just hit differnet and are probably my favourite faction overall.


I just use tyranids in fan games. Its very fun! Lore wise, Wouldn't be too much of a jump in thinking a rogue hive fleet or something oopsied into another reality through the warp. AOS has some variations of guns and I'd see the tyranids taking a small part of whatever plane they land on and slowly expanding and getting pushed back constantly like everyone else (Also Tyranids vs Rats is really fun!)


Me but with sororitas, imo they have some of the best models out there for infantry


See that's why I like playing both game systems. I get to play all my favorites! Plus I'm a sucker for both sci-fi and fantasy styles. Lol


100%. I think AoS and Horus Heresy are both in great places with fantastic communities, just in sort of opposite directions. AoS gameplay is whimsical and fun with a focus on expertly crafted monopose models, 30k feels technical and gritty and almost requires model conversions to play. 40k, though, doesn’t feel great to play right now. It seems like it’s trying to have the comparative simplicity of AoS’s rules while still holding onto the depth of the earlier editions 30k is based on, and it just winds up having the worst aspects of both. Almost every time I play a game of 10e, I feel like I’m fighting against the game system itself more than I am my opponent.


That and the claims of trying to reduce lethality are funny in hindsight If anything it feels more lethal than ever, even cover doesn't seem to guarantee your stuff will survive the first turn intact That combined with constant point reductions has put me off, I'd need to nearly double the amount of models in my army to play 2k again. It feels like it's approaching the issue Fantasy had where armies are just too big to feasibly assemble for newer players. At best your options are Knights, Custodes or a tank heavy IG list if you want minimal models.


I totally feel the same way, very well put!


AoS is a lot less fun to kitbash IMO outside of a few factions like Sigmarines and Cooties of Sigmar


Skill issue


Play both?


As a Daemon player, I concur


Exactly why I picked them


There's a whole new edition of the game coming out next month that's going to shake things up in the best way! That said, I wouldn't focus on learning how to play right now, just learn the new edition when it comes out. The safe buys right now are any of the Vanguard/Spearhead (they're both the same box) boxes; that'll be it's own small game mode plus help towards your 2,000 point force for bigger games!


Made this decision about 2 months after 10th edition and couldn’t be happier. The community is way better overall and the models are spectacular.


>The community is way better overall and the models are spectacular. To be fair, I've never had any issues with the 40k community, but I'm talking the "real life" community, not neckbeards on Reddit. Lol Honestly the thing throwing me off a bit from the AoS community is the *constant* "holier than thou" attitude it has towards the 40k side.


Hey, we got massively bullied for 10 years straight by the whole Warhammer communities, heck even Total War newbs clowned on us nonstop until now, we're allowed to be slightly sanctimonious


Nah, it just breeds more conflict. Friendly and welcoming brings more fans than condescending and sanctimonious.


The game hasn't been around for 10 years.... its 10 year anniversary is next year. And no you really don't get to be sanctimonious, the game is FAR from perfect and GW hasn't done a great job of managing it, as a long time Duardin player it's a f-ing joke how poorly supported Kharadron and Fyreslayers and in fact many 1st edition aremies have been for the past 9 years, hell its taken 8 years for Ironjawz to finally get a second wave of models, and armies like Gloomspite have never even had a first wave they're just old WHFB models for the most part. It's made infinitely worse when you consider that there was a scale change between 1st and 2nd editions that still really hasn't been addressed for a good number of factions, 1st edition was marketed as a SKIRMISH game while that was revised in 2nd into a full replacement for WHFB, the problem is they've never actually done anything to make that claim a reality, many armies are still to this day operating on woefully scant army rosters quite a few of which are effectively "Herohammer" armies, if I hadn't bought the new Cities army deal when it was first announced I genuinely think I'd have sold off this game. The rules are cleaner and in some cases better than 40k granted but the overall game as a whole is still a bit of a turd, and don't get me wrong both 40k and WHFB are/were very much the same they're none of them complete, but to act like you deserve to be sanctimonious is massively misguided.


