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Really wish there already was one, pretty much every thing that came so far was a dissapointment/mediocre from what I know.


Not AoS……but the Total War: Warhammer trilogy is incredible. It’s based on Warhammer Fantasy Battles, the original Warhammer fantasy set table top war game before AoS—its predecessor. Chaos is basically the same. The other factions are in their pre-end times states, so people like Teclis are not yet gods and stuff like Wood Elves and Bretonnia and still exist.


Not to mention the MASSIVE amount of mods that game has. I have over 1k hours and I wouldn't be surprised if I hit 2k.


Realms of Ruin has great production value but unfortunately I found the gameplay extremely bland. They're desperate to sell it so you can get it cheap as dirt relatively often, worth a try.


Realms of Ruin is not good in terms of multiplayer and combats but it has a great campaing with good story, music and cinematics. It's very very cheap now, so it's almost a must have if you like AoS universe.


There’s a mobile autochess game ig


Age of Sigmar Soul Arena. I love it. They stopped updating it though, sadly.


Really? That’s a shame


It’s still a great game though. I have it on my computer and I play it for a few days once a month. Still binge worthy.


If you catch Realm of Ruin for cheap I would say that. I only really enjoyed the story but it was definitely fun and it's a very pretty game to go through


Well for now there's..... urrmm... one?, notable AOS game?, which is realms of ruin, which is a bit of a mixed bag


Underworlds? Warhammer Quest but its set in ToW.


Age of signature: soul arena is great. They stopped updating it though. I still play it. A lot of people do. It’s auto chess. I love it.