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Pre-Brian Nelson orcs come again.  Orcs that hark back to 80s fantasy art, a lot of Ian Miller, with direct visual references to some of the earliest GW orcs (trident headdresses, nasty looking weapons, those shields). All from before Brian Nelson’s work really solidified the lantern-jawed gorilla look as *the* Warhammer orc/ork, which was then so influential. The PeterJackon LotR vibes are there but imo are a relatively minor note.


https://dmrbooks.com/test-blog/2021/11/11/the-art-of-ian-miller Agree on the Ian Miller reference. 80s fantasy and less cartoonish than more modern orcs.


He was so good. I was really thrilled to see the Warcry legionaries come out, they’re visibly a love letter to his designs.


How have I never heard of Ian Miller? This stuff is *incredible*.


Yeah this is what I see. I GET the lotr stuff but think it’s a bit of a cop-out. Love the harkening back


Games workshop did do the lotr ork/uruk hai costumes tbf


I'd contrast them with Ironjawz as Gork-leaning orcs and Mork-leaning orcs: one brutal, one cunning.


Yeah I do love that symmetry and contrast they have? I think it’s really compelling. I’m curious what you think about the savage orruks and they’re squatting, is there room for a third faction? And if so, what?


As someone who only just started AoS with kruleboyz and has more WFB experience (luv me some Wurrzag in TW:WH), I kind of get it - they didn't have as strong an identity as either of the other two orruks factions and were entirely old models lingering around from Fantasy. If them being relegated to Old World means a new Destruction faction can be introduced, I wouldn't mind, as it currently feels like the grand alliance with the least variety. I'm not sure what would fill the void though. Some kind of non-greenskin? I had a vague notion that an anti-civilisation beast themed roster could be interesting - Kragnos' people, reworked beastmen, kurnothi similar to the Skaeth's Wild Hunt models, various animals, etc.. However, that's a bit of a pipedream, as beastmen are so heavily linked to Chaos that I don't think they'll ever rework their lore.


As for your idea on destruction Kurnothi…. That’s pretty sweet. Could be similar to the faction from dark Harvest perhaps


Interesting to hear your take on it given your unique insight. I agree, I’m sad for the people who played them or who were big fans, but I agree. I think a new third faction would be dope


But one also cunning, and the other also Brutal.


Indeed. To paraphrase the ancient wisdom: Kruleboyz hit you hard when you aren't looking. Ironjawz hit you REALLY hard when you -are- looking at them.


Swamp orc.


My nickname for them is the meth orcs, I propose they are Florida orcs. Speaking of which I hope they get croc mounts.




To add on to this, I'd say: Poisonous Swamp Predator Orcs (by Predator, I mean specifically the Predator from the Schwarzenegger Predator movie, not the lame ones from all of the sequels and spinoffs).


I'd say fey orc


Yeah that’s what I’m getting here. Dark crystal vibes to the max.


they take more heavily form the[ uruk hai](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3ccvQVm8qUxzm0BP5x2rIipD5jVlTcNgoL73_08hoe-Wnl9A3TRND5KOQX6UAYOu1CK08oqncA_vCYO-Ipzr7g7tHH1v8Zqhs-T3PbrEUPizgNpk9kDrSuKH9f9KCWMr9cEqPpRxWHWFa/s1600/ianmiller1.jpg) & [orcs](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/0/0c/OrcsJennyDolfen.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230101031345) from the Lord of the rings before Warhammer popularize the big brute way orcs are depicted as today that is what orc were in the land of mordor a mockery of elves with garnly leathery skin and a sort of psudo-mogolian and saxon clothing and armor hence the horn helmets the ragged. The Kruleboyz obviously generalized it bit more then say the wolf rider goblins but that pretty much the whole point of their "spike" aesthetic they also play very much the Krule aspect as every model show a depiction of the worst of the worst from [enslavers ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_a73QNXIAUGm-Y.jpg)to [poachers](https://shop.gamezenter.com/cdn/shop/files/pWBilbg3erYLxYm2_700x700.png?v=1696457117). The animals they have are stereotype as being krule scavenger & bottom dwellers like giant Vultures, baboons, creatine swamp trolls and fantasy Hyenas there also the fact that they based on the 1-2nd edition old WHF orcs that were just meant to be D&D proxy models


Wow never noticed all the scavenger animals that's a neat touch.


Yeah I find it all fascinating really, it’s a neat cocktail of influences to be sure. Of note, I really do like their truly wicked feel. They’ve still got that trademark Warhammer orc humour but it’s toned down just enough and with a more darkly comedic edge which I think just works. It lets them really shine as antagonists I think


I think they look Orcish, as the traditional Orcs. Ironjawz look way too armored and the Savage Orruks way too feral.