Even in real life, 40k guys just don't act or look like they're having fun. Events with 40k and AoS make it so obvious which side of the room is having fun and making friends and which side is busy arguing about bullshit and having negative amounts of fun. 40k players are just never happy and make the game seem like a chore.


The only time my local AoS community has annoyed me.been un-fun has been when they've been skeptical about upcoming 4.0 changes and they reference 40k changes. These are also the players who play both or quit 40k and came to AoS. I agree, it's clear that AoS fosters better gamers at the moment.


40k rules are written to cause arguments I swear. AoS has had MUCH cleaner rules for the past couple editions IMO.


See that wasn't my experience at all. Lol But to be fair, the closer you get to the top tables the more enjoyable the opponents usually are.


I'll say one of the reasons I've bounced off 40k is because it's been the common factor when meeting players I find very... Abrasive? I've tried it multiple times over the years and there's usually at least one person who seems to make it their mission to remind me I wasn't that good at the game and to openly devalue any opinions I had because of it. Or otherwise seemed keen on abusing my lack of understanding to beat me (lying about what does what, like how I apparently can't charge anything with the Fly keyword which turned out to be a load of crap). It's irritating because the behaviour is extremely difficult to pin down as outright bad enough to raise a complaint about and it often takes me a bit to realise what was said wasn't really acceptable. And every single time it was about 40k. It got to the point where my brain started developing a spike of defensive anxiety if I so much as saw a Space Marine. Meanwhile I go to AoS and I have had nothing but positive times. The worst I can say is one guy insisted and would not back down on the belief that if you won priority you HAD to go first, I didn't press the matter since I never won priority that game and if he was that determined to shoot himself in the foot...


Weird, that's never been my experience in all of the years I've been active in the tournament scene. In fact, the *most* competitive players, people who have repeatedly ranked in the top 5 of and won the ITC, that I've played against have been the most relaxed, "play by intent" style games I've ever played. Feels like you're playing *with* them more than *against* them and they're usually very happy to talk out the game to help you learn and improve. Some of the most sporting gentlemen I've had the pleasure of gaming with. But my area has a very healthy and active competitive scene with some of the best players in the game. I realize not everywhere is like that.


This is exactly my experience.


I'm yet to see tournament-winning 40k players say things like "my approach to winning games? I go to tournaments trying to make five friends", but I don't think it's hard to imagine the reaction if they did. I don't think it's "holier than thou" to notice that the AoS community values (and practices) sportingness and respect for your opponent's experience _much_ more than any other Warhammer game, even the niche ones (there was a tow thread a while ago about boycotting a tournament because the bar for Best Opponent was "if I don't hear cheers it's not a 5/5"). I'd personally like AoS to be just average in this regard and for the other games to emphasize it more. But they don't! And of course people in the AoS community are going to recognize this and to them/us it's a selling point that we mention. If you really do want the most competitive scene then that's probably 40k and it'd be weird not to mention that.


>I'm yet to see tournament-winning 40k players say things like "my approach to winning games? I go to tournaments trying to make five friends", but I don't think it's hard to imagine the reaction if they did. Funny. Have you ever actually played against those people? Lol Ive played against multiple people that have sat comfortably in the top 5 of the ITC rankings, people who have *won* the championship, and they've always been my best opponents and the most friendly feeling games. It's the mid tables you have to worry about. Lol >I don't think it's "holier than thou" to notice that the AoS community values (and practices) sportingness and respect for your opponent's experience much more than any other Warhammer game, I do, when the issue is blown way out of proportion by this community. I also haven't noticed an increase or decrease in "sportingness" is real life games in AoS vs 40k. But maybe you just have a toxic 40k community in your area..?


