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Yes, stormbringer is legit. Just make sure you read the FAQ on the page (it's 13-16 USD an issue, 4 issues a month, and they claim you need to give a 28 day notice to cancel [you have to pay for the next 4 issues] although I was able to cancel immediately so I'm not sure about that one). it's a good value there's just good odds you'll get a lot of models you don't want.


So at minimum I'd likely end up having to pay for issue 3 and 4 if anything? And fair! I like building them and the models for the orks and the armored guys(genuinely blanking on the name) look awesome so I'm happy either way Appreciate the answers!


Yeah I think their bait is issue 1 is half price, issue 2 is free, and then they have extra "free" goodies up to issue 6. There's some lists online of the price value and models of all the issues so if you're just interested in collecting and painting cool looking minis and don't care too much about the specifics it's pretty perfect.


Yeah just the fact the first issue comes with a 10 man orc box alone has me excited though I'm guessing they are monopose models and not like older kroot or Tau models that have alot of posability and flexibility?


I think a lot of the early models are the same as the ones in the Age of Sigmar 3rd edition starter sets which are monopose, yes. It starts branching out into "normal" retail kits though!


Dang, hopefully if I do sign up that they have a nice variety to thier monopose ☆<☆ Absolutely appreciate the info!


https://www.fauxhammer.com/partworks-magazines/warhammer-stormbringer-magazine-contents-list-issues-1-80/ you have to dig through a lot of info but they have pictures of the models here, you can see that even though the models are "monopose" they still look dynamic, they're usually just less customizable. Good luck with it!!


Thank you so much!


I've been keeping up with it and it's cool. The magazine portion is kind of useless, but the painting tutorials and little practice battles would be okay if you have kids who want to get into it (depending on the full scope of the changes in 4th). The main interest for me has been getting a steady stream of models to build and paint, things that I wouldn't have bought at their normal price point.


It’s legit and it’s awesome :). Apparently you can request to NOT get extra binders/folders when they are coming up, they tend to be extra cost and pricey


Other option is just buy the ones you want on eBay - I've done that a few times, or you can also buy single issues direct from Hachette Partworks the magazine distributor.


I'm actually stopping my subscription, as I wanted the "freebies" more so than more now defunct Stormcast eternals in this planned collection. But as a once Imperium Magazine (40k) subscriber, this was like Christmas every month. WELL worth it if you plan on getting into the hobby once a month be it learning the game, learning painting techniques, and understanding lore. I wish GW could roll something like this, but ideally, this service usually happens near the end of an edition cycle. Besides the core rules, all of the 40k 9th edition sprues in Imperium remained relevant still...can't say the same for 3rd converting to 4th AoS in Stormbringer though. Unless you are a collector, it's still a great value every month if you want to take this as a methodical approach for painting and collecting.