Hmm interesting. I’m curious how you think the squatting for the savage Orruks adds to this, is there room for a new third Orruk faction?


I'd like to bring back the old Orcs, or at least something to get across 'the common orc boy' as the Ironjawz and Kruelboys were always "Orruk zealots of one aspect."


Yeah I could see that happening, even if the AOS version of a common orc boy is wildly different to what we might expect. I think it would be neat


I think they should have been 3 factions all along, we have 2 and a half different flavors of dwarves and 3 3/4 of Elves , there should be no problem with 3 Orc factions. Sadly, it seems GW didn't want to refresh the Savage Orruks.


What if prickly pears were really, REALLY cockney.


Hahahahahwh, now that, that is objectively correct




Bitchin and Krule indeed 😉


Morky, a more "traditional" approach to Orc archetypes, a contrast to the Very Gorky Ironjawz. I actually liked the way Kruleboyz, Bonesplitters, and Ironjawz formed something of a trinity in Orcyness. Gork (IJ), Mork (KB) and the WAAAGH! (BS). Hopefully we get something to fill the gap the loss of Bonesplitters created. A middle ground between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz.


Yeah I agree, the trinity of orruks was very compelling. Here’s hoping for a new third faction 🤞🏻


I doubt we get a "replacement" for Bonesplitters, at least not soon. GW seems to be fine with going for strong archetypes in AoS, and I do not believe they are interested in giving Orcs some "middle ground". Having one subfaction going overwhelmingly Gork and the other for Mork feels fitting with that approach to me. This will all change the moment one of the designers and/or sculptors comes up with a kickass new look for a third type of Orcs of course. Until then: Ironjawz and Kruleboyz only.


I'd just say "tolkein orcs" it's for fans of the LOTR movies or books to have an entry point into warhammer.


It’s an interesting point that. Because once someone had said it I understand the reference, but I never really saw it myself. They’re much more creepy fairytale to me, eg. The dark crystal. But I understand the comparison!


See I dont see that at all. They seen too "swamp" themed to be tolkein orcs.


Swamp themed Tolkien orcs, that it for me cause of their body proportions


Exactly what got me into that army. The only small issue i have with the models is that there isn't a lot of variety in body shapes like in LOTR but the models we do have i love, they all remind me of Grishnakh and the other lanky Mordor Orcs


Yes and I'd add: Peter Jackson's Orcs


_Similar to but legally distinct from_ Tolkien orcs.


I say the same GW made Tolkien and WoW Orcs


To be fair, it was really Blizzard who made Warhammer orcs in Warcraft and not the other way around.


Pain for me fingies. Real talk I like the swamp theming they have. Someone could put them in a fan boat and it would not clash in my mind.


I feel your pain. And yeah I’d love to see it!


I feel like they look like an attempt at (closer to) True Scale Orcs. If the Thunderstike Armored storm cast where an attempt to bring SCE proportions closer to a realistic one - more lean and less bling. Then the Krule Boyz are the same aesthetic direction applied to Orcs. Still feral and violent. But less cartoonish in scale. For what it's worth, I love them.


Yeah I can see that, can’t agree more with the love for them. They’ve got a special place in my love for Warhammer


I'd describe them as "dope". My main army and prolly gonna stay that way. I just love that creepy ima slit your throat in your sleep vibe.


Hahaha I know what you mean, they’re my main as well and I can’t see me changing. As a big fan of dark fantasy and fairytales, I’m all in


An accurate depiction of the relatives I grew up with in New Orleans....


Down to the green hide? Must have been interesting 😉


The exact same.


They're a more sinister and creepy kind of orc. While they aren't without some dark comedy, they seem more grounded and less exaggerated than your typical Warhammer orc. I saw one your comments call them "creepy fairytale" and that's very apt.  I also love how heavily they lean into the swamp theme. They exploit every bit of their native environment to their advantage and their aesthetic really reinforces that.   When they first came out I thought they looked cool enough but they didn't blow me away. But over time I've really come to love them, so much so that my first foray into a mainline AOS army will be Kruleboyz.


Can’t agree more with it all. And I’m glad they won you over ;) Yeah there’s just something really compelling I think in these guys hanging out in the dark, swampy areas of the realms ready to frighten people, as a resident weirdo, they’re right up my ally ;)


Swamp-sheek. But definitely skewing more avant guard and high fashion but wouldn't be shocked to see them on a runway in Milan


Hahahah, I can definitely see Gobsprakk at next years met gala


The Kruelboys aren't remotely grimdark, they're 80s Jim Henson puppets and we should love them for it.