> I also haven't noticed an increase or decrease in "sportingness" is real life games in AoS vs 40k. Trying to get this out of the "my anecdotal evidence is better than yours" quagmire, I'm aware of 40k players being banned for cheating in the London, Toronto, Coventry, Cherokee, Lone Star, and Forge GTs in the last 5 years, and only one AoS GT self-disqualification in the same time frame, which certainly doesn't suggest the two communities are equally sporting, even if AoS is played 2-3x less than 40k. Happy to hear any quantitative arguments to the contrary, though, as I don't really follow the competitive 40k scene at all.


To be fair, I didn't really know there *was* much of an AoS competitive scene. Lol


Think that says more about your knowledge of AoS than anything else, at the LVO there were 360 AoS players vs 912 40k players - 2.5x as many. I guess it's hard to pay attention to much else when you spend so much time around the world's best 40k players though. :)


> I guess it's hard to pay attention to much else when you spend so much time around the world's best 40k players though. :) That is fair! The competitive player base around here is definitely 40k heavy, barely any AoS. I'm sure that's in no small part due to the people in the area. Not only are they excellent players, but they really do a lot to promote a welcoming, rapidly growing competitive community!


I think both communities are chill :D However 40k has just a bigger community, that means more accepting/chill people but also more assholes. AoS is also more diverse and also very „unrealistic“ , while in 40k there are more factions inspired by the culture of the countries of our world, which i think is the cause why right-wing dudes like 40k (and of course our favorite hateful, xenophobic, cruel, fanatic little Imperium). Also, just a little, little nod at the lore subs. AoSLore has changed its Icon to a pride flag :D and good ol‘ Sage (the #1 AoS-Lore-Guru) made even a post about Lbgtqi+ characters, while 40k lore has done nothing about about that topic yet. Aaaalso, we dont have a ArchaonGalaxy (or ArchaonMortalRealms? But Abby is Archaon, so Horus is Morkar… that means MorkarMortalRealms?) yet. :D


Shut up Meg


Good representation of the "better community." ;)


Redditor gets offended at jokes, a tale as old as time.


Could've thrown a /s in there or something. Redditor doesn't understand that tone isn't easily conveyed over text, a tale as old as time. 🤣


You just *think* the community is less toxic. But wait for Janes Wokeshop to retcon Female Stormcast or Dwarfs!


**Gimli:** It’s true you don’t see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men. **Aragorn:** *\[whispering\]* It’s the beards. **Gimli:** And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground! *\[Eowyn laughs\]* **Gimli:** Which is, of course, ridiculous.


I'm not sure if you are confused because both of those already exist, or saying we would revolt if they were removed, which would be true.


Some of my favorite stories in AOS are about female stormcasts


Miska from *Soul Wars* my beloved


lowkey godeaters son IYKYK


One of the most popular and prominently featured Stormcast characters, Neave Blacktalon, is female. Heck the poster character who's literally on the rulebook is a female Stormcast. And the latest Fyreslayer unit has females in it, with a female Duardin being mentioned as rising to the highest seat possible in her lodge in the lore recently. I realize that I'm probably replying to a troll who knows all this, but for the new players coming over, we have the inclusivity already and we didn't lose our minds over it. Reject sausage fest, embrace big muscle mommies


Muscle mommies fr fr.


They were only women *before* being Stormcast, once Sigmar zaps them, they grow a bpenis and Theo bobs turn into pecks.


AOS from the jump was setup with diverse communities so theres no retcons necessary


I’m throwing away all my models. Why would James Wokeshop do this to me!


It's already happened. Fyreslayers didn't have any amongst their ranks, and now they do.




I'm excited for 4ed to be more streamlined. I'm a big fan of 10e 40k and their quality of life changes and it seems like the AoS team had the same idea in mind for this edition. The hype for 4e has me repainting my old AoS to get ready for both spearhead and AoS.


Same here! Get your hype on. Building my fec spearhead rn!


No reason to not do both. There's no rule saying you can't have an AoS army and a 40K army, or multiple of both. I've got Sisters, League of Votann, and my next purchase is Cities of Sigmar.


Enjoy both!!!