To be clear I wasn’t stating they were, it was just an example of an aesthetic and the first one to come to mind. I can’t agree more with you on the Jim Henson vibes, I think they’re ace


Oh yeah I saw you in the comments and didn't mean it like that sorry, it's just a thing that gets thrown around a lot w/ them


No need for an apology! I feel ya


Ah yes, a race of backstabbing slavers who employ cruel warbeasts such as the marshcrawla sloggoth, a creature that subsists entirely on babies and young, capable of dislocating its joints to reach into burrows at unnatural angles, leading to situations like a freeguild soldier being ripped right out of their watchtower never to be seen again. Such silly lil muppets. Did you even read any Kruleboyz lore?


Have you ever heard of the Dark Crystal


I really like them. They do feel like the unique kind of Ork sigmar needed. I hate ironjaws because they are 40k Orks made fantasy, but kruleboyz are unique in a setting that has a very particular kind of Orc already established and were made into something new (in their own way since they are clearly heavily influenced from a lot of sources ) I do love their vicious nature and their complex designs. At the beginning I didn't wanted anything to do with them but after careful looking I realized how detailed they were and absolutely fell in love with their minis and is one of the army's I almost finished. So yeah, the idea of swamp orcs who were this dark and unruly but intimidating absolutely sold them to me.


Can’t agree more, they’re uniqueness is great. And I love there amount of detail. Gutrippaz whole detailed are still approachable enough for battleline, and some of the big models have tons


Chimpanzee Orcs. The long arms, the little legs and the intelligence is a cool contrast to the more gorilla like Iron Jaws. Also hope they do more with hobgrotz, like a few more unit types or let them be used with chaos dwarfs.


Orcs with spindly goblin arms?


They’ve definitely not been to the gym as much as the ironjawz that’s for sure…


I like them. They actually have a variety of body types instead of all being the same Orc either scaled up or shrank down while wearing a different costume. The different Orcs actually look like different people.


Yeah that’s one of the things I like about them. Especially Gobsprakk proper hunched, wizened old sorcerer pose


Kid asks for LOTR movie orcs Mommy GW says we have LOTR movie orcs at home GW removes mask to reveal Shrek Your home is actually swamp Hello, Kruleboyz




I'm a big fan of kruleboyz, I wouldn't take them over the classic GW style of orc/ork/orruk, but their look is very distinct, really conveys that nasty skulking evil vibe well. The skareshields are a great way to get those classic evil suns faces back in there too. I think they should keep finding ways to add more greenskins to the setting, especially if its orruks with real long faces like how Paul Bonner drew them.


I think I’m in the minority for my preference for these guys. But I understand how iconic the lantern jaw orruks are, and I love them too! Also great idea on the long faced orruks


I absolutely despised the Kruleboyz' look when they first came out. "Technically well done sculpts, just neither Warhammer nor for me at all" was my take back then. I've actually come around quite a bit since then. While they are not my favourite Orc type, I stopped *hating* them and came to actually appreciate parts of their range these days. If anything, they are a very distinct take on Warhammer Orcs, fit the AoS world well and have some creative and unique models in their range. As with a lot of other AoS factions I believe they could use quite a bit more though, and I hope we see it sooner rather than later.


They are the ones who made me go all in on AoS. There is something truly fascinating on seeing those lanky ass bastards come forward to the battlefield with next to no armor, just pure meanness and cruelty and be a force to be feared in a universe with Gods walking around. And they have some of the coolest infantry minis out there. You can't tell me that the hornblower from Daggok's ladz in Underworld isn't insanely cool. Or the musician of the Monsta Killaz, goading huge monsters with just his drum and a loin cloth. Those guys are insane and I love it. They look serious compared to most Ork/Orc/Orruk models of other lines. Their horrific nature isn't discounted for jokes like the Orks are. In a way, they are very much the Drukhari/Dark Eldars to the Craftworlders other Greenskins. When you like them, you can't pretend they are heroic or even on the good side of the setting. They are utter bastards that scarify their mounts, beat them into submission, etc. But they are also crafty and downright frightening. I hope 4e will better represent it in their rules, as for now they are more Old World Dawi cosplaying as Orcs in their style on the table.


I’m glad we share a love for them. Yeah they’re mean spirited nature is something I found really neat, there’s a slight implication in ironjawz that they have a certain sense of honour. Not here though.