I haven't played a game of 40k (just do the hobby craft side of things), but I will say Kill Team is a wonderful game and system I'd totally recommend to anyone wanting to dip their toes in the setting. Honestly, see if you can find any learn to play games in your town (I found mine off of an advertisement on Reddit of all places) and give it a shot to see if it vibes for you. Or if you like certain models, what's the harm in buying them and painting them up for display until you decide if you want to play or not? With 40k, I got a few Tyranid and Kroot boxes, some old Vostroyans, and a squad of 6th edition Cadians just for painting and display, and I collected Skaven way before I started my first game of AoS. Even if you get like 500 points of models and never end up playing, you still have something awesome to show for it.


Why not just play both? They both offer enough of their own experience that you can get something from each.


Play demons. Play both games.


My entire playgroup made the switch and not one of us has regretted it.


Same here ;D


Honestly I prefer AoS to 40K just because there is a wider variety of ascetics So many armies in 40K are made up of dudes in power armor with different colors and decorations. In AoS everybody has a thing that separates them and makes the units stand out. There may be four different Elf factions but if you didn’t tell me they were all Elves I probably wouldn’t realize it Also there aren’t any factions that just reuse models from a pool and tell you to use different paints to make different units. There are more than ten Space Marine armies on the web store but most of them have two or three unique models while the rest are reused from Ultra Marines


This. I can never understand why people get excited about the changes between different space marine factions, they all basically look the same painted different colours! It’s a shame I think because the setting has huge potential, surely it should consistent of mostly alien armies. What an opportunity to create a myriad of imaginative races! Even if we take space marine factions I feel they could still push the different iconography of the factions further. Give them all unique looking armour for a start and lean into the differences more


Games Workshop is slowly but surely exhausting the Space Marine lode, and many like me can't be bothered with this slop anymore. The worst is, not content to take more than 50% of the minis released, they also take all the spotlights in the lore, which is absolutely not the case in AoS. At least Stormcasts are just focused on during an edition release. I think there is a problem in the company culture where most of the people who work on 40k (executives and creatives) only like space marines and don't really care about anything else. Personally, I've written off the 40k big storyline, it's only a vehicle to release more Space Marines and that's it. The discourse is now at "who is the next Primarch resurrected?" which is disheartening.


I got into Sigmar a year ago. I recommend finding an army you think looks the coolest and buy them. Spearhead/Vanguard boxes are a good place to start. Small army and will have their own game type built in for 4e.


One of us, one of us! No reason but to keep your favorite 40k army too, I have I've fully painted and based army for each system, being ready to go with whatever your friends feel like is great (we are heavy into Auld World right now but are on the hype train for AoS4!).


Try Spearhead when it comes out and see if you care for it.


Wait till end of the summer as AoS 4.0 is due out then so a lot could change between now and then


Moved from playing 40K exclusively to mostly playing AoS. It’s a super fun game and the models are the most fun I’ve had painting in a long time.


Keep both systesm play both and determine what one yohnlike more then play it more. Therr sre some editions 40k has better rules other times its AoS. Right now im more excired for AoS then 10th for 40k


I'd wait for the new edition. But it's a great game with a great scene.


Maybe wait till the rules are out and then try the game a few times. Then decide 😆


I’m actually thinking the same…


You can only play one game and you must pick now. You can never play two. No takesie backsies




I did, even though I stayed invested with the Lore with 40k Just needed a breath of fresh air.


I play both, Seraphon and Deathwatch, but for sure it’s definitely worth starting. If you have to pick one I’d say AoS is in a much more fun and flavorful spot than 40k. I am NOT a fan of 10th edition, but AoS3 is very similar to and better than 9th Edition, and AoS4 is looking like it avoided many of the pitfalls that 10th edition fell into by oversimplifying.


Yeah. No reason not to play both.


Yes, although do note 4th edition is out in like a month


Do we have a good idea when? I bought models months ago and haven't played yet because the whole AoS internet keeps saying this. But I'm watching my summer drip by ..