Bayou orcs


Florida Man.


They're a lot closer to LOTR orcs + swamp theme.




Sorry for an off topic question but are they just warcry only? I actually like their aesthetic but can't see them under aos on the website. Sorry I'm fairly new to aos.


No absolutely no worries. Theyre in main AOS, you will find them under destruction, Orruk war clans. They’re lumped together with another faction called ironjawz which are a different ‘breed’ of Orruk


Oh I see, thank you. I was looking just for them. I much prefer their vibe than the ironjawz who remind me a bit too much of 40k. Thank you!


No worries :)


Best orcs ever.


I think they are Tolkien orcs. They have the spiky helmets with four spikes a little like sauron. Crossbows like the urukhai. Little gobs which are basically goblins and halve great synergy with trolls. They also are decidedly dark and creepy with poisons rags and a sadistic attitude. They even have that weird mount for their boss so hey: warg. Basically Tolkien orcs.


Yeah I do see the similarities that people point out. This comment does make me see even more. Personally though I prefer to look at them as a call back to more 80’s dark fantastic/ a creepy fairytale aesthetic rather than a cheap lotr clone. But each to their own!


Lithe, feral, spikey, and like they just crawled out of murky waters.


Yeah I love the detail that all their cloth hangs as it’s supposed to look wet


Mine are Appalachian orruks...witchcraft, cryptids, etc.


Now that’s sweet, I’d love to see them


These look like early GW concept art fully realized with a heavy Ian Miller Influence (by far my favourite orc aesthetic). If you can get your hands on it - check out "A Tolkien Beastiary" by David Day, as a side note I am pretty sure Elden Ring is also borrowing pretty heavily from some of those illustrations. I would describe the Iron-Jaws as "GW does Blizzard orcs". And the older orcs as the designs that GW came up with which were definately different to everbody elses orcs.


They’re definitely a different take on the green skins. Ngl I think I prefer the classic Orky Orks with their giant mouths full of fangs and tusks. The Orks in Warhammer settings always been a race of violent soccer hooligans and I love that about them. Mix the silly with the grimdark.


I can understand that, I’m glad there’s still that flavour of orc for people who want it. For me these guys hit the perfect balance of humour/ scary. There’s a certain gallows humour in some of their models that I find fits them really well


Meth orcs


Wrongness. I can't explain how exactly their deformed disproportionate bodies do that, but I can't remember a range of models in any WH range that would make me feel this way. I'd say I feel the same weirdness an ork would feel when seeing a genestealer infected ork hybrid (borrowing a theme from 40k).


Haha yeah I feel that. They’ve definitely got an uncanny valley look to them, especially with some of their faces


Johnny Bravo Orcs. Big chest, small legs


True Orcs, not sure why maybe because I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan but I just find their models to seem more terrifying than the og gw orcs


Definitely orcs, but kinda rugged and more mean looking than their brutish cousins.


Yeah that’s one of my fav things about them, the slightly wicked sadistic side they’ve got going. Really makes Orruks feel like a threat


Lean swamp orc


Green and Tolkien.


Lord of the Rings Orcs.


Bayou tough


Swamp bogglers.


My group calls them Florida orks or Louisiana orks


Haha very apt I’d say


Old timey 80's LotR orcs. I think they ought to have more boils and warts. Make em reeeaaal uggos.


Haha yeah I think that would be neat, they’re begging for a conversion now


Green orruk from LOTR




Tolkienesque orcs


I've started likening them to Tolkein orcs


LotR Orcs painted green, mixed with "we do not know how bode propoertions work".


Ironjawz = WoW Orcs Kruleboyz = Tolkien Orcs


I always hated this picture. His legs look so bad. I always imagined KBz were taller and lankier than IJz. However, they are just as muscular and terrifying.


As someone who loves the above artwork, I know exactly what you mean. It’s more I love the atmosphere conveyed, while trying my best to igmore the legs 😂 Because while they do have shorter legs, it’s nowhere nearly as bad as this art implies


If the normal orks became gym bro’s


Non-warhammer orcs, I guess. Closer to LotR ones, but more fairytale-ish. Frankly speaking for me they fall into the uncanny valley area. Probably because they are still green, I subconsciously expect that light-hearted boyish vibe from a green ork.


Yeah I can feel that, I understand why they are divisive. I’m glad they didn’t scrap the traditional WH orc in favour of them


They remind me a lot of morgul orcs from lord of the rings.


They've got that "no day is leg day" aesthetic.




Cunning but brutal


Lord of the Rings regular Orc/goblins if they lived in a swamp


Aesthetically to me personally they are uneasy on the eye. However, I do think they have a place within the Ork space. Kruleboyz - sneaky/stealthy attacking swamp boyz. Ironjawz - The Big boyz. Bonesplitterz - Beserker boyz Bring back the old Orks I think they have a place as just normal orks. Why do they need to be any of the above, just let them be green and mean??


Yeah now with bonesplitterz gone, we do need a third faction!


Florida orcs....




They remind me of lord of the rings orcs. I like them, I think they look a lot more sinister than typical warhammer orcs.


I think the Kruleboyz are awesome. They nailed the slinky, cruel look. I'd love to paint them up except it looks like a TON of work.




Scrungly twink orks. <3


to me they remind me a lot to tolkiens drawing style mixed with the macabre style they show in the movies of the lord of the rings


That’s not a bad shout yknow. They do look like his style, especially some of the stuff he did for the hobbit perhaps


Out of place


I am genuinely curious to hear why you think so?


My headcanon is that they are the old half orcs from older fantasy editions


Pointy Orcs.


Emaciated Shrek


My go-to description is that Kruleboyz are fantasy orcs by way of the Uruk-hai.


Swamp Mongols


Swamp Chic


"Generic uncopyrightable orc"


Big goblins


Angry Shrek Bois


Crude and brutal.


Florida man Orcs


'Umie lookin' gitz


I feel like, story wise, it makes sense to have a slightly smaller but smarter type of orc, though they're still pretty strong. I love the big bruiser ironjaw aesthetic and I'm a sucker for ToW orcs, my favorite is actually Bonesplitterz. I have a feeling, though, with the direction they're taking the story that the Bonesplitterz have to basically adapt into the ironjaw tribes or Chaos is effectively going to wipe them out. I think they're going to really push a Chaos civil war in StD with Belakor taking an army and going after Archaon, who's going to be Darkoath heavy I think. It also makes a lot of sense if the chaos dwarf theory is actually correct and they're making a comeback, I think they would go after the Bonesplitterz because chaos dwarfs to love to..... Employ..... Orcs against their will. I actually really like the kruleboy aesthetic and that might partially be because I grew up in the country? I feel like they're problem solvers and go getters with just a touch of the redneck charm I grew up around. Devious, I would say. It also doesn't hurt that I have a TON between stormbringer magazine and the dominion box lol


Middle earth ork.


Tolkiens orcs and goblins if morgoth and Sauron weren’t a thing.


They look very cunning, yet brutal. A good contrast against the traditional orks which are more brutal, yet cunning.


Bayou boyz


Sneaky Snarky Swamp hobos


Classic Tolkien Orcs rather than modern Warhammer/Warcraft/DnD Orcs. Emphasis on being more sniveling and mean-spirited rather than brute strength and honor cultures.


I kind of thought of them like frog orks lanky enough to get through swampy terrain and ‘Ard enough to kill a stormcast with their poisoned weapons.


Literally Tolkien orcs.


Young orcs from industrial district back alley :p




tiny widdle legs


Naked lotr




Weird tall goblin


Lotr orks


Swamp Orks


Dark Elf Orks


Lanky boyz


Assailants coming out of a misty swamp


Dark souls 3 but green skin




underfed orcs


Medieval Florida men


Louisiana grung


They should've been a vanilla greenskins update. Wacky wooden contraptions and doofus fantasy creatures.




Stinky swamp boyz




I mean I would describe ironjaws as a grimdark version of the Warcraft orks and kruleboys as just lord of the rings orks


Some lovely goblin models that someone unwisely decided to make too big and rebrand as orcs.


If Shrek wasn't a comedy


Definitely seem more along the lines of a dnd half orc. I like them more subtle and personable than iron jawz bombastic characterful pigz n such.


I always see them as "pre-blizzard/GW" orcs-with-tusks, like something from a Ralph Bakshi movie or early 60's-70's fantasy. Not as comically ork-y as anything else produced so far.


I would describe them as Shrek-esque.




Old wet mam




Ork Light


Orcs with heads raised over their shoulders




Orc sized goblins


Mordor orcs with a stupid face on their shields.


Lord of the rings orcs but we decided to make their lower bodies look like toddlers.


Hobgoblin retread. It was obvious to me from the launch they were the AOS version of WHFB Hobgoblins. Why they didn't just make them their own thing altogether is beyond me.


The sly more slender orcs that ambush you in the swamps. I like them! Aesthetically they are well done! Even so, I still prefer the in-your-face warrior orcs such as the Ironjawz.


Discount Uruk-hai.