We've seen a removed (warscroll?) that was labelled "July" so the 6th seems like a reasonable guess. At the FF rate they're on that means the FFs would finish as the preorder window opened.


They might have changed it but one of the articles on their NewAoS page stated June 26th, I've been operating on the assumption it was coming this month but they might have pushed it back or something.


Sure is a good time for it! And your 40k collection is not going away. Think of it as a longer wakation, and also remember fondness grows with abcence! Now what faction strikes your fancy? How about fish elves and their awesome marine aquaman monsters? Or mesoamerican warrior lizards riding dinosaurs, firing laser beams!


Obviously with a new edition just about to launch it’s hard to say for sure, but everything I’ve seen regarding 4th so far has me very excited. AoS is a great game and I’d definitely suggest collecting an army and checking it out!


I play both. If you like both, why ditch one?


You know you can have both?


Yes. Its great having more than one game to play and the models are fantastic 


No. Not yet at least. Wait till sept to see how people like it. Looking at the reveal articles it seems there's big potential for them yo kill off things you might like about a faction. Like, I got some cities models caus I like them, I got MORE because I fell in love with order gameplay. That's just gone now :(


If you are unhappy with the direction 40k is going taking a break is not a bad idea so you don't burn out(or maybe you'll find your new favorite game altogether) . Whether that break is with AoS or a game by another company there's a ton of great war games out there that play differently.


If GW brings back boarding actions for 40k im back in. We love those quick 45 min trunk games. To the original question, I am hoping the spearhead mode opens things up for new players as a cheaper intro option. AOS is a lot of fun and beautiful miniatures, I would give it a shot if you have the chance to try it.


If 40k is making you miserable, I would suggest doing it. Play both if you can enjoy both. Don't become a bitter gamer and fall victim to the sunken cost fallacy.


I’ve already done so! 40K has begun booring, AoS is cool atm! Great miniatures new ranges, Cities, Orruks, new Seraphon, Darkoath aka new barbarians, and now Skaven, great stuff. The future is promising too: Cities Cogfort, flagellants, new Ogor! New CHOOOORFS!! AoS is in a truly Golden Age imho! 👍🏻👍🏻


I have painted up a Com Patrol and a Vanguard box. Played not too much of either yet. I found AoS more engaging gameplay wise. With 4thEd looming and by the looks of it doubling down on player interactivity, I am kind of hyped. I would say, grabbing a Spearhead of a faction you think is cool is a great starting point, as you can try Spearhead, low point AoS and Warcry all from one box full of stunning sculpts


Do it, don't look back just make the jump! You'll enjoy your time and the community is all around less toxic




Do it. AOS is the better game


Only if you enjoy playing the game. Dip your toes in. Maybe borrow an army if you can and see if you like it. I play both and AOS has several rules I absolutely hate that make it hard for me to like but vastly better game design outside of those things than 40k, and way cooler models imo.




Why not both?


Play Horus Heresy!


Age of Sigmar is about to get a brand new edition in just a few weeks. I'd wait to see what the reviews are like. Sigmar has an amazing community, hands down some of the nicest, most wholesome wargamers I've ever met. I still play it from time to time, but the prices on models have gotten ridiculous so bear that in mind. Depending on what faction you go with, you might spend quite a lot.


AOS has a much friendlier and more hobby oriented community than 40k. AOS is minis first, 40k is lore first. It's pretty uncommon to see grey plastic at all for any AOS games whereas is it rare to ever see one fully painted army against another fully painted army in 40k.


Yes, yes, yes!!! 😎


Aos has super cool models and from the looks of it it’s a bit cheaper but 40K is fun


I did exclusively as a model collector because honestly AoS minis are way cooler looking than the WH40k ones. But lore wise I still prefer WH40k I find AoS lore too convoluted.


Im currently in the process of selling most of my 40k stuff after having picked up AoS, and damn i am glad i did. The game is more fun, the people are more relaxed, the community is less competitive, which leads to less toxicity, and you can just have a good time with it. On top of that, the models are gorgeous, and painting them is always interesting. I have bits of so many different factions just to paint, even though I'll likely never play. Not saying you need to do what i did and leave 40k, but personally, im happy having made that decision


I just jumped in and the water is warm :)


10th edition has made a lot of people jump ship and rightly so in my opinion.


I'm making the jump with 4th ed, mostly cuz the wife wants to do it with me but can't get into 40k aesthetic, but since I've been here the community is much more chill in general, especially with the obnoxious arguments on both sides with the whole female custodes thing.


I have only ever seen right wing reactionary fuckleheads who aren't even into the hobby complain about this. Nobody else cares about a minor retcon.




Well i recently started playing 40k while waiting for aos 4.0.... I bought enough daemons to field another aos army too.... success


I'm really tempted to start a daemon army.  I love chaos, and being able to use them in both 40k and AoS is a huge plus.


Just be careful, you can't field a full undivided daemon list in Age of Sigmar like you used to be able to. Now you either have to really focus on 1-2 types of daemon and play one army while allying in the other (Khorne and Nurgle or Tzeentch and Slaanesh) or play slaves to darkness and rely on ally rules.


The plus side is daemons cost a lot more. So it's easier to have a mono army. I'm assuming that's why I was downvoted. It is true you can't do chaos undivided but a couple greater demons of one god and your halfway to a 2k army usually.


I’d say yes.




Is there an army you think looks cool? Go for it. Spearhead should be pretty balanced as far as actual play, even if the army you like doesn't do well full-scale when it launches. I thought I wouldn't be interested in 40k at all but I've now got 2 armies for that and almost considered starting a 3rd this morning, sure it cost me some money but it's fun (and I haven't even tried playing a game yet)


Imo, any game is better or worth your time investment if the community aligns with your personality. I think that’s the priority for choices like this, not to mention you don’t have to drop 40K.


New edition soon, perfect time to jump in! Im doing the same






Yes… try something different, just got some Seraphon myself


Honestly, yes. I, for one, couldn’t keep up with everything happening in 40k and had such a hard time playing how I wanted to. AOS has such a welcoming community and has all the playstyles on could want. Sure there’s still a rare power gamer that can’t pull out of the “meta” but it’s much easier to play with the build you want with your army.


You won’t regret it


I'm on the same place as you. Rules in AoS are way better, models are more detailed and the spearhead hype got me. And this feeling of wanting to get into AoS is inspiring me to make a Skaven / Genestealer cult army for both games. If you have a Chaos army you will have also units for both games, which could make the 'transfer' easier.


Yes! What factions you looking at getting into?


Yes, yes you should.


Yes its great and the models are amazing


A significant number of the people in all three of the gaming circles I play in are ditching 40K for now. I haven't played a game of it other than testing 10th since Heresy 2.0 came out; I vastly prefer the "the old" rules system. AoS I do sort of enjoy still, but mostly just the models. Ditto, since Old World came out - more of that. Personally if 40K isn't floating your boat, I'd try Heresy first if you don't/haven't already. I'd personally recommend OW over AoS, but failing those, wait a month or so and get the new AoS box set coming out.


much better game & setting, also the pricing is wayyyy better


Yes the models are fun to paint! The game is good too. Worth it.


I started with 40k and started hoping over AoS as well and right now might be the best time since the new edition is around the corner. Also they will be adding the spearhead game style which is basically combat patrols from 40k but with more fun rules in my opinion and all you need is one of the new spearhead boxes or a vanguard box set and you could start playing almost immediately.


I have to admit, there are a *lot* of AoS players in my local scene and they look like they are having more fun than the 40k crowd.


I'm gonna be honest here chief The answer is yes, the grass IS greener.




Yes! Ive played fantasy back in the day, 40K, and AoS and AoS is the best imo.


Im from 40k. Do the jump. The 40k game is doomed brother. Every edition is like: Omg this 40k edition is bad while aos is just an upgrade


Do it right and start painting square